Home Categories contemporary fiction SARS crisis

Chapter 14 Chapter Fourteen

SARS crisis 柳建伟 11556Words 2018-03-18
At 8:30 in the morning, Ding Meiling and Wu Dong appeared in Yulin Experimental Primary School in Shizhong District wearing isolation gowns.Ding Meiling also had some selfishness in choosing this school for interviews.She hoped that Zhang Chunshan could see the situation of his grandson Hu Jun on the Pingyang news program in the evening. The old academician cared most about this little grandson.What's more, she also wants to see two elementary school classmates who teach in this elementary school. The situation in the school was beyond their expectation, 60% to 70% of the students did not attend school.Walking outside the classroom of Class 1, Grade 5 on the second floor of the teaching building, Ding Meiling heard the conversation between the teacher and the students.This teacher named Wang Xiaoqin had been at the same table with Ding Meiling for three years in elementary school.

Wang Xiaoqin said, "SARS is indeed a big disaster for China, but if we work together to defeat SARS, our China will be stronger. Next, please Hu Jun and Zhou Xiaoya use the words 'if... ...just...' Make a few sentences and start." Hu Jun said, "Without the weakness of sheep, the ferocity of tigers and wolves cannot be shown." Zhou Xiaoya said, "If there were no stones in the mountain stream, the stream would not be able to sing such a beautiful song." Hu Jun said, "If China doesn't have two bombs and one satellite, it won't be a powerful country."

Zhou Xiaoya said, "You talk about war all day long, I don't like it. If there is no brilliance of the sun, the moon will become dark in our eyes." Hu Jun snorted with his nose, "It's boring! It's not flowers, it's the stars and the moon. If the United States didn't have 100% air supremacy, Saddam wouldn't have been beaten to death." Both Wang Xiaoqin and Ding Meiling couldn't help laughing. Wang Xiaoqin stared at Ding Meiling standing at the door for a while, and said in surprise, "Could it be... there is SARS in the school... You are Meiling!" and ran towards the door.

"Don't come!" Ding Meiling hurriedly stopped, "We are fully armed, because we are afraid that we will pollute your pure land. You have been running on the front line these days, so you have to be careful. Xiaoqin, why are there only two students?" Hu Jun shouted, "Auntie, they are all cowards!" Wang Xiaoqin said, "Don't talk nonsense! Since the 21st, more and more students have been absent from class. Yesterday there were 19 students, and today there are only two left. I heard that they were all scared by the rumors of the closure of the city. If so , might as well suspend classes."

Ding Meiling said, "It's really unexpected." Wang Xiaoqin said, "There are so many unexpected things! I read the newspaper a few days ago and saw an old lady in Guangzhou who bought two hundred catties of salt at a high price during the SARS outbreak in Guangzhou. My parents still laughed. Today, this kind of thing happened to me. It’s done. Before class, my mother called me and instructed me to buy ten catties of salt, five catties of oil, one bag of rice, one bag of noodles, and five Chinese cabbages today. You say this is ridiculous.” Ding Meiling realized that panic buying was inevitable, she sighed helplessly, and said, "Hu Jun, Hu Jun, stand next to Mr. Wang, and tell your grandfather, uncle, father, and mother in front of this uncle's camera. A few words. They miss you very much, but they can't go home to see you. Well, you can talk."

Hu Jun coughed pretentiously, and said to the camera, "Father, mother, grandfather, uncle, hello. I am doing well at school, and Sister Xiaoyingzi is doing well at home with me. Please don't worry about it." We. Both of us can eat and sleep. I can see Uncle and Grandpa on TV every day, and you still look the same. Dad was also on TV twice, and I saw them, although you are dressed like Auntie Gown, I still recognize you, and you look the same. I haven’t seen my mother for a long time, and I miss you. What’s the matter? By the way. Uncle, the Iraq war is getting uglier, starting from today , I will no longer report news about Saddam to you. You don’t have to give the 20 yuan anymore. Well, of course, if you need to know what new progress is made in the anti-SARS war every day, we can continue to cooperate I don't think you have time to watch TV. I still want to earn 20 yuan a day. Auntie, what else should I say? When you are broadcasting on TV, help me cut some nonsense. Auntie suddenly I interviewed me in time, and I was not prepared. Also, when it will be broadcast, please call my family.”

Several adults were amused by Mr. Hu's seriousness and laughed.After chatting a little more, Ding Meiling and Wu Dong hurried out of Yulin Primary School and went straight to the largest chain supermarket in Pingyang City. Because the Pingyang Municipal Government had made various preparations, took appropriate measures, and timely publicity and reporting, the rush to buy only lasted for two and a half days before it subsided completely.In the extreme panic, the citizens spent more than 300 million yuan in two or three days, and they did not buy out the shelves of the shopping malls, nor did they buy up the prices.The City Anti-SARS Leading Group used this language to comment on the panic buying in the briefing to the Provincial Anti-SARS Leading Group: "Pingyang citizens have a savings balance of more than 86 billion yuan, and within three days they have put out three There is no risk that 800 million will be used for consumption of daily necessities. It can be said that the negative impact of this panic buying is not great. Objectively, it has played a role in alleviating the fear of SARS among the masses. In addition, for three consecutive days The number of confirmed cases of SARS in Pingyang City has remained in single digits, so it can be said that the epidemic prevention work in Pingyang City has basically passed the most dangerous period."

Quarantine is just as scary as it sounds.When Wu Dong pointed the camera lens at the quarantine area, he found that the scene he saw was no different from that of ordinary life.The college students living in the quarantine area of ​​Jingyuan have become calm and calm. Some play basketball, some surf the Internet, some watch DVDs, some read books.The only restriction they have is that they cannot cross the yellow separation line. Before entering the isolation area of ​​the Red Building, Ding Meiling took a Nokia MMS mobile phone she had just bought from a store out of her bag and held it in her hand.

After Wu Dong set up the machine in Zhang Yi's isolation room, Ding Meiling handed the MMS mobile phone to Zhang Yi and said, "Your grandpa misses you very much, and he wants to know how you are doing every day. This is what he gave you. Bought an MMS mobile phone." Zhang Yi was very happy, and quickly looked at the new mobile phone from left to right, "It's so beautiful! Please tell my grandpa, thank him. Hey, my grandpa doesn't even have a mobile phone himself. How can he see what I'm doing?" ?” Ding Meiling said, "You can send it to your father, or you can send it to me. Your father, your grandfather and I work and rest in Jinhe Hotel, and we can see each other every day."

Zhang Yi looked at Ding Meiling and smiled, "Thank you too. I don't know what to call you. Obviously I can't call you Sister Meiling. Let's call you Auntie Ding, I'm afraid I will call you old. This matter Son, it's quite difficult." Ding Meiling blushed and said, "Just call me Meiling." Zhang Yi, "That's okay. I didn't expect you to be very courageous.... Indeed, my views on beautiful reporters and hostess have fundamentally changed these days. Before, I always regarded you as..." Ding Meiling smiled with her eyes, "Say it, don't underestimate my psychological endurance."

Zhang Yi said, "It's a vase to attract men's attention. Sorry, I'm too straightforward." Ding Meiling smiled again, "It's okay." Zhang Yi said, "Mr. Cameraman, can you please step aside for a moment, I want to speak to Meiling alone." Wu Dong said, "Don't move around, don't paint." As he spoke, the man stepped out. Zhang Yi said, "My dad is very discerning and young at heart. Don't... my dad divorced my mom, and I voted for it. I want to ask: When do you and my dad plan to get married?" Ding Meiling hesitated and did not answer. Zhang Yi looked at Ding Meiling in surprise, and murmured, "Did I make a wrong judgment? Please forgive me if I made a wrong judgment." Ding Meiling sighed, "Before SARS came, we talked about getting married this year. Now, it's hard to talk about it..." Zhang Yi screamed, "What?" Ding Meiling said, "There is an old saying: If you often walk by the river, how can you not get your shoes wet? Occupation and responsibility have determined that your father and I must stick to the first and second lines of fighting against SARS... In case we Which one is infected, and unfortunately it becomes that few percent... Sorry, I shouldn't say such things..." Zhang Yi said, "This is the truth." Suddenly, someone in the red building played the guitar and sang a popular song "At Least You" with changed lyrics: "I'm afraid it's too late, I want to infect you until your throat has traces of dry cough, until you The high fever can't subside until you can't breathe, let's isolate together..." The boy's voice was desolate, high-pitched, and a little hoarse, which sounded strange. Ding Meiling smiled and said, "The word is well changed. It's a little self-abuse, a little selfish, and a little cute. It can be regarded as a kind of love during the SARS period. Maybe he has lost love?" Zhang Yi said, "I heard that it is true. It is said that his girlfriend flew back to Shanghai the same day when she heard that someone in his dormitory was infected with SARS. In the past two days, he sang many songs differently." The boy's melancholy singing sounded again, "Come with me, set off now, the dream has awakened, and the heart will not be afraid. There is a place, that is Everest, there is no SARS, no intimidation, drink some mountain breeze, eat some Ice slag, no disinfection, no mouth covering, live for ten years, and be promoted to lama." Wu Dong opened the door and came in, "Have you finished your whisper? Ding Meiren, how about recording a song by him? The love song in the quarantine area during the SARS period is interesting." Ding Meiling said, "I think it's better for us to feast our ears. We still need to cheer up and cheer up." The boy played a long prelude on the guitar, and then sang: "When did the SARS virus end, and how much do the patients know? The small building was closed again last night, and the hometown can't bear to look back. The peony and begonia should still be there, but I just don't want to pick them up." .Ask how much you can worry about, and I am most afraid of being taken away due to suspected SARS.” The boy sang the last two lines three times, and he sang it in a very emotional way, which was very contagious.The three people in this room couldn't be happier anymore.When Zhang Yi officially accepted the interview, her smile was gone, and the corners of her eyes and brows were full of sadness.Before Ding Meiling left, Zhang Yi said, "I heard from my aunt that Yuanyuan is still in danger, so I am very worried... If you have a chance to see her in the ward, please take a photo of her and send it to me. I want to see Look at her." Ding Meiling returned to the Jinhe Hotel, and hurriedly dubbed the tape with the footage of Zhang Yi and Hu Jun on a home tape, and showed it to Zhang Chunshan. After reading it, Zhang Chunshan said with a smile: "Family and everything is going well! It seems like a good idea for you to put a gift of several thousand yuan in my name. It seems that I have to prepare a gift worth more than ten thousand yuan. Here is a gift for you. Hu Jun is a little boy, like a little adult, he really loves Sharen." Ding Meiling said with a smile, "Then I made money again." Zhang Chunshan also laughed and said, "I can't let you pay the real compensation, can I?" The two were talking when Ding Meiling's cell phone rang. It was her third brother Ding Guochang calling. Ding Guochang asked Ding Meiling to go out for a while. The two brothers and sisters stood five or six meters away from each other through the yellow isolation tape in front of No. 4 building. Ding Meiling asked, "Is there anything I can't say on the phone?" Ding Guochang said, "I said on the phone, how can I have fun when I meet?" He said, and took off the mask. Ding Meiling said, "Third brother, put it on quickly." Ding Guochang put on the mask reluctantly, "I want you to see my expression. Academician Zhang said on TV that you don't need to wear a mask for outdoor activities. Meiling, all the medicines are sold out." Ding Meiling said lightly, "Don't worry about it anymore." Ding Guochang stretched out a hand and said, "Meiling, apart from our 100,000 yuan capital, I made a net profit of this amount. I discussed with your sister-in-law and I will give you 100,000 yuan. Can you go home for dinner tonight? I so I can give you the money." Ding Meiling looked around subconsciously, "Don't talk about the money! Who knows if I'm infected or not? Besides, how busy I am, why should I go back to eat this meal? Go back." Ding Guochang scratched his head, "The family banquet to celebrate our small family's entry into a well-off society always looks dull without you as the number one hero. Meiling, you have gained another heroine's name in our Jiangyin Street. Mom said that when she went to the toilet in the morning, someone gave her the latrine. You see, you can't go back, it's really a fly in the ointment." Ding Meiling said a few perfunctory words, and walked into Building No. 4. At three o'clock in the afternoon, Hu Jianfeng led 30 transfer team members wearing isolation suits and entered the Pingyang Railway Station.In order to prevent the incident from causing a big panic, the two vans in which the members of the transfer team drove directly onto the platform.Chen, the deputy head of the train station, had already been waiting there. When Deputy Station Master Chen saw dozens of people wearing isolation suits getting off the train, his expression turned pale, and he asked, "Director Hu, are you transporting SARS patients by train?" Hu Jianfeng said sternly, "SARS patients are treated on the spot, so don't guess. We have so many people here, we don't want to waste your time. Don't worry, there is only one patient." Deputy Station Master Chen said, "Director Hu, within an hour, there were six trains passing by Pingyang, and one train departing from Pingyang to Nanjing. There were a lot of people... Let them see so many people wearing isolation suits, I'm afraid Isn’t it good? Or, your people get in the car first and drive over there to avoid it... The day before yesterday, a passenger coughed, and the whole waiting room was in chaos, crushing and injuring two people..." Hu Jianfeng said, "It's a lesbian after all, think carefully. All right. Where is the house we use?" Deputy Station Master Chen showed a smile, "I'm building a plank for you. The trains departing from Beijing in the afternoon all arrive at night. There is a plank, so you can lie down for a while if you're sleepy." Hu Jianfeng said, "Thank you." Turning around, he told everyone, "Get in the car first, and drive over there to hide for a while. Indeed, at first glance, there are white flowers, which is really scary. Stationmaster Chen, I remember that two of you came out. Station." Deputy Station Master Chen said, "On the 22nd of last month, the south exit of the station was closed. Now, infrared thermometers are installed at the entrance and exit of the station. It can be found on the Internet. Yesterday, fifty-four passengers with fever were found." At half past four, a train from Beijing to Guangzhou came into the station.Thirty people armed with infrared thermometers boarded the bus to check the body temperature of each passenger. They did not find Wang Fugui, nor did they find any other patients with fever.Although the transfer team declared that this was a routine inspection as soon as they got on the bus, it still caused panic among the passengers on the bus.Things like heart attacks and pants peeing happened. Hu Jianfeng immediately dialed Zhang Baoguo's cell phone, "Brother, this method doesn't work. As soon as we got on the bus, everyone on the bus was frightened. There will be seven more trains until twelve o'clock in the evening. Don't let people miss you." Come on, the rumors are flying around." Zhang Baoguo said over there, "It can't be all withdrawn. Shangyi County found ten people who knew Wang Fugui, and these people could arrive at the train station around five o'clock. Some temperature measuring instruments are not stable enough to Trust the instruments completely. You put the ten guys in place." Hu Jianfeng asked, "What if he takes a car? What if he gets off early?" Zhang Baoguo said, "The long-distance bus station has also been arranged. Will he get off the bus early? That's a problem. It's a real problem. You can arrange it and come back to discuss it." Nearly a hundred people blocked the traffic arteries in Pingyang for a full 24 hours, but no trace of Wang Fugui was found.Shangyi County reported that Wang Fugui did not return home either.The Beijing side called back and said: Wang Fugui must have left Beijing.Things are at an impasse. At half past six in the evening, Gu Changhong, Secretary of the Shangyi County Party Committee, walked into Building No. 3 of Jinhe Hotel.As soon as he saw Gu Changhong, Wang Changhe was full of sarcasm, "Gu Changhong, Gu Changhong, Shangyi County has won the first place in the country. Congratulations! Wang Fugui has been crawling on the scaffolding in the capital for several years. His skills are really good!" Yeah, climbed down eight floors and evaporated." Gu Changhong said with shame on his face, "It's because we didn't do our job well." Wang Changhe asked, "What do you think should be done?" Zhang Baoguo hurriedly said, "Mayor, don't worry. Wang Fugui ran away from the hospital and has nothing to do with Changhong and the others. Changhong, are you sure you can catch him as soon as he enters Shangyi? Six districts and four counties Among them, only your Shangyi and Xinru counties have no cases." Gu Changhong breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly stated, "Mayor and Secretary Wang please rest assured. Keeping the record of zero cases in Shangyi is the common wish and fundamental interest of the 570,000 people in the county. You can catch him if you enter the territory of Shangyi, but I can guarantee that after he enters Shangyi, no one from Shangyi will approach him." Wang Changhe said, "That's right. I heard that several roads have been cut off in your place. Is there such a thing?" Gu Changhong said, "There is such a thing. After we found out, we stopped it immediately. Now the roads in and out of Shangyi are unimpeded." Wang Changhe said, "You said no one from Shangyi would approach him, isn't that too absolute?" Gu Changhong replied carefully, "We implemented the epidemic prevention work in the county according to the regulations and rules issued by the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The epidemic prevention work in the countryside was arranged according to the requirements of the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Municipal Anti-SARS Office. In addition, we also thought of some new ways.” Zhang Baoguo was very interested, "What method? How effective is it?" Gu Changhong looked at Zhang Baoguo, then at Wang Changhe, "This is a method first thought up by the masses. We see that it is really effective, so we will promote it in the whole county below. The specific method is called: Natural Village Defense War. Every natural village, village There are checkpoints at the entrances. Anyone who enters the village from the outside must have their body temperature checked and must be disinfected. People who live in the village leave the village and then return to the village, or migrant workers must go home in the wild outside the village. I lived in the isolation room I built for 14 days. I don’t know if it’s appropriate to do this, but I did it after seeing it works. So, I really hope that Wang Fugui can get home earlier. In this way, the chance of him infecting people will be reduced. Much less." Wang Changhe nodded, "Sounds good. Baoguo, I'll go see it tomorrow. If the method is indeed feasible and the masses support it, you can report it to the province and suggest that it be promoted across the province." Zhang Baoguo said, "The mayor's consideration is very thorough, and I also think this method is good. What's urgent is, where is this Wang Fugui now?" Gu Changhong said, "I went to Wang Fugui's house this morning, and only then did I know that Wang Fugui's younger sister, Wang Yingzi, is working as a nanny at your house." Zhang Baoguo was taken aback, "So it's Yingzi's brother! I've met this young man once, he's quite an honest person, how could he do such a thing?" Gu Changhong said, "It may be related to his marriage. Wang Fugui talked about a girlfriend, and the girlfriend's parents did not agree with this marriage. The girl is quite handsome, and she is quite satisfied with Wang Fugui. The girl's father Mom thought of a way to make Wang Fugui quit in spite of the difficulties." Wang Changhe asked, "What method?" Gu Changhong said, "Let Wang's family build a two-story building and pay another 20,000 yuan to marry her. Therefore, Wang Fugui went to Beijing to work." Zhang Baoguo suddenly realized, "No wonder Xiaoyingzi came out to work before graduating from junior high school. These two projects probably cost 40,000 to 50,000 yuan. How much money can the brother and sister earn a year by working part-time?" Gu Changhong said, "Wang Fugui is very smart. He does technical work and can earn several thousand dollars a month. Listening to Wang Fugui's mother, they hope to marry this daughter-in-law back home by the end of this year. The end of the lunar calendar is the deadline given by the woman's family. In order to earn the huge sum of money one day earlier, last fall, Wang Fugui's father also went out to work." Wang Changhe nodded, "This family is okay and can do things well. But this Wang Fugui got SARS, and the country paid for your treatment. What a fart you are. This escape is illegal. Baoguo, is he breaking the law? gone?" Zhang Baoguo said, "According to the interpretation of a law that was just promulgated, he did break the law. Changhong, I still don't understand why he came back." Gu Changhong said, "Things went wrong. The son of a pigskin business owner fell in love with this girl. About two months ago, the girl's parents gave the Wang family an ultimatum: I can't see the building before the Dragon Boat Festival." Xiaolou, this marriage is considered dirty. A month ago, this girl suddenly disappeared. People in the Wang family got the news that this girl came to Pingyang." Wang Changhe asked, "Has this girl changed her mind?" Gu Changhong said, "Wang Fugui's mother said that this is probably the case. I didn't want to understand how Wang Fugui knew this news in Beijing." As soon as he said this, Governor Guo Huaidong called Zhang Baoguo away. At half past eight in the evening, Zhang Baoguo returned to Jinhe Hotel and told his father and Ding Meiling about Wang Changhe. Zhang Chunshan thought for a while and said, "It is estimated that Xiaoyingzi met this girl and told Wang Fugui about it." Zhang Baoguo immediately dialed the phone number of his father's home in Academician Building, and after listening for a while, he said, "Why is there no one at home! It's almost nine o'clock, why aren't they home?" Ding Meiling yelled, "Oops! Will Xiaoyingzi take Xiaojun to see her brother? To see this Wang Fugui?" Zhang Baoguo called again, but still no one answered. Zhang Chunshan said, "Meiling's analysis makes sense. Xiaoyingzi and Junjun didn't know that Wang Fugui was a SARS patient. Xiaoyingzi is a well-behaved child, and usually doesn't bring people home. Besides, there are checkpoints at the entrance of the community." , Wang Fugui can't get in either." Ding Meiling was dying of anxiety, "Xiao Jun is infected, what should I do?" Zhang Baoguo said, "I'll go back and have a look." Zhang Chunshan said, "You are the mayor, and you have to deal with big things. What are you doing when you go back?" Zhang Baoguo said, "Arresting Wang Fugui is also a big deal." Zhang Chunshan was dissatisfied, "Zhuge Liang died early because he did everything by himself and refused to trust others. Can't Meiling and I do this? Your hair should also be trimmed. In extraordinary times, you should pay more attention to your own health." Image. Meiling, take two sets of clean isolation suits and let’s go. Baoguo, it’s nothing serious, just go to bed. If the two children are bored at home, go for a walk and alarm the mayor, okay? "After finishing speaking, go out first. Ding Meiling made a face at Zhang Baoguo, and hurriedly followed him out. Wang Yingzi was looking for Hu Jun upstairs and downstairs one by one. Zhang Chunshan and Ding Meiling wore isolation suits, masks and protective glasses, and opened the door fully armed and came in. Wang Yingzi stood on the stairs and asked in a trembling voice, "Who are you?" Zhang Chunshan said, "I am grandpa. What did you do just now? You have to tell the truth." Wang Yingzi then walked down the stairs and whispered, "I, I'm going to see my brother..." "Ah!" Ding Meiling exclaimed, "Wang Fugui is really in Pingyang! Do you know that your brother got SARS in Beijing?" Wang Yingzi shook his head, "I don't know." Zhang Chunshan asked, "What did your brother tell you to do?" Wang Yingzi said, "My brother only has a few dollars left, and he wants me to give him two hundred dollars... Did he really have SARS?" Ding Meiling said, "He escaped from a hospital in Beijing, did you know that? Your brother has broken the law! Where did you meet? Tell me in detail." Wang Yingzi said with tears, "I just took a look at him from afar...he didn't let me approach him...I put a stone on the edge of a flower bed in the park by the river...he let me come back ...He's coughing...I've said it all...My brother's girlfriend is with someone else...Okay...A few days ago, a fellow villager saw her with a man...Brother called, I will call He said... He came back and wanted to ask why Chunmei lied to him... He said that he left Beijing by car first, and took a train to a county town... He got off the car before arriving in Pingyang... and took a car again... In the car, more than 3,000 yuan of his money was stolen. That's all I know." Ding Meiling jumped anxiously, "Father, what do you think Wang Fugui will do?" Zhang Chunshan said, "I'm afraid he can do anything. Yingzi, do you know where your brother's girlfriend is?" Wang Yingzi said, "My fellow villager said that she and the son of the pigskin owner were selling clothes and leather shoes in the front room of the Yanlinghe shopping mall. They bought a unit in the Yihe community... I have never seen them. Listen. I can't help but believe what the fellow said. My brother, my father, and I have suffered so much for her, how can she change her mind just by saying it? I didn't even go to high school, and I came out to work, isn't it just for the sake of breakfast Marry her as a sister-in-law? Why doesn't she count what she says?" Zhang Chunshan asked, "Do you know what their names are?" Wang Yingzi nodded, "I know. The man's name is Pei Yongchun, and the woman's name is Dong Chunmei." Zhang Chunshan looked at Xiaoyingzi sympathetically, and sighed, "I really don't know what to say." He picked up the phone and dialed Zhang Baoguo's cell phone, "Baoguo, I found out that Wang Fugui is in Pingyang. Yingzi gave He has two hundred dollars. He escaped from the hospital with a strong purpose. I don’t think he will go to crowded places. Immediately control the Yihe community and Yanlinghe shopping mall, find a man and a woman, and protect them Get up. The man's name is Pei Yongchun, and the woman's name is Dong Chunmei. Dong Chunmei is Wang Fugui's girlfriend, and now she's with Pei Yongchun, the son of Boss Pei. Hurry up! This Wang Fugui may have murderous intentions. Don't Asked. Hurry! Don't forget, he is a SARS patient!" Wang Yingzi widened his eyes and asked, "Grandpa, do you think my brother will kill people?" Ding Meiling said, "Do you think he dare not?" Wang Yingzi's face turned pale, "I understand. I remember an old saying: the hatred of killing one's father and the hatred of taking one's wife are irreconcilable." Zhang Chunshan suddenly remembered that half an hour ago, Mr. Hu was not at home, so he would not fall asleep so quickly.He asked anxiously, "Where's Junjun? You didn't take him out, did you?" Wang Yingzi said in a timid voice, "No. I was looking for him when you entered the door. He said he would sleep while watching TV. I... I will go upstairs to see if he has rolled out of bed." Said Then, quickly ran up the stairs. Zhang Chunshan and Ding Meiling looked at each other, neither of them was in the mood to talk. Wang Yingzi hurried down with a piece of paper, "Grandpa, grandpa, Junjun said he went to see you." Zhang Chunshan took the white paper and saw it said, "Sister, I miss my grandfather, father and uncle. I'm going to the hotel to see them. If they don't send me back, I will stay in the hotel. The food in the hotel is good." have eaten." Ding Meiling let out a long breath, "This little guy..." Zhang Chunshan said with a serious expression, "Yingzi, there are two things that you must do as I ask. First, if your brother calls again, you must first ask him where he is, whether he asks you for money or not. You have to say that you want to see him, and then you call us right away. Second, you stay by the phone and wait until we find Junjun before you go to sleep. In addition, when Junjun comes back, you call us right away Telephone." The two walked out of the academician building and drove back to the hotel.When I arrived at the gate of the hotel, I happened to meet Hu Jianfeng and six transfer team members going to Yihe Community to catch Wang Fugui. Ding Meiling opened the car window and stuck her head out and said loudly, "Have you seen Mr. Hu? He said he came to the hotel." Hu Jianfeng also opened the car window and said, "I didn't see it. Dad, Dong Chunmei and Pei Yongchun have been found. The Hedong Public Security Bureau sent four people to protect them. Hu Jun will be fine. When he was seven years old, he was alone. Take the bus to and from school." Zhang Chunshan said, "If Xiaojun calls you, don't forget to tell us. Tell the comrades in the Public Security Bureau that you must wear a double-layer mask to avoid infection." Ding Meiling said worriedly, "Xiaojun is not yet eleven years old, and he never said he would come to a hotel before... nothing will happen, right?" Hu Jianfeng said, "It's almost 1.5 meters, he's a big kid, no problem. Dad, let's go." Zhang Chunshan and Ding Meiling searched around the hotel, but did not find Hu Jun.The two became anxious again. At this time, Hu Jun was behind a cypress tree on the left outside the gate of the Municipal Infectious Disease Hospital. He put on a white cloth hat and a white coat that had just been cut short at home with scissors. An armed police soldier.The idea of ​​going to the hospital to see his mother has tormented him for many days.As long as you can sneak into this gate, you can see your mother.Hu Jun was a little excited.Seeing the submachine gun on the guard's back, Hu Jun's heart couldn't help but thump.The American special forces went to the hospital in Basra to rescue the female soldier Lynch. They had Apache helicopters and light and heavy weapons. I only had the white coat and white hat that my mother kept at home. Can I get in?Hu Jun felt his legs go weak.After observing for a while, Hu Jun found that the guards did not check the IDs of the people entering and leaving, and became bolder again.After a while, an ambulance drove over.Two men in white coats came out of the guard room with sprayers on their backs to disinfect the ambulance.Hu Jun bit the bullet and walked towards the gate, leaning against the right side of the ambulance, and walked inside with his head down.His head felt numb, and he moved forward like a puppet... As he moved, his legs began to feel weak again, and he couldn't control himself.He had to sit on the edge of a flower bed nearby. Hu Jun took a few breaths, and slowly turned his head to look back. He had already left the hospital gate far behind.He raised his arm, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and continued walking towards the inpatient department. There were no armed police soldiers with guns guarding the door of the inpatient building, only people in white coats hurried in and out.Hu Jun entered the hall on the first floor smoothly.There was no one at the elevator door, but Hu Jun walked towards the stairs.He used to come to this building often and knew that as long as there was no power, almost no one went up and down the stairs.Go up the stairs with the least risk of being caught by adults.Because the time for changing shifts had already passed, Hu Jun walked through the semi-polluted area without encountering a single doctor or nurse.In front, only a glass sliding door remained.Thinking of seeing his mother soon, Hu Jun felt his heart beating again.Hu Jun knew that the nurse's duty room was originally located in the fifth and fifth rooms.Later, after the infectious disease hospital was converted into a SARS hospital, the duty room on the fifth floor was moved to Room 517, but Hu Jun did not get this information.Seeing the timing, Hu Jun opened the glass sliding door, and rushed to the Wuwu gate in a few steps.Before the nurse from the fifth and sixth rooms opposite came out, he successfully entered the fifth and fifth rooms and closed the door again. "Mom!" Hu Jun yelled, took off the mask, and yelled again, "Mom..." stood there dumbfounded. Zhou Haitao's head was wrapped in a bandage, and his left leg was in a plaster cast. At first glance, it was impossible to tell whether he was a man or a woman. Hu Jun rushed to the hospital bed, reached out and shook Zhou Haitao's shoulder, crying, "Mom, mom, what's wrong with you? Mom, wake up—" Zhou Haitao forcefully opened his eyes a little, saw Hu Jun's immature face, shook his head hurriedly, raised his uninjured left hand, and signaled Hu Jun to go away.At this time, Zhou Haitao already knew that he was a particularly dangerous person. When he saw that Hu Jun was not wearing a mask, he writhed in anxiety. Hu Jun subconsciously reached out and took off Zhou Haitao's mask, and called again, "Mom—" Seeing the beard on Zhou Haitao's chin, he was stunned. Zhou Haitao shouted vigorously, "Get out - get out -" Hu Jun was stunned and stood motionless by the bed. Zhou Haitao stretched out his left hand to grab the bed board, turned it over forcefully, and with a loud cry, he rolled over from the bed.Hu Jun was taken aback, and hurried over to pull Zhou Haitao.Zhou Haitao lay prone on the floor, screaming frighteningly from his throat. Zhang Weihong and Monk Hongyun opened the door and came in.Seeing Hu Jun, both of them uttered a short exclamation as if their acupuncture points had been tapped, and stood there motionless. Hu Jun cried, "Mom, auntie, I didn't touch uncle, he asked me to go out, I...he fell off the bed by himself..." Like a lioness, Zhang Weihong rushed forward, pinching her son under her arm, and quickly spun out of the ward like a white whirlwind. Shang Hongyun hugged Zhou Haitao vigorously, but he couldn't lift him up, so he had to turn Zhou Haitao over and shouted outside the door: "Come on—come on—" Zhou Haitao groaned, and said with difficulty, "I, I yelled... no... no one came..." Shang Hongyun said, "Don't talk about it, save your energy. This matter is not your responsibility. God! How did Jun Jun come here..." Zhang Weihong ran to the end of the corridor with her son in her arms, stretched out her hand to open the window, and pushed her son's head out.The doctors and nurses on duty ran into the corridor, and a few ran over shouting. Zhang Weihong shouted, "Little ancestor, what are you doing here!" Hu Jun said, "Mom, I miss you so much...Mom, you are pinching my bones..." Zhang Weihong freed one hand and beat Hu Jun's ass hard, "You little bastard! You are here to seek death!" Two nurses rushed over and grabbed Hu Jun. Hu Jun sobbed aggrievedly: "Woo - I miss you - woo, woo - I'm afraid you're dead - I can't see you, Mom, I really miss you... I dream every day... I, I dreamed that you were like, you were like Uncle Zhu...Mom, I, I did nothing wrong, I just want to see you...You call me every day and say the same thing to me...I suspect it's a recording ..." Dr. Liu put on two masks for Hu Jun, and ordered, "Xiaoyun, Xiaoliang, send Junjun to Ward 20 and give him some medicine. Head nurse, something has happened...you..." Zhang Weihong chased after her, kicked her son's ass again, and kept cursing, "I really want to beat you to death! You're so stupid! You've been watching TV for nothing!" 小胡君走到五二门口,扭头说,“我不该取他的口罩。我忘了SARS病毒靠飞沫传播。我当时不够冷静,装备也有点差。我应该先去见爸爸,搞一套隔离服……” 张卫红骂道,“住嘴!再说话我把你扔楼下去!” 刘医生劝道,“护士长,你别担心,他应该不会出什么事儿的……” 张卫红叹了一口气,“你说这叫什么事儿!你不用安慰我。他就是染上了,也只有百分之……你们都忙去吧。” 刘医生只好说,“你休息一会儿吧。这么聪明、这么健康的儿子,不会出问题的。” 张卫红勉强笑一笑,“没事,我没事,你们都忙去吧。” 医生护士都忙去了。张卫红挪几步,靠着窗台站一会儿,双腿一软,就势靠墙坐在地板上,眼泪流了出来。 尚红云拿着张卫红的手机走过来,“小君留了纸条,骗小保姆说他去看他爸爸……他们都很担心,问君君给你打电话没有。卫红姐,你看……说,还是不说?” 张卫红接过手机,用戴着橡胶手套的手狠狠地戳出胡剑峰的手机号码,吼道,“胡剑峰,你算个狗屁疾控中心主任!你连儿子都保护不好,你还能保护谁?” 胡剑峰在那边说,“卫红,你别急。你看,我本来是去抓一个病人……我心里怎么会没有儿子呢,小英子……” 张卫红大叫,“你别提这个王英子,明天就让她滚蛋!不,让她滚蛋还便宜她了!君君要是有个三长两短,我饶不了她!” 胡剑峰说,“消消气,消消气。咱们的儿子你还不知道?整个一个人精儿!爸、哥,还有万秘书长都在,想尽一切办法,今晚我们也要找到他。你可别分心,别把儿子找到了,你又出事了……” 张卫红说,“我不想跟你说,你让哥听电话。张市长,你别说这种没用的话。你的外甥真叫你培养成一个人物了。事情比你们想的要严重得多。他居然化了妆,跑到病房里来了。他说想我,说他梦见我已经死了,他想来看看我。你知道他进了哪个病房?毒王住的五零五房!怎么办?只能留在病房观察。哥,我能说清楚吗?他在五五连口罩都没有戴,你想想我敢往好处想吗?” 几个人在金河宾馆三号楼指挥室傻坐了一阵,还是想不通这种匪夷所思的事居然真的就发生了。一个十来岁的孩子,连口罩都没戴,跟毒王周海涛共处一室,不可能会出现什么好结果。他们只能把希望寄托在出现奇迹上了。 万富林说,“再向武警总队要一个中队,把收治非典病人的医院再加几道岗。” 张春山说,“嗯,有这个必要。” 张保国问,“富林,可视电话,市里有没有卖的?” 万富林想了想说,“没有。你怎么……” 张保国说,“全市在一线的医护人员,有近两千人。我们应该想办法缓解他们和他们家人的心理压力。小君给我们敲响了警钟。你想办法,以最快的速度买一百台,最少一百台可视电话回来。要保证一线医护人员和他们的亲人,三天能通过这种电话交流一次。美玲,你们再辛苦一下,每天加做一期亲情热线节目。你回去好好想个名字。每天有十个一线医务人员在这个节目中露个面,就至少有十个家庭这个晚上可以睡个安稳觉了。” 第二天傍晚,张保国在三号楼听到了三个好消息。第一个好消息:平阳市电视台在晚上八点四十五分黄金时间,将播出《亲情互动》第一期,节目长度为十五分钟。第二个好消息:小君的体征一切正常。第三个好消息:下午五点三十七分,王富贵在雁岭河商场附近,被公安人员和流调队队员抓住,并把他送进了市传染病医院。公安人员从王富贵身上搜出弹簧刀一把、杀猪刀一把。
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