Home Categories contemporary fiction war in tibet

Chapter 80 fourth quarter

war in tibet 杨志军 4811Words 2018-03-19
As Colonel Galan expected, Lieutenant Rong He did not fall down, and the altitude of 4,600 meters did not pose any threat to him.As a soldier, he came to India ten years ago and was stationed in Brukba, Gurkha, and Zhe Mengxiong. The places where he was stationed were all on the plateau close to Tibet. He had already adapted to the high altitude hypoxia and cold.He saw so many of the English lying down that he realized that it was impossible for the Crusaders to move on.A rare night of rest came suddenly and made him wonder why couldn't it be tonight?Maybe tonight is the last night, and the chance God has given you can only come once.So, just as Colonel Galan imagined, he set up his own tent away from the tent group, and then used interrogation as an excuse to ask two Gurkhas to escort the Sangzhu girl with her arms bound.The Gurkha who was guarding Sangzhu girl certainly knew what the lieutenant wanted to do, so he withdrew wisely, hid in the darkness, eavesdropped and guarded.

What a beautiful Tibetan girl.Lieutenant Rong He felt the same way about this woman as Tibetans: she is not a human being, but a fairy descended from the earth.She has the beauty compatible with the East and the West. No matter she is sad or calm, the abyss-like mystery of sex is always emphasized in the provocative temptation.Lieutenant Rong He felt itchy at the time, and felt that facing such a woman, if you let her go, you would be sorry for God's arrangement. Lieutenant Rong He is determined to win, just tonight, he wants to let his surging passion be soothed, and he wants to achieve the majesty and madness of an English man in a long-awaited Tibetan girl.

Originally, he could not be so anxious.He hid her in the Crusaders, and sent a few cronies to watch over her at the back of the team, hoping to wait for a long gap in the war before enjoying it leisurely.But now that Colonel Galan knew, it was hard to say what decision the colonel would make: killing her, letting her go, or being stolen by the colonel as his own was all possible.Moreover, Pastor Darth has told Lama Lama that his lover is still alive. Will this lama who is not afraid of death bring his subordinates to kidnap him?It didn't matter if he came, but it gave him a chance to ambush a powerful enemy.Just for the sake of this girl, he would mercilessly kill Lama Lama with a single shot.But he couldn't waste a night on this imaginary ambush.He wants to kill two birds with one stone: he will not be idle, but also let his soldiers ambush.I did this girl, and I also did the lama who dared to rob the camp.

At this moment, Lieutenant Rong He was alone facing this Tibetan girl whom he had loved for many days.He said, "Hello. Would you like to eat? Or would you like a drink?" It was as if they were at a bar, and there was a wide variety of options.Then he said, "You'd better relax, it's nothing, you're a pretty captive woman, and I'm a handsome male officer, and in all wars this kind of thing happens a lot." Miss Sangzhu couldn't understand what the other party said, but she also knew what would happen tonight.Since she was arrested by Lieutenant Rong He, she has been worried about the most unbearable humiliation for a woman.Brutal soldier, what is it to rape a woman?Even Tibetan soldiers who believe in Buddhism do this, let alone foreign demons instigated by God.She wondered why the mother bear didn't slap herself to death?Fan death is not as unbearable as it is now.

Miss Sangzhu thought of death, and she knew that the only way to avoid humiliation was to die.She swayed and struggled: "Let go of me, let go of me." It is easy to want to die, if there is no rope to bind her, she would have died long ago. Lieutenant Rong He knew what she wanted to do, moved over, sat down in front of her, touched her face, and touched the tight rope, resolutely pulled out a bright British army knife, waved it in front of her eyes, as if Wanting that cold light to force back the cold light in her eyes.But on the contrary, her eyes became colder, and they projected on his face sharper than a sharp knife.His hands couldn't help shaking, not because he was afraid, but because he found a kind of majestic and unruly beauty on her face, like a layer of fog covering the beauty of Tibetan mountains and rivers.

Lieutenant Rong He said: "I don't need to untie you when I fuck you. Many soldiers do it like this, and I have done it before. But this time is different. This time I am facing a girl who is more beautiful than I imagined. I am A person who loves art, when you become the most perfect art in my eyes, I don't want you to be hurt. We should be like the most natural men and women, and do what we have to do. Can you Do it, think about it, after you finish, I will let you go immediately, and you can look at me with a smile on your face." Miss Sangzhu couldn't understand what he said at all, and her instinctive reaction was hatred: "Let me go, let me go." She felt that as long as she was untied, everything would change.

Lieutenant Rong He waved the knife in front of her again, obviously as a threat: Of course I want to untie, I have the knife in my hand, I am not afraid that you will not listen to me.He pointed the tip of the knife at the heavily tied rope on her chest, picked it lightly, and suddenly with a strong force, he broke a section of the rope.Miss Sangzhu's eyes lit up, and the eyeballs rolled a little, like the most beautiful gems turned over on the white tray.Lieutenant Rong He squeezed his heart carefully, and shook his head in silent admiration: It's so beautiful. Now, he was going to pick up her robe.She was trembling all over, leaning back as far as possible, and the scream was the sound of a frightened beast when it was slaughtered.Lieutenant Rong He was stunned for a moment, and looked at her mouth: how could she make such a sound with such a perfect curve?He said: "You should sing, such a beautiful mouth can only sing, and it is the most beautiful love song in Tibet."

Miss Sangzhu still couldn't understand, she stretched her arms outwards and felt that the rope was still tight, so she lowered her head and opened her mouth to bite the rope.She showed her teeth, and the white particles were like moist pearls.Lieutenant Rong He was in a daze for a moment, as if what he was facing was not a human mouth, but a clam body that opened to him, revealing pearls.He reached out, trying to squeeze a pearl between his thumb and forefinger.But Miss Sangzhu's understanding was still humiliation, and the humiliation came to her mouth. She bit it down, like a she-wolf biting food, biting his finger accurately and fiercely.

Lieutenant Rong He screamed, seeing that she still didn't let go, and said in despair: "God, how could it be like this?" Of course he was not desperate for his bleeding fingers, but for Miss Sangzhu's actions, as if she should show her shame gracefully no matter what she encountered, and maintain the dignity and beauty of the artwork; as if her biting was not because of his provocation, It was her proactive attack.Miss Sangzhu finally let go.Lieutenant Rong He didn't have time to look at his fingers, endured the pain, and quickly tore the rope entangled with her, and said anxiously: "Don't bite, take back your teeth, how can it bite the rope? Such a dirty rope .”

Miss Sangzhu stood up, holding half of the rope in her hand, the light in her eyes alternated with resentment and misery.She could die now without fear of humiliation.She hasn't figured out how to die, but before she dies, she must follow the rules of hatred to vent out the resentment that has been pent up for days.She rushed to Colonel Galan and whipped him with half the rope.He dodged left and right, and his head touched the lantern on the top of the tent, and the small tent shook. Suddenly, Lieutenant Rong He grabbed the rope that was drawn over: "Did you never look in the mirror? You are not you when you are angry, girl. If you want to make yourself ugly, you should take up the sword , not the rope." He snatched the rope, took a step forward, forced her with a knife, and tore her away, "Don't move around, you absolutely don't move around in my arms."

This time, Miss Sangzhu seemed to understand and stared at the knife in his hand without moving. Lieutenant Rong He pressed the tip of his knife against her stomach.He felt that at this time she should be tense, scared, pale, and then limp and fell to the ground to give in. He felt that she should not stand still like this.No, she is not standing still, she is slowly moving forward.It wasn't his knife against her stomach, but her stomach against his knife.With a bang, the leather robe burst, and she leaned over more resolutely, with laughter in her heart and eyes: I'm dead, I'm going to die.Lama Lama, the woman who still loves you like cattle and sheep love grass after being abandoned by you is about to die.Lieutenant Rong He was timid for a while, as if the point of the knife was aimed at himself.He only wanted her, didn't want her to die, and didn't want perfection to disappear in front of him.And she would rather die than let him have it.There was another sound of the leather robe cracking, almost touching the flesh.He pushed her away and withdrew his saber sharply. "Girl, you really don't want to live? Why?" Lieutenant Rong He didn't know why Miss Sangzhu wanted to die. "In our England, the most beautiful girls are the stars, the stars in the sky. They will shine forever and will never fall. They are like queens, wherever they go, there will be thunderous cheers. But in barbaric Tibet, you A beautiful girl, but she can only follow a lowly lama, running around on the battlefield full of corpses and blood, staining her face and tearing her clothes. Look at your hands, how delicate they are But your hands can only move stones and pull horses and oxen, instead of holding spotless silver forks and spoons, or wearing white gloves. Girl, think about it, maybe you shouldn't leave. Before you After I finish this thing, you can stay and stay forever. When the holy march of the Crusaders is over, go with me to India, go to England, and go to St. Paul's Cathedral in London to pay homage to the Saxon king. He is our former king. , may also become your former king." Miss Sangzhu didn't listen to what he said at all, only thinking about how she died.It is impossible to die in front of a knife, so die in the rain of bullets. Aren't your foreign demon's bullets powerful?Come on, kill me.She has already figured out how to lure the bullets to shoot.She suddenly bared her teeth and howled, her face was surprisingly hideous and ugly. Like a flawless work of art that has been broken, Lieutenant Rong He covered his face in despair: "Who made you like this? Me? The British? War? God, how can you bear it?" Let her be like this? Be beautiful, be beautiful quickly, just like when I first saw you." Taking advantage of Lieutenant Rong He covering his face, Miss Sangzhu rushed out of the tent. She ran as fast as she could, shouting conspicuously, to the place where the English swarmed.She knows that when the foreign devils can't catch you, they will shoot you. However, she ran for a long time until her voice became hoarse, and she did not wait for the gunfire. Lieutenant Rong He's subordinates were all around, who dared to shoot.Lieutenant Rong He was right behind her, chasing after her frantically, and fell down in the grassy depression several times.Ms. Sangzhu's Tibetan identity helped her at this time. She recognized her under her feet, and she also recognized her feet. The blocking of the night and the bumps along the way did not affect her.She ran out of the place where Lieutenant Rong He's troops were stationed, ran into the place where the Gurkhas were stationed, then ran into the place where another British group was stationed, and ran into the place where the Sinba people were stationed.It seems that she has traveled all over Tibet, and Tibet is full of foreign demons and people hired by foreign demons.But she still has to run down screaming, running down can attract bullets, the most important thing is not to be caught by them.She saw that Lieutenant Rong He had been thrown away, and saw many eyes watching her from the darkness: it was strange, why didn't they shoot, didn't they know that I was from Tibet and that I was running away?Suddenly she understood that there were cannons everywhere, and the foreign demon might shoot at her.She ran towards the upturned cannon barrel, shouting: "Fire, fire, boom, boom." Her body hit the cannon barrel, and the cannon body didn't move at all, but she staggered and fell to the ground.She got up and stared at the heavy and hard cannon, thinking that maybe there was a new way to die: not by the shells, but by hitting herself.She bumped her head, but what she felt was not hardness, but softness. She suddenly raised her head and found that she was already in the arms of a man. The man hugged him so tightly that she couldn't breathe.What was even more frightening was that her feet suddenly lifted off the ground and followed the man's rapid movement.When the man stopped, she saw two other men, tall and dark figures.Even more terrifying things happened at this time.She was blindfolded, pushed to the ground, and stripped of her fur robe.Hell suddenly came in front of Sangzhu girl. She was tormented by ice and charcoal, heart-piercing, and made her experience the greatest ordeal that the world can bear.The gang rape of the three men was like the bombardment of tens of thousands of shells, which left the Tibetan woman bruised and shattered, but she did not die.The most unfortunate thing is that there is no death, but the trauma of war, the death and death, but the feeling is still there, the consciousness is as usual. But it was the three men who were happy for a moment that died.They were about to leave when Lieutenant Rong He just arrived.The lieutenant yelled, "Beast, beast. God, what have they done to her?" With a heart-rending pain, he tore at his breast.His nature is full of yearning for beauty and the desire to possess. He thinks that Sangzhu girl is the symbol of beauty and the whole of beauty, the personification of Tibetan beauty and oriental beauty.But now, the beauty, the beauty of the whole of Tibet and the beauty of the East, are cruelly shattered.He felt like gang-raping himself, his mind, no, the real God in his blood.Without even thinking about it, he pulled out the snatch and aimed at the three men. The three men smiled at Lieutenant Rong He, never believing that he would shoot.What is the reason?They didn't know the position of this woman in the lieutenant's heart, nor did they know what had happened before.A beautiful Tibetan woman breaks herself into their camp, into the men's black desires, and everything that should happen ensues.They thought: tonight is just right, and they don't need to go out and hunt around, so they can use the pretext of war to be a man with unscrupulous behavior.So when they fell to the ground under Lieutenant Rong He's gunshots, they were still ignorant and didn't know why they died. Miss Sangzhu stood up without even looking at the three dead men beside her.She staggered away, not wanting to run, and unable to run.The idea of ​​dying quickly is also disappearing, she just wants to see Lama Lama and tell him: revenge, revenge.Then die.But she didn't go far, she couldn't walk anymore, she groaned and fell to the ground, struggled a few times, and passed out.A black shadow following her not far away suddenly ran over, picked her up, and quickly walked towards the east of the camp.In the ravine to the east, a green tent shivered in the wind. After Lieutenant Rong He killed three men, he realized that it was his own.He turned around and left with the gun in his hand, wanting to escape from the murder scene as soon as possible, and also wanted to stop Miss Sangzhu. Although the broken one couldn't be repaired, he couldn't let her leave like this.But he couldn't go, and many Sienba surrounded him.Everyone asks: Why kill our three brothers?Just because they gang raped a Tibetan woman?Do you British people still have less gang rapes?The Sienba people wanted to argue with Lieutenant Rong He that gang rape is not wrong, but Lieutenant Rong He was of course unreasonable and pushed them to leave, but he pushed one of them down.He had killed three of their brothers, and yet he was so brutal.All the Sinba looked at Kaqi.Kaqi is the only wealthy businessman among the Indian Sinba people. He was originally the head of the Sinba people. With his bravery in combat, he was appointed as the commander by Colonel Galan a few days ago. Chief Kaqi roared, and with a wave of his hand, all the Sienba people rushed towards Lieutenant Rong He.
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