Home Categories contemporary fiction war in tibet

Chapter 8 third quarter

war in tibet 杨志军 3366Words 2018-03-19
The deep alleyway leads to the secret underground palace.A series of waves were twisted, and there was a door in the bend of each wave, namely the door leading to broken legs and tongues, the door leading to broken arms and ears, the door leading to severed heads or eating poison, the door leading to The gate to hell, the gate to beasts and hungry ghosts. The butler Bai Hot asked his servants to tie up Lama Lama, escorted him through the horrible doors decorated with black skulls, and said loudly: "Punishment for you is almost a kind grace. You choose which door you want to go to. ?” Two bright lights came in and out of Lama Lama's eyes.Like choosing pulu of various colors on the container, he calmly swept through all the doors, and finally walked to the gate of hell.

Everyone was taken aback: the twenty-five-year-old Lama Lama chose the harshest punishment.He not only wants to die immediately, but also endures the torment of hell in the afterlife to continue to atone for his sins. Butler Bai Hot said bitterly: "Think about it again, once you enter, there is no room for regret." Li Jia said sadly: "I have ruined the Great Living Buddha's practice for decades. I know how big the crime is. What do I regret? Open the door. We will see you in the next life." Bai Nuo glared at the servant, and the two servants stepped forward, opened the door leading to hell with a bang, and untied Li Jia again.

Xi Jia stepped into the threshold with one foot, half of his body swayed in the darkness, and stopped.He heard a sound of running in the alley, and someone shouted: "La Liga, La Liga, the regent wants you to send orders to the Samba Army." So many lamas.Why did you let me pass the order?Lama Lama hesitated, and was about to pull back the leg he had stepped in, when the butler Baire pushed him suddenly, causing him to stagger and throw himself inside.The door slammed shut behind him. total darkness.La Liga shivered, and his hair stood on end.Hell, he has come to hell, the hell where he will spend the rest of his life here.He wanted to see what hell looked like, but suddenly he realized that his head had grown bigger, as big as the universe, and instantly surrounded him.It turned out to be like this: Hell is to turn all the horrible imaginations stored in your mind into a force to punish yourself.First, it was scorched by flames, and then it was sawed to pieces, knives to flesh and blood, cold to the heart, cannibalism of humans and animals, and so on.For an instant all the pain entered his senses.He has stored up too many terrifying imaginations. People who study the Fa and practice Buddhism are all like this. At the initial stage, they want to turn the world into a horrible hell, and then they are disgusted.

However, when the experience of hell really came one by one, Lama Lama suddenly didn't want to get bored.Because he was not sure whether after he bid farewell to his life, whether there was still a soul full of love floating to the field to attract the attention of Miss Sangzhu.And Miss Sangzhu is immortal and her soul will leave her body. Her soul is always floating in his heart. As soon as the inner hell comes out, she also comes out: beautiful figure, colorful robes, and charming expression.It made him suddenly understand: the regent did not issue an order to execute him, but sent him to the Samba Army to deliver the order, just to leave the choice of life and death to the girl Sangzhu, and also to himself.Because the soul is not far away, his soul and Miss Sangzhu's soul are always looking at each other, approaching involuntarily, and keeping a cautious distance.Everyone understands that the distance between Buddha and women is the measure of achievement and lack of achievement.

La Liga instinctively turned around, rushed to the door, and slapped the door vigorously with both hands: "I want to go out, I want to go out. The regent asked me to pass the order." With a sudden pull, the door opened, but it was not locked from the outside.He jumped out of the door, pushed the white hot butler away and walked forward. Bai Hot followed La Liga and said reluctantly: "Your life has been extended, but it won't be long. Your choice cannot be changed. The gates of hell are waiting for you, and we will not lock them up." Li Jia said in his heart: It depends on the attitude of Miss Sangzhu.If she wants me to die, I will come back and die; if she wants me not to die, I will... what do I do?He slapped his head sorely, saw a horse in front of him, ran to ride on it, and flew away.

Butler Baire hated Lama Lama to death, but he didn't go after him personally. The living Buddha Di Mu, the regent, went to the Jokhang Temple. At this time, Danjilin could not be without someone in charge.And with a beating heart, he told Steward White Hot that more people must be sent to protect the regent.The seemingly peaceful Lhasa, the sacred and peaceful Lhasa, is full of turmoil and danger hidden everywhere. The rustling footsteps can be heard in the ears, but no walking figures can be seen.Ghost, ghost, ghost?According to his premonition, with the arrival of the foreign demons, even more terrifying Tibetan ghosts are emerging unknowingly—the "three traces of white silk" sent by the sound arrow, the exposure of Xijia as the inner ghost, and the appearance of Tuomei Living Buddha They are all omens.Foreign demons threaten Tibet, and Tibetan ghosts threaten the regent.Where is the hidden ghost, and what kind of harm will it do?From now on, you have to keep a thousand eyes wide open.Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, although almost all monasteries in Tibet enshrine you, your Dharma power with thousands of hands and eyes can only belong to Danjilin, bless, bless.

Steward Baire walked towards the Danjilin Dazizai Buddha Hall, knelt down in front of the hall, kowtowed on the stone steps, then got up, and said to the servants beside him, "Where is our Lama Tuo? Call them all." The Tuo Tuo Lamas from Tangerine all came.Butler Baire asked them to bring sticks. Twenty people went to the residence of the Minister in Tibet to meet the regent, and twenty people went to the Samba army to capture Lama Lama. Tied. It’s best to tie him up with a rope. That’s right. Cover your face, there are women in the Samba Army, don’t let them recognize you as Danji Linduo.”

The Samba Army was the guard of the ancient Tibetan king. It has been inherited until now and has become a ceremonial force for the Dalai Lama to march, accept inspections, and shoot ghosts. The organizational system of a regiment is called Daiben, and the position of the head of the regiment is also called Daiben .The Samba army must be the most scattered army in the world. The soldiers usually farm and graze at home. They gather in January every year to participate in the Summoning Dharma Conference in Lhasa. They disband in February, leaving only one company (company) of troops to guard the camp .This company has no military missions. Its schedule is to chant scriptures first before dancing in the morning, and in the afternoon, it is basically free. It is so free to do nothing, so they get together and dance, and sing and dance after dinner.The most casual and the most entertaining, the square in front of the camp has almost turned into an open-air singing and dancing venue, attracting many girls from Lhasa.The girls watched it, and some went in and danced together.While singing and dancing vigorously, the soldiers of the Samba Army stared at each other with desire.Love is happening, and the open fields of the Lhasa River Valley are full of Samba soldiers who are busy with trysts.For a time, in Lhasa's fashion, "Samba" became synonymous with love produced by singing and dancing.

When the Lama Lama arrived, Daiben Numa was leading the soldiers to dance wildly.It was the bold and unrestrained Guozhuang, a rough and simple collective circle dance, hot, flying, and trembling, the white clouds were even covered with dust, and the leaves were rattling.Xi Jia dismounted, threw away the reins, strode into the dance circle, and hurriedly called "Numa Daiben" a few times, seeing that he was ignored, he grabbed Piao Fei by the sleeve.Numa Daiben, who was intoxicated in the song and dance, shook off him with a wave of his sleeves, and his obsessive laughter made his obsessed look a little silly.La Liga stomped more violently than Wu Wu, grabbed the opponent's sleeve and walked out again.

Numa Daiben had no choice but to keep up: "La Liga, La Liga, what are you doing?" It wasn't until the Lama Lama said the regent's order three times that Numa Daiben regained his soul from the intoxication of singing and dancing: "Grandma, where are the foreign demons? When will they fight?" La Liga said on its own initiative: "Let's fight, let's fight. There is a front line in Tibet. If you don't fight, the front line that is far away will come closer." Soon, Numa Daiben gathered all the people who stayed in the camp on the square. He glanced at everyone with a solemn expression and said: "Soldiers, I have sent someone to order all the soldiers of the Samba Army to return home to farm and herd. We can no longer shoot and dance in Lhasa, we are going to the front line where there are foreign demons. ’ Then he said to the military guardian, “Let’s get started.”

The guardians of the Samba army are responsible for divination and asking the gods before all decisions.At this time, they were already burning incense and chanting sutras in front of the queue.Ready to fight.He took off one horn and two horns from his waist, put the horns into the horns, shook them vigorously, stuck them on the ground, covered them with a prayer flag, and prayed loudly.After a stick of incense, the guard with the army took out the two horns inside, looked left and right, with a puzzled look on his face.Everyone stared at him without a glance, and it was a bit noisy.The guardian of the army signaled everyone to be quiet, and then said very firmly: "The oracle indicates that we should set off yesterday." "Started yesterday? Why didn't you leave today?" Numa Daiben looked at everyone in surprise, surprised that his team was still here. A skinny man, Ru Ben (battalion commander), said, "The regent's order came late." Numa said: "Yes, it's late. But God will not blame the regent, but us. Let's go quickly, overnight." Another trigram: Where is the foreign demon?The protector said, "After half a month." Numa thought for a while and said: "That's right, wherever we arrive in half a month, there will be a place with foreign demons." The little thin man asked in confusion: "But where are you going? The lamas in the monastery said that there are thirty-three directions in the world (referring to the thirty-three days in Sumeru Realm)." Numa laughed and said: "You are too ignorant, the guardian will lead the way." He counted the number of people, and said decisively, "Don't wait, those who have not returned to the team, let them chase us on the road." The soldiers of the Samba army carried the cannons out of the barracks, disassembled them, tied them to the horses, and brought a lot of food and drink, not to mention copper bells, tambourines, cymbals, suona, Copper horn, bone horn. set off.The Samba army who went to fight against the black water and white beast left Lhasa holding the iconic golden banner, singing folk songs, and walked north with the army guardian.Girls, girls who have nothing to do with each other, all come to see him off.They echoed the soldiers with folk songs, making the soldiers' folk songs more majestic.Other girls danced.Some of the soldiers rode and others walked.Those who walked would answer with a dance.The procession turned into a dance procession, and parted joyously, as if going not to a war but to a festival. Lama Xijia looked at the girls melancholy, with a strange sadness in his heart. The sensitivity of a practitioner made him dare not immerse himself in the joy of escaping hell.He saw the misery behind the joy, and before the golden dusk, besides the mysterious dark night, there was a darker darkness and a greater unknown. Suddenly someone yelled: "There he is, grab him." Lama Lama turned his head sharply and saw a group of familiar riders. He was a little nervous: Lama Totuo from Danjilin was catching up, and they couldn't let them catch her. I haven't seen Sangzhu girl yet.He ran away, and heard Lama Totuo shouting behind him: "Shit has wings, no matter how fast it flies, it is shit. The regent wants you to die, and you will die wherever you go." Lama Lama said regretfully: "Regent, Di Mufo, I know you will not let me go."
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