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Chapter 23 Chapter 23 Why Geller Filed for Divorce

tibetan secret 刘德濒 7676Words 2018-03-18
A very solemn guard of honor walked on the street, and Tibetan soldiers and lamas carried horse flags and evasive cards, and they were mighty.At the front of the guard of honor was a tall lama who lashed his whip and said, "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr of people watching from far and near, on the street, on the walls and on the roof.Wherever the guard of honor went, the onlookers immediately avoided, some pressed their faces against the wall, some bent over and stuck out their tongues, their faces full of awe.The guard of honor came to the gate of Yongdan Mansion beating gongs and drums.An incense table had already been set up in the courtyard of Yongdan Mansion, and the sound of gongs and drums outside the courtyard gradually approached.

Gele and Zhandui came out of the main building in splendid attire and Zhuoga adorned with various precious ornaments.As soon as they stood still, the leading personnel of the guard of honor entered the yard, followed by a row of officials, filing in.They held official uniforms, official hats, and yellow seal bags in their hands... the last ones appeared were monk officials, housekeeper Rezhen, Galon, Zibun and other officials. Gele stepped forward to salute, and said loudly: "Master Khenpo, Tudeng Gele will lead all the masters and servants of Yongdan Mansion to kowtow to you." Then, the masters and servants of Yongdan Mansion knelt down and kowtowed.

After the ceremony.The monk took the three burning sticks of Tibetan incense and held them high above his head.The master of ceremonies said loudly: "Worship the incarnation of Manjusri Bodhisattva in the world, the Great Emperor of Nanjing." The monk bowed towards the east. The master of ceremonies said loudly again: "I salute the Lhasa Lama, the supreme protector of the world, Vajradhara." The monk bowed in the direction of the Potala Palace. Finally, the monk took out a volume of yellow silk book and officially read: "According to the imperial decree of Emperor Manjusri, who is in charge of Lhasa affairs and presides over the Yellow Sect Rezhenhu Tuketu, this is a notice to all the sentient beings in the sunny world. The monks and lay officials all know that because the ancestors of Yongdan have been loyal and kind to the cause of the two laws of politics and religion, they are dedicated to their duties and have made outstanding achievements. They should be rewarded. Special promotion of Yongdan? The land is one hundred and fifty Zangke. Promoted to Yongdan? The title of Tudeng Zhandui deputy third-rank Zhasa can be inherited from generation to generation. Special iron certificates are issued as proof...Yongdan brothers accept the Buddha's order."

Gele and Zhandui kowtowed and said in unison: "Thank you Rezhen for your kindness." After seeing off the officials, Gele, Zhandui, and Zhuoga returned to the living room. Zhuoga said happily, "I'm also making trouble with Mrs. Kalon! What I've been dreaming of for so many years, now it's here." "It's because my second brother has a vision. I'm content with being able to see miles and miles from the top of the mountain. As for my second brother, standing on the top of the mountain, I can see thousands of miles when I look up. I'm really convinced by you!" Zhandui said appreciatively.

"Look at how big brother praised me, it's so windy standing on the top of the mountain, isn't it cold?" Gele said modestly. "Isn't it cold in Lhasa? Isn't it cold at the foot of the Potala Palace? Let's talk about the battle between Jiangcun and Rinchen. If we make a wrong move, we will be doomed. What's going on now? Jiangcun is blind, Rinchen is crazy, and you Serving allegiance to the regent Rezhen, our Yongdan family has the glory it has today." "It's not that I'm judging the situation. You forgot. I made a divination. It's the will of the gods and Bodhisattvas. My elder brother and my wife support me. Otherwise, I have such boldness."

"Master Kalun, don't be modest. I think we will have a three-day banquet in Yongdan Mansion, and we will invite everyone who looks down on us and those who look down on us..." Zhuoga said happily. "Madam, the banquet will be canceled for three days. The situation outside is still unstable, so don't make trouble. Madam, brother, you sit down." Gele said, solemnly letting Zhandui and Zhuoga sit in the card On the mat, I stood opposite them, and said seriously: "I have something on my mind to discuss with you." Zhandui and Zhuoga looked at Gele with a serious face, and looked at each other in puzzlement.

"I've thought about this matter for a long time, and I'll take advantage of your happiness today, so I can express it quickly. If there is anything inappropriate, please forgive me, madam and elder brother." Zhandui and Zhuoga were even more dizzy, and Zhandui said, "Second brother, tell me." "According to the unwritten old practice in Lhasa, in aristocratic families like ours, one son keeps the family and protects the business, one son cuts off his hair to become a monk, and the other becomes an official. Only in this way can the family business never decline. Unfortunately, the Yongdan family has only Neither of us two brothers will become lamas. What I mean is, big brother, you and Zhuoga guard the family business, hold the title of Zhasa, and can be honored for generations to come."

"If you become an official, the bigger the better, Zhandui and I will manage this family business for you firmly, so as not to distract you." "With you and elder brother, I don't get distracted. What I want to discuss with you is that I plan to divide the family." Zhuoga was stunned, and asked puzzledly: "You want to separate? The three of us are living a good life, where is this?" "Second brother, are you joking?" Zhandui asked. "Separation of family and business is not a joke, how can it be a joke? I have already thought about it, I will set up another family, as long as I live in the small house on Barkhor Street, all the current properties of the Yongdan family will be left to you two."

"why?" "It's close to the Kashag of the Jokhang Temple, so it's convenient for me to go to work." "Then what about me? If you set up another family, what am I?" Zhuoga asked anxiously. "We cancel the current engagement, you follow the elder brother! I live alone." Zhuoga's eyes were red, and he said sourly: "Isn't that right... Do you have a woman outside? I learned from my brother-in-law, and made a concubine without anyone noticing, and raised a son, right? Don't you?" Keep it from me, tell me." "It's nothing. Zhuoga, don't think about it."

"Ajiala, if you can bring Nazhen and the others into the house, so can I. If you bring them back, I can tolerate them." "Really not. Brother, just promise me." Zhandui didn't say anything for a long time, and finally said: "Second brother, today I am really happy, today I am really unhappy, can you tell me and Zhuoga why?" Gele lowered his head, and finally said in embarrassment: "For the sake of our Yongdan family forever and ever." Tashi was so drunk in the wine cellar that he was lying on the ground with the bottle in his arms, half drunk and half asleep.Deji asked the maid to spread pulu and card mats under his body.

"Young Mistress, it's dark and cool in the wine cellar, let's carry the Young Master up there." said the maid. "He is addicted to wine, loves wine, guarding the old wine in this cellar, and smelling the aroma of wine all over the room, he will feel more at ease." Deji supported Tashi's head and wiped his face with a hot towel.Gang Zhu ran in excitedly, seeing Tashi's appearance, he lost all interest. "You're in a panic, where are you going?" Deji asked. "Nowhere, on the street." "Gangzhu, what's going on in your stomach?" Deji stopped and looked up at Gangzhu. "Young lady, the regent King Rezhen issued a decree from the Buddha, bestowing the title of Zhasa on the young master of Yongdan Mansion, and the second young master became a third-rank Kalon." Deji said nothing, put the towel in the copper basin and washed it again and again. The maid stepped forward to help her, and she beat the maid's hand aside.Deji washed and washed, tears of joy and sorrow flowed down. "Young Mistress, I have made you sad." Gangzhu said timidly. "Good thing, what a good thing, I'm happy." "But that's someone's good thing. Look at our young master, he's drunk like mud... Isn't our Dele mansion finished?" "Why is it someone else? Gangzhu, you go to the cabinet to pay some money and prepare some valuable gifts. Let's go to Yongdan Mansion to congratulate." After finishing speaking, Deji wiped the tears on his face, and said to the maid: "You Leave Haosheng to wait on the young master, if he wants wine, you can give it to him, don't forget to add more water." Deji and Gangzhu went out with presents. As soon as they walked to the street, they found a group of people watching the excitement on the side of the road in front of them. Several children shouted loudly: "Madman, madman... I am your son, I Where is it here..." Rinchen was disheveled, chasing one of the children crazily, shouting: "Son, my son..." Deji stared at him blankly, suspicious. Gangzhu muttered: "Isn't this Master Rinchen?" Deji walked away quickly without saying a word.They walked through two street corners and saw four monks accompanying the Living Buddha Duojilin rubbing the roofs of dozens of believers.The child ran into the crowd and hid, but Rinchen chased after him.Duojiling Rinpoche touched the heads of the people one by one, and Rinchen rushed in front of him. Duojiling touched his head and said, "Isn't this Rinchen Kalon?" Rinqin looked up at the rosary beads around the neck of Living Buddha Duojilin foolishly, and stretched out his hands: "Son, my son..." The lama next to Duojilin wanted to stop him, but the Living Buddha waved his hand and said regretfully, "It's for self-interest and other self-interest. Last time I rushed to persuade you, you thought I was saving Tashi, but actually I’m saving you, you don’t understand.” The servants of the Renqin Mansion also came over with their heads stretched out. Duojilin touched the top for them and said, "Hurry up and take your master home." The servant dragged Rinchen away.Deji stood at the intersection, looking this way, with mixed feelings. Deji and Gangzhu arrived at Yongdan Mansion. As soon as they entered the courtyard, they saw Zhandui with a sad face.Deji asked: "I'm late, and the grace is gone?" Zhandui snorted in a low mood: "Yes." "Gangzhu, present the congratulatory gift to brother-in-law." Deji found that Zhandui was in a bad mood, and asked strangely: "Didn't you receive a reward today? Why are you so depressed?" "It's okay. Ajia, I'll accompany you... let's sit in the room." "Where's Greg?" "He's gone...he's gone to Kashag to take up his post." "Where's Zhuoga?" "I'm crying inside." "Ah? What's going on?" Deji was dizzy, she threw off Zhandui and walked quickly towards the main building. When Zhuoga saw Deji, he threw himself into her arms and cried: "Ajia, Gele has broken his conscience. He wants to separate the family and divorce me..." "What happened? Don't cry, it's useless to cry, talk." Deji asked anxiously. "I don't know either. He was still happy when he was rewarded just now, but who knew he would turn his back on him when he turned around." "You didn't ask him why?" "He didn't say it. It's not like you don't know about him. You have been holding back your thoughts and you can't figure it out." "There must be a reason, the three of you don't get along well?" "Okay, okay, he has a lot of thoughts, and he will take Zhandui away at every turn, and he is always clinging to me. Is it easy for me to serve the two brothers alone." "That's weird, why?" Zhuoga suddenly saw Deji's belly and stopped crying. She said, "Ajia, I think it may be because of the child. You are pregnant again. How wonderful. Gele must be because of this. The three of us I have been married for so many years and I have never had a child. He must have disliked me for not leaving an heir to the Yongdan family. But it is not my job to have a child alone. The two brothers are busy in shifts, so it is not my fault." Deji didn't understand either. She sympathized with her sister and said with tears: "Maybe, no child can't tie a man." Zhuoga was even more sad, and wept uncontrollably. Tashi finally woke up, he shouted: "Wine, wine..." The maid hurriedly handed over the water, Tashi finished drinking, woke up, looked around, got up to leave. "Master, where are you going?" the maid asked. "Go away, leave me alone." The maid did not dare to speak, and followed him out of the wine cellar. Tashi wobbled across the courtyard and went straight to the gate. His legs gave way and he fell to the ground.The servants in the yard surrounded him to help him, but Tashi picked up stones from the ground and scattered them.Then he got up from the ground again, stared at the stable, and swayed past. Zhaxi pulled the bay red horse and climbed up, surrounded by servants who were at a loss.Upon hearing the news, Baima ran out of the main building. The maid said anxiously: "Master, wait a minute, I will give you a saddle, and you can ride again." Tashi didn't seem to hear, and climbed onto the horse's back by himself. He couldn't sit still, so he pulled the rein hard, and the horse carried him towards the courtyard gate. The servants wanted to catch up, but Baima stopped him, and he said, "Let him go." The servants didn't understand, and watched Tashi being carried out of the yard by the horse and disappeared. The bay red horse carried Tashi to the mani pile beside the Lhasa River. Tashi hugged the horse's neck and lay down on the horse's back. up and down.Looking up at the prayer flags in the wind, he crawled over and pulled the ropes of the prayer flags into his arms, mumbling sutras in his mouth, and then wept loudly, heart-piercingly.Finally, he fell asleep lying next to the mani pile. Baima covered him with a leather robe, then took out the Han flute and played it. The sound of the Han flute seemed to float from the sky. Tashi finally woke up. He opened his eyes and saw the prayer flags fluttering in the wind in the yellow light of the setting sun.Baima sat on a big rock not far away, still playing the Han flute, very focused. Tashi got up and stared at Mani in a daze, then he acted suddenly and began to pick stones desperately.Baima was startled by his voice, and seeing Tashi's strange behavior, he also came over and followed a stone.After a while, the two men moved a lot of stones from the mani pile, and the tall prayer flag pole fell to one side. Tashi stopped and yelled at Baima, "What are you doing?" Baima looked at him, without saying a word, bent down and continued to pick stones. "Do you know what I'm picking?" Tashi asked angrily. Baima didn't speak, but her hands didn't stop. "What are you doing!" Tashi yelled at him again. Baima didn't seem to hear, and still didn't speak. "You don't want to talk to me, do you? Then what are you doing here? Get away! Go away!" Baima straightened up, looked at him, knelt down suddenly, and called out affectionately: "Dad!" Tashi was stunned, and repelled, "I'm not your father. My name is Tashi Dundup. I have nothing to do with you. If you don't want to talk to me, don't!" "You are my father, my lord father!" "Your father... Your father is Qimei Jeb, the young master of a noble family. He died and went to the Western Paradise. I'm just his substitute." "But in my heart, you are my father, my lord father, to be worshiped by the unfilial son." After finishing speaking, Baima kowtowed, his head resting on the rocky beach, and never got up again. Tashi was so angry that he turned around and left, but after he took a few steps, he was finally moved when he saw that Baima Chang could not kneel down.Tashi walked over, held Baima's head in his arms, and said, "You child, you are as stubborn as a yak, do you know what I'm picking up? Just follow me." "I don't know, I'll pick you up! I'm willing to help you!" Baima raised her head and said. "What can you help me with? I'm a useless thing... I'm empty-hearted and passionate, and I can do nothing but harm others and myself! Useless... Useless... I made a great vow to save all sentient beings, but those kind and good people, I was imprisoned by me, and my family was ruined..." "It's not your fault, Dad, they would have gotten the same result without you involved." Tashi looked up to the sky and screamed, tears streaming down his face: "How could this be? Guru, where is the terma of Padmasambhava you mentioned? I want to fulfill my vow, and I want to find it! Where is it..." Accompanied by Baima, Tashi went to the Buddha Hall of Jokhang Temple. The hall was resplendent and solemn.Tashi knelt in front of the Buddha, kowtowed devoutly, bent down, knelt down, kowtowed, and got up, repeating the cycle meticulously.In order to cultivate blessings and confess sins, Tashi made a great wish in front of Sakyamuni, kowtowed 100,000 long heads to the Buddha, offered 100,000 butter lamps, and made 100,000 clay Buddha statues.It is impossible for him to pray for the happiness of all living beings in Tibet by relying on the strength of his vows, but he firmly believes that his piety will eventually impress Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. This is his personal way! Tashi began to mold clay Buddhas in the courtyard of the Buddhist temple. He poured out a row of "Tscha Buddhas" from the mold and respectfully placed them in the sun to dry.Deji's stomach is already very big, she took the tea bowl from the maid and slowly brought it to Tashi.Tashi took the buttered tea and drank it down. He looked up at Deji's stomach, his eyes full of hope. Rinchen knelt in front of the Dharma Protector God to worship Buddha and prayed. He held a porcelain bowl in his hand, and there were two tsampa balls in the bowl. .The tsampa ball fell to the ground, rolled far away, and finally stopped at a person's feet. Rinchen's expression froze, he looked up the Tibetan boots on the ground, and it turned out that Tudengele was standing in front of him.Gele used his foot to spread the tsampa ball, revealing a piece of paper with the words: leave Lhasa. Rinchen pretended to be crazy again. He took the ghee on the altar and wiped it on his face, making a mess. Ge Le approached him, smiled and said, "If you pretend to be crazy, the regent won't punish you?" Rinchen still pretended to be crazy, and said frantically, "Losang, you are here, son, why are you wearing white clothes and a tiger skin apron..." Gele held up another ball of tsampa in a porcelain bowl in front of him, and said loudly, "Rinchen, you can't hide it from me! Madmen can also gossip?" Rinchen was finally discouraged and looked at Gele with panic and disgust. "You have betrayed all your relatives. Your best friends, Kangsa Daiben, Lord Nima, and the group of stray dogs who beg for food have all betrayed you! They have already pledged their allegiance to the regent, please beg Please ask the protection god, and see if there are any magic soldiers and generals who can help you turn around." "Tudengrad, you won't let go of even a lunatic? I, a bad old man, have already surrendered. Why do you want to kill them all?" "Using his own way, he will treat his own body." "Are you going to force me to die?" "Don't scare me with death. Whether you die or not is your own business. However, I know Zawa is dead." "What did you say?" Gele handed the bun with the golden plaque to Rinqin and asked, "Do you know this one?" Rinqin took it over and carefully identified it, and then asked in surprise, "This belongs to my son Zhawa, why is it in your hands?" "Rinqin's young master was lost, and I was also in a hurry. I have been looking for it for you, and I found it." "Where is he?" "Under the snow-capped mountains north of Lhasa, he froze to death." Rinchen was dumbfounded, and he stumbled out as he walked out, saying, "I'm going to see...you take me to see...my son..." "Don't look at it, it's miserable, it makes you sad. I don't know how long he has been dead. He was eaten by coyotes and vultures in the wasteland, leaving only a pile of bones and this lock of hair!" Grid Le stopped him and said. Rinchen's heart ached and he clutched his chest. "Hahaha..., Luosang is dead, and Zawa is also dead. There is no male heir in the Rinchen family who can inherit the property that you managed alone. What a pity! We are Buddhist disciples, and we all believe in reincarnation! Rinchen Kalon , At the beginning, didn’t you want to occupy the Dele Mansion, now it’s your turn to hand over the Rinchen Mansion.” Gele laughed, turned and left. Rinchen felt a great pain in his heart, his lips turned purple, and his whole body trembled. As soon as Gele walked to the door of the temple, he heard a plop behind him, Gele hesitated for a moment, and went out without looking back. Rinchen in front of the Dharma protector fell to the ground and died. This year's Shenshen Festival just passed, and the regent King Rezhen issued a decree again, assigning Tudeng Gele to the Renqin Mansion, inheriting the family name of the Rinchen family, and at the same time marrying Zhawa's wife Congmei as the eldest wife. Rinqin's daughter, Qiongda, is the concubine.At this time, Zhuoga suddenly realized that this was Gele's real purpose for asking for a divorce and separation. Gele rode a tall horse first, followed by Zhandui and Zhuoga, and they came to the Rinchen Mansion with the housekeeper and a large number of servants.The movement had been heard in the Rinchen mansion, and the closed door burst open, and the Rinchen butler rushed out and greeted him respectfully. Gele came to the gate of the mansion, looked up at the plaque above, his face was filled with the pride of the winner.He turned his head and said humbly, "Brother, sister-in-law, please!" Gele, Zhandui, Zhuoga and others filed in and entered the gate of Rinchen Mansion. Cong Mei led all the masters and servants of the Renqin family to kneel in the yard, which was covered in darkness.Gele and others arrogantly passed through the courtyard, wandered past the crowd of worshipers, and went straight to the main building with their heads held high. Housekeeper Rinchen led Gele into the living room, which was newly decorated and more magnificent.Butler Rinchen said softly, "Master, take your seat." Gele came to the mat and sat on it.In front of him was a tall golden coffee table, and on the left and right were two lower coffee tables.Zhuoga and Zhandui also took their seats on both sides, and the ceremony officially began. Butler Yongdan shouted loudly: "Madam Renqin? Congmei pays respects to the master..." Congmei came over, knelt on the ground and said, "Honorable Rinchen? Husband Tudengele, I wish you Tashi Dele for my wife Congmei." After she finished speaking, she kowtowed three times. Butler Yongdan continued to shout: "Little madam Rinchen? Qiongda pays respects to the master..." No one in the yard answered.People in the living room looked around, wondering what happened. Butler Yongdan looked unhappy, and asked Rinchen butler, "Where is the little madam? Where is she?" Housekeeper Rinchen hurriedly replied, "Little Madam is young and shy. She has never seen this scene before. She has been arguing all morning and refused to go downstairs. I will call her now..." Gele waved his hand and said, "Forget it, let's continue." Butler Yongdan said loudly: "Your Majesty, take your seat." Congmei got up and went to the low coffee table on one side of Gele and sat down, apparently the other side of the low coffee table was reserved for Qiongda. The ceremony continued, and one group after another entered the living room to kowtow to Gele and offer khatas.Zhandui and Zhuoga also looked very imposing beside them, and Zhuoga couldn't hide the pride from his heart.It would be great if Ajiala was here. She must be happy to see the current behavior of the master and servant of the Rinchen Mansion.It's a pity that Ajiala has a baby at home and is inconvenient to move.If you don't come, then you don't come. The second master has become the master of the Renqin family. She can come whenever she wants in the future. This is our territory. After the ceremony, the banquet began. Everyone pushed the cups and changed the cups, and guessed the orders with the wine, which was very noisy.Zhandui swaggered along the corridor drunkenly, looking east and west.Suddenly, he found a room with four doors closed. Through the window, he could see a bed in the center of the room. The bed was covered with white gauze, as if a dead body was parked there. Zhandui frowned, he opened the door curiously and walked to the bed, and saw that there was a person covered under the white gauze.He stretched out his hand to lift the white veil, and it was Qiongda lying there. Zhandui was attracted by her beauty, thought she was dead, and reached out to touch her face regretfully.Suddenly Qiongda opened his eyes and stared straight at Zhandui.Zhandui cried out in fright: "You've cheated!" He turned around and ran away. Qiong Da laughed heartily behind him.Only then did Zhandui wake up and stopped. Jonda sat up, looked at him and asked, "Who are you?" "Who are you?" "I am Miss Rinchen Mansion, Qiong Da." Gele came to the room with Zhuoga, Congmei, two housekeepers and some servants.The housekeeper Rinqin introduced to Gele: "This is the little lady, Qiongda." He turned to Qiongda and said, "This is our new master, Master Gele. Stop messing around, come down quickly, and pay your respects to the master." Geller looked at her, keeping his expression on. Qiongda looked cold and arrogant. She got out of bed, came to Gele, and said with a stiff neck, "I'm not the little lady, I'm Miss Renqin!" Gele raised his hand and hit her in the face with a big mouth, and Qiongda staggered out and fell to the ground.Cong Mei, Housekeeper Rinchen and others watched in horror, but no one dared to speak.Jonda collapsed on the ground, glaring at Geler angrily. Gele looked majestic and inviolable, and he ordered: "Send her to the bedroom, strip her naked for me, and wait!" The four male servants rushed up, lifted Qiongda up with a slight lift, lifted it over his head, and carried it out. Today is also a sleepless night in Dele House, because Deji is about to give birth.According to the customs of the Tibetan people, women who give birth to children are dirty and unclean and cannot be in the rooms of the main building.Therefore, the courtyard was brightly lit, and a new tent was set up in the center of the courtyard, and there were a lot of people in the tent. Tashi was pacing back and forth outside the tent, he was restless and anxious. The male servants were busy stacking bundles of mulberry branches they had begged for in the middle of the yard.The maids carried hot water, ghee, etc. in and out of the tent. Deji is giving birth in the tent, her face is sweaty and in pain.Zhuoga and the midwife were busy. Tashi waited anxiously outside, scratching his head.Suddenly there was a loud cry of a baby in the tent, Tashi was pleasantly surprised, and rushed to the tent to enter. "Brother-in-law, a woman is not allowed to give birth to a man." Zhuoga came out to stop him and said. "Where are so many rules, I want to see the child." Tashi said dissatisfied. Exhausted and sweating, Deji was relieved to see her baby. The midwife came out of the tent with the baby in her arms, and said with a smile, "Congratulations, Master Dele, you are a man with handles!" Tashi was overjoyed and overwhelmed, he said happily, "That's great, that's great, let me give you a hug." Gang Zhu came over with a plate of pot ashes on a tray.Zhuoga said: "Brother-in-law, don't rush to hug, quickly stabilize your son's soul and stabilize his masculinity." Tashi was a little flustered, he reached out and dipped a finger of black ash in the plate, and wiped it on the baby's nose. Nazhen was standing on the roof quietly at this time, paying attention to everything that happened in the yard.Filled with jealousy and resentment, she tore a handkerchief into pieces, turned around and disappeared.
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