Home Categories contemporary fiction war in tibet

Chapter 47 Section VII

war in tibet 杨志军 2763Words 2018-03-19
The shelling occurred at noon, and the Crusaders used all the artillery, which was more violent and swift than any previous bombing.The shells covered everything, and war seemed to show its barbaric nature. Lama Lama yelled and directed everyone to run to the back of the mountain. Many people still didn't have time to run out of range, and the dead and wounded could be seen everywhere.As soon as the shelling stopped, Xi Jia took the lead and ran back to his position, followed by the Totuo lamas.The speed of the three acting regiments entering the position was slower, especially the Samba Army, who always had a waist and legs, as if they would never change their habit of walking and dancing.

Lama Lama was angry and anxious, and ran from the right to the left, urging: "Hurry up, hurry up, the position will belong to the foreign demons if you don't hurry up." Seeing that the Samba Army didn't seem to hear him, he shouted with his fists and feet stamped , "Numa Daiben, are your soldiers soldiers?" Numa Daiben himself became anxious, and ran over to kick those slow-moving subordinates hard: "You don't have ears, do you? The Lama Lama is angry." His words showed that when the Lama Lama got angry, even Daiben would be nervous.Unintentionally, it became the recognition and support of the authority of La Liga.It seems that as soon as the cannonball fired, everyone naturally regarded Lama Lama as the supreme commander on the battlefield—a general who really had the power to issue orders to any representative regiment participating in the Longtu Mountain Battle.

The Tibetans rushed to the position densely covered with bomb craters.But the foreign demon did not rush forward.There was silence under Longtu Mountain.It seems that the British separated the cannon and the charge. In the afternoon, there was another bombardment, still as violent as gunpowder cascading from the clouds.As soon as the guns fired, the Tibetans ran to the back of the mountain, and as soon as the guns stopped, they ran back to stand ready.The foreign demon still did not charge up.The Lama Lama wondered: Do foreign demons believe that only shelling can scare away Tibetans? Shelling without an infantry charge occurred again in the evening.As soon as the shelling was over, the Crusaders ate and slept.You can see the smoke from the kitchen at the foot of the mountain, and see their figures lying on the ground.Apparently they were lying for the Tibetans to see, but the Tibetans didn't think it was cheating.Lying in the open air to sleep, in Tibet, even nobles would do this.

Guoguo Daiben was a little strange. He came to Lama Lama and said, "So shooting artillery is just shooting artillery. It has nothing to do with rushing up to occupy Longtu Mountain?" Li Jia said: "The previous few times are related. We can't eat sugared tsampa just once and say that the tsampa has no salt added." Guoguo said: "I'm afraid they are afraid? Now there are real Tibetan soldiers on Mount Longtu." He smiled proudly. Li Jia said: "Even if the foreign demons are afraid, we can't close our eyes completely. Tonight, each generation group will separate people and take turns to sleep. There must be no one who is awake."

Lama Lama means that every generation of the regiment must send out sentries to closely monitor the enemies down the mountain.But it seems that the three sentinels sent by the regiment fell asleep after a long time of monitoring, and the people in the first half of the night didn't wake up at all in the second half of the night.Although Lama Tuo Tuo personally led people to guard the position, the thick night obscured their vision, and they couldn't see the situation fifty steps away. The huge Longtu Mountain was full of dark corners.These blind spots are when Tibetans are snoring like thunder.Be extraordinarily insidiously active.

In the early morning, the darkness of the night was not yet thin, and the artillery fire shocked the light of the earth, and the colorful fire ball danced wildly with the cry of death. 'After the menacing artillery shells flew into the dreamland of the Tibetans at the front of the position, they never disappeared.Too many people died without waking up.There are also those who wake up before the shelling, but they wake up for morning classes. Regardless of monks or lay people, whether they are monks or at home, they wake up early to chant regularly and praise the Buddha in their hearts.They were so clear physically and mentally, they were all absorbed in it, and they had long forgotten that this was a battlefield, and they would die at any time.

Cannonballs interrupted the melodious scriptures of the Buddhists.Just like yesterday, all the living people ran towards the back hill.The difference is that the sound of the artillery did not stop suddenly, but gradually faded away. When you think it stopped, there will be another bang.The Tibetans hiding behind the mountain patiently dodged. According to the experience of the three shellings yesterday, the foreign demons only bombed and did not charge. Why did they return to their positions in a hurry? A shell flew over and landed in front of Lama Lama.La Liga is going to take a look at the battlefield. Among all the Tibetans, he is the only one who is full of suspicion.He rolled and fell into the crater, several places on his head and face were scratched by the blasted stones.He climbed out of the crater, ran forward a few steps with a cat waist, and immediately understood that the shelling was completely over.He saw the shadow of the Crusaders.

The fastest mover was the British Crusaders, who had occupied Lama Totuo's position.It is conceivable that they climbed to the middle of the mountain last night and hid behind the earth, rocks and trees.They also used sparse shells that refused to end to delay the time for the Tibetans to return to their positions, and then quickly climbed to the top of the mountain they had been looking forward to without any hindrance.The Lama Lama let out a miserable growl as if his heart had been gouged out, then turned and ran away: "Here we come, the foreign demon is here." The British didn't shoot him, thinking that the lama must have been frightened. It is more exciting to laugh at a frightened lama than to kill him.They laughed loudly, and shot bullets at the ground behind his feet, frightening him with puff puffs. How could you know that even if you are frightened, you can't frighten Tibetan Tuo Tuo Lama.This lama didn't run away, but called someone to go.

Lama Tuo Tuo, who was even more vigorous because of hunger, rushed over as soon as he heard the shout.The ghost faces they smeared with soot paste are now tainted by the smoke of the war.When they swore to eat the flesh of foreign demons and drink the blood of God, they no longer regarded themselves as humans but as gods of fangs.Some of them came with spears, sharp axes, broadswords, bows and arrows, stones, and clubs, and they came screaming. Everyone swore to kill at least three foreign demons and then die. "Ah hey, ah hey, kill! Kill! Kill!" The mouth is a spout with extremely high pressure, what comes out is either words or flames, and you can see the bright red color of hatred.The speed of the charge was superhuman, and the wind rushed to the eyes of the British.

The British did not expect to meet the terrible Tuduo Lama here. This is not the most important middle position for Tibetans. This is the right wing tip of Mount Longtu. How could it be possible to arrange for the main Tuduo Lama to be guarded?But Tibet itself means making the impossible possible.All that's left is surprise: how did they know our elite troops would attack from here?Tibetans are too cunning. Lieutenant Rong He shouted: "Shoot, shoot." He raised his pistol and fired all the bullets in the magazine in one go.He realized that it was too late to reload, and said angrily, "God, tell me quickly, are they humans or ghosts?"

All the Brits who rushed up fired all the bullets in their rifles. Bullets can kill people, but they can't kill Lama Totuo who is rushing towards him.Lama Totuo is not a human being, but a ghost or a god.Not one Tuo Tuo fell.Obviously the bullet penetrated into the flesh.But it's okay like acupuncture.A spear that does not bleed must bleed, an ax that does not burn must burn, and a sword that does not curl must curl.There are also bows and arrows, it is too late to shoot, and he pokes at the enemy with an arrowhead.Stones are smashed, sticks are beaten, they all have eyes, and they go to the most important places.The British fell one after another, and those who did not fall retreated in defeat.On the hillside, the chasing Lama Totuo and the fleeing British were rolling and crawling.The position at the end of the right wing of Longtu Mountain that was breached returned to the feet of the Tibetans in a blink of an eye. Lama Lama shouted: "Come back, come back." The Tuotuo who chased down the mountain came back quickly, and then stood quietly.There was a sudden silence. On the top of the right wing of Longtu Mountain, the standing of Lama Totuo made the world silence. Lama Xijia sang the scriptures, like a Buddhist chant on an empty mountain, faintly coming from the boundless universe and the vast loneliness: "Oh, this life ends like lightning, like willow branches passing through the air. A tomorrow without life and death will undoubtedly be very soon." It’s coming. Cha, you still have seven or seventy-nine days, and then you will be the great protectors of Tibet. Om, you Tuo Tuo, who are madly killing foreign demons. Follow the rules set by Sakyamuni: think When you die, you die." Knowing what's coming, he sings.This is not a sutra, it is his impromptu creation, but he and all the Tuduo lamas regard it as the "Liberation Sutra". In the sound of his singing, Lama Totuo fell down one by one.They had been shot a long time ago, because they wanted to fulfill their oath to kill at least three foreign demons and then die themselves, so they didn't die one by one until now.Death is a piece of cake.A large twisted and terrified expression was shining brightly on his face upturned.No blood, these Toduo Lamas did not shed blood when they died.The blood flew to the sky with the soul.The red light in the sky surpasses the sunset glow and the dawn. Lama Lama was still chanting, thinking strangely: Why don't I fall down and die?He didn't get shot, ran ahead and didn't get shot.Buddha, why don't you take care of me like this?
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