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Chapter 83 second quarter

war in tibet 杨志军 3124Words 2018-03-19
The director of Er Er arrived at Gyantse and did not leave.In front of the scattered houses in Poal Manor, there are more Tibetan soldiers guarding, and there are more military horses grazing in the fields.The servants were busy beating butter, grinding tsampa, and slaughtering cattle and sheep.Besides eating and drinking, she sleeps, and her tireless majesty makes it impossible for Mrs. Poal to fasten her belt for several days.Under the feeding of the woman's fragrant flesh and lingering affection, Director Er temporarily forgot the cruelty of the battlefield, and his face blackened by gunpowder immediately became clean and rosy.But time flies by quickly.When he woke up one morning, Director Er unintentionally counted his fingers and exclaimed in his heart: Buddha, how time flies so fast, it has been eight days since we left Qumei Xianguo.Hurry up, hurry up.

He immediately became restless: "My chicken feather arrow book has been gone for a long time, and there is more than one. Why hasn't the regent's chicken feather arrow book come? I want to hide soldiers, weapons, ammunition, and food. If I don't come again This frontline chief will not be able to fight." Mrs. Po'ale said: "Xia Qiongwa has more than 700 horses in the regiment, you can take them all away." Er said: "Xiaqiongwa's acting group is now my team. Who will protect Po'al Manor when it leaves? Rinang Manor and Gyantse Zongben are about to gain power again."

Mrs. Po Ale said angrily: "It's all up to now, do you still care whether Rinang Manor and Gyangze Zongben will gain power? You are the frontline manager, and your own team hides and does not show up. Whose team can still fight with you?" On the battlefield?" Er said: "You don't know how powerful Yangmo is. Once you go to the front line, you won't be able to return in all likelihood. It's impossible for Poal Manor to have another team." Mrs. Poal said: "No matter how hard it is, I have to fight. My sons have gone, but the team from Poal Manor is still behind to harass the village, eat, drink, whore and gamble."

Er was taken aback for a moment, only then did he realize that Queba had gone to war, and asked, "How did he go? Alone?" Mrs. Poal said: "I heard that the regent's cousin Rob Tsering took him away." Director Er frowned slightly, thinking that he was probably dead. More than half of the militiamen brought by Rob Tsering were dead. If Queba was not dead, why didn't he come to me?After all, I can arrange an errand for him that can't be shot.He didn't say what was in his heart, not wanting to make Mrs. Poal anxious and sad.He said: "Queba didn't show his face in front of me, is he afraid that I will drive him back?"

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Po'ale said quite confidently: "I know Queba, he hides and deliberately doesn't see you." Hiding from me?What do you want to do?Manager Er didn't ask any more questions, and called Captain Mazi to pass an order to Xia Qiongwa on behalf of Ben: Get ready to pack and leave the day after tomorrow. Mrs. Poal said: "Let them go tomorrow. I'll let people prepare food. Bring more tsampa and butter." Er ordered Captain Mazi again: "Then leave tomorrow. I mean, I will leave the day after tomorrow." After Captain Mazi was beaten to death by foreign demons in Chunpi, Director Er appointed a new captain of the guard. He was still a pockmark, so he was still called Captain Mazi.Captain Mazi went as ordered.

On the morning when the front-line chief was about to leave Gyantse, a letter of chicken feather arrows from the Regent Di Mu Rinpoche and the Kaxag government was sent to Poal Manor with great urgency.Er went out of the bedroom to pick up the book of arrows, read it once, didn't seem to understand it, read it again, and suddenly shouted: "It's broken, it's broken, we broke the war. Go, go." He was so nervous He didn't even have time to go back to the bedroom to say goodbye to Mrs. Po'ale, so he ran out of the gate and ran to his mount. Rob Tsering still met Dundup Kalon, the head of the militia, at Gyantse Zongshan Castle, but this time he was inside the castle instead of at the gate.The main hall and side halls of the castle are full of guns and ammunition and woven sacks of cow hair, and the pockets are full of bulging grain.Dhondup Kalon sat on the grain sack, glanced at Rob Tsering, with a displeased face, and drank buttered tea without even giving up his seat.Rob Tsering smiled awkwardly and wanted to say something, but Dhondup Kalon turned his face away and refused to listen.

Kanqiong Daiben flashed out from behind Rob Tsering and said, "My lord, we are back. Bless the Buddha, we can still see you. Many brothers have not seen you anymore." He sobbed a few times, "My lord , our bullets are thinner than fingers, and the bullets of foreign demons are thicker than big trees; we knock off a hair of foreign demons with a snap, and the foreign demons kill a large number of us with a bang. Don't worry, it's only natural that we can't beat the foreign demons. How can we blame Lord Luobu Tsering? Lord Luobu Tsering almost fed the eagle himself. Sir, you can't blame us even if you blame the Buddha. Give us a bowl of buttered tea. We are thirsty. died."

Dundup Kalon turned around, pointed to food, guns and ammunition, and said, "These are all prepared for you, what's the use for you now? I heard that almost all of our militiamen are dead." Kanqiong said again: "My lord, we still have to go to war. We know that if you blow the whistle, all the militiamen in Tibet will gather at you. Please send troops. Lord Luobu Tsering said that even if he does not want to die, he will not die." The foreign demons should be driven out of Tibet. My lord, you said that the militiamen on the front line are commanded by Lord Norbu Tsering, and you provide the source of troops. The militiamen from all over the country will come to Gyantse to gather. As many as you come, you will send us as many as you want. "

Dhondup Kalon listened, took a long breath and said, "Do you still want to go back to the front? Do you still want the militia?" Kanqiong Daiben said: "Yes, my lord. In this world, only Lord Rob Tsering can command the militia." In Luobu Tsering's mind, many thoughts were fighting: First, he was glad to have brought the Khenqiong copy, otherwise how would he explain it to Dhondup Kalon?The second is that Kanqiong Daiben said so much, as if he was apologizing for him, but is it necessary for him to apologize in front of Dhondup Kalon?He is the cousin of the Prince Regent.The third is that he did not come to invite soldiers to fight again, but to tell Dundup Kalon that the foreign demons are really powerful, so let the militia chief lead the militia to fight in person.But from what Kanqiong Daiben said, it seemed that he had to go back to the front line.I thought again: Even if I am here to move troops, if I am not given enough militiamen, I will not go.

Dundup Kalon said: "Of course I believe this. Luobu Tsering is the younger brother of the regent." Then he yelled at the servant standing aside, "Are you idiots? Let the heroes who came back from the front line sit down and go up." Butter Milk Tea." When sitting down to drink tea, Dundup Kalon told Rob Tsering: "Some militiamen have come one after another. There are about 2,000 people. This time I will give you all of them. You have to take care of them. It is the same sentence, as long as the foreign demons are chased away." Going out, it doesn't matter how many people are killed or injured. But if the militiamen can't get out after they die, then it's hard to say."

Just as Rob Tsering was about to open his mouth, Kanqiong Daiben rushed to say: "With Lord Luo Bu Tsering's command, the militiamen will not die, and the foreign demons will definitely be driven out." Dundup Kalon immediately applauded: "As expected of you, the regent brother, the whole of Tibet is watching you." Rob Tsering reluctantly picked up the tea bowl, drank it all in one gulp, and thought: If I don't take these two thousand militiamen away, I will become the power of Dundup Kalon.If Dunzhu went to the front line, it would be fine. If he didn't go to the front line, he must be the scourge of the regent brother.Come on, let me go to the battlefield again. The next day, Rob Tsering set off with people.The team of two thousand militiamen was vast and mighty, which made him regain his self-esteem and arrogance.Lama Lama, see you on the battlefield, what are you, there are no soldiers.It seemed that his enemy was not the foreign demon, but the capable Lama Tangeling who was regarded as a traitor by the brother regent. At the gate of Zongshan Castle, Dundup Kalon looked at Rob Tsering who was going away, and with a grin in his heart, he took out from his breast pocket a letter of chicken-feathered arrows from the Regent and the Kaxag government yesterday, and pointed his fingers in the " "100,000 Urgent" was rubbed on the words, looked at it again, and it was torn to pieces a few times.You can't blame me, it's the regent's younger brother who doesn't listen to the regent's will.How useless I am, not only have to obey the regent, but also be coerced by the regent's younger brother.Dhondup Kalon thought and smiled. Tuomei Living Buddha came first, and he appeared in front of Lama Qumei Xianguo Xijia on the tenth day.This time he brought 1,500 monks and soldiers. There were fewer people from Sera Monastery and Ganden Monastery, but mainly people from Drepung Monastery and other monasteries in Houzang.Now he doesn't care about the conflicts between factions of the Sangha. As long as he can be summoned, he will say: "Everyone is a Buddha. Sakyamuni sees you and me in the same way. The foreign demons want to destroy The Buddha is my Buddha and your Buddha. Tibet is everyone’s Tibet. We have only one enemy, and that is the foreign demons. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva sent King Shengjun, and he is waiting for you at the front line.” Can imagine Tuotuo Living Buddha Mei's Compassion, Wisdom, and May the Four Bodhisattvas' Dafa helped him accomplish a thing that is difficult for ordinary people at this time. At least the speed of walking was like a bird flying under the feet of him and the monks.Seeing that the stone wall was still there, and the lama Lama and all the monks and warriors were safe and sound, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "What can you do to stop the war?" The Lama Lama said: "It's a trivial matter, very simple." It turned out that he tied up Priest Maun and his guards who had come to defect to him, pushed them to the top of the stone wall, and told Colonel Galan of the Crusaders: If they dare to attack , the Tibetans would have killed Pastor Mahon and all these British. Tuomei said, "But you once promised Pastor Mahon that they would arrive in Lhasa alive and not die on the way." Xi Jia was stunned for a moment: "Master, you actually know, you know what I say and think." Tuomei said: "Two hearts are the only way to prove that the disciple is the real disciple and the guru is the real guru. You and I are inseparable in this life. But I don't know the outcome of the war, just like you don't know anything. Time to fight again." Li Jia said: "Respected Master, there will be another war soon. With your 1,500 monks and soldiers, no matter how many reinforcements the head of Er Er and Luo Bu Tsering bring, I am sure that all the vultures and eagles in Tibet will come here to peck you." The corpse of the foreign eater. I said this is the pit of death. The foreign demon will definitely die, all dead. Master, I promise you."
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