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Chapter 85 fourth quarter

war in tibet 杨志军 3063Words 2018-03-19
Luobu Tsering brought 2,000 militiamen, Tuomei Living Buddha brought 1,500 monk soldiers, Er Er brought more than 700 Tibetan soldiers Xia Qiongwa on behalf of the regiment, and Qumei Xianguo suddenly increased by so much Many horses.In addition to the original Tibetan soldiers, monk soldiers, and militiamen, we can only see behind the stone wall on the north side of Qumei Xianguo, to both sides of the ancient pilgrimage road, in front of the steamy pass Danba Zelin Night Crying Spring, and by the blue-green amorous lake , Tibetans are everywhere.Lama Lama rode on the horse excitedly, walking here and there, looking there, just like a general inspecting troops, raising his head sometimes, bowing his head sometimes, saying to everyone: "This is all right, my strategy and tactics can be realized. .Tell the Samba Army that they don’t need to go to war. Keep their spirits up and dance for everyone when they win. How long has it been since they danced? Let them dance enough this time.” After the inspection, he went to the tent of the manager of Er .

Director Er was the last to arrive at Qumei Xianguo.Set up camp immediately after arriving, and hold a meeting immediately.When Lama Lama walked into the tent carelessly, the meeting had already begun.The manager Er who was speaking suddenly stopped talking.There was silence in the tent. Lama Lama looked at the brains of the leaders present strangely, and asked: "What are you doing? Meeting? I am in command of the war. Why don't you call me for a meeting on the battlefield?" Director Er said: "There is no need to fight now, your command is over." La Liga became even more strange: "There is no need to fight? Then what are you doing with Xia Qiongwa on behalf of the regiment?"

Earl said: "I brought them here to maintain order. Xia Qiongwa's acting regiment is now the only healthy Tibetan regular army acting regiment. They will suppress anyone who dares to start a war again. The purpose of our meeting is to document Arguing against reason, what is literary resistance? It is to reason with foreign demons and let them go back." Xijia said: "If you tell the truth, you can tell the foreign demons back. The foreign demons have gone back long ago. I told them the truth when Rina Mountain was in Longtu Mountain, but they didn't listen." Er said: "What's the point of you, a low-level lama? Of course they won't listen. Now, on behalf of the new Minister of Tibet, Wutai and Regent Dimu, we have to reason. We have sent someone to inform the foreign demons to set a suitable place and a suitable time. , Reasonable. We are discussing who is the most suitable candidate. Although we are reasonable, we must also be able to speak eloquently."

The Lama Lama was so angry that he was about to faint. He took a deep breath and said, "Buddha, let these people wake up. They will tell lions and tigers not to eat meat; they will tell cattle, sheep, mules and horses not to eat meat." Eat grass. Mountains, let’s flow; water, let’s tower into the clouds. If rabbits run away, if mice dig holes, you can ask the mountain god. Is the ass of the foreign devil a mouth, and the food is not on it Do you want to turn foreign demons into Bodhisattvas and gods into Buddhas? Don’t ask the lamas whether they agree or not. The moon is in the daytime, the sun is in the night, and the rules set by Sakyamuni have been forgotten: Don’t do impossible things.” He said a series of metaphors, and got out of the tent angrily. The more he thought about it, the more angry he went back, and he said loudly, “All the Totuo Lamas are dead, so many Tibetan soldiers, monks, soldiers and militiamen are all dead. Now, you still have to be reasonable? Do you nobles who eat fine tsamba eat their intestines badly, do you have any conscience? Buddha, it’s not the foreign demons who destroy Buddha, but these nobles who don’t fight. Tibet is going to die, not today, It’s tomorrow. But I won’t die, I still want to fight the foreign demons. Those who are willing to fight, come with me.”

Lama Lama strode out of the tent. Tuomei Living Buddha, the head of the monks and soldiers, came out and caught up with his disciples: "The two monk soldiers I brought with me at the beginning plus the new 1,500 monk soldiers, a total of four monk soldiers are yours. Come on, go fight the foreign demons, I will stay here to participate in the negotiations." Xi Jia grabbed Tuomei Living Buddha and said, "Master, don't go." But Tuomei Living Buddha still went.As the head of the monks and soldiers, he felt that he had an obligation to obey the minister in Tibet and the regent Dimu.

In the tent, everyone continued to discuss who would be the right person to reason with the foreign demon. Director Er said: "By reason, I should go, but I'm a person who can't talk about it. As a Tibetan Karon, I'm far worse than Jamju Karon." Jamju Kalon said: "You mean you want me to go? No, no, no, I can't go, I have to leave Qumei Xianguo as soon as possible, and bring over the grain and ammunition hoarded in the warehouse of Gyantse Dzong. There are so many people here. Man, my logistical support can't keep up." Earl said: "Now that we are in a war of words, we don't need ammunition. As for the food, these newcomers have brought their own and haven't finished eating. The original team was replenished half a month ago, although almost After eating, it doesn't matter if you add it a day or two later."

Jiang Ju said: "Then I can't go either. When did my mouth become more eloquent than you?" Er said: "You are a Kalon, and you can represent the Kashag government and be the highest official in Tibet. I want to go too, but if I go ahead of you, I won't be able to play your role, and if I go behind you, you think you can't." Lowering the position of the front-line chief, I still have confidence in my heart and give way on the face. So I can only send someone to represent me, Xia Qiongwa will represent me on behalf of Ben, and will be your bodyguard. Other candidates, the three major temples There is a representative, Tuomei Living Buddha..."

Tuomei said, "Needless to say, I'm going." Er said: "As for the Tibetan soldiers, Lang Sedai could have represented them. He has been fighting in Longtu Mountain until now, and he understands the foreign demons. Besides, he should go to the militia. Brother Regent, you see, you should go or send a representative." go?" Rob Tsering thought for a while and said: "If you call me the regent brother, I can't go. Who will I represent when I go? Do I represent me or the regent king? I can neither represent me nor the regent king. Like a mule, falling in a place that is not close to each other, you can’t say it, or you can’t say it. I’d better send a militiaman to replace Ben.”

It was decided in this way: Jiangju Kalon, Tuomei Living Buddha, Xia Qiongwa Daiben, Langse Daiben, and Militia Daiben Baideng were going to represent Tibet to explain the truth to the British elite soldiers. After the meeting was adjourned, the manager of Er left Rob Tsering behind and asked, "I heard that you brought Mrs. Po'al's son, Queba?" Rob Tsering said, "It's not that I want to bring him, but he insisted." Er said, "Is he still alive?" Rob Tsering said, "Can I make him die?" Er said, "Then leave it to me." Rob Tsering was stunned for a moment and said: "I have long wanted to hand him over to the Chief Manager, but I have never dared. What if he causes trouble with you? I don't understand. My lord, it's not that I talk too much, This magpie, he regards you as a wolf that breaks into the flock of sheep, not only wants to eat you..." He swallowed the last part of the sentence.

But Er understood what he wanted to say: not only did he want to eat Mrs. Poal, but he also wanted to eat the entire Poal Manor.He smiled and said, "I know many people say that, and Queba may have listened to other people's instigation." On this day, after Luobu Tsering personally brought the magpie to the head of Er Er, the head of Er Er ordered Captain Mazi: "Take him under control, and he must not be allowed to die." Baba's death is just an excuse, not giving him freedom is the real purpose. Colonel Galan did not launch an attack for half a month. The reason is that he did not want Pastor Mahon and his guards to be killed by the Tibetans. At the same time, he also felt that a period of rest was necessary. The British who were knocked down by the high altitude should Appears on the battlefield at the start of a new offensive.Now, the British who are gradually recovering have arrived here one after another, and those who have not arrived are following Lieutenant Rong He and Pastor Darth to a more convenient road.I don't know where this road will lead, but there must be a place ahead that the Crusaders need to occupy.When Lieutenant Rong He sent someone to deliver a letter telling Colonel Galan that he would meet us at the front again, Colonel Galan wrote a reply letter: "I know that you have not kept up with the big troops, not only to meet us at the front, but also to Avoid my punishment for you. I left dozens of mountain cannons to you, and I asked you to ensure that there were more than one, but you let the fire burn down ten of them. If these ten mountain cannons are used on the battlefield, they can be worth a thousand The soldiers have a thousand rifles. I said, without them, I will kill you. Now what do you say? What kind of credit do you need to make to take your own life?"

Colonel Galan couldn't wait any longer, and planned to attack all night.He has not forgotten the life and death of Pastor Mahon, but he can no longer take care of it.I thought: A saint of God must be very sad when he cannot give his life for the cause of God.And I let sorrow be the shadow of Reverend Mahon again and again.For the British Empire, for the Holy March of Jesus Christ, the time of sacrifice has come, Reverend Mahon, you will not blame me for your fulfillment, will you?As for the twenty British soldiers who served as the Maun chaplain's guard, he didn't think much of it.In war, people always die, either in that way or in this way.Twenty lives is not much.Let's get started, the morning after tomorrow. The day before the offensive began, Colonel Galan received a note from the Tibetans. He asked Lama Gasa to read it to him, and then said, "Tibetans want to reason with us? What reason?" Gasa said: "They are going to negotiate. This is the meaning of the new minister of the Qing Dynasty in Tibet and the regent of Tibet." Colonel Gelan said: "We already have a negotiation treaty with them, what else are we talking about? Get out of the way and let us pass." He remembered the treaty insulted by Lama Lama with shit, snorted, and suddenly got excited, I feel that what he needs now is a negotiation, what a great opportunity.He tentatively asked Gasa Lama: "What do you think, do you want to talk about it?" Gasa said ostentatiously: "The negotiators mentioned are neither negotiators, but negotiators. This is the word of the Buddha. What do you mean? It means that they are called negotiators, but they are not really negotiating with them." Colonel Galan looked meaningfully at Lama Gasa's sinister eyes, and sneered: "Then do it according to the Buddha's will."
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