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Chapter 7 second quarter

war in tibet 杨志军 3155Words 2018-03-19
It is the change of the heart, from the hustle and bustle to the calm.For the first time, I found that peace is joy, relaxed and soft.You can see a touch of gold, auspicious halos and flower belts, green clouds and red lotuses.Feet bare shoulders - the Buddha appeared. The retreat became a direct dialogue between the soul and the Buddha, without hunger or thirst, without fatigue, concentrated, forgetting the time, until interrupted by a distressed cry.The shocking joy of sipping the supreme Dharma milk disappeared suddenly, and the secret words of the Buddha who entered the ears and became enlightened were endless, and soon disappeared.

The living Buddha Dimu, the regent, prayed: "Buddha, please let me go with you." He reached out his hand to grab the corner of Buddha's cassock, but what he caught was a letter. "Buddha, come out, the black water has flooded Buddhism, the white beasts have eaten Tibet, and the foreigners have violated the border, it depends on the magic power of the regent." It was the voice of the Lama Lama.He quietly came to Danjilin's secret underground palace, pried open a gap in the stone wall to seal the door, stuffed the letter in, and blew it lightly, and the letter floated away.

Living Buddha Di Mu read the letter through a butter lamp, and became angry, knocked down the wall that sealed the door, and appeared with Li Ming on the stone steps in front of the Great Sutra Hall with an air of handsomeness that can only be found in gods. People were stunned.Living Buddha Di Mu, who didn't eat or drink for half a month, had a ruddy complexion and a healthy body. He pointed to Bai Hot and said, "Why doesn't my housekeeper know which is more important, a horse or a saddle?" The loyal butler Baire didn't care about his master's reprimand, knelt down with a plop, and screamed: "Buddha, why did you come out?"

The monks gathered together one after another, terrified, sad, and disappointed, as if they were slapped by someone, and the muscles on their faces were tense and deformed.Someone couldn't help crying.Among the monks in Danjilin, who doesn't want his master to become a god?There is no hope now. In the mournful atmosphere of Danjilin, Living Buddha Di Mu's handsome aura gradually dissipated, and soon he looked tired. Bai Re looked up, got up and walked, shouting as he walked, "Buttered tea, buttered tea." Di Mu said gloomyly: "My buttered tea is at the Jokhang Temple, prepare the sedan chair."

Out of Danjilin, through a forest, through a street market, is the Jokhang Temple, the office of the Kaxag government.Living Buddha Di Mu lifted the curtains of the sedan chair, looked at the willow branches that hadn't sprouted buds and the figures who fled in panic, as if he had just come out of the retreat.He wiped his face vigorously with both hands, and coughed loudly a few times, the mood of a secular regent, a kind of naturally exuberant anger, quickly rose: Is it so useless?The practice he had accumulated day and night was in vain. He knocked on the door of the God Realm but did not enter, and he could never enter again.What a ignorant lama of La Liga, who overstepped his post and woke up the master of retreat, Gabbasso! "Gabasso" means eat shit, it is the most powerful curse word in the clean Tibetan language, which shows how angry he is.He knew that his anger was contradictory, and he shouldn't even have any anger, because as the regent, the safety of Tibet was the top priority, and Lama Lama was not wrong.But Living Buddha Di Mu wanted to hate, everything, so much that he couldn't help himself.He was done thinking, and went back to the past.He was born as a person who likes to hold grudges and vent hatred. For him, retreat is to shut down fire, and meditation is to calm anger.After years of continuous retreat, it seems that all anger, resentment, and obsession have disappeared, and he has long been a peaceful, indifferent, magnanimous and nihilistic eminent monk.But now, the anger, fire, and hatred are coming back again, and they are extremely grand, just like hundreds of years of hungry birds and beasts suddenly breaking free from the barriers and biting from the depths of their hearts.The heart is always struggling, struggling!While struggling, someone suddenly said in a rough voice: "The Buddha Regent please stay."

Living Buddha Di Mu knew it was Tuomei Living Buddha as soon as he heard it.According to the rules, Tuomei Living Buddha should come over cautiously and ask the regent to stop.But Tuomei is a person of liberal nature and an eminent monk conferred by the emperor with the title of "Nuomenhan, the National Teacher of Empowerment". Shepherd Living Buddha is even more free. Living Buddha Di Mu stopped the sedan chair, and politely asked someone to raise the curtain of the sedan chair. Tuo Mei dismounted on the back of her servant, threw the rein away, stepped forward and said, "Regent Buddha, I have been waiting for your call today. Isn't it time yet?"

Di Mu said: "Wait for my call? All Tibet knows that the Regent is in retreat." Tuomei said: "When the hot wind blows from the south of the Himalayas in winter, the solid ice and snow will melt. The last retreat is over ahead of schedule. You are no longer a compassionate Buddha, but a murderous monster. There are too many Buddhas in Tibet. There are as many stones as the Lhasa River, but you are the only one who can subdue the foreign demons, Regent Buddha." Di Mu was surprised and said, "You know everything, where did the news come from?" Tuomei said: "Isn't our practice to be omniscient? Lama Xijia wants his master to sacrifice himself for Tibet. If he is undecided, he will pray to the Dharma protector Danba Zelin copper knife in your Dharma Protector Hall. He said , if his prayer can make the copper knife of the idol make a sound. That is to wake up the master's divine will. I come here to tell the regent Buddha that the copper knife makes a loud sound. The will of the god will take you from the drunkenness of practice. Wake up in the environment, please don't blame Lama Lama."

No, it's not God's will, it's your instigation.You and Lama Lama have been colluding for a long time, don't think I don't know.The regent Di Mu swallowed what he wanted to say and glared at him.He thought of the legend that was spread secretly in the upper echelons of the religious world, and when he found that it had become a clear reality, he gritted his teeth with hatred. That legend kept Living Buddha Di Mu in his heart.It is said that the Dafa of the Four Bodhisattvas of Compassion, Wisdom, Practice and Vow was originally passed down to Tibet by the Indian holy monk Atisha. The one who gained the Tao was Taboraj, one of the patriarchs of the Kagyu Sect, and was later inherited by Tuomei I.Tuomei I and Dimu I were Vajra brothers. Tuomei was peeped by Dimu when he was secretly receiving empowerment and practicing, and secretly memorized the layout of the mandala, all rituals and mantras.So Di Mu I secretly practiced this great method by himself. As a result, Di Mu achieved success, but Tuo Mei failed.Tuomei I was very angry, because the great law of the four Bodhisattvas can only be passed on in a single line, and no second person in the same generation can achieve success. If Dimu has fruit, Tuomei can only fail.Therefore Tuomei I left a decree: All Tuomei reincarnations must first destroy the cultivation of the four Bodhisattvas of compassion, wisdom, practice and vows by the Dimu lineage, in order to obtain the qualifications for their own cultivation.The existence of this decree prevents all Dimu reincarnations after the first life from achieving this great law until today.Today, the ninth Dimu Living Buddha was about to be completed, but was completely destroyed by the eighth Tuomei Living Buddha.Di Mu thinks that whoever succeeds and who fails is due to the blessing of the gods and the fate of the Dharma, not because Di Mu I stole the Dharma.Unlucky ghost who has no fate, you will only do evil and harm.

Living Buddha Di Mu angrily urged the sedan chair to leave quickly. Tuo Mei rushed over and dragged the sedan chair: "You haven't promised me that you will forgive Lama Lama." Di Mu ordered his followers: "Block him, knock him down, knock him down." The Tuomei Living Buddha who was knocked down was helped by his servants and shouted angrily: "You dare to treat me like this. Regent Dimu, you are a yak with black hair and no memory. You have forgotten my identity." .I, Tuomei the VIII Chief Living Buddha of Cemolin, represent the people's assembly."

Di Mu ignored him, thinking of Lama Lama in his heart.He knew that Zire Butler would follow Dan Jilin's rules and the wishes of Di Mu's believers to punish La Liga, ranging from physically disabled to ending his life.He sneered happily, as if he saw that Lama Lama was dead, and his death was worse than he expected, which was what he deserved.Suddenly, Di Mu nervously tore the chest of the cassock again, as if a person came out from there, begging him with teary eyes: "Buddha, Buddha, spare Xijia." Of course, if someone else came out, he would not pay attention.But this is a girl, the beautiful mulberry and bamboo girl who kept calling him "Brother Buddha" when he was a child.Di Mu pondered for a moment, and said loudly: "Let the lamas of La Liga go to the Samba Army to pass on my instructions. This year, we will not fight Tibetan ghosts, and leave the shells to go to the front line to fight foreign demons. The Samba Army must keep the eyes of Tibetans wide open. It’s time to take aim at mountains and rivers. Go, go, go.”

When Di Mu heard that someone was leaving at the command, he thought to himself, Buddha, why should I do this? There was a sudden sound of horseshoes, from far to near, and stopped. The guard in front of the sedan chair shouted: "What are you doing? The regent is here, get out of the way." There was a sound of flying arrows, and with a bang, it hit the lintel of the sedan chair.Di Mu was taken aback, only to hear the guard lamas on both sides rushing forward.The horseshoe sounded again, from near to far, and disappeared. Di Mu got up and opened the sedan chair curtain, leaned out half of his body, glanced at the arrow feather inserted on the head of Wrath God in the center of the sedan chair, and tore off a piece of white silk tied to it.There was a pool of ink, a pool of blood, and a pool of semen on the white silk.The ink stains represent hatred for power, the blood stains represent hatred for killing, and the semen represents hatred for the future.Di Mu gritted his teeth and inhaled, the cool wind poured straight into his lungs, tightly wrapped up the white silk with his hands, and sat down on his buttocks, shaking like a big sedan chair with flowers. He once blamed himself painfully: Why should a person who practiced practice have hatred?Now I understand, because he is hated by others everywhere.Why is there so much hatred growing in Tibet, and the hatred seems to be directed at him? And why, a person who hates and is hated can still visit the Bamboo Forest Abode in Wangshe City, linger in the wonderful place of Brahma, and listen to the secret words of the Buddha? The morning wind hangs over the tops, and all the branches have the sound of flying arrows. "Let's go." Di Mu shouted.Four strong bearers ran up.The apostolic lamas circled the sedan chair and dispersed the shadows of people, dogs, horses, and dogs within fifty meters.Arriving soon. Living Buddha Di Mu got off the sedan chair and walked quickly into the gate of Jokhang Temple. Kalon Dundup came to meet him, pretending to be surprised and asking, "Isn't your lord in seclusion?" Di Mu covered up the panic on the road just now, and said sharply: "Gabasso! The black water and white beasts are coming, unexpectedly at this time. The guns of the foreign demons woke me up. I heard Sakyamuni say: Get out!" .” Dunzhu continued to ask knowingly: "What, Lord Regent, the guns of the foreign demons?" All the Buddha statues in the Jokhang Temple opened their eyes wide and opened their mouths, and the humming scriptures and mantras filled the courtyard. War, Tibet is facing war.
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