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Chapter 26 Section five

war in tibet 杨志军 3041Words 2018-03-19
Ergalon, the front-line supervisor, came to Zongzizong in Houzang, where he planned to join Guoguo Daiben stationed in Shigatse, Xiaqiongwa Daiben stationed in Nimu, and Langse Daiben stationed in Lhasa.But the order had been handed down for several days, and only Lancer Daiben led the team to follow.The other two generations have not been heard from.Ergalon ordered Langse Daiben to set off first, and immediately went to Mount Longtu to deploy his defenses.Langser Daiben set off overnight, but he was caught up by Ergalon himself after he didn't go very far.Er told Lancer Daiben like the regent told him: "You have to promise with your head that you will never shoot until the court orders."

Then, in the name of the regent and the Kashag government, Ergalon once again sent the chicken-feathered arrow book to the two unarrived generations.The arrow book is a letter tied to the shaft of the arrow, to show that if there is any injustice, the arrow will be pierced through the body.The arrow shaft is tied with chicken feathers, which means that it will be delivered quickly and there must be no mistakes.Another few days of waiting, still no news.Er decided to send out the Red Pepper Arrow Book.This is the last arrow letter, which means that it is more urgent than the death of a person, and more important than the collapse of the sky. Those who do not implement it will be punished by law.Originally, the Regent had to be consulted to issue the Red Pepper Arrow Book, because Ergalon did not have the right to execute a substitute copy.But these rules are ignored now. Since the regent said "You are me, I am you" and gave him the Gawu amulet that symbolizes the highest glory, he can do whatever he wants.

Er is sure that Red Pepper Arrow Book will definitely summon Guoguo Daiben and Xia Qiongwa Daiben, no matter how good the concentration of the two of them is, it is impossible for them to take their lives as a trifle.During the days of anxious waiting, he watched the direction of Shigatse and Nimu every day, but found that another kind of waiting that could not be said directly was coming quietly. The news of Ergalon's arrival has spread throughout Gyantse.The important monks of Baiju Temple and the owners of various manors came to visit the Zongben compound where Er temporarily lived.But the hostess of Poal Manor did not come.Mrs. Poal is the most important manor owner in Gyantse.Her negligence embarrasses Earl.So Er sent an order to Mrs. Po'al: "Because of military supplies during the war, Po'al Manor quickly handed over 200 grams of highland barley (one gram is 28 catties)." , Hurry up and make up for it, and you can save the day.But unexpected.Mrs. Po'al sent a team of mules and horses to carry 200 grams of top-grade barley, but she still didn't show up.After counting the highland barley, Er told the leader of the pack team: "Guoguo Daiben from Shigatse and Xiaqiongwa Daiben from Nimu are about to lead the army, and the tsampa from 200 grams of highland barley is only enough for them to eat for three days. Since your master is so forthright, please ask her to bring barley every three days."

Three days later, what arrived at the Zongben compound was a letter written by Mrs. Po'al: "I salute Your Excellency Ergalon, Po'al Manor has prepared all the highland barley needed by the Tibetan soldiers, but I heard that Guoguo Daiben Xia Qiongwa and Xia Qiongwa didn’t want to go to Gyantse, so they put the mules and horses carrying barley on the mountain. If you can eat 200 grams of barley for three days, we can certainly drive the mules and horses back from the mountain.” Ergalon was very surprised: Why did she say that the two generations would not be Gyantse, and dare to conclude that I will be a polished commander?

Gyantse Zongben Yancuo took the opportunity to say: "Rebellion in Po'ale Manor has long been commonplace. In Gyantse, the Rinang Manor who visited you the first time is the one who supports you the most." Ergalon's heart sank, and he stared at Zongben suspiciously: he didn't have a deep friendship with Rinang Manor, and the visit was just a courtesy. The intimacy of the estate.Could this be why Madam Poal did not come to visit?He sent another order to Poal Manor: "The mules and horses put on the mountain don't have to take time and effort to come back. If I, Ergalon, will always be alone after I come to Gyantse, I will starve to death and won't eat a piece of your manor. Grains of highland barley. May the Buddha bless the population of Po'ale Manor to be prosperous, the ancestral property to be prosperous, the barn full of highland barley, and the land full of cattle and sheep."

With good wishes instead of outrageous reprimands, Mrs. Poal finally came. Er asked his subordinates to send a message to Mrs. Po'al who was waiting outside the Zongben compound: "The front-line chief is planning a major event to fight against the foreign demons. He has no time to meet people. Go back." Mrs. Poal said: "I really regret coming here. Zongben was appointed by Kashag, and Er Kalun, an important Kaxag official who lives in Zongben's compound, naturally shares his nostrils with Zongben." Er said: "In this world, I only have the same nostrils with the holy regent Dimu Tulku."

Mrs. Poal said: "That is to blame me for not bringing presents. If Ergalon only likes presents and not decent people, of course I can go back immediately." Earl said, "How can you prove that you are a decent person?" Mrs. Poal said: "I'm here, I have a secret to tell you." These words were passed on from subordinate to subordinate, and Ergalon walked out of the Zongben compound and said with a straight face, "Please come in, madam." Sure enough, Ergalon guessed it right: it turns out that Poal Manor and Rinang Manor are connected to the grassy mountains and farmlands. The long-standing boundary disputes have led to armed fights between the two manors every year.Gyantse Zongben Yancuo judged and compensated for the death and injury, and Rinang Manor won the case every time.Not only that, because Rinang Manor was cruel, harsh and inhumane, all the subjects who grazed and farmed for it came to Poal Manor, but Zongben Yancuo fined Poal Manor three hundred taels of Tibetan silver. The reason is to accommodate rebels and encourage lazy and stubborn people to find new officials and find comfort.Mrs. Po'al thought that Zongben was leaning towards Rinang Manor and refused to pay the fine.Things are still deadlocked.Earl is here.

Er said calmly, "I'm afraid that's not the secrets Madam wants to tell me?" Madam Po Al smiled reservedly: "Secrets can only be told to those who judge reasonably." Maybe it's not the "secret" factor, but Ergalon decided his choice the first time he saw Mrs. Po'al: in the conflict between the two manors, he should stand on the Po'al manor. side.The simple and natural Mrs. Po'al, who is unadorned and unadorned, looks dull and sad compared with those noble ladies in Lhasa's colorful clothes and jingling treasures, but the eye-catching ones are all on the face, which is a kind of natural beauty and brightness. Apply the grace and luxury in the bones thickly between the nose wing and eyebrows.Er's heart was pounding: Why did I come to Gyantse to visit this woman who has been widowed for many years?

Ergalon let Mrs. Po'al into the large room, which was the bedroom plus the meeting hall, picked up a large piece of ruby ​​from the table with a gold chain, and handed it to his wife, saying: "Vultures like tsampa so much, but see It threw away the tsampa for the meat. This is a gift from Rinang Manor, do you think it can be exchanged for ten horses, ten cows, and ten sheep?" Mrs. Poal said: "I don't want my hands to be stained with the smell of Rinang Manor. If you give me such a gem, I don't even want it." Erkalun left and called his servant, threw him a ruby ​​and said, "Go to the gate of Ziju Temple and give it to the first beggar you see."

The servant took it and left.Of course he would not give such a precious gem to a beggar, because he felt that the first beggar he saw was himself. Rinang Manor, supported by Zongben Yancuo, was abandoned by Ergalon in this way.The inner sigh urged Mrs. Poal, and she finally revealed the secret: Two years ago, the Living Buddha of Maiba Zhacang of Ganden Monastery sneaked into Gyantse secretly. He used free prayers for the safety of the manor in the scripture hall of Ganden Monastery as a bait, and asked Poal Manor to participate in the Ma Gang led by Maiba Zhacang of Ganden Monastery. Armed and ready to assist Ganden Monastery in all battles between the monks and laymen.Mrs. Poal politely declined.That same week, Living Buddha went to Rinang Manor to talk about the project and achieved success.The owner of Rinang Manor, Rinang Wangqin, had a close relationship with the Living Buddha of the week, and now he has become the first benefactor of Ganden Monastery Maiba Zhacang, the secret benefactor protected by the enshrined armed forces. "But my lord. This is only part of the secret." Guoguo Daiben was Rinang Wangqin's brother-in-law, and his daiben group was almost part of Rinang Manor's private armed forces and Ma Gang's armed forces.Xia Qiongwa originally had less than 300 rations, and Kashag only provided rations for 300 people, but he privately expanded it to 700 people. More than half of the rations for the Tibetan soldiers were provided by Rinang Manor. "My lord, you know the Tibetan army, whose food they eat." Xia Qiongwa Dai's regiment and Guoguo Dai's regiment were both the main force of Ma Gang's armed forces.

Ergalon suddenly realized: No wonder the representatives of Ganden Monastery urged Guoguo Daiben and Xia Qiongwa Daiben to set up a garrison at the border at the Lhasa public meeting.Now that the two generations did not come to Gyantse to take their orders, it seems that they not only defied the Ergalon, who was the front-line chief, but also a serious incident of Ganden Monastery's confrontation with Drepung Monastery and the regent Dimu Living Buddha. Er snorted coldly.According to the rules, after issuing the red pepper arrow letter, the time should be calculated by the slowest horse journey, for example, six days from Gyantse to Shigatse, if there is still no response after six days, it can be regarded as resistance and brought to justice.Time is over now.He had good reason to send troops to kill the two disobedients.What needs to be considered is that he only has a guard of 100 people brought from Lhasa by his side. In case of resistance, the strength is far from enough, so it is better to send assassins to secretly execute him.So, who can be the assassin? He searched in his mind, and when he raised his head and stared at Mrs. Poal, to be precise, he met a pair of eyes of a woman who had been widowed for many years with the lustful eyes of a man, and couldn't help trembling in his heart: Ah, so, It turned out that the assassin was me. It is said that on this day, Mrs. Ergalon and Mrs. Po'al stayed in the large room, which is the dormitory and the meeting hall of the Zongben compound, for a long time.There was a sudden sound, a hot slap in the face.Ergalon's face full of man's self-confidence suddenly showed a bloody halo.
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