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Chapter 31 Chapter 31 Nazhen Knows that Disaster is Coming

tibetan secret 刘德濒 16795Words 2018-03-18
More than a dozen horse bandits were lying in ambush on the slope of the wilderness. They were all armed with guns, and they looked fierce. The leader was Gong Po who set fire to Yangzong's house.They lay on the slope and watched, and saw the pack team from Dele Mansion approaching from a distance. The pack team gradually approached and entered the encirclement of the horse bandits. When Gongbu heard Gangzhu leading the men singing a ditty, he cursed viciously: "I don't know how to die!" Then, with a wave of his hand, the horse bandits started He shot and rushed down the slope.

Seeing this, Zhaxi shouted loudly at the men: "Don't shoot, don't shoot, raise your guns up, safety comes first!" The fellows with guns in the pack raised their guns, and soon they were surrounded by horse bandits who rushed down.Gongbu rushed in front of Tashi, looked at him intently, and finally asked, "Are you Master Dele?" "It's me. I'm the head of the house. If you have something to discuss," Tashi replied. "Sure enough, you are a smart person. You have four or five guns, and you still want to fight me to the death. You know what our brothers are doing!"

"I understand the rules of the road. Gang Zhu, brothers are just making a living by throwing away their homes and businesses. When they meet, it's fate." Gangzhu quickly took out a money bag and handed it to Gongpo. Gongbu took the money bag, weighed it in his hand, and said dissatisfiedly: "You are such a big pack team, and you are also a great nobleman in the Dele Mansion. How can you send this little money to beggars?" "Boss, what we sent to Chengdu this time was to deliver goods, and we didn't bring so much cash. This time, I will borrow your precious land for convenience."

"No cash? It's done! Brothers, tie up everyone and take the pack team away!" Kampot said aggressively. "Slow, slow! There are people who believe in Buddhism on the plateau, you can take the goods away, don't hurt anyone." Tashi said loudly. "Horse bandits have the rules of horse bandits. Kill the rich and help the poor. They will never kill innocent people indiscriminately. These guys are spared death, but you have to lend me your head." "How much is my head worth? You keep it for me, and we can make a deal." "Make a deal, okay, I'd like to see what kind of tricks the noble lord has."

"My wife and I left the city of Lhasa together. She took a few heads and walked along the same road. Didn't you meet?" Only then did Gongbu think of Deji. He scanned the crowd and turned around to ask, "Where's your wife? She's gone ahead of me, and I'm a step behind?" "It must be late. Master, do you know why my wife goes first? See those boxes on the mule? You don't want to open them yourself." Gonpo turned his head to look at it, and asked, "What's inside?" Gang Zhu stood in front of Gong Po and refused to let him see it, yelling, "Master, this... can't let them see this."

Tashi scolded: "You ignorant bastard, what time is it, and you are still giving up your life and money." Gonpo became interested, grabbed Gangzhu and pushed him aside, angrily said, "I'm dying, huh... Brothers, open the box, let me see what treasures are inside." The horse bandit stepped forward and pulled the box down, dropped it to the ground, and pried it open with a gun fork. The box turned out to be empty.They opened four boxes in a row, all of which were empty, and Gong Po became angry. He rushed to Tashi and shouted, "Damn it, how dare you play me!"

"Master, I'm not kidding you, do you know what I prepare these empty boxes for?" Tashi asked calmly. "Don't play tricks on me!" "Boss, I really found a baby, I'm sure you like it." "Musk, tiger bone?" "no." "Gold, silver and jewelry?" "No." "Don't guess, don't guess, come on, tell me, what is it?" "For you and your brothers, these treasures are more precious than gold and more important than life. With them, you will have the courage of a tiger and the wings of a roc. You will be invincible through life and death."

"Weapons and ammunition?" "That's right. It's a batch of British-made submachine guns, machine guns, small steel cannons, and binoculars. There are tens of thousands of bullets alone." "Are you singing? There are so many treasures that fell from the sky?" Gonpo asked suspiciously. "You're right again. They really fell from the sky. They were transported by Allied planes to the front to fight the Japanese devils. As a result, the plane had an accident in the sky and fell down. These weapons are brand new and shiny, with hundreds of equipment. A team of ten people is not a problem, and now they are all buried under the snow-capped mountains. I asked my wife to lead someone to dig them out first, and hid them in an ancient temple. These empty boxes are going to carry those treasures.”

"You won't lie to me, will you?" "Will I make fun of my own head? Master, you promise me that you will save the lives of me, my wife, and these guys, and I will give you all these British weapons, how about it?" "If you dare to deceive me, I will shoot you all down." "Deal! No, wait a minute, this team must be mine, or I'll lose money." Gonpo was amused, and he said: "His grandma, everyone said that the nobles in Lhasa are picky and swishing. At this time, they still bargain with me. Well, well, British weapons and ammunition are mine. These grass-eating people The burden is yours."

"Gangzhu, take away the empty box and keep the rest." Tashi ordered. Gangzhu agreed, ordered a few servants to go with Tashi, and the rest set up a stove to make tea and waited. Gonpo and his gang led Tashi, Gangzhu and five men to the wilderness, and each man led a mule carrying an empty box.Tashi walked and identified the direction, and Gongbu stared at him vigilantly. As soon as they fought against Gongbu, Tashi's previous judgment was verified.Ordinary horse bandits aimed at robbing the goods of the pack team, but they aimed at attacking Tashi and Deji. They must have been hired by someone, and the person who hired them was Nazhen or Pajia behind Nazhen.As long as Gongbu and his gang are captured alive, Nazhen and Pajia will no longer be able to deny it.

They walked for a long time, and they came to the ruins of an ancient temple. The murals on the ruins wall had been weathered and became more mottled. Zhandui and Deji were lying in ambush here.Through the earthen wall, they saw Tashi and Gongbu's group coming this way.Zhandui said, "Ajia, they are here." Deji and several servants looked out vigilantly.Several horse bandits running ahead saw Deji and others in front of the ruins, shouted and shouted, and even shot into the sky.Zhandui and Deji were so frightened that they quickly hid in the ruins. Tashi yelled at them: "Don't shoot indiscriminately, don't shoot indiscriminately, those are my family members, guarding the baby for you." Gonpo also shouted: "Stop, stop!" Tashi yelled at Deji again: "Deji...it's me, don't run away...it's all right. Have you dug up all those guns?" Seeing that Deji didn't answer, he turned to Gong Bu said: "Look, I was frightened by you. You told them to put away their guns. Bullets don't have eyes." Gongbu yelled at the horse bandits, but the horse bandits stopped. Zhandui and Deji poked their heads out from behind the earthen wall. Seeing that it was peaceful, they brought two servants to meet them.Tashi ran over and asked, "Deji, have all the treasures been dug out?" Deji looked at Gonpo, and said with some fear: "It was dug out, and they are all hidden in the temple." "I didn't lie to you, let's go in." Tashi said to Gongbu. "You don't dare to lie to me. Let's go, pick up the treasure!" Gongbu walked forward excitedly with the horse bandits. Gangzhu hastily held back the guy who was walking in the front, causing the five mules to deliberately lag behind. Zhaxi and others led Gongbu and his group into the ruins, bypassed two ruined walls, and a high wall blocked their way.There is a small hole under the high wall that can only accommodate one person. "Where is my baby?" Gonpo asked alertly. "Deji, quickly take out the gun and show it to the master," Tashi said. Deji nodded, and shouted into the hole: "Hand it out, express it!" The maid poked her head out, glanced at it, and then retracted.After a while, a British rifle appeared at the hole. A horse bandit came forward and pulled the gun over, and handed it to Gong Po.Seeing this brand-new rifle, Gonpo fiddled with it, pulled the bolt, loaded it, and couldn't put it down. He asked, "How many are there?" "Deji, are they all hidden inside?" Tashi asked. "It's all hidden inside." "Go, let's go, I'll go in and have a look." Gonpo said anxiously. "I'll take you there." Deji said, and she leaned forward into the hole. Gongbu followed behind and was about to sneak in, when he suddenly stopped, pointed to the two horse bandits cunningly and said, "You, and you, go in and check the situation." A trace of tension flashed across Tashi's face, he looked around, but there was no movement between the ruined walls.The two horse bandits named by Gongbo got into the hole in the wall one after the other, followed by Tashi. As soon as the two horse bandits got through the hole in the earth wall, the Grand Lama Yundan rushed up with the lamas, beat and kicked them to subdue them.Seeing that the situation is not good, the horse bandit shouted: "Ambush..., the master..., there is an ambush..." Gonpo heard the shouts inside, but before he could react, gunshots rang out all around, and lamas rushed out from every corner behind the earthen wall, with guns in their hands, and surrounded the bandits. Zhandui rushed over and yelled, "Don't move, put down the gun, whoever dares to move, kill him." The horse bandits quickly dispersed to resist, and a fight broke out between the two sides.Gongbu led three horse bandits to fight and retreat, and hid behind a section of earthen wall. He cursed: "Damn Master Dele, you still lied to me. Hit, beat to death." They broke through a gap, Gongbu Bu knocked down two lamas and rushed over. Zhandui led people to catch up, and exchanged fire with Gongbu and others again.Gonpo took out a grenade and stuffed it under the earthen wall beside him, then turned around and rolled aside.The grenade exploded, and the earthen wall came down with a bang. Suddenly, the whole ruined temple was filled with dust and smoke, and nothing could be seen. Three horse bandits rushed out from the smoke and dust of the ruins, followed by Lama Yundan and Zhandui. The horse bandits were subdued by the lamas and escorted back after they ran not far. The smoke and dust gradually settled down, and everyone present was covered in dirt, only their white teeth and bright eyes were exposed.Tashi and Lama Yundan led the crowd to surround the horse bandits, and the horse bandits had no choice but to raise their guns and surrender.At this time, Zhandui escorted the fleeing horse bandits back, and Gang Zhu rushed forward to pull down the horse bandits' guns and throw them aside. Tashi and Deji came to the side of the horse bandits and kept pulling their heads to check, but there was no sign of Gonpo.Tashi asked anxiously, "Where's Gonpo? Did he escape?...Did he really escape?" Zhandui and Gangzhu came to check again, and there was indeed no Kampot. "There are thirteen horse bandits here, three escaped." Tashi said angrily. "Brother-in-law, let's go after him." "I don't know where they fled, I'm afraid it was a waste of time." Tashi looked around, he suddenly grabbed a horse bandit, and asked: "Say, who ordered you?" "Master, we are all young people, I don't know, I really don't know." The horse bandit said. "If you don't know, hit him! See how tough he is!" Deji said fiercely. The horse bandit was so frightened that he knelt down and begged for mercy: "Madam, I really don't know. I only heard the head of the house talk about who gave the money in Lhasa. I really don't know anything else." Gangzhu picked up another horse bandit, threw him in front of Deji, and scolded: "You outrageous thing! If you don't want to die, just confess!" The horse bandit got up from the ground, and a Taxiang fell out of his arms.Lama Yundan picked it up, sniffed it under his nose, and said, "This is the spiritual incense of Dingjing, what are they doing with this incense on their bodies?" "Harmful! Master Yundan, at the scene of the fire in Barkhor Outer Street, I found the incense ash of Lingxiang, and I thought, it must be the horse bandits who used Lingxiang to fascinate the guy from the Kangba family first, and then The fire was just set on fire. The target is Yangzong and her father, not seeking money, but killing, exactly the same as today." Tashi said angrily. "They also did the fire in Barkhor Wai Street?" "Yes, under the instigation of others!" "Why did you let Gongbu run away? It was a waste of time." Zhandui said regretfully. "There are more than a dozen pieces of clumsy information, which is enough. I don't believe that I can't interrogate the content when I escort it back to Lhasa and hand it over to Kashag." "Okay. Master Yundan, let's take them back together. Let's go!" The lamas sandwiched the horse bandits in the middle, and a group of people escorted them away from the ruins of the ancient temple.Suddenly, the dust pile started to move, and Gong Po poked his head out from inside. He shook his head, looked at the crowd going away, and breathed a sigh of relief. Nazhen believes that Tashi and Deji will surely die on this trip.She bossed around the house without any scruples. In Deji's bedroom, she asked two maids to wear Deji's fine clothes on her body.She looked at the mirror for a while, and asked: "This dress is on me, isn't it pretty?" Basang was waiting at the door with his waist bowed. He looked up and said, "This dress... belongs to the eldest lady." "What's the matter with hers? Can't I wear them?" Basang was frightened, bowed his head and said nothing.The two maids also stepped back in fear. Nazhen walked back and forth on the ground with a look of disdain, and the accessories on her body jingled. She said angrily: "Women have to rely on clothing to raise their value, and it is different in this outfit. Basang, you are the shopkeeper of the store. Knowing the goods and understanding the market, tell me, how much is this costume worth?" "According to the current market price, it can be exchanged for 3,500 yaks." "This set belongs to the eldest wife. I don't care about it. You pay the money from the account and buy one for me. It is the most luxurious in Lhasa. The market value needs to be exchanged for 5,000 yaks." Basang was frightened, he said hesitantly: "Second wife, this..." "Can't you?" Nazhen asked with her eyes wide open. "When the master and wife left, please tell me that you can't take an extra tael of Tibetan silver from your account, except for the allowance you get every month as usual." Nazhen became angry, and slapped the table, she shouted: "Don't mention Mrs. and Mrs. to me, I know, you never regarded me as your master. And the bastards in the yard, one counts as another Listen to me, I won't be the second wife forever! From now on, I will take the regulations of the Dele House!" Basang bowed his waist, too frightened to speak out. She yelled at the maid next to her again: "Go, call me a headman from northern Tibet." Then, she turned her face to Basang and said, "I'll sell you today for five dollars. Dare to contradict me!" Basang bowed even deeper. "Relying on the master to support you, haha... Your master will not come back. They are probably chopped up by horse bandits and fed to wolves now. Do you understand what I mean, shopkeeper Basang?" Nazhen saw Basang bowed his waist to his feet, and said triumphantly, "I've dismissed the manager of the East Store on Barkhor Street and replaced it with Wangxiu. The manager of the Chengguan Store has also been dismissed and replaced it with Sangbu. It will be done tomorrow! Do you understand?" "I've made a note of it. Second wife, do you want to inform the master about the money changer and the managers of the stores?" Basang asked nonchalantly. "My lord, shit! Where is your lord?" Suddenly, there was a sound of horseshoes downstairs, chaotic and noisy.Then came the servant's voice: "Master, you are back...Master and wife are back..." Nazhen's face changed suddenly, she ran to the window and looked down.Tashi and Deji have entered the yard and are dismounting.She was stunned by the situation in front of her, trembling with fright. Basang took a sneak peek and asked, "Second Wife, are you still going to do what you said? Shall I inform the master?" "Get out, get out, get out, get out!" Nazhen yelled frantically. Basang backed out. Nazhen took off her clothes and jewelry, and the two maids also hurriedly took off her dress. Seeing that Tashi and Deji finished washing, Basang set up a table of food and wine to wash them off.Tashi, Deji, and Nazhen sat at their respective Tibetan tables and ate, and the atmosphere was somewhat dull.Tashi had no expression on his face, he was eating the meat with a knife, and he was pinching it with his fingers to calculate something. Nazhen watched him stealthily, feeling uneasy. She forced a smile and asked, "Master, didn't you say you're going to Chengdu, aren't you?" "Yeah." Tashi snorted. "Did you not go out, or did you change your mind?" "Huh?" Tashi looked at her suspiciously. "I mean... you and your wife have arrived home, but why hasn't the pack team from the house returned?" Nazhen asked cautiously. "I'll be back soon." There was another chill.Nazhen didn't know what to say, she looked left and right, her eyes met Deji, she immediately smiled and bowed her head to eat.Deji cleared his throat, and asked solemnly: "Basang, master and I have been out these days, what's going on at home?" "Nothing special, everything in the store remains the same." Basang finished speaking and peeked at Nazhen, who quickly turned her head aside. "Is there anyone in the house?" Deji asked again. "Knowing that the master and wife are not at home, relatives and friends did not come to walk around." "It seems that the house is quiet enough." The room fell silent again, and the three of them had their own thoughts. Tashi put down the tableware in his hand, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and said, "Basang, tell the gatekeeper to close the door today to thank guests and not see anyone. Also, all the servants in the courtyard are not allowed to go out." Nazhen's heart trembled, her hands shook, and the bowl fell to the ground. She looked at everyone in embarrassment. Tashi left the living room and went back to the Buddhist hall. He sat in front of the altar and prayed, full of contradictions in his heart.Tomorrow evening at the latest, Lama Yundan and Gangzhu will arrive escorting the horse bandits. Some of the horse bandits must know Pa Jia.At that time, with all the witnesses and material evidence, Pajia will be severely punished by the Kashag government, but what will Nazhen do?After all, she is Baima's biological mother. Facing such a dizzy woman, should she be punished or forgive her.Tashi was in a dilemma. Mei Duo took Yang Zong in, and for some reason, not only did she not hate Yang Zong, but she felt a little sympathy for him.Yang Zong was lying on the bed in a daze with a high fever. Mei Duo sent away the maid who fed Yang Zong the soup. She sat by the bed and fed Yang Zong the soup herself.Yang Zong slowly opened his eyes, she saw Mei Duo, struggling to sit up. Mei Duo said softly: "You have a fever, lie down." Yangzong's eyes were still full of hostility, and she asked, "Why... are you treating me like this?" "Because only you can help me." Mei Duo said, handing a spoonful of soup to Yang Zong's mouth. Yangzong refused, turned his head, and the soup spilled on the skirt of his clothes. "We Lhasa people believe in destiny. You are still alive. It is a blessing in misfortune. Baima has been in pain. I hope you can clarify the facts and let everyone be relieved." Mei Duo said again. Yang Zong turned his head and looked at her. With tears in her eyes, Mei Duo continued: "Otherwise, Baima will hate me for the rest of her life and put this debt on my head." Yang Zong sat up, she got off the bed unsteadily, and walked towards the door. "Where can you go? If you leave this yard, no one will protect you." Mei Duo said. Yangzong stopped in his tracks. Mei Duo stood behind her, and said sourly: "You are indeed beautiful, and you are of a different kind. I know why Baima can't let you go." Yang Zong turned around and saw Mei Duo's aggrieved look, she said: "You are also a good person, a rare noble lady." "You don't need to sympathize with me." "We both feel sorry for each other, and we feel bad, but do you know that Baima is the one who is in the most pain now, a hundred times more painful than you and me. Where is he?" "We were scheduled to get married on the fifth day of the lunar new year, but there was a fire... Baima hid in the barracks and never came out. I went to see him, but he didn't see me. I sent someone to deliver things to him several times, but he didn't want them either." "Baima is in the barracks, I'll go find him." "I'll go with you." Mei Duo accompanied Yangzong to the gate of the Tibetan barracks. The Tibetan soldiers guarding the gate stopped them outside, saying that there was an order from above that no one could enter today.Yang Zong was in a hurry, and shouted into the yard: "You stinky mule... come out, stinky mule... Baima... come out, stinky mule." Baima was sitting in the barracks dismantling the pistol aimlessly, his heart was numb, and he didn't hear Yangzong's cry.Bianba heard it, he ran to the door to listen carefully, and then called: "Master, listen." Baima stopped her hands and listened attentively.Yang Zong's cry came again: "Baima... stinky mule, come out..." He heard it clearly, stood up abruptly, pushed the table away and ran out. He ran out of the barracks and saw Yang Zong and Mei Duo being stopped at the gate of the camp from a distance. He ran close to the gate of the camp and stared at Yang Zong, surprised and delighted, stunned there.Yang Zong looked at Baima, and called out with mixed sorrow and joy: "Baima." She rushed towards Baima. Baima also rushed over, and when they were a few steps apart, they both stopped and stared at each other.Baima called hesitantly: "Yangzong." "Pema." "Yangzong, is that you?" "It's me." "Is that you?" "It's really me." Baima rushed over and hugged Yangzong in his arms, he murmured: "I'm not dreaming, it's really you!" "It's really me, I'm your big mouse." "No, no, you are gone, I am dreaming, I am dreaming!" Yangzong bit Baima's shoulder.Baima cried out in pain: "Oh...it's not a dream, it's real, not a dream." He hugged Yang Zong tightly in his arms. Mei Duo looked at them, sad and envious, with complicated emotions, she turned her face away. "Bai Ma, Miss Mei Duo accompanied me." Yang Zong said. Mei Duo was a little embarrassed, she said: "You two...you have too many eyes and mouths here, so it's inconvenient to talk. Young master, let's go back to the house and talk slowly if we have something to say." "Okay, you guys wait here for me. I'm going to ask for leave and I'll be right back." After Baima finished speaking, she ran into the barracks. Adjutant Pingcuo passed by on the playground, and he inadvertently saw what happened just now.He walked into the command post and immediately reported to Master Nima: "...Baima is talking to someone outside the barracks, and something is unusual." "Who?" Nima asked. "It's Kangsa Kalon's daughter, Miss Meadow. There's another person who looks like she's her servant." "Could it be that Master Kangsa leaked the news, and she came to report to Baima." "Report!" Baima's voice came from outside the door. Nima waved at Phuntso, and Puntso stepped aside, and he called out, "Come in." Baima opened the door and came in. After saluting, he said: "The company commander of the Tibetan army, Baima Duoji, is here to ask for leave. Please approve it on behalf of me." "reason?" Baima hesitated to speak, and finally said: "Master Daiben, it's a private matter. I'll deal with it when I go home and report to you." "Personal matter? Without permission, you chatted with the civilian daughter about military affairs in private. Pingcuo..." "Yes." Pingcuo stepped forward and replied. "Pema Dorji fled the battle, violated military discipline, and was locked up for three days. Take him away!" Baima was taken aback, and he asked: "Master, I really don't know which military discipline I violated?" "Go to the confinement room and think about it slowly. Come!" Two Tibetan soldiers rushed in outside the door, escorted Baima out. "Master Daiben, Miss Meadow is waiting at the door, what should I do?" Pingcuo asked. "The matter is very important, and I can't take care of that much. You go and detain them. I will explain to Kangsa Galon in the future, and he will definitely understand my painstaking efforts." Pingcuo came to Mei Duo and said humbly: "Master Daiben is discussing the military situation with Commander Baima, and there will be a delay. Miss, come with me, and first go to the barracks of Commander Baima to rest for a while." "Okay. Yangzong, let's go in." Pingcuo led Mei Duo and Yang Zong into the barracks. They waited from dusk until dark. Mei Duo was so bored that she fell asleep in Baima's barracks.Yang Zong sat in front of the window, staring at the flickering butter lamp in a daze. After a long time, Mei Duo woke up, raised her wrist and looked at her watch, and said in surprise: "It's already midnight." She walked to the door, but the Tibetan soldiers guarding the door stopped her and wouldn't let her go out.Mei Duo slapped him in the face with a big mouth, and scolded: "Look how dare you stop me!" An officer ran over and said, "Miss Meadow..." "Where's Master Baima?" Mei Duo asked angrily. "Urgent mission, the young master took the troops to camp. I saw you fell asleep just now, so I didn't dare to disturb you." The officer said to the Tibetan soldier next to him, "Hurry up and take the young lady back to the house." Mei Duo had no choice but to lift her legs out of the room, and Yang Zong quickly got up and followed closely behind. It was late at night, and there was silence in Dele's house, but Nazhen couldn't lie down, couldn't sleep, she knew that disaster was imminent.Suddenly there was a loud noise, and Nazhen was frightened out of her wits, so she hurried to check.She came to the door and listened attentively. There was a rustling sound outside. She gently opened the door a crack and looked out. In the corridor, the servants were rubbing the floor with their floor-cleaning shoes dipped in clear oil, occasionally hitting the copper basin and making noise.Basang was standing in the corridor supervising the work. When he turned around, Nazhen was so frightened that he quickly closed the door. Tashi and Deji didn't sleep either. Tashi stood in front of the Buddha, meditating. Deji knew what he was thinking, so he said: "How to deal with Nazhen?... I know you can't do it." "There is still a child in her belly. The adult is guilty, but the child is innocent." "I think so too. Pajia can be punished by the government. As for Nazhen, we can apply to Kashag to be governed by family law." "That's the only way to do it." Basang knocked on the door and came in. "How's she doing?" Dej asked. "The second wife is restless and sneaky." Basang said. "She's double body, just watch her in the corridor, don't disturb her anymore." "Laughs." Basang withdrew. Baima was locked in the confinement room, he was anxious, helpless, and looked dazed.Which military discipline did you violate by asking for leave?Why was it locked up?Could it be Mei Duo's trick?Suddenly, the assembly call sounded outside, followed by the sound of chaotic footsteps, and the metal impact of guns.Baima came to the door and looked out. The Tibetan soldiers in the courtyard were gathering, nervous and chilling.Baima pondered, it didn't look like a drill!The military action outside the confinement room reminded him of the last time he went to the Potala Palace to arrest Jiangcun Ziben.Could it be that locking me up has something to do with this?He continued to watch. Nyima Daiben, Adjutant Pingcuo, and seven or eight senior officials of the Kashag came with their servants. They got together and talked about something. These days, Baima has been immersed in personal pain and has turned a deaf ear to the private rumors of the officers. It is said that Mr. Li Jisheng, the British chargé d’affaires in Lhasa, intercepted a telegram saying that Nanjing is preparing to support Reting Living Buddha to regain the regent throne, and that Chiang Kai-shek will send When planes came to bomb Lhasa, Daza Living Buddha was frightened and panicked.Is this troop action related to this telegram? Bianba ran over with a food box, and while taking out food, he said, "Master, are you hungry, I've brought you a midnight snack." Baima asked anxiously, "What's going on outside?" "I don't know, I have been serving Miss Mei Duo and Yang Zong in your barracks..." "They're in my barracks?" "Just sent back to the house." "It's so strange, how come Mei Duo and Yang Zong are detained until this time...something must happen!" Baima handed Xiaoye out again, and said in a low voice, "Bianba, get the guards away." The guards guarding the confinement room looked in the direction of the playground. Bianba handed them food, and the two hid aside and ate secretly. Baima took out a pen and ink bottle and started writing on paper, but he stopped suddenly, crumpled the paper and stuffed it into his mouth.Then, he took off his military uniform and began to write a secret letter on the lining of his clothes. The guard and Bianba were drinking tea when Baima called him from the window: "Bianba, come here." Under the gaze of the guards, Bianba returned to the door of the confinement room.Baima handed the clothes to Bianba and said loudly: "This clothes are full of sweat, dirty and smelly, and can't be worn anymore. You can send them back to your house to wash them." He whispered: "You must get out, the sooner the better, you must personally hand over the clothes to my dad, there is a secret letter inside. Do you understand?" Bianba agreed, and walked away from under the watchful eyes of the guards with his clothes in his arms.He left the barracks, took advantage of the moonlight, ran all the way to the door of Dele's mansion, and knocked on the door. Nazhen, who was restless in the room, heard the knock on the door outside. She was frightened and got up quickly to look at the window.In the courtyard, the servant guarding the door was opening the door. Bianba said something to him, and then ran towards the main building. Nazhen was alert. In the middle of the night, what was Bianba doing when she came back, she put on her clothes and left the room. Nazhen stopped Pianba at the stairs, and she asked, "Where is Master Baima?" Panting, Bianba said, "Second Wife, Master Baima has been locked up. He asked me to send back my clothes." "Send clothes?" "There is a secret letter written in it, let me hand it to the master." "What secret letter?" "I am illiterate, and I dare not read." "Give me the clothes." "The young master specially instructed that you must hand it over to the master in person." Nazhen got annoyed, and she scolded: "Damn slave, it's fine if others look down on us bitches, you don't know that I'm Baima's real mother, you need to beat me!" Bianba didn't dare to speak out, and handed the clothes to Nazhen obediently.Nazhen opened the clothes and saw the contents of the secret letter. She thought about it, and said calmly: "It's nothing serious, Baima is really, if you want food and drink, don't wait for a while, send someone back in the middle of the night, it's too late! Ba, go back and serve the young master." "La Suo." Bianba agreed, and withdrew. Nazhen looked at Bianba's back and became nervous.She vaguely felt the seriousness of the situation, that Dazha Rinpoche was going to be serious about Rezhen Rinpoche.Both Tashi and Baima used to be monks of Duojilin Monastery, and were under the jurisdiction of Rezhen Monastery. Baima wanted to report to Rezhen Living Buddha.Nazhen's eyes suddenly brightened, and she felt that she was saved!With this evidence, Tashi can be subdued. She read again the secret letter written on the lining of her clothes. What Baima wrote was: The Tibetan army has assembled on a large scale and has taken action. The target may be Reting Rinpoche.Nazhen wondered in her heart, would Baima be implicated? He is my son, what should I do?Don't be afraid, isn't Baima the future son-in-law of Kangsa Galon? His fate will be handed over to Kangsa Galon.When the time comes, this kid still dares to regret the marriage!It really kills two birds with one stone! Nazhen made up her mind, she quietly walked out of the building with her clothes in her arms, and slipped out of the gate.Seeing no one around, she trotted all the way and disappeared into the night. Nazhen ran all the way to the door of Pajia's house. She reached in through the door hole and opened the locked door with a key.As soon as she entered the courtyard, she was stunned. In the courtyard, two more horses were tied to the corner of the wall, and there were several sacks piled up under the corner. Two servants dressed in Kang district were lying on the ground, sleeping on the quilt hidden on the ground. The gas lights in the room came on, and then Paka's voice came: "Who is it?" While Nazhen replied, she walked towards the door: "It's me." Paka came out shirtless, and he asked, "Why did you come here in the middle of the night?" Nazhen looked back at the two people in the yard, and asked strangely, "What's going on? Who are they?" "He's from his hometown in Qamdo, a servant of the family. He just arrived yesterday." "Urgent, urgent, Tashi and the others are back." Pajia was shocked, and he asked: "Impossible... when did it happen?" "I arrived at the mansion at noon today, and I haven't been able to come out, so I can't report to you." Pajiameng was startled, and he began to think. He babbled impatiently: "Why did this happen? There must be something wrong. Mistake, mistake, Tashi is too cunning, it must be Kampot and the others who made a mistake." "Don't let anyone hear you, let's go in and talk." Paka was sweating, he slumped to the door and asked, "Who's back?" "Tashi and Deji, they came back on fast horses, but the housekeeper and pack team should still be on their way." "Could it be that Gonpo changed his mind? Or... did not meet Tashi. No, no, in that case, they should go to Chengdu, and they shouldn't turn around." Pajia guessed. "The two of them have a look on their faces, like a dead father. They have something bad in their stomachs. Your plan must have been exposed." "It's over, it's over, the Gazelle didn't hit it, and instead lost the fork gun in his hand." Pa Jia said desperately. "Pajia, don't be afraid, I brought this." Nazhen said confidently. "what?" "Baima sent it back from the military camp. Just now, this dress can save our lives." After reading the words on the lining of his clothes, Pajia thought about it and said, "Is there a major action by the generation of the Tibetan army tonight?" "Pema asked Bianba to come back and report to Tashi, but I stopped him. This clothes can prove that Tashi is following Rezhen Rinpoche wholeheartedly, so he is Daza Rinpoche's deadly enemy. You say, just based on this... " Pajia changed his face and said cursingly: "Kangsa is an old bastard, he didn't regard me as his own. For such a big matter, he threw me aside. It's not as good as his stinky boot." Nazhen stepped forward to pull Pajia, and said urgently: "Get up quickly, don't sit here, we will sue Tashi now, he will definitely die." A fat woman in thin clothes came out of the room. Her eyes were burning and she asked, "Damn, who is this woman? She's sticky!" Nazhen was taken aback, and asked, "Who are you?" "Ah, you little vixen seduced my man." The fat woman said, raising her hand and slapping Nazhen. Nazhen was also anxious, rushed up and scolded: "You dare to hit me! Where did you get that shameless woman! Pajia, who is she?" She fought back vigorously, and started fighting with the fat woman. Paka ignored them, still sitting there thinking.Nazhen has no value to use, and if she continues to mess with her, it will only bring disaster to herself.He knew in his heart that when Tashi and Deji returned to Dele Mansion, it meant that his wishful thinking had completely come to naught.The only thing to do now is to use all means to clear yourself up.Thinking of this, Pajia grabbed Nazhen and roared: "She is my wife, a woman from my hometown in Qamdo." 娜珍被他震住了,她冲向帕甲,撕扯着他说:“帕甲,你个浑蛋,你骗了我!” 帕甲把她推到了一边,骂道:“你算什么破烂东西,跟我老婆撒野,你以为你是谁啊?” 娜珍愣住了,蒙头蒙脑地问:“你不是……不是说要娶我吗?你个大骗子,缺德丧良心的……” “我会娶你?要不是看在德勒府名号的分上,我会要你这种破烂货,我忍气吞声,给你当三孙子,让你祸害了我多少年啊,你还不知足?” “帕甲,你无耻,无耻……”娜珍扑上前,跟帕甲撕扯起来。 帕甲一脚把娜珍踢到一边,骂道:“你这个心如蛇蝎的女人,我早玩腻了,早该像脏抹布一样扔掉了。还想着我娶你,做梦吧!骗走阿觉小少爷,烧死央宗父女,又雇人劫杀德勒府的老爷太太,这一桩桩一件件都是你干的吧,你这个歹毒的女人。” 娜珍气疯了,她不顾一切地朝帕甲冲过来:“帕甲,你丧良心……” 帕甲又一脚把她踢翻在地,娜珍一声惨叫,趴在地上不动了。帕甲抓起那件衣服,轻蔑地说:“没工夫搭理你,你在地上趴着吧!”他说完,匆匆出门了。 胖女人见丈夫给自己撑腰,来劲儿,她命令仆人:“把这个臭女人给我拖出去!” 两名仆人扑上来,抓起娜珍把她扔到了门外,然后,砰地把门关上了。娜珍重重地摔在地上,她痛苦地捂着肚子,鲜血从身下流出来,她瘫倒在墙边,欲哭无泪。 帕甲拿着衣服去了康萨府,他站在院子里焦急地等待着,康萨管家从账房里出来,一脸不高兴地问:“黑灯瞎火的,什么事儿啊?” 帕甲拿起衣服扬了扬,对他说:“我有重要的事情要向康萨老爷汇报。” “老爷睡了,明天吧。” 帕甲拿出一卷藏钞塞到管家手里说:“你就别蒙我了,今晚老爷能睡得着。” “帕甲大人,你真是聪明人。”管家笑着悄声地说,“我告诉你吧,老爷从早会到现在就没回来,在布达拉宫里开会呢。” “我知道他们在商量政教大事,可是,风声走漏了,我特地来向老爷报信。” 管家在帕甲耳边小声嘀咕了几句,帕甲大惊失色地说:“啊?这还得了……我雪域高原要闹出大动静了。……知道,知道,我也是为这事儿来的。” “这回,热振这只老山羊蹦跶不了几天了。”管家阴笑着说。 “对,对,蹦跶不了几天了……我懂,我懂。”帕甲说完,反身快步出了院门。 格勒把自己的嫡系约到家中商量大事,为了遮人耳目,他借了一台小型放映机在院子里放起了电影,是内地的电影《风云儿女》。葱美、琼达、卓嘎和一些贵族男女十几人,还有五名大喇嘛正看得津津有味,葱美五岁的儿子年扎和三岁的女儿卓玛在银幕前跑来跑去。 客厅里,格勒、占堆和四名官员正在密谋。占堆得意地说:“等明天押送马匪的人一到,帕甲这混账东西,想搂落也搂落不掉了。” “把这件事直接呈报到达札面前,看他怎么处理。”一名官员说道。 “烧死两个康巴人也就罢了,他们连大贵族都敢劫杀,太嚣张啦。”另一官员气愤地说。 “你是雪监狱的主官,马匪到了拉萨,一定关押在你手里,要看管好,不能跑了,也不能死了。要迅速审讯,把雇凶杀人的主谋……审清楚,作实了。”格勒安排道。 “仁钦噶伦您放心,这其中的利害我晓得!” “马匪的上家是帕甲,帕甲的上家是康萨,他们之间自然连成一条线。劫杀扎西,康巴驮帮的火灾,梅朵和白玛的婚事,这三者之间又形成了一条线。这背后的主谋先是帕甲,主谋的主谋就是康萨,他认账不认账都是一个结果。” 众官员满意地笑了。 格勒也发自内心地笑了,他说道:“诸位,这件事儿做得要稳,戒躁!我们对康萨噶伦,不发难,也不必剑拔弩张。” “那不是太便宜了他。”占堆愤愤不平地说。 “大哥,做一个顺水人情吧。明天我在噶厦力推康萨噶伦做这个案子的主审官,你们说,这个主意怎么样?” 众人心领神会,哈哈大笑。官员说道:“让康萨来断案,妙,太妙了。这烧红的马铁掌,看看康萨噶伦怎么伸手来接!” “那我们接着去看电影,这片子不错,在内地家喻户晓。”格勒建议说。 大家起身纷纷出去看电影了。 占堆落在了后面,他钦佩地说:“二弟,你真是用心良苦。姐夫为白玛的婚事跟你闹生分了,可你还是派我去北郊大寺搬救兵帮他,原来是为了这个。” “都是一家人嘛,姐夫不好意思来找我,我也不能看他笑话。就是不冲阿佳啦,也得冲着卓嘎啊。”格勒大度地说。 两个孩子跑进来,占堆高兴,一手一个把他们抱起来。孩子们很开心,揪他胡子,摸他耳环,占堆龇牙咧嘴的,表情难看。 “大哥,你怎么啦?”格勒问道。 “年纪大了,这些天马不停蹄,身子骨吃不消了。” 卓嘎走了进来,一进门就嚷嚷:“你们哥俩嘀咕什么呢?占堆今儿中午才到家,人都快累散架子了。二老爷,你非今天搞什么电影招待会,看把你哥眼睛熬的,都冒血丝了。” “好,好,夫人,我错了。事情安排停当了,让大哥回去睡觉吧。” 卓嘎不依不饶地说:“你就会拿嘴填乎人。” 格勒把他们送出了大门口,正准备反身回去,两名警察扶着娜珍走过来。娜珍有气无力地喊道:“格勒……,仁钦老爷……” 格勒一见娜珍,乐了,他说道:“这不是娜珍吗,我正要找你呢。” “仁钦老爷,你帮帮我吧,救救我……” “你还有脸来找我,还当我什么都不知道。” “你都知道啦?……我罪孽深重,可那些事儿,都是帕甲在背后撺掇的,他骗了我。我来找你,就是要告诉你,帕甲已经跑了,你快去追他,要不然,就抓不到他了。” “帕甲跑啦?” “老爷和大太太都回来了,帕甲害怕受罚,已经逃了,肯定逃了。” “你回去吧,我知道了。……管家,别惊动院子里的人,叫些奴仆出来,跟我一块去拿帕甲。……上次牛皮没裹死他,这回我让这狗东西死得心服口服。” 管家带着七八名奴仆出来,他们手里打着火把,跟着骑马的格勒走了。 娜珍见自己得逞,松下心来,坐在了地上。 格勒带着一行人走在街头上,他们到了一个街口,突然看到帕甲急匆匆地走来。仁钦管家大喝一声:“他在那儿……” 帕甲也看到了他们,他知道不妙,转身撒腿就跑。格勒掏出枪,冲着他就是一枪。子弹打在帕甲脚下的石板路上,帕甲不敢跑了,站在那里。 众人围了上来。格勒骑马绕着帕甲走了一圈,才说:“越来越没规矩,见到你从前的主子,也不过来磕头。” 帕甲忙鞠躬,撒谎说:“噶厦通知我去布达拉宫开会,走得急,冒犯了仁钦噶伦。” “噶厦召你去开会?什么会?我是噶伦,我怎么不知道?”格勒说着,抬手就是两个大嘴巴,他气愤地说:“康萨噶伦不是赏识你吗,绑啦!给康萨噶伦送去!” 帕甲知道一切都漏了,反而变得镇静,他说道:“我罪该万死,这条命也值不了几个钱。可是,我的旧主子,我死,死一个,无牵无挂;仁钦噶伦,您死,就得死一窝。” “好,说得好,告诉我,我怎么个死法?” 帕甲注视着格勒,脸色阴沉地说:“仁钦噶伦,布达拉宫里面正在开会,拉萨所有达札派的官员都到场了,还有附近各大寺的大堪布、大喇嘛,只有你身边的几个人还蒙在鼓里。” “接着讲。”格勒不以为然地说。 “你知道他们在商议什么吗?逮捕热振活佛!热振要是没了,你还能撑几天?布达拉宫要逮捕的下一个目标就是你。嘿嘿,我的旧主子,你的日子不比我好过。” 格勒一惊,迅速思索。有关蒋介石派飞机轰炸拉萨的传闻,他认为那是无稽之谈,造谣!是英国人在挑拔中央政府和达札摄政王之间的关系,难道摄政王信以为真啦?不是没有这种可能,达札毕竟是一个七十多岁的老喇嘛,什么糊涂事儿都干得出来。 帕甲见格勒犹豫了,继续说道:“我知道你在盘算什么,北郊大寺的僧众死心塌地地拥护您,拥护热振活佛,摄政王和康萨噶伦能想不到吗,您就别指望了。” 格勒大惊,掩饰着说:“长本事了,你越来越会编瞎话了。” “你要是不信,马上派人到北郊大寺送信,看进得去,进不去。他们管事的大喇嘛和堪布们早就被骗进布达拉宫,软禁起来了,北郊大寺的各路口也被藏军封锁了。” 格勒将信将疑地看着帕甲。 “仁钦噶伦,我再告诉你一个消息,藏军第一团已经倾巢出动,驻日喀则的第三团也在赶往热振寺的途中。你要还不信,看看这个。”帕甲将白玛的军装递了上来。 "what is this?" “白玛少爷的军装!你外甥派人送往德勒府报信的,被我截获。军装里面藏着一封密信,你看看吧。” 格勒拿过军装,借着火把看了一遍密信的文字,他确认帕甲的话都是真的,反而冷静了,他说道:“把他放开。” 家奴们松开帕甲,帕甲抖了抖衣服说:“仁钦噶伦,我跟了你这么多年,恩也好,怨也好,今天晚上我们做个了断。” “怎么了断?” “审时度势啊!想当年,老仁钦和江村孜本斗得你死我活,你出其不意,带我们去保卫热振摄政王,那一遭儿干得多漂亮啊!我心里明镜似的,你真的效忠热振吗?非也。你利用了热振手中的权势,既保全了雍丹家族,又夺得了仁钦家族。今天,你为什么不能像当年一样,投到达札摄政王的麾下,倒戈一击呢。” 格勒哈哈大笑,他问道:“你觉得我会吗?” “为什么不会呢?老爷,热振活佛大势已去,你要跟他绑在一起,那血洒街头的可不是仁钦一府,还有雍丹府和德勒府,至少三个家族啊。当然,这三个家族的名号不会消失,但主子肯定要换人了。这个您经历过,太像当年您入主仁钦府了,这就是雪域圣地的传统!您可别犯糊涂!” 格勒沉默了片刻,他突然用手枪指着帕甲说:“知我心者,唯有帕甲。我还有回旋的余地,但你没机会了!” 帕甲一把抓住格勒的手枪,顶在自己的脑袋上:“您能听门下一回,我就知足了。就是听您一声枪响,把我崩了,我帕甲无怨无悔,也算我们主仆一场,咱两清啦!” 格勒慢慢地把帕甲的手推开,把枪缩了回来,他抬头看着远处的布达拉宫,显然已被帕甲的话打动了。 布达拉宫宫门紧闭,武装喇嘛、藏兵在门前设了路障和岗哨。格勒和帕甲沿着长长的台阶上来,他们来到宫门前,被藏军官拦住。 格勒说道:“我有要事要向达札佛爷禀报。” “等着。”藏军官说完,转身进了宫门。 格勒有些不耐烦,仰头看了看布达拉宫高耸的墙壁,略感不安。一会儿,军官和康萨出来了,康萨审视地看着格勒和帕甲。格勒与之对视,无话,两个人心里在较量着。 帕甲打破僵局,上前说道:“老爷,是我请仁钦噶伦来的。” “你挺有本事啊,你跟我进来。” 帕甲乖乖地过去了,康萨带着他准备再进宫门。格勒上前一步,说道:“康萨噶伦留步。” 康萨明知故问:“什么事儿?” “请您给达札摄政王捎句话,他有用得着我的地方。” “摄政王晚课以后,已经休息了,仁钦噶伦也回去休息吧。” “康萨噶伦应该清楚,在拉萨,热振活佛最信任的人是我。你们要逮捕热振,离开我,还真有些麻烦。” "What do you mean?" “热振活佛在各地都有耳目,大批藏军扑向林周宗的热振寺,他会不知道?康萨噶伦,恐怕你派的藏军还没到郭拉山口,热振活佛就已经带人向北逃窜,奔青海而去。然后再前往南京告状,我敢保证,不出几个月,热振活佛会在国民党军队的保护下,重回拉萨,这只是个时间的问题。” 康萨显然明白其中的利害,他问道:“你想站在达札摄政王一边?” “如果我参与此事,情形就完全不同了,我有办法稳住热振活佛,使整个逮捕行动万无一失。” 康萨听完,愣住了。 “为了政教大业的繁荣昌盛,为了雪域圣地免遭战火蹂躏,我愿意承担背叛热振活佛的恶名。” 康萨哼了一声,带着帕甲进去了。 格勒坐在奴仆的后背上,一直等到黎明时分,康萨和帕甲也没出来。 在内地,蒋介石的全部精力都在准备和拉萨打内战,他焦头烂额,哪顾得上拉萨,顾得上热振。土登格勒刚才的一番话,完全是吓唬康萨,成与败就靠菩萨保佑了,他必须拿自己的身家性命大赌一场。 宫门突然开了,康萨和帕甲从里面走出来。康萨说道:“仁钦噶伦,你的意思我已经禀报达札佛爷了,佛爷体谅你的忠心,任命你为此次抓捕行动的副总指挥。” “谢谢康萨噶伦,我一定不负达札佛爷的期望。”格勒感激地说。 “仁钦噶伦,你立功的机会到了,帕甲与你随行,是协助你,也是监督你。”康萨又转向帕甲说:“如果有人阳奉阴违,你有权将他立即逮捕。” 格勒脸上掠过一丝憎恨,但还是接受了,他说道:“这肯定不是达札佛爷的主意,是康萨噶伦安排的吧?” "it's the same." “你够狠!帕甲,一切听你指挥,我就把你当菩萨一样供着。” 格勒离开布达拉宫直奔雍丹府,他把睡眼惺忪的占堆从卧室里叫了出来。占堆揉着眼睛问道:“二弟,又出了什么事儿?” 格勒上前严肃地说:“刚刚得到情报,青海的国民党部队正向藏北三十九族地区增援,不断骚扰边境的守军,噶厦派我和尼玛代本带着藏军前去应对,我们连夜出发。” “二弟,那些马匪明天就押回来了,还有,帕甲怎么办?别跑了。” “他跑不了,帕甲跟我一起去藏北。大哥,搞不好会有一场恶战,胜败难测。部队往北行军刚好路过热振寺,我准备带一些军官去拜见热振活佛,一是请他占卜凶吉,二是请活佛摸顶赐福。” "What do you want me to do?" “骑快马去通知热振活佛,不要离寺,等我们到来。” 卓嘎也从卧室出来,她一脸不高兴地说:“二老爷,这种跑腿的事儿,你让管家去不行啊。” “事关重大。” “占堆刚跟姐夫去抓马匪,腰都闪了,哲蚌寺有个从内地来的汉人喇嘛,懂推拿,我请他明天来给占堆捏鼓捏鼓,你还是让别人去吧。” “你别咋呼,此行非大哥不可!你回屋睡觉去!”格勒生气地说。 “不对啊,二老爷,你不是有事儿瞒着我吧?”卓嘎警觉地问。 “卓嘎,你变精明了。我实话告诉你,占卜赐福是假,我要去与活佛见一面,把拉萨最近的政局变化向活佛汇报,商量下面的对策。” “外面情况危急?我没觉得拉萨有什么变化啊。” “你每天吃喝玩乐,脑子里怎么会想这些。男人的事情男人办。你接着吃喝玩乐吧,也不必担心,我拿捏着呢,足以应付。” 占堆已经穿好衣服,他吩咐道:“管家,赶紧备马,我连夜上路。” “管家,选两名精干的仆人跟老爷去,带上枪,以防不测。”卓嘎叮嘱说。 格勒笑了:“还是卓嘎想得周到,把心放到肚子里吧,不会出什么问题的。” 占堆带着两名仆人骑马疾驶而去,奔向通往林周宗热振寺的路上。 清晨,仆人们把早餐摆好,扎西和德吉落座,却不见娜珍的影子。德吉问道:“二太太怎么还不下来。” “我去请二太太。”女仆说完,转身刚要走,巴桑从外面进来,他说道:“不用去请了,看门的说二太太昨晚半夜就走了。” “走了?不是让你守着吗?”德吉问道。 “是我让巴桑回去睡的……给娜珍留条生路。”扎西说道。 “也不事先说一声,成心。” “放她走了,今后就看她的造化吧。” “她会去哪儿?” “应该去找白玛少爷啦。”巴桑答道。 "how do you know?" “守门的说,昨晚半夜少爷派边巴跑回来送东西,好像是一件脏衣服,是军装。后来,二太太就走了。” “军装呢?” “二太太拿去了。” 扎西盘算着,最后说:“半夜派人回来送军装,而且是脏军装。德吉,我觉得这里面有问题。” “是啊,娜珍拿件脏军装能干什么?” 巴桑忽然说:“我想起来了,边巴回来的时候楼上的灯已经熄了,守门的怕打扰老爷和太太休息,想替他收了衣服,边巴不给,说少爷交代一定要亲自交到老爷的手上。” “这里面一定有名堂。”德吉说。 扎西警觉,吩咐道:“巴桑,告诉院子里备马,我走一趟兵营,马上。” 扎西骑马来到了藏兵
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