Home Categories contemporary fiction war in tibet

Chapter 79 third quarter

war in tibet 杨志军 4156Words 2018-03-19
Ergalon, the front-line chief who retreated from Chunpi, did not leave when he arrived at the north of Qumei Xianguo.In front of it is the famous pass on the ancient pilgrimage road - Damba Zelin Night Weeping Spring.It was going to be dark. On the one hand, I didn’t dare to leave, and on the other hand, I felt that I couldn’t retreat any further. Once I retreated to the pass, it would be difficult to defend myself. Crusaders.People were tired and horses were exhausted, so everyone rested overnight.In the morning of the next day, the general manager of Er called Langse Daiben and Numa Daiben, and then called Tuomei Living Buddha, the head of the monks and soldiers, and his subordinates Chuchen Daiben and Jiangcun Daiben, and sat cross-legged on the open ground. Together, discuss what to do next.

Everyone is silent, undecided how to guard here.Living Buddha Tuomei closed his eyes and chanted scriptures in rhythmic rhythms. As long as Director Er cast his eyes on him, his voice would rise.Director Er Er had no choice but to dissuade him: "Buddha, are you reading the "Welcome Sutra"? If you read any more, the foreign demon will hit you right under your nose." Not only did Living Buddha Tuomei ignore it, but the voice of the sutra became even louder. Manager Er had no choice but to ignore Tuomei, and said to everyone: "We have a total of four acting regiments, and there are exactly four hills here. You can choose for yourself. Choosing a hill is to choose a home for yourself. If you go up, don't come down. If you die, you will die." We are on the ground. We can no longer retreat, and if we retreat, we will be Kangma and Gyantse.” When he said this, he obviously lacked confidence, because he couldn’t figure out whether it was right to stick to the top of the mountain.

Numa Daiben said: "I'm afraid that we are only here for death and not for defense. The best place for the cannons of the foreign demons is to hit the top of the mountain. Where can people hide on the bare mountain? The Samba Army has changed from a full moon on the fifteenth day to The flat moon in the first grade of junior high school, the disabled and the disabled, combined with men, women and children, there are not many who can fight." Er said angrily, "You mean you don't keep it?" Numa retorted: "Who said you can't keep it? I mean you can't keep it if there are few people."

Lancer Daiben echoed, "If a few people die and we can hold on, we won't be able to retreat here." Er was right after thinking about it, and said dejectedly: "Then what do you think should be done? The only ones I can command now are you two on behalf of the regiment. If you don't guard, who will guard? I have already sent someone to report when I came out of Chunpi Temple. The regent is here, and I said the same thing. If you don’t have enough people, you can’t defend yourself. If you don’t deploy troops, you can’t do it. The militia organized by Dhondup Kalon has disappeared. Where did the weapons and ammunition he raised go? And food, Forage and tents, the Jamju Kalon never returned, as if sending them once was enough, as if we could fight without food or drink. The monks and soldiers came, but their chief stewards only chanted scriptures and did not speak, no different from clay Buddhas. "

Tuomei Living Buddha suddenly said: "Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Xijia." He seemed extremely uncomfortable with the absence of his disciples, or he wanted to show the importance of Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama Xijia by reminding and caring. Er said: "Buddha, the Lama Lama was captured by the British. You don't know whether he is dead or alive, so you should stop mentioning him. I want two of your monks to replace the regiment. Which two hills should you choose?"

Tuomei said again: "Lama Xijia, Lama Xijia." Er Duo said heartily: "I know you want to say that I am not as good as Lama Lama. I don't dislike this. I regret it more than you. If Lama Lama is present, maybe there is a solution. But what's the use of mentioning him now?" Tuo Mei suddenly pointed to the front and shouted excitedly: "Here we come, we come." Everyone looked in the direction he pointed, but saw nothing, only that Qumei Xianguo added some human and livestock breaths to the previous silence.The beautiful desolation is even more desolate and primitive under the shroud of blue clouds.The wind is colorful, and the wind in Tibet has a touch of blood in advance when it blows here.

Tuomei sniffed her nose, sniffed the wind, stood up and said, "Lama Lama Xijia is the commander of the battlefield. As his master, I stood up and prepared to greet him. Are you still sitting?" No one believed in Tuomei Living Buddha, so they didn't get up until there was a shout: "Oh, hello." Lama Xijia strode forward and came to him at the speed of the wind.Everyone stood up one after another, including Director Er. Er said, "You are still alive, did the foreign demon kill you?" La Liga did not explain, and asked in a rough voice: "I know what you are doing? Are you talking about strategy and tactics?" Seeing Er Er nodded, he said bluntly, "How can you talk about strategy and tactics here? Here It’s a low-lying place, and you can’t see anything. Don’t forget the rule set by Sakyamuni: If you want to see, you have to go up a high mountain. Go, go up to the highest mountain.”

Lama Lama walked up the mountain.The others followed behind, not understanding why they had to go up the mountain.But as soon as they got to the mountain, they understood that here they could clearly see the way of the Crusaders and the ancient pilgrimage road winding away from behind the four hills. Lin Ye was crying, and he could still clearly see the blue and green of the passionate lake inlaid in the sky and the corners of the earth.Lama Xijia was running around on the top of the hill, looking here and there, and then pointed to a black shadow by the lake and said, "Look, our people. Shoot them into the sky and let them come over."

In fact, there was no need to shoot. The bright red cassocks of Tuomei Living Buddha and Xijia Lama had already attracted the attention of Luo Bu Tsering.Half an hour later, Rob Tsering led a few people to the top of the mountain. Everyone is very happy.The militia finally came to the front line, almost two generations of the regiment. Rob Tsering, who led the team, gave off a shrewd, capable and fearless impression. He immediately asked, "Where are these shit-eating foreign demons?" La Liga quickly replied: "They are tomorrow, and they will arrive tomorrow." Rob Tsering glanced at him disdainfully: "I didn't ask you." Then he turned to Director Er, "Where is the foreign demon?"

Director Er thought that Luobu Tsering did not know Lama Lama, and was about to introduce him when he heard Lama say, "My lord, the Regent sent you here, right? How is the Regent?" Rob Tsering said arrogantly: "What does the regent have to do with you?" Everyone knows that Rob Tsering is the cousin of the regent, so they can understand such arrogance.Director Er Er felt that it was necessary to let Rob Tsering know the current status and role of Lama Lama, so he said: "You guys came at the right time, Lama Lama is about to talk about strategy and tactics. Lama Lama, tell me quickly."

La Liga instinctively humbled, and bowed to Rob Tsering just like he did in front of the regent. Rob Tsering became even more arrogant. He squinted his eyes and said with a sneering smile, "Strategy and tactics? Your strategy and tactics. Director Er thinks highly of you so much, so you can speak quickly." Li Jia looked ashamed and smiled: "My lord, my strategy and tactics, my lord, are like the clouds in the sky and the waves in the water. Clouds cannot be separated from the sky, waves cannot be separated from the water, and my strategies and tactics cannot be separated from the regent." King. Your Excellency, look, there are four hills here, and the four hills are four tombs. Does it look like this? Our Tibetan King’s Tomb looks like this. But this is not the Tibetan King’s Tomb. Whose tomb is it? Your Excellency, You said, is it better for a person to be tall, or to be low?" Rob Tsering said: "Of course it's better to be taller, pigs understand this." Li Jia said: "My lord, a pig only knows that it is better to be tall, and it is better not to know that it is lower. My lord, I am referring to the pig, not you. I really refer to the pig. My lord, the rule set by Sakyamuni is: high It will be obvious to people, and it will be dangerous if it is obvious. My lord, this is Qumei Xianguo, whoever climbs to the top of the mountain, the top of the mountain will be his tomb. Of course, except for us, we will go down in a while, and we will go down after talking about strategies and tactics." He suddenly stood up He raised his waist, took two steps forward, pointed down the mountain and said, "That's where the foreign demon came from, look." It seemed that he had seen the foreign demon, and he was no longer humbled like an "adult". "When the foreign demons appeared, first there was one team, then two teams, and then three teams. This was the vanguard, and the vanguard occupied the highest hill, which is the hill under our feet. When they got to the mountain, they would see Said, the Tibetans are too stupid to occupy such a good defensive position. But if we occupy it, we will only make the shells happy. There is no place to hide on the mountain, so we can only die. If we do not occupy the mountain, we will live Yes, as soon as the foreign demons occupy the hills, we will surround the hills. The foreign demons are afraid that we will also occupy the hills, and will send the main force to occupy all four hills. Now we happen to be six daiji regiments, two monk soldiers daiji regiments, Lang The Sedaiben regiment and the Samba army surrounded the four hills. As long as the foreign demons don't rush down, don't fight them. If they rush down, they will be blocked. The mountain road is steep and easy to block. Of course, the foreign demons will not become wild on it. The kite flew away. Once the lamas recited the scriptures, they couldn’t fly away. If they couldn’t fly away and get down, they would starve to death. We also have two militiamen on behalf of our regiment, ambush on both sides of the foreign demon’s path, see , just lay in ambush there, there. As soon as we surrounded the mountain, we rushed out to cut off the reinforcements of the foreign demons. If the foreign demons fired artillery, they would withdraw from the position, and as soon as the artillery stopped, they would enter the position. In a month or so, condors and crows will descend densely on the four hills. We ask, are there any surviving foreign demons on the hills? The condors and crows will say that they are all dead, so that there is not one left. Ask, is the meat of the foreign demon fragrant? Condor and the crow will say that the foreign demon is starved to the point of skin and bones, and has no meat. The Samba army and the two militia Daiben gangs surrounded the reinforcements of the foreign demons. There are not many reinforcements, so we cleared away the cannons first, and then the infantry.” Manager Er first laughed.Everyone else laughed too, except Rob Tsering. Er said: "It seems that the mountain cannot be occupied. Fortunately, Lama Lama is back." Rob Tsering said: "Whoever says the mountain cannot be occupied, my people will occupy the mountain." Tuomei immediately said, "Even my master has to listen to Lama Lama." Er also said: "My lord regent's cousin, starting from Mount Longtu, it was Lama Lama who commanded the war." Rob Tsering said: "So the front line of our Tibet ran from toes to thighs. How could a low-level lama fleeing for his life command a war? Is there no one in Tibet? Those of us who eat high-quality tsampa and drink high-quality milk tea , Is there no advanced idea? Horses have legs and don’t run, and crickets without legs start to run instead. If there are hills, don’t occupy them, surround them and don’t fight them, and wait for the foreign demons to starve to death by themselves, haha, can the foreign demons starve to death by themselves? This is not called resisting foreign demons, but worshiping gods. No wonder we have been defeated again and again." Lama Lama didn't listen to what he said, and walked around looking back and forth, making sure that his deployment was correct, and said: "I shouldn't have come back. I thought I still have strategies and tactics, so I came back. Now I put I've told you the strategy and tactics, I'm leaving." After saying that, he walked down the mountain.At this moment, what weighed heavily in his heart was not the war against the foreign demons, but the words of Pastor Darth: Miss Sangzhu is still alive, and she is in Lieutenant Rong He's team.Pastor Darth also said: I know you will come to rescue her, but you must not bring many people.You can come to me, I will leave the camp to practice every night, the place where I practice is on the east side of the camp, if there is no forest in the east, I will set up a green tent. Manager Er said: "Come back, come back, La Liga is back, where are you going?" Numa Daiben and Lancer Daiben jumped over to hold him at the same time: "You are the commander, why did you leave?" Li Jia said: "I am not a commander now, I am a Lama of La Liga, I have no intention of fighting, and I am going to save someone." Er said, "Who will be saved?" Seeing that he didn't answer, he said, "Is it important to save a person, or is it important to save Tibet?" La Liga said without hesitation: "It is important to save a person." Er was so surprised that he half opened his mouth: "What? Tibet is the Tibet of Buddha, don't you know? Lord Buddha, this lama doesn't want you anymore." La Liga said: "If I don't save this person, he will die. If I don't save Tibet, there are still so many people." Er said, "Who is this man? I will send someone to rescue him. You must stay with me. The foreign demon is coming." The Lama shook his head.He wanted to say that the Sangzhu girl was more important than the whole of Tibet, that his love was his master just like his Buddha, and that his girl was gone, so what else would Tibet do?I want to say that he can give up everything in order to love this girl, including war, including Tibet.But he didn't say what he wanted to say, closed his ears and refused to listen to dissuasion, and went down the mountain stubbornly. At the foot of the mountain, the Tuo Tuo lamas were all waiting for Lama Lama Larga.La Liga is back, and they will follow him again, whether they live or die, it is lucky for them.But Xijia told the Todos: "You can't follow me, you are there, see clearly, the place where there is water vapor on the left side of the pilgrimage road, that is the pass. You build a stone wall in front of the pass, and then stay Don't move. Don't attack until the foreign demon rushes under the nose." A Totuo lama asked worriedly: "What if the foreign demon doesn't rush under the nose?" La Liga said: "It's fine if you don't rush under your nose, which shows that my strategy and tactics have succeeded. Once it's time for you to attack, you will have no chance of living. But Tibet will live, and others will live." , he looked towards the hill. On the mountain, Rob Tsering was talking about something.Tuomei Tulku flicked up the sleeves of his cassock in the air, dismissing his words contemptuously, not wanting it to enter his ears.Numa Daiben and Langser Daiben walked down the mountain quickly.Lama Xijia knew that he was coming to stop him again, so he ran to a loose horse, got on and ran away.
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