Home Categories contemporary fiction i am waiting for you in heaven
i am waiting for you in heaven

i am waiting for you in heaven


  • contemporary fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 266752

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Chapter 1 Chapter One

i am waiting for you in heaven 裘山山 18461Words 2018-03-18
After a sleepless night, Ozhan decides to hold a family meeting. In Ou Zhanjun's house, the family meeting is a big event, so it is not easy to hold it.The European War Army has six children, and even in the military building of the Health Bridge Cadres' Rest Center, this number is not small.What's more, 5 of the children have all married and have children. After arriving, there are nearly 20 people, and three tables have to be set up just for eating.It was spectacular. Of course, this is not the reason not to hold family meetings easily.Ou Zhanjun likes to see many people eating, likes to see civil servants washing rice in big baskets, and even more likes to see a big pot of meat and vegetables disappear like a wind.These scenes and scenes can give him a feeling of returning to the army, and he is in a trance-like atmosphere full of vitality, strong horses, strong horses, strong horses, and blood.He always loves that atmosphere.

Ou Zhanjun didn't hold family meetings easily because most of their family meetings were used to solve some very difficult problems, in other words, to solve some things that even he couldn't solve.Generally speaking, he has the final say on family affairs, and his words are the laws and regulations of the family. But not this time.Some recent events at home have made him feel compelled to hold a family meeting. Two days ago, Ou Zhanjun saw a news in the local evening paper that a supermarket was seized because of arrears of payment.He knew that his youngest son Mu Xin also ran a supermarket, so he took a closer look at the name of the supermarket and saw that it was the one run by Mu Xin. The last sentence in the message was "The general manager, Oumou, is missing."At that time, Ou Zhanjun was so angry that his hand holding the newspaper shook a little, and he yelled at his wife Bai Xuemei, I said earlier that this kid is going to have an accident, so let's do it now!Payment in arrears!Even if something happens to you, don't run away. If you have the ability, you will use your ability to stand up to it. Why run?He asked Bai Xuemei to call Mu Xin back immediately.Bai Xuemei was not in such a hurry as he was, she said softly, let's ask for clarification first.She called Mu Xin, and Mu Xin said nonchalantly on the phone that it was written by the reporter. This supermarket was no longer under my name last year, and I had already sold it to someone else.Big things have nothing to do with me.

Ou Zhanjun didn't believe it when he heard it, so he yelled a few words on the phone, he said Xiao Liu, listen to me, if you do this kind of thing, don't come into this house again!Mu Xin muttered a few words in dissatisfaction, and put down the phone. Unexpectedly, just two days later, something happened again—his third daughter, his favorite Mu Jin, had an affair.Not to mention that, she also took the lead in filing for divorce, intending to abandon her husband.Her husband disagreed, so she left her husband and children and moved away from home. How does this look like a child from their family?This doesn't look like the daughter of his Ou Zhanjun.

When Ou Zhanjun heard the news, he couldn't believe his ears.He repeatedly asked his in-laws and old comrade-in-arms Zheng Dahe: Is it true?Is that true?You are not mistaken. Zheng Dahe said helplessly, how could I make a mistake?I didn't believe it at first, I saw Zheng Yi drooping his face every day, asking him what happened, but he just didn't say anything.Later, it was my grandson Yaya who said that my mother was going to divorce my father.Sure enough, Hibiscus did not return home in those few days.I asked again and again, and Zheng Yi told me what was going on.Originally, I wanted to ask Zheng Yi to forgive Mu Jin for the sake of the relationship between our two families and Yaya.I didn't expect that your Hibiscus would not forgive at all, she was determined to leave, and if she refused to leave, she would go to court.

Ou Zhanjun was a little dazed with anger, and kept saying to Bai Xuemei, how could she do this?How can she do this?You call her and ask if she is still my daughter?Ask her if she still wants to come back to this house. Bai Xuemei didn't want to make this call in front of Zheng Dahe, she was afraid that things would get stuck.With her understanding of Mu Jin, Mu Jin would not be so reckless and unreasonable.She whispered to Ou Zhanjun, don't be so angry, maybe there is a misunderstanding.I'll wait until I get a chance to ask her. Ou Zhanjun said, is this still a question?She didn't even go home.She simply packed up her bed and left, she was not divorced yet, so she was so blatant, it was simply outrageous!It's just too much!You have to make this call. If you don't call, I will call. I don't want to wait. I must ask for clarification immediately.

Bai Xuemei had no choice but to call Mu Jin. When Mu Jin heard that it was about this matter, she said coldly: Mom, this is my private matter, so leave it alone.Then I hung up the phone.Seeing Bai Xuemei's unexpected expression, Ou Zhanjun was even more angry. He really didn't expect Mu Jin to be like this, she had never been like this before.She even said that she didn't need her parents to control her.She was like a different person. It took a while for Ou Zhanjun to come to his senses. He patted Lao Zheng on the shoulder and said, I am responsible for the child's problems, and I will review it with you first.Don't worry, I will take care of this matter.Although I'm old, I'm still her father. I don't believe that I can't control her. I have managed her since childhood.

Old Zheng nodded silently, got up and left.When he got to the door, he stopped and said to Ou Zhanjun, don't make things too difficult for Mu Jin, maybe she also has her difficulties, but I just don't want her to leave our house. Ou Zhanjun noticed that his eye circles were red.In his eyes, Lao Zheng has always been a cheerful person.When they went to Tibet together, there was a food shortage after arriving in Ganzi. The soldiers could only eat some fried highland barley powder to fill their stomachs every day. There was no meat and no vegetables, so constipation generally occurred.At that time, Zheng Dahe was the director of logistics, so he took people up the mountain to find wild vegetables and mushrooms.He made a rule that all wild vegetables and mushrooms must be tasted by him first.Unexpectedly, he was poisoned on the first day, vomiting and diarrhea, and almost died.But after waking up, he even grinned and said, it's all right now, after holding it for half a month, now even the liver, intestines and lungs have been pulled out, so happy.

Lao Zheng has been cheerful all his life, and has never shed tears in his life, but he was so angry with his Ou Zhanjun's daughter that he shed tears.This made Ou Zhanjun very sad. Ou Zhanjun couldn't figure it out. Mu Jin is also in her 40s, so why would she want to divorce?The children are all in the sixth grade, and half of their life has passed.Mujin was the one with the least hardship among the children. She had never been sent to the countryside or served in the army. After graduating from high school and staying at home for a year, she was admitted to university. After graduating from university, she was assigned to work as an editor in a magazine.Later, Ou Zhanjun made the decision and married Zheng Yi, the son of Zheng Dahe, an old comrade-in-arms.I have been married for more than 10 years, and I have never heard of any conflicts between them. Why did they suddenly get divorced?There is also a "third party".

After thinking about it, Ou Zhanjun could only blame himself for spoiling her, making her so capricious.The only recourse now is to hold a family meeting.Let the whole family discuss and judge this matter.He thought, even if he couldn't talk to her, she still had her elder brother and elder sister, sister-in-law and brother-in-law, and younger brother and younger sister. In front of so many people, she couldn't be unreasonable. Looking back, it has been 3 years since the last family meeting.The topic last time was to discuss the divorce of the fourth child, Ou Mukai.As far as Ou Zhanjun's original intention was concerned, he strongly opposed their divorce. Although he was not very satisfied with that daughter-in-law, he didn't want such a divorce to happen in their family.What about divorce?It's like losing a battle.He has been fighting in the north and south for decades in the European War Army. He has also been knocked down by bullets and overturned by shells. When has he lost a battle?Besides, he likes his little granddaughter Sasa so much, he is afraid that she will suffer in the future.But in the end they divorced, because the condition of non-divorce proposed by his daughter-in-law was unacceptable to him. She even asked Mu Kai to change jobs and return to the mainland. Main front on the Eastern Front, he's doing a good job and will be promoted soon.This obviously made Ou Zhanjun intolerable, and letting Mu Kai change his career simply shattered his last hope: among all the children, only Ou Mukai could inherit his father's career.

Moreover, it is not only the wish of Ou Zhanjun to make Mu Kai an excellent officer.Of course, he never told anyone about this, it was a secret between him and Bai Xuemei, and it was a promise made by the living to the dead.Although he never told the children, including Mu Kai himself, he must keep and fulfill this promise. With the strong support of the Ou Zhan Army, Mu Kai did not compromise.Women can walk away from the front lines, but men can't.The ex-daughter-in-law was very sad. After the divorce, she took away the granddaughter Sasa who was brought up by Bai Xuemei and whom the old couple loved very much.This incident made Ou Zhanjun sad and disappointed. He told Bai Xuemei that he would no longer care about the children's affairs in the future.Over the years, he tried his best not to inquire about the children's affairs, and when he heard something occasionally, he tried his best not to take it to heart.When she was really angry, she would sigh and complain in front of Bai Xuemei.Bai Xuemei always listened silently without saying a word.Ou Zhanjun sometimes feels that she is more sad than himself.He persuaded her in turn, saying that the children are adults, maybe we really don’t need us, let them deal with their own lives.

But this time, the Ou Zhan Army can't sit idly by anyway.In his opinion, this is no longer an ordinary life problem, and it is not just a problem of their family.It is about principle, about friendship, even about conscience. After the European Zhanjun made a decision, they asked Bai Xuemei to inform all the children—except for the old Si Mukai who was far away in Tibet—and their spouses to come home to attend the family meeting, which was scheduled at 8 o'clock on Friday night all.In order to make the meeting serious, Ou Zhanjun decided to reluctantly give up the lively scene of everyone having a meal that he hadn't seen for a long time, and set the meeting after dinner. He also asked Bai Xuemei to emphasize that he must arrive on time for the meeting and that children are not allowed. Bai Xuemei was a little worried about this, she knew Mu Jin's temper too well.Can she accept such a fanfare and criticism of her marriage?She said to Ou Zhanjun with some concern, if we do this, will it make things worse. It's not like you don't know Mujin's temper. Ou Zhanjun said that if you get stuck, you have to open it.I can't ignore such a big thing!When did this happen to our Ou family?How embarrassing!It's enough to bother me that there is a sixth child who engages in liberalism there.I didn't expect the third child to do the same. How can a man of culture be so unable to control himself. Seeing that Ou Zhanjun was so angry, Bai Xuemei had to obey his wishes and call her children one by one. The eldest son, Ou Mujun, was attending a meeting of leaders above the middle level in the factory when he received a call from his mother.He is the secretary of the party committee of the factory. When he saw the words "Ms. Bai" on the pager, he knew it was his mother, and he walked out of the conference room to call his mother back without delay, because his mother would not easily call him, and there must be something important to do if there is a call. , I have to return immediately if there is something important.This is the rule he made for himself.He is the eldest son. When his mother said that his father was going to hold a family meeting on Friday night, Ou Mujun's tone hesitated.His wife Ling Xiaoxi has been very reluctant to go to her husband's house since their precious son Xiaofeng went to Tibet to serve as a soldier.The wife thought that his son's obsession with going to Tibet to serve as a soldier was due to his grandfather's instigation and support, and she was very dissatisfied with her father-in-law.So in the past six months, I have found all kinds of excuses not to go to the rest house with my parents. The mother heard his hesitation and said, you are the eldest, if you don't come back, the younger siblings will be even more immobile. Ou Mujun immediately said, okay, I'll be back. Mother said, and Xiaoxi. Mu Jun paused and said, OK, I will ask her to come back together. Ou Mujun is used to obeying his father.He has more respect for his father than the other children.Because when he joined the army at the age of 15, his father was still his superior.Father has been his superior for more than 20 years.The majesty of the father is well known.His fear of him is not the fear of ordinary people, to be precise, it is awe, and there is a bit of admiration. Mu Jun didn't understand what happened at home, and asked his father to hold another family meeting after three years of silence.After thinking about it, he called his eldest sister Mulan to see if she knew what was going on.Because Mulan usually goes home more than their other sisters. In fact, Mulan didn't know why her father held a family meeting until she received a call from her mother.Although she asked herself to go back and see her parents once a week, it was just a rational request without any emotional color.Who told her to be the eldest daughter and also a doctor!Even if she went back, she just checked to see if there was any abnormality in her parents' body, and had no other communication.She doesn't understand her parents' distress, and she doesn't tell her parents about her distress. However, my mother still talked to Mu Landuo about Mu Jin's situation on the phone. Mulan understood that her father called the family meeting this time mainly for the sake of Mujin's marriage, and she suddenly felt a strange feeling in her heart, or a little bit of excitement.Is my father really going to criticize Hibiscus?This was unprecedented. In their Ou family, everyone knew that his father loved Mu Jin the most.Mulan has long felt and had opinions on this.She felt that there was some reason for her falling out of favor, because she was not born of her parents-although this was never proved, all kinds of feelings made her believe it more and more.But my father loves Mu Jin more than his younger sister Mu Mian and younger brother Mu Xin, which makes no sense. Is it because she is beautiful?Well now, when something like this happened to Mu Jin, something that was absolutely intolerable in their family, she wanted to see how her father would deal with it. Mulan and Mujin are the two closest sisters in age, so they should have a good relationship.But because of her father's love for Mu Jin and Mu Lan's doubts about her own life experience, she alienated her relationship with Mu Jin.Mu Jin is a cheerful girl, so she is still called Second Sister and Second Sister.In the past two years, the exchanges between them have become less and less.Except for the family reunion during the Spring Festival, it is almost invisible at ordinary times.Mulan didn't know why Mu Jin got divorced, but she only knew that she was determined to leave now. Mulan briefly told her eldest brother on the phone that Mu Jin had filed for divorce and had already moved out of the Zheng family. Mu Jun was surprised when he heard this, and he was silent for a while and said, how could this happen. Mulan said, yes, I was surprised too.Mulan said again, in fact, we want to talk about the relationship between husband and wife, Xiao Chen and I. Mulan stopped suddenly.Regarding the problems between their husband and wife, she has never told anyone, and she is not used to telling anyone, including her eldest brother.She's used to bearing it by herself. Mu Jun sighed and said, what a mess, so he put down the phone. Mulan thought for a while and called her younger brother Mu Xin.She was afraid that Mu Xin would find excuses not to go back, or go back very late, which would make her father even more angry.The voice on the phone was very noisy, as soon as he heard it, he knew that he was socializing outside again.Mu Xin said, Mom has already notified me.Second sister, don't worry, I still want to listen to what my mother says.Mu Xin said so, among the few children, the conflict between Mu Xin and his father is open.Because his father objected to his business, his father said that there are no good people in business, and a good person will become a traitor after a few years of business.And Mu Xin likes to do business very much, and he does it quite successfully.They don't mind if their father and son don't see each other, as soon as they see each other, they will quarrel.Mulan put the phone down, thinking, it's time for the family to be lively again on Friday. After Bai Xuemei notified her five children in this city, she really wanted to make a call to the old Si Mukai who was far away in Tibet.But she knew that Mu Kai was not in Lhasa at this time, and he took the whole regiment out for training, so there was no way to contact him.She misses Mu Kai very much these days, and she hasn't seen him for two years.He didn't come back last year on vacation, and this year he pushed again and again.Bai Xuemei had a feeling that Mu Kai did not come back on purpose.Is it because of the divorce that he has an opinion on his parents? Looking at the gray sky outside the window, Bai Xuemei thought, Mu Kai must still be in the sun.I don't know what it looks like again.Since graduating from the military academy and entering Tibet, Mu Kai has never been in vain, fat, nourished, or breathed smoothly. Sometimes she felt that Mu Kai was basking in the sun for her by standing guard on the plateau. She misses the sun there very much. On Friday night, the first person to return to No. 17 military building of the Jianjianqiao Retirement Center was neither the eldest son Mujun nor the eldest daughter Mulan, but the fifth elder Mumian. Kapok was entered by the husband and wife together.The son-in-law, Xiaojin, was all smiles, and brought a gift for his parents—two boxes of American ginseng lozenges.Bai Xuemei took the things and said, what are you buying, and the economy is not rich.Xiao Jin said, no matter how rich you are, there are no fewer people who should honor their parents.Although Xiao Jin is not well-educated, he is the most talkative among the sons-in-law.He wasn't very good at talking at first, but as his life became more and more difficult, he became more talkative and sweet-mouthed.It is said that people are poor and short-sighted. Is it true that people are poor but have long mouths?Bai Xuemei didn't say anything, but sighed inwardly. Bai Xuemei knew that Xiao Jin brought gifts not just to honor his parents as he said.Kapok was laid off last year. Although her husband Xiaojin stayed in the factory, his income was not high. After discussing with Ou Zhanjun, Bai Xuemei took out 10,000 yuan from their small savings to support them, as a token of her parents' love.Unexpectedly, after getting 10,000 yuan, Xiao Jin went to speculate in stocks, hoping to get rich in a short time like a gamble. Unexpectedly, just as the stock market was in a downturn, the 10,000 yuan disappeared like a bubble.Mu Mian quarreled with him and ran back to her mother crying. Bai Xuemei has always felt guilty about this daughter. Among the six children, her education level and living conditions are the worst. She felt that this had something to do with sending her back to her hometown to study.At that time, it was catching up with the "Cultural Revolution", and classes were suspended in schools to cause a revolution. The teacher was often away. She was afraid that it would be unsafe for her to live in the school as a girl, so she sent her back to Ou Zhanjun's hometown in Shandong and entrusted her to a distant relative.After barely graduating from junior high school, she was sent to Tibet to serve as a soldier with her father.Because of his low education, he failed the nursing school exam, and after three years he was demobilized and returned to work as a worker.I didn't expect to be laid off again now. After kapok was laid off, their comprehensive wood processing factory rented out a large area of ​​idle factory area, forming a rather large market for decoration materials and furniture.Many laid-off workers of the factory also rented out the facade to operate decoration materials or furniture.Because they are employees of the factory, the rent is lower than outside.Kapok was a little tempted, and came back to discuss with her mother, and also wanted to rent a shop to sell decoration materials and so on, so as to solve the employment problem.In her words, she expressed the hope that her mother would subsidize them with some more money. Bai Xuemei felt that this idea was good in the long run, so she called Ou Zhanjun to discuss it.Unexpectedly, Ou Zhanjun firmly disagreed.Old Liu Muxin's business is enough to bother him, and he feels awkward when Mu Mian opens a shop again.How could his military family produce as many businessmen as possible?He said that it is not appropriate for you, a demobilized soldier, kapok, to do this kind of small business, right?Kapok argued, what should I do. As a laid-off worker, if I don’t make a living by myself, who can I rely on to support me?Ou Zhanjun said, I don't believe that all laid-off workers open shops, and there is no other way out except for business?I've seen on TV that people still have many ways to re-employ. Ou Zhanjun felt upset when he said that.He didn't feel sorry for the money, but he thought how could his child be so worthless, asking for money at every turn, even if he asked his parents, it was a shameful thing. Kapok murmured, I knew you would object, you never thought of me. Kapok said this for a reason.There has always been a shadow between their father and daughter.From Mumian's point of view, his father is absolutely responsible for being laid off and getting into trouble.Unexpectedly, her father was not only unapologetic, but also interfered with her re-employment. Ou Zhanjun said, what do you mean I don't think about you?I just can't understand you like this, you run back to your parents when you have a little difficulty, and you ask for help when you have a little problem.life difficulties?How difficult can it be?I don't believe it.At least the oxygen is enough to drink. Kapok was too angry to speak. "At least the oxygen is enough to drink" is the mantra of Ou Zhanjun. As long as any of their children complains, he will say this: How difficult can it be?At least the oxygen is enough to drink.So now that the children have any difficulties, they only tell their mothers.In order not only to not get help, but also to be reprimanded by him.But Mu Mian feels that what she encounters now is not an ordinary little difficulty, but a problem of survival.Otherwise, she wouldn't have spoken.But her father still didn't take it seriously, which really made her very angry. She felt that his father just didn't care about her.Angrily, she opened the door and left.Bai Xuemei wanted to call her back, but Ou Zhanjun stopped her and said: Let her go if she wants to go, let her go.If she has the ability, she will go to the podium and let me be honored. People in their 30s still rely on their parents, they don't feel ashamed and I feel ashamed. Kapok had always been cautious, and was so annoyed by her father that she didn't come home for almost two months. Bai Xuemei was very anxious, no matter what Ou Zhanjun said, she couldn't ignore it, she was a mother!She called Kapok herself, and asked how much money was needed to rent a shop and operate it?Kapok said angrily that she didn't want to do it anymore, and the whole family would eat porridge at worst.The son-in-law, Xiao Jin, told her that they still wanted to do it, but they couldn't do it right now, so they planned to take it easy. Bai Xuemei thought about it and planned to help them quietly.The old couple did not have much money.Originally, when they came out of Tibet, they had some savings, but these years they were almost tossed by the European War Army, subsidizing old comrades in arms, subsidizing their hometown, and subsidizing the disaster-stricken areas.He was generous in that respect.At present, their income has nothing left except daily expenses.Fortunately, the other children, especially the youngest son Mu Xin, often gave money to their mother, but of course they kept it from Ou Zhanjun.Bai Xuemei kept the money in a passbook and named it the Sons and Daughters Fund. Bai Xuemei thought, if it is not possible, she will use the money to help Kapok. Yesterday, when she informed Kapok to go home for a meeting, she gave a general idea of ​​her thoughts on the phone.Unexpectedly, Kapok calmly said, Mom, don't worry about it, I have already found a job.Then he said, tell Dad, as he said, there are many ways to re-employment, and now I hold three jobs at the same time. Bai Xuemei was a little surprised. Now she looked at Kapok, and found that Kapok looked a little tired, with dark circles around her eyes, as if she hadn't rested.It seems that the new job is not easy.She quietly pulled her aside and asked, kapok, tell mom, what are you doing now?Kapok smiled slightly and said, "Mom, don't ask me any more. Anyway, I have a monthly income of 1,000 yuan, which is more than before I was laid off. Don't worry about it." Bai Xuemei said, that shop is closed. Kapok said, when I save enough money, I will still open it.But I will certainly not speak to you again.I know that my father thinks that among the children, I am the least promising, not as good as my elder brothers, sisters, or younger brothers.But this time I must let him see that I have the ability to solve my own problems and not cause trouble for him. Bai Xuemei felt a little sad when she heard that.It seems that the children have a kind of resistance and dissatisfaction with their father.She really wanted to explain something to Ou Zhanjun, but she didn't know where to start. At this time, the doorbell rang. The doorbell rings must be the sixth child, only he will never bring the keys of his parents' house. Bai Xuemei opened the door, and it turned out to be old Liu Muxin.Mu Xin called Mom, and hugged her very Westernly.Originally, Mu Xin and his mother were relatively close.Because he is the youngest, he spends the longest time with his mother.But his way of life made Ou Zhanjun very unacceptable, and the father and son had frequent conflicts, so he didn't want to come back.Unless mother calls him. Mu Xin is a very smart kid, he was admitted to university right after graduating from high school.This originally made Ou Zhanjun very proud, but his mind was not on learning. He devoted himself to business in his junior year. He and a classmate shipped a batch of beer from Chengdu to Lhasa, and unexpectedly made a small fortune. His dad was very angry.But he didn't want to repent. After graduation, he simply gave up his original major in chemical analysis and started a company.Over the past ten years, I have been to Shenzhen, Hainan, and Beihai, and have worked in real estate, advertising, and trade, and so on.The real estate company he ran a few years ago finally hit the road and started to make a lot of money. Ou Zhanjun has always blamed himself for not choosing a good name for him, and chose a name with a lot of money. With too much money, marriage becomes a problem.Seeing that he is 35 years old, he is still wandering alone.At that time, the European Zhanjun was 30 years old and still not married. It was because of the revolution, fighting one after another, from east to west, from north to south, and did not care about starting a family.But Mu Xin is not like that.What made Ou Zhanjun even more angry was that he couldn't get married, but his girlfriends kept coming one after another.Unmarried enjoy married treatment.Bai Xuemei had always kept these things from him, but he still knew some of them indirectly, and he was very angry.Now he finally has a regular girlfriend who is 10 years younger than him.Living together every day, there is still no intention of getting married.Once, Mu Xin joked that he and his father were the most similar. Firstly, he got married late, and secondly, he married a woman 10 years younger than himself. Ou Zhanjun was so angry that he almost jumped up and beat him up. After Muxin is Mulan. Mulan was always like that, with an indifferent expression, unable to tell whether she was smiling or not.She called Mom, and then greeted several brothers and sisters one by one, like a master, pouring tea and ashtrays for them.In this regard, she is always thoughtful.She has been like this since she was a child, quietly, it seems that there are not many of her, and there are not many without her. Mu Jun and his wife arrived on time at eight o'clock.The dinner they ate outside was a weekend.Mu Jun did work for his wife during dinner, so Ling Xiaoxi came anyway, and called Mom as usual.This made Bai Xuemei feel more at ease.She immediately asked Xiaofeng if he had a letter?Xiaoxi said yes.What did Bai Xuemei say?Xiaoxi said it was okay.She didn't seem to want to say more, it seemed that she was still angry.In fact, Bai Xuemei also voted for Xiaofeng's going to serve as a soldier in Tibet.But Xiaofeng is not her son after all, it is a generation away, so she understands that her daughter-in-law is angry. Now only the central character Hibiscus is missing. Bai Xuemei was anxious, she was afraid that Mu Jin would not come because of her willfulness, so she ran upstairs and quietly called her.No one picked up, so I guess I've already left the house.She paged her again, urging her to hurry up. Mu Xin was indeed like a businessman. He glanced at his home and felt that the only person who could talk to him about the current economic situation was his eldest brother, who was the Secretary of the Party Committee of Xinguang Electronics Factory. He sat next to his eldest brother and talked about their factory in a few words operating conditions. Mu Jun also told him about the plight of the factory.Mu Xin pondered for a while, and said, if brother can trust me, I can help you think of a way.Mu Jun humbly asked for advice, and the two found a room to discuss in detail. At 8:10, Hibiscus finally arrived. Bai Xuemei breathed a sigh of relief.She knew that being 10 minutes late was within the tolerance range of the European Army. Mu Jin's expression was not as sad or angry as Mulan thought, she was still smiling.Of course, compared to the past, there are some shadows under his eyes after all, and his face is also a bit haggard.It turns out that Hibiscus is the sunshine of this family. As long as she comes back, the faces of my parents will be bright.But now, she had actually cast a cloud over her father's face, and the need for a family meeting had arisen, which none of the sisters expected. Everyone greeted her politely.Her husband, Xiao Zheng, did not come, and as everyone expected, no one asked. Ou Zhanjun came downstairs and took his usual seat in the middle of the living room. The children immediately fell silent, and the family meeting had begun.Although it was more than 10 minutes later than the notification time, the European Zhanjun did not say anything about it.Mu Xin thought, if he was the one who was late, it must be a different scene. Ou Zhanjun cleared his throat, looked around the living room, and said, if all the adults are present in our family, there should be 14, but today there are only 9. Ling Xiaoxi interjected that there should be 15 of them here, and we, Xiaofeng, are considered adults. Ou Zhanjun was stunned for a moment, and then went on to say: Mu Kai and the others stopped talking.Mulan, why didn't Xiao Chen come? Ou Zhanjun calls his sons-in-law always Xiao Chen, Xiao Zheng, and Xiao Jin. Mulan said that he had an operation tonight. Ou Zhanjun frowned: There was also surgery on weekend nights. Mulan didn't explain any more, and she still had that indifferent expression on her face. Ou Zhanjun turned to Mu Jin again and asked, "Where's Xiao Zheng?" Hibiscus said nonchalantly, how do I know. Ou Zhanjun's face pulled down.Bai Xuemei said softly at the side that I didn't notify him.I think it is better for him not to participate this time. Ou Zhanjun thought about it, didn't ask any more questions, and said: 9 are fine, it's also a majority, isn't it?He forced a smile, trying to liven up the atmosphere.But he smiled a little bleakly. Mu Jun wanted to relax the atmosphere, jokingly said that 9 is an odd number, so it is easy to vote.After he finished speaking, he felt a little regretful, and took a look at Mu Jin, but luckily Mu Jin didn't care. Ou Zhanjun continued, "Our family has not had a family meeting for a long time. Since Mu Kai divorced 3 years ago, I want to never have a family meeting again, and I don't care about your business anymore.I'm almost 80 years old.It's time to leave the stage of history. But recently something happened in our family, I said no, I was really sad.I hardly slept last night. Even though the incident happened to you children, I am still responsible. In recent years, I have asked you less... So, I ask you to forgive me. I didn’t mean what I said, and started The family will.I hope you will be patient and give me one more chance to speak. The children felt a little uneasy when they heard what their father said.You look at me, I look at you. Mu Jun first said, Dad, you should criticize and educate us, don't say that. Kapok's husband, Xiao Jin, also said, that is, you educated us for our own good. Others also said, yes, yes, Dad, if you have anything to say, just say it. Only Hibiscus looked away at the calendar on the wall and remained silent. Ou Zhanjun looked at her, silent. Seeing Ou Zhanjun's silence, Bai Xuemei knew that he was restraining himself.This time he needs her to stand up.She then said that she called everyone back today because she had many things to discuss with you.We are such a big family with so many people, we should exchange information from time to time, and you brothers and sisters should also care about each other more.For example, the matter of Kapok being laid off and reemployment, the matter of Mu Xin's business, and the matter of Mu Jin. Everyone was surprised to hear that, even Kapok himself was a little surprised, and exchanged glances with her husband. In fact, the first two things were temporarily added by Bai Xuemei, she wanted to dilute the original theme, and didn't want to embarrass Mu Jin too much.Mu Jin saw her mother's thoughts, and lowered her face that had been turned away. Bai Xuemei said that you may all know about the layoff of kapok.It is not enough for the family of three to rely on Xiaojin's income alone. Kapok said, Mom, didn't I tell you that I found a job. Xiao Jin hurriedly stopped her and said, "Mumian, let mom finish talking." Bai Xuemei said that Kapok and her husband wanted to rent a shop for business.They calculated that they needed 20,000 yuan in funds, but they couldn't make up enough by themselves, and they were short of 10,000 yuan. Bai Xuemei paused for a moment, did not say the 10,000 that she had given them before, and continued: Your father and I felt that this was a way to make a living by ourselves, so we decided to support them with a sum of money.But this money does not belong to me and your father, we have no savings.This money was given to us by you children over the years. I have not used it and saved it. So I think I should tell you, I believe you can understand. Everyone was unprepared for this matter, and looked at each other after hearing what mother said. Ou Zhanjun was also a little surprised, and gave Kapok a dissatisfied look.Kapok sensed it sensitively and said: I don't want it, Mom.I said I don't need it now.Even if I really want to open a store in the future, I will earn enough money by myself, and I don’t need money from my family. Xiao Jin said, look at you, this is all because of my mother's wish. Mulan said, take it if I give it to you, what's the point of betting. Kapok felt that what the second sister said was a bit thorny, and said more firmly, I definitely don't want it.I can earn it myself. Mu Xin couldn't help but say, fifth sister, don't be stubborn, how long will it take you to make enough money with your current earning method?Besides, it makes me sad to see the work you are doing now. Kapok interrupted him: Brother, don't talk. Mu Xin stopped talking.Everyone felt a little strange. It seemed that Kapok was hiding something from his family. Kapok calmed down and said that the year he earns counts as the year.Didn't Dad say that there is no big problem, at least the oxygen is enough to drink. Ou Zhanjun stared: What did you say. Bai Xuemei became more and more worried, and she didn't want to argue about it any longer.She changed the subject and said that what kapok meant was that she could overcome difficulties by herself.But I think our family should help each other.Mu Jun, what do you say? Mu Jun said, Mom, it is right to help Mu Mian.But it shouldn't be up to you old people to take the money.Your life is not rich, you see that you are usually reluctant to eat and wear everything, and you have suffered all your life and have not enjoyed any blessings.我提个建议——木军转头看晓西一眼,又看看弟妹——我们几兄妹每人拿一些钱出来帮助木棉,不要让爸爸妈妈拿了。 木槿首先表示同意,说没意见。 接着是木兰,也说没意见。 只有木鑫不说话。 木军说,小弟,你怎么样。 木鑫笑了笑,说,其实五姐需要的这笔钱,我一个人就可以拿。说句你们不爱听的话,我少办一张会员卡就够了。我早就想帮五姐了。只是爸爸总嫌我的钱不干净,我就不好意思自讨没趣了。 欧战军本来听见几兄妹这么互助还得到几分安慰,听见木鑫的话一下子气起来,说,你以为离了你的钱就不行了吗?你不拿我拿。 木鑫辩解说,我并没有说不拿,我的意思是我一个人拿就行了。 欧战军说:不必,我们看重的不是钱,是情义。 木鑫有些生气地说,难道我就没有情义了吗?我是靠自己的能力挣的钱,又没贪赃又没枉法,就怎么不对了。 欧战军说,你少在外面给我丢人现眼就行了。 白雪梅听出欧战军的意思,说:木鑫,你也顺便把报纸上登的那件事说一下,免得家里人为你担心。 木鑫看他父亲一眼,没好气地说:那消息是弄错了的。那家超市本来就是股份公司,我不过入了股,本来想干好了就全盘过来,后来看看没什么前景,就卖掉股份撤出来了。出事的时候法人早就不是我了,那些记者没调查清楚就乱写,他们报社的头头已经向我道歉了。 不过,即使是真的也没什么大不了,生意上的失败是难免的。谁能保证永远是赢家。 欧战军听了解释,也不再搭理他,转头对其他人说:木棉的事就这么定了,木军,木兰,木槿,木凯,再加上我,每家出一份。 木鑫说,你就忍心要二哥出?他在西藏已经够苦的了。 欧战军说,这不用你操心。 木棉看父亲为她的事和小弟发生冲突,再次说,算了算了,大家的心意我们领了。开铺子的事以后再说。我现在真的有工作,有稳定的收入,爸妈你们不用替我担心。 欧战军不容分说地把手一挥:这件事已经决定就不再谈了,现在讨论下一件事。 气氛一下又紧张起来。 木槿看看大家,笑了一下说,是不是轮到我了?先由本人陈述一下事情的经过。 白雪梅看她一眼,说,木槿,这样的事,你就别再开玩笑了。 木槿说,我开玩笑?我哭都来不及呢。是你们硬要出我的洋相,开什么家庭会议,这和宗法祠堂的堂审有什么区别?这本来是我的隐私,凭什么要摆出来让大家讨论。 木兰没想到木槿一上来口气就这么硬。她想,到底是木槿,换成别人,谁敢。 欧战军瞪着眼说,别动不动就用隐私来掩盖你那些……你那些不好的行为。 他本来想说“丑事”的,终于说不出口。他停顿了一下又说,你看看你把郑伯伯和林阿姨气成什么样子了?两个人都犯病了。哪有你这样做媳妇的。 木槿说,谁叫他那么没出息的?这么大的人了,这种事还要跟父母讲,好像还没长大似的。我这么多年了,有苦有难跟谁说过?我不都是一个人承受的?夫妻间的事就该由夫妻自己解决嘛。 欧战军没想到木槿丝毫不认错,口气还这么冲,火气渐渐上来了:不对!你那些事不仅仅是你们夫妻间的事,它已经超过是非界线了,我们做长辈的有责任管。 木槿也火了,说:管管,就是你管出来的问题。当初要不是你非要我跟他结合,哪会有今天的事。 欧战军愣了一下,说,怎么,你还嫌小郑不好?人家小郑哪点不好?一个党员干部,事业有成,你还要怎么样?而且出了这样的事,人家也没有和你大吵大闹你还想怎么样?不要以为自己是个大学生,是个编辑就不得了了。 木槿脸色煞白,一时说不出话来。 木鑫看不过去了,替姐姐嘟囔说:感情上的事,哪有那么简单。 木兰也说,还是让木槿把话说完吧,她肯定有她的难处。 欧战军一看姊妹们还向着木槿,气得大声吼道:我还没让你们发言呢。 子女们一怔,不再吭声了,但神情显然是不满的。白雪梅没有说话,端起水杯递给欧战军。欧战军接过来,咕噜咕噜地直往下灌,好像在灭火。 白雪梅说:木槿,你爸的意思,不是说你和小郑就不能离婚。真的没有感情也可以离婚,木凯不是离了吗?他只是希望凡事好好商量,别闹不愉快。你爸和小郑他爸,是几十年的老战友了。你要理解你爸的心情。再说小郑也是个老实人,好好商量解决不行吗。 木槿听出母亲是在帮她说话,一种委屈的感觉顿时涌上心头,大滴大滴的眼泪滚出了眼眶,哽咽着说:如果好好商量能解决问题,我哪会拖到今天?他死活不离,难道我就这么被他耽误一辈子?过去我总是替别人想,一忍再忍,现在我要替自己想想了……我才43岁,我还有半辈子要活,我不想这么凑合下去,我也有追求幸福的权利。 木槿的话让一家人都感到惊诧。 白雪梅看着木槿,好一会儿才幽幽地说:其实幸福不幸福,只是一种感觉。并且这种感觉是会变化的。也许你现在觉得你和小郑之间没有感情,将来会有的。 木槿大声说:不。There never will be.我从来就没爱过他。妈,也许你觉得没有爱情也能在一起生活,可是我不行。当初你和爸是因为战争年代,没办法,靠组织介绍,为什么还要在我们这一代身上延续你们的悲剧?我可不想像你那样活一辈子。 欧战军按捺不住地拍了一下桌子:不许这样和你母亲说话!你母亲怎么了?她这辈子怎么了?她比你们谁都活得好,活得清白正直。 木槿忽地一下站了起来,说:爸,妈,对不起了,既然你们要把我叫回来谈这件事,我今天就要把所有的话说出来,我已经憋了很多年了!当初你们只知道按你们的意愿行事,把我许配给他,你们从来就没问过我生活是不是幸福,你们只希望我给你们争光,好让你们在外人面前脸上有光:我们木槿是大学生,我们木槿是编辑,我们木槿的丈夫是处长……你们只盼望我不要出麻烦,不要给你们丢脸,可是你们替我想过吗?你们谁关心过我?这么多年来我到底过的是什么样的生活你们想过吗?我每次回来总是在你们面前强装笑容,可多少次我一个人在家里哭得头痛欲裂,你们有谁知道?现在我终于下决心要开始新生活了,终于下决心改变命运,不管你们是否支持,我的决心都下定了。你们不必费心讨论了,哪怕离婚后的生活是下地狱我也要离。 木槿说完这番话,抓起自己的包拉开门就往外冲。 木军惊慌地跟着站了起来,叫了声“木槿”,不知如何是好。妻子晓西一把将他按回到座位上,自己站起来追出门去。 欧战军完全没有料到女儿会如此刚烈,呆怔在那里,气得大口大口地喘气。白雪梅觉得万箭穿心,女儿的话把她的心搅得鲜血淋漓,她一句话也说不出来,目光呆呆的。 木兰站起来,走过去为父亲和母亲添了些水,同时小声劝慰说:爸,妈,你们别太生气了。木槿她就是这样的,气过了她会认错的。木军也附和道:爸,妈,原谅妹妹吧,她现在情绪不好,说话可能有些过激。木鑫闷头抽烟。尽管他对父亲有一肚子意见,可还从来没把父亲气成这样过。他能把生意上的对手气得上吊,可他从来不敢这样对待父亲。 过了一会儿,晓西把木槿带回屋来了,木槿在剧烈地抽泣着。 欧战军看着她,又看看其他孩子,大家都低头不语。他深深地吸了口气,说,你们好像对我的意见很大。好吧,既然木槿已经开了头,今天你们就把心里话都说出来吧,我保证不发火,保证耐心地听你们说。怎么样,从木军开始。 木军连忙摇头。晓西看他一眼,似乎想说什么,木军拽了一下她的衣襟。 木兰心里笑了一下,想,有什么好说的?说了有什么用。 木棉夫妻俩互相看看,不知所措。木棉知道这样的事,是轮不到他们发言的。他们今天晚上回来完全是应付。木棉想,木槿真是生在福中不知福,自己的工作又体面又有钱,丈夫大小是个官,还想怎么样?要是她也像自己这样下了岗,我看哪还有什么心思谈情说爱。 这时,木鑫按灭了烟头开口说话了。大家都有些意外,但似乎也都有些期盼。木鑫笑笑说,看来哥哥姐姐们都开不了口,那我就来说吧。反正我怎么做爸都不满,索性说出来痛快些。爸,尽管你革命了一辈子,为党和人民立下了汗马功劳,但我要坦率地说一句,你是个自私的人。 木兰心里一惊:这木鑫也来得太猛了。 木军索性叫起来:木鑫,你怎么这么说? . 欧战军沉着地说,让他讲。 木鑫说,大哥,二姐,你们放心,爸已经表态了,今天不发火。爸是老革命,我研究过,老革命和咱们生意人不一样,老革命说话算话。爸,我说的自私,是指你在对待我们子女的问题上。对革命事业你肯定是大公无私的。这么多年来,你不管我们的前途如何想法如何,一切都只从你的立场出发考虑问题。大哥他们就一个孩子,你非要让他进藏当兵,好让你在老战友面前炫耀,你家有三代西藏军人。好让你自豪地对自己说,我这一辈子没有改变,我的儿女们他们也不会改变。 木军无力地说:小峰当兵的事,是他自己提出来的,我也同意的。 木鑫说,大嫂,是这样的吗。 晓西摇摇头,眼圈儿马上红了。 木鑫接着说:我二哥木凯,你宁可让他离婚,也不让他离开西藏,就为了让他继承你的所谓事业。木棉下了岗想开个铺子搞经营,你觉得不光彩不让她开,可你知道她现在在干什么吗?她每天是怎么生活的吗。 木棉制止道,木鑫你不要说。 木鑫顿了一下,说,我只说一句,木棉现在过的是非人的生活。 欧战军说,胡说八道!现在又不是奴隶社会。 木鑫不理他,继续说,现在三姐要离婚,你又觉得给你丢了脸,不问青红皂白就批评就阻拦。我相信三姐离婚肯定有她不得已的理由。 木槿把头深深埋进了手心。 木鑫说,至于我,就更不要说了,怎么做你都不满意。我真不明白,我们党都以经济工作为中心了,你一个老党员怎么就转不过弯来?我每年为国家纳的税比我们全家人的工资加起来还多几百倍。毫不客气地说,爸,国家付给你的养老金,那中间就有我的份子。我怎么就没为国家做贡献了?说到底,就是因为没能替你脸上争光。你最看重的是仕途,惟有做官了你才欣赏,才高兴,才觉得光荣。right?可你知道我们是怎么想的吗?你知道我们到底该怎么活才是我们自己吗?我们——大哥,二姐,三姐,小峰,四哥,五姐,我。do you know?dad. 白雪梅终于忍不住了,叫道:木鑫。 欧战军拦住白雪梅,说,让他往下说。 木鑫看看母亲,说,没有了。 客厅里陷入了沉默。 久久的沉默。 好一会儿,欧战军终于抬起眼来,依次看了看几个孩子,挥挥手说:散会吧。 欧战军经历了第二个不眠之夜。 家庭会议出现这样的结局,是他无论如何也没有料到的。当初老郑来找他告状时,他觉得他出面来管这件事是天经地义的,至少在他们家里是最正常不过的,他当时就跟老郑表态说,他一定要把女儿教育过来。 没料到不但木槿不服他管,别的孩子也对他有这么多的意见。木鑫的话句句都刺在他的心上,让他觉得疼痛难忍,让他觉得呼吸困难。 不是说他受不了批评,不是。而在于这些批评他的人,都是他最爱的孩子。他爱他们,他怎么能不爱他们呢?这六个孩子,每一个孩子都来之不易,每一个孩子的出生成长,都有一段难忘的经历深刻在他记忆中。扪心自问,他对六个孩子都是满意的。即使是老六木鑫,他也知道他在本质上是个好孩子,是个绝顶聪明的孩子,能干上进的孩子。他之所以常常板着脸,只是希望他更好,希望他们更好。 可是孩子们却认为……他自私。 当木鑫说出那样的话时,并没有人出来反驳他。连妻子也没有说话。这是怎么啦。 欧战军觉得自己从来都是一个坚强的人,可今天不知怎么了,心里缠绕着一种无法摆脱的悲伤和沉重。他想是不是自己真的老了?经不住打击了?他这一辈子,从来都活得非常开朗,非常自信,无所畏惧。他为自己具有这些品质而骄傲,为此更加开朗和自信。 但木鑫的话就像一把利剑,忽地挑开了深埋在他开朗自信之下的忧伤,让他忽地感到一种陌生的难过,难过得不能自制。 他真的自私吗?他真的为了自己的名声而不顾孩子们的前程吗。 就说木槿,欧战军一直以为他给她找了一户好人家。老郑夫妇的人品他是非常信得过的,而郑义那个孩子,也是他看着长大的。从部队转业回来后分在市委机关工作,为人诚恳,稳重,又谦虚好学,很快就当上了处长。欧战军一直认为三个女婿里属他最好,还为此感到欣慰。因为木槿的幸福对他来说是非常重要的。要说遗憾的话,那就是小郑的身体不太好。那是从小生活在西藏造成的。按他的想法,木槿应该更加好好地照顾他才是。没想到木槿会这样做。 再说小峰,这孩子是自己提出要进藏当兵的。在这个问题上,欧战军是他坚强的支持者。他确实因此而高兴和自豪,但他是为了自己吗?no. 至于木凯,他们的婚姻出了问题,即便他调回来也未见得能挽回,为什么要为这样一个不愿意和他肩并肩站在一起的女人放弃前途呢?木凯是应当守在那块土地上的。他从祖国那里庄严地领到了那份责任,他领到了就没有理由放弃。而且他相信,没有他这个父亲的支持,他也不会放弃。 木棉当年没考上护校他没去说情,这是他一贯的原则。他的原则和面子没关系。 惟有木鑫,欧战军承认对他有些偏见。可他平时多训他一些,是怕他在生意场上犯错误,那是个容易犯错误的地方。就像一个新兵蛋子,一打起仗来总是不如老兵那么成熟一样。 他们并不懂他,不真懂。 欧战军大睁着眼睛平躺在那儿,他睡不着时,从不翻来覆去,只是悄无声息地躺着。 他又想到了妻子。看得出妻子今天也很难过,不知她心里怎么想的。她难道也同意孩子们的看法?no, I can not.她今天没有说太多的话,是不希望自己和孩子们搞僵。但他还是有些埋怨妻子。妻子应当明确无误地站在他这一边,因为在这个世界上,除了她,还有谁能分担他心底的痛苦和沉重的往事呢。 这么想的时候,欧战军又觉得自己不对,怎么能这样想呢?难道自己对妻子不满吗?没有,他从来没有对妻子有过一丁点儿不满。如果有不满,那也是对生活的不满。不不,他对生活也没有不满,他知足。回想这一辈子,他没有什么遗憾。他戎马生涯一辈子,还拥有了一个好妻子。那是生命中惟一长久地站在他身边的那个人,是不用看也知道她在那里的人,是在最困难的时候也会坚定信赖着的人。他永远心疼她,像丈夫对妻子般的心疼,像兄长对小妹般的心疼,甚至像父亲对女儿般的心疼。妻子跟着自己过的这几十年,吃了许多苦,却没有任何怨言,还给自己生养了那么多孩子,让他们欧家有着如此旺盛的血脉。 可是今天怎么了?为什么他的心里总是充满忧伤。 欧战军听见妻子坐起身来,拧亮了台灯。他问,你也睡不着吗。 白雪梅说:我看,有些事,该告诉孩子们了。 欧战军说,为什么。 白雪梅说,不然的话,他们有太多的误解。 欧战军转过头来说,是不是你也认为他们说的有道理。 白雪梅说,不,我不是那个意思。我只是希望,他们能理解你,理解我们。 欧战军固执地说,难道他们知道了过去那些事情,就能理解我们吗?不,他们根本理解不了。顿了一下他又说,我也不需要他们理解。 白雪梅说,我需要。 欧战军不满地翻了个身,面朝墙壁,重复道:我不需要。 一夜忧伤之后,欧战军照常迎来了黎明。 尽管一夜未合眼,欧战军还是准时起来了。几十年来,无论什么情况,欧战军从没有在床上耽搁过。 一出小楼,他就以急行军的速度开始步行。这并不是他有意为之,实在是除了这种步伐,他走不出其他步伐。干休所的大门外,是一条新修的公路。清晨的时候还算清静,他就沿着这条路往西走,也就是往城外走,他很喜欢这条路。喜欢的原因,是因为这条路通向一个路口。路口上有个路牌,路牌上写着四个让他永远心动的大字。每次他都会在那个路牌下站一会儿,然后再返回。这时候正好是中央人民广播电台的新闻和报纸摘要节目的时间,他就打开手上的小收音机开始听新闻。回到干休所正好听完。 Every day. 因为是星期六,干休所的院子里还冷清着。一些和欧战军有着同样习惯的老头们已经起来了,欧战军和他们打过招呼,大步流星地出了院门,走上那条已走过上千遍的公路。与往常不同的是,他觉得今天有些头昏。但他没当回事,他很信任自己的身体。 呼吸着郊外新鲜的空气,欧战军想起了50年前。那时候他们刚从北方进入四川,对四川那湿润的空气、那冬天也绿着的田野十分欣喜。记得当时他带着部队去川南小城驻扎,一路上战士们高兴得跟什么似的,对将要在天府之国安营扎寨感到无限欣喜。可是几天后,他们还没来得及走到目的地,任务就突然改变了。他们没能留在天府之国,而是奉命去了西藏。 就是从这条路开始,他们踏上了进军西藏的艰难道路。 西藏,这片神秘的土地,这个真正的天堂,欧战军无论如何没想到自己这辈子会和它结下不解之缘。在他的生命里,西藏的风是香的,西藏的水是甜的,西藏的雪是洁白无瑕的,西藏的山是顶天立地的。他的血液中还流淌着藏族人民的鲜血,他是西藏的义子啊。 当然,因为他,他的妻子和孩子们,也和西藏结下了不解之缘。想到妻子和孩子,他心里又沉沉的。妻子说,有些事情,该告诉孩子们了。也许妻子是对的,告诉了他们,他们就不会有那样多的抱怨了,用妻子的话说,就可以理解他们了。But. 告诉了他们,他们就真的能理解吗。 半小时后,欧战军走到了路口,他又站在了那个路牌下面。公路上,一辆辆汽车飞驰而过,没人注意到这个在清晨孤独行走的老头。他抬起头来,望着蓝色牌子上四个白色的大字:川藏公路,心里又抑制不住地激动起来。 他太熟悉这条路了,他知道这条路上的每一座城市,每一个小镇,每一座山,每一条河,甚至每一座桥,每一棵树。邛崃,名山,雅安,天全,康定,道浮,炉霍,甘孜,然后就进入了青藏高原,进入了那片广袤而又神秘的高地。他怎能不熟悉这一切呢?他是一步一个脚印走过去的呀。跑马山,二郎山,折多山,雀儿山,瓦合山,丹达山,怒贡拉山……无数座终年积雪的高山,也是他们一步一步翻越过去的呀。在这通向天堂的漫漫旅途中,有着他多少刻骨铭心的记忆啊。 每次看到这个路牌,他就会想到一串数字,4963。这不是一串普通的数字,这是当年修筑川藏公路时,牺牲在这条路上的官兵的数字。他们是他的战友,他的兄弟。是这4963条生命,以及无数人的鲜血和汗水,铺就了这条通向世界屋脊的道路。 难道孩子们知道了这一切,就能理解他和他们吗?He wasn't sure. 但他此刻多么希望孩子们能在他的身边,和他一起仰望这路牌,多希望再次从这里出发,走向那个他灵魂中的天堂。 欧战军忽然感到呼吸困难,头昏得更厉害了。他默默地转身,返回。他的行进速度一下慢了许多。他想可能是一夜没睡的原因。他头一回吃力地、缓慢地走回家。 回家的路很长。似乎比走进西藏的路还要漫长。 早饭后欧战军坐下来看报,白雪梅给他泡了杯茶,然后也在一旁坐下看报。按以往的习惯,她上午是要出门的,去
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