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Chapter 19 Chapter 19 My Son Is the Authentic Bone Line of the Dele Mansion

tibetan secret 刘德濒 16322Words 2018-03-18
Tashi and Deji sat on the mat in the living room and drank butter tea. Deji was a little sad, and she murmured: "They are all women, with different identities, and their fate is so unfair." Tashi asked tentatively, "You mean... Nazhen?" "It's pitiful for her these years. She was thrown in the nun's temple by herself. She endured hardships and endured humiliation. Qimei Jeb really underestimated me! It's disgraceful to raise a woman outside, but he discussed with me, and I still Can she really be tolerated? All these masters and young masters in Lhasa have married the second wife, the third wife...the eighth wife, why did he hide it from me and let me bear such a bad reputation for so many years, damn it!"

"Don't look at me and scold me, this It's none of my business." "Who told you to sit next to me, aren't you the young master of the Dele family?" Gang Zhu ran in from the outside to report: "Young Mistress, Young Master, Master Jiangcun please see me." Deji and Tashi looked at each other in surprise.Deji asked puzzledly, "Why did Lord Jiangcun come to our house suddenly?" "I don't know, maybe...it's for Baima." Tashi said suspiciously. "Young Mistress, Mr. Jiangcun is waiting outside the gate, would you please?" Gang Zhu asked.

"Please, hurry up!" Tashi and Deji got up and ran out with Gangzhu.They greeted the door and saw Jiangcun and two well-dressed lamas.Tashi said politely, "I don't know if your lord is coming, but I'm sorry to welcome you." Jiangcun smiled and said, "You go to my house. I didn't go far to welcome you. Let me introduce you. These are two eminent monks who just came from Shannan. They are the best doctors for treating bruises. I'll bring them here. Show Baima the injury." "My lord, I have troubled you too much." Tashi finished speaking and bowed to the two eminent monks.

"The two eminent monks came too timely. The child has been in a coma since he came back. We sent people to Yaowang Mountain to ask for a doctor. They haven't arrived yet and are in a hurry." Deji said gratefully. "Then invite the two eminent monks to take a look." Jiangcun said. "Okay, two eminent monks, please follow me." Deji said, and left with two lamas. Jiangcun followed Tashi into the living room, and after they sat down, Jiangcun pushed over the gift list that Tashi gave him last time.Tashi was stunned for a moment, and asked puzzledly, "My lord, what do you mean?"

"Your son has already come out, and I didn't do much to help. It's still the same sentence, you don't get paid for nothing." "My lord's words are wrong. I have heard that you pressed Rinchen every step of the way in the Kashag Chamber." "You are in the Dele Mansion, but your ears are in the Kashag Council Hall. You can't be idle." "If it wasn't for your foreshadowing, how could I persuade Rinqin, and how could I take back the child. You must take back this small gift." Deji couldn't help but interjected: "Master Jiangcun, you are the child's savior, you don't accept this little meaning, we are really sorry."

"It's really impossible to hide anything from the eyes of Dele's family! Then... I'll make it clear. If I didn't accept you when you came to give gifts, I was afraid that you would feel uneasy and think that I would not help. So, I I just kept this gift list for you for the time being. Now that people have come out and things have come to an end, I must send you back the root of this disaster, so as not to be suspected of taking bribes and ruin my reputation of honesty in Jiangcun." Jiangcun said laughingly. "Master Jiangcun, how can this be good?" "Indeed, there are many dignitaries in the Kashag and even in the major monasteries, hoping that other people's families will cause disasters and make troubles, so as to extort bribes and accept bribes. This is how the simplicity of my snow-covered Buddhist country has been ruined. When the thirteenth Lhasa Buddha was alive, he rectified the government , To maintain the canon, the Buddha has spent so much effort, but he still can't stop this kind of corruption, which really makes me sad. Master Dele and Mistress, please don't let me suffer from their bad luck."

"Your Excellency, I admire you for your integrity." Tashi said emotionally. "Don't flatter me. When your old father Dele Kalon was alive, he was more beautiful than me in terms of sentiment and duty. I followed the old Kalon's footprints... Don't mention him, it will touch me. Your sore spot. Master Dele, you often take caravans abroad to make goods, have you ever heard of a term called 'constitutional monarchy'?" "I've heard that this is the English system. The queen's power is supreme. Under the queen's rule, there is a parliament and a government. The people are regardless of their status. As long as they have talent and public opinion, they can enter the parliament and the government. , act as members of parliament, officials, and govern one party."

"Do you think...we can implement such a system in Lhasa?" Tashi was surprised. He looked up at Deji and asked, "Master Jiangcun, you mean to implement a constitutional monarchy in Lhasa?" "I mean, the child Baima shouldn't have suffered like this." Seeing Deji's puzzled expression, Jiangcun continued, "Why beat an ignorant child like this? Because of the current political and religious system." Forcing us officials to fight each other and attack each other. Baima is just an unlucky pawn in the officialdom struggle. Since the fifteenth year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty and the establishment of the Ganden Pozhang regime in Lhasa, how many times have blood been staged at the foot of the Potala Palace? The tragedies in the world caused by the rain and wind, from the Lhasa Buddha and the Prince Regent, to the monks and lay officials of the Kashag and Yicang, and down to the black-headed people all over the world, how many people were poisoned, killed, Being humiliated..."

Deji understood, she nodded in agreement, and Tashi heard that, his eyes were also filled with excitement. Jiangcun continued: "Leaving aside, since the Republic of China, the father and son of the Tsarong Kalon, the ninth living Buddha Dimu, died unexpectedly; the chief servant Jianse was exiled to the border areas, and even the ninth Panchen Lama was driven out of Tibet. On this plateau, if any family or any lineage wants to survive, there are only two ways, either tolerance or cruelty... This is completely contrary to the teachings of the Buddha. Master Dele, Lhasa It is time for reform. Only in this way can we keep up with the trend of the civilized world, instead of fending for ourselves on this lofty roof of the world. I have traveled in Europe, and I have broadened my horizons. If we want Lhasa to achieve long-term happiness, we must The only way is to imitate the English, establish a constitutional monarchy in Lhasa, and promote democratic politics.”

"Master Jiangcun, I have had this idea for a long time, but I am only a shallow mind, and I don't have a deep understanding of the political and economic systems around the world, so I am a little dazzled. Wait a moment." Tashi said excitedly, and quickly walked to the bottom of the altar, from He took out the "Three People's Principles" from a small drawer and handed it to Jiangcun.Jiangcun took it and looked it over. Today is the most exciting day since Tashi returned to Lhasa. He finally found a like-minded ally.When Tashi was in India, he came into contact with several pamphlets promoting modern democratic ideas, and had a little understanding of the Three People's Principles, Utopia, and constitutional monarchy.Although he still can't figure out the essential difference between them, for him these thoughts have a common theme, progress!As long as progress is made, Tibetan compatriots will move towards happiness, which is in line with his belief in saving all sentient beings.

Jiangcun read it for a while, put down the book in his hand, and meditated. "The Three People's Principles in the Mainland should be introduced to Lhasa," Tashi said. "Mr. Sun Yat-sen is a doctor, but the Revolution of 1911 was a violent revolution. If there is violence, blood will be shed. Violence will create more hatred. This is not in line with the teachings of Buddha." "I am also in favor of using a gentle method, using the method allowed by Sakyamuni to make changes." "Of course, those stubborn guys are like stumbling blocks on the road. We must be on our guard! Otherwise, we will be thrown off our feet." Tashi and Jiangcun had a lively conversation, and they hated seeing each other late. They kept talking about the moon rising, and Tashi and Deji sent Jiangcun out. In the far corner of the Delore Mansion, there are two figures looking furtively towards this side.They followed Jiangcun Ziben all the way, and they have not relaxed for a moment since they have been monitoring during the day.Suddenly someone covered their faces with ghee. The ghee covered their mouths and noses, and they couldn't make a sound.It turned out that it was two burly lamas. The lama strangled their necks with cassocks, covered their heads, and carried them away. All of this was seen by Tudengele who was ready to go home after eating and drinking in the distance. He immediately became vigilant and waved back at the servant.The servant stopped the horse knowingly, and covered the tinkling bell with his hand. Gele observed, and muttered: "This is for Dele Mansion, who is it?" He watched Tashi and Deji send Jiangcun away from a distance, then turned back to the yard, in front of Dele Mansion It was quiet again.He turned around and asked Pajia: "Those two guys who probed their brains, who sent them?" "It must be Rinchen. He is most afraid of the alliance between Jiangcun and Dele Mansion," Pajia said. "What about the two lamas?" "Ordinarily... it shouldn't be someone from Jiangcun Ziben, but someone sent by the three major monasteries? Jiangcun Ziben called for reform and won the support of many lay officials. They are doing something in private. I heard that they want to take back the whole Tibet. The fiefdom of the monastery pays the lama, and the three major monasteries are very dissatisfied with him." "Dissatisfied with Jiangcun, why are they robbing Renqin's spies? What kind of bullshit logic are you talking about?" Pajia couldn't understand it, and fell silent. Gele looked around, as if he sensed something, he said: "Why do I smell blood in the air. Pajia, go back to the base camp and tell the brothers, all of you, put your ears up for me. , keep an eye on everything." When Tashi returned to the Buddhist hall, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep. He turned over, stood upside down on the wall, and said to himself: "The opportunity has finally come. The Buddha did not abandon me! There is a master from Jiangcun who came from the inside of Kashag to promote reform. , I will definitely be able to fulfill the great oath I made before you, to save all living beings in the world, and to seek happiness in Lhasa..." Suddenly the door opened, Tashi was startled.When Nazhen came in with a basin of water, she was also startled, and stood there in a daze.Tashi turned over quickly, but Nazhen came to him without saying a word, put the basin under his feet, then looked at Tashi gratefully, stretched out her hand to pull his leg, and took off his boots. Zhaximeng was frightened and hid away. He asked, "What are you doing?" Nazhen looked at him strangely and said: "In the past, I have been serving the young master to wash his feet. You like it the most. What's the matter today?" "Isn't this in the mansion, let people see... I'm afraid of causing trouble." Tashi said in a concealed manner. "You are afraid that the young mistress will see it." "Don't provoke her on purpose. She has spent a lot of thought and money on the child's affairs..." "What does this have to do with washing your feet? I'm thinking of her, and I'm thinking of you too. I don't have the skills, I just want to wash your feet as I did in the past, which is also a reward." "How can you say repayment? Baima is also my son." "So what if it's your son? You haven't ignored him all these years." Tashi was choked there by her, not knowing what to say. Nazhen pulled his foot and shed tears while washing. Tashi felt uncomfortable all over. He said, "It's finished, it's finished. Nazhen, let's do it this way. If you rub it again, the skin will fall off." "You have been running around outside for your child these days, and your calf is hard. I will rub it for you in a while." Terrified, Tashi pulled his legs out of the basin and stood on the ground barefoot. He held up the basin and handed it to Nazhen, saying, "Okay, okay, I'm going to recite the Diamond Sutra ten times tonight. Go back to sleep." "Bai Ma has been rescued, and you still chant sutras." "Fulfill your wish, fulfill your wish. Go back to sleep." While Zhaxi and Nazhen pushed and pushed, half a basin of footwashing water hit Nazhen's body, her clothes were wet and stuck to her body, revealing her figure. Nazhen was angry: "Master, look, it's all wet..." She began to take off her clothes. Seeing this, Tashi was stunned: "You, don't...don't..." Deji happened to push the door open and came in. Seeing the scene in front of her, she was stunned.Tashi became even more flustered, but it was hard to explain.Nazhen didn't care, took off her clothes, and squeezed the water.Deji had a gloomy face, jealous and angry, but unable to attack, she walked over and circled around Nazhen. Nazhen stopped her hands and said, "Young Mistress, you are here." Deji didn't answer, but gave Tashi a hard look, slammed the door and left. Tashi felt uncomfortable and begged Nazhen, "Grandma, please go back to your room." "She can eat you! Are you still the young master of Dele Mansion?" Na Zhen asked. When Tashi was in trouble, the door opened again with a bang.Deji appeared at the door again, and the maid followed her. She insulted Tashi in front of Nazhen: "This is a place to chant scriptures and worship Buddha. You are not afraid of retribution for doing such dirty things." Tashi was embarrassed and didn't know what to do.Nazhen didn't say a word, and continued to play with her clothes, revealing her fair body from time to time.With a wave of Deji's hand, the maid picked up Tashi's sleeping blanket and other items and carried them out. "This is... where is this going?" Tashi asked. Deji ignored him, but said to Nazhen: "If you take it off again, you will be naked. You are not afraid of catching a cold!" After she finished speaking, she turned her head and left. : "I haven't seen enough, right? I'm still sticking around!" "Come, come." Tashi agreed, obediently followed her out of the Buddhist hall, and went to the bedroom. Tashi waited for the servant to retreat, and hurried forward to explain: "Deji, don't get angry..." "That dead ghost is hiding in the golden house, and he still has my back. You are more capable than him, and you just do that kind of sneaky business under my nose..." Deji blushed and said angrily. "You misunderstood, Deji, calm down and listen to me..." "Are you acting for real or fake? If I hadn't met you just now, what would have happened to you two tonight. No wonder you care so much about Baima. I thought you were really a living Bodhisattva, a great benevolent lord, with all your heart and soul." For the sake of the bone system of our Dele family...Smelly bullshit! You are fascinated by that slut!" "You are messing around, I said it was a misunderstanding, it is a misunderstanding! Do you believe it or not!" Tashi shouted in anger. Deji was yelled at by Tashi and fell silent.Pointing to Tashi's bare feet, she said, "Look at you, you're all stripped like this, if I'm one step late, I'll be able to catch the rape in bed. What do you want me to believe in you!" "You have to think of me and Nazhen as dirty, don't you? All right, those two women are orphans and widowed. They are quite pitiful. They just need me. I'll find her!" "you dare!" "Why don't I dare? I'm already a lama, I'm no longer a lama, and I haven't married a wife yet, young mistress, I'm just a substitute in your house, can you control me!" "You bastard! Hua Lama! A big liar!" "What did I lie to you? I'm empty-handed. I didn't cheat money or sex. I finally met a caring person, and I can't miss it. Young Mistress, you are so kind, please help us." Deji became impatient, raised his hand, and slapped Tashi on the face with his mouth.Tashi was caught off guard, his face was hurt, he touched his face and asked, "This is the Buddha's head, you dare to hit it?" "I hit you. How dare you talk nonsense!" Tashi grabbed her hands and said angrily to her: "Look at you, if you don't block your lips, you can slap your throat. You are a nobleman, a great nobleman. You are as knowledgeable as a person like me, so it's a mistake." Decent!" "I'm disrespectful! I beat you without shame!" Deji broke free from his hands, and rushed to beat Tashi again.Tashi hugged Deji, and the two pushed and shoved, and finally Tashi pushed Deji on the bed.Deji resisted on the bed: "Get out, get out!" "In the middle of the night, I'm Master Dele, where am I going?" "You are a fool! If you were the young master, what are you doing hiding in the Buddhist hall all day long?" Tashi was shocked in his heart. Seeing Deji who was really moved, he stopped making trouble and sat up.Deji lay on the bed, crying and said: "Why, you stinky lama, why are you bullying me in my house..." Tashi sat down, helped Deji up, and held her in his arms.Deji still resisted at first, but gradually she was half-accepted, and was finally conquered by Tashi. The next day, the morning light spilled on the bed through the window and shone on Tashi's face. When he woke up, he stretched out his hand and felt that his side was empty.Tashi looked into the room and saw that Deji was arranging things with his back to her. She put Qimei Jeb's bow and arrow, Tibetan knife, photos and other relics into the box one by one.She looked around the room, and finally her eyes fell on the silver hand mirror, which she took and stroked, and finally put it in the box as well.Just as she was about to close the lid of the box, Tashi reached out from behind and stopped her. Deji knew it was Tashi, she still wanted to cover it, and pressed down the lid hard.Tashi stopped her again, took out the framed picture of Qimei Jeb, put it on the table, and solemnly lit three sticks of incense.He muttered silently: "Brother Qimei Jiebu, after several catastrophes in the Dele Mansion, only Tsering Deji was left to take care of it alone. You and my brothers have seen it, she is not easy! Although I, Tashi Dundup, came from a humble background , stubborn nature, but taking care of a woman, loving her, helping her, can still do..." Deji put his arms around Tashi's waist from behind and leaned his head on his shoulder. In the blink of an eye, autumn came, and Wangchuk took his servants to carry the fruits harvested from Menyu Manor to Delek Mansion on mules and yaks.Holding a parchment bill in his hand, Gangzhu read aloud: "...600 Tibetans of highland barley, 600 Tibetans of rice, 100 Tibetans of tsampa, 50 Tibetans of ghee, 50 Tibetans of green oil , a hundred feet of ox hair rope..." Wangchuk was standing on the side with a limp leg. He was wearing a half-new old pulu, and his face was disheveled.He yelled at the servants who were working: "Slow down, handle with care, don't spoil things..." On the steps, Tashi sat on a chair and looked at everything in the yard.Deji came out of the main building and stood beside him.Seeing that the tassels of Tashi's hat were messed up, she reached out to straighten him out.Wangchuk bent over and stooped to take a peek at Deji. Gangzhu continued to read: "... twenty bags of air-dried yak meat, twenty bags of air-dried mutton, twenty bags of milk dregs, four pairs of bear's paws, ten barrels of wild honey, thirty peachwood bowls, twenty bags of ginseng fruit, Ten pieces of musk, thirty pieces of white lamb skin, eight pieces of leopard skin..." Deji glanced at Wangchuk and said loudly, "Wangchuk, you are still standing there..." Wangchuk hurried over, knelt down at the bottom of the steps and said, "Delek under the door? Wangchuk please benefactor, young master, young mistress..." "No, no. Wangchuk, what happened to your leg?" Tashi asked. "On the way back to Lhasa from Menyu, I fell off my horse and fell." "Then stop kneeling, get up, get up, and talk back." Wangchuk stood up and came to Tashi, bowing his waist. "You did a good job in the past six months when you went to Menyu's manor, and you harvested a lot of things. It's hard work." Deji said. "It's all thanks to the young mistress, and the young master's blessing." "Don't leave in a hurry, stay at the mansion for a few more days, and return to Menyu after recovering from your injuries," Tashi said. Deji was also moved with compassion, and she said: "You still live in the original house, and let Gangzhu send someone to clean it up for you." "Master Xie, Young Mistress." Wangchuk said, knelt down again, held Tashi and Deji's feet together, and kissed them. At night, the moon hangs high, and the courtyard of Dele Mansion is quiet.The lights in the main building were on, and the sound of gramophone records could be faintly heard.Attracted by the singing, Wangchuk walked out of his low house and stood by the door looking up at the main building.Gangzhu was checking the Kumen one by one with the key, when he saw Wangchuk not far away, he came over and asked, "Hey, are you still thinking about it?" Wangchuk shivered in fright, and asked, "You are so cold, where did you get out of?" "It's a guilty conscience." Wangchuk moved a bit and sat on the side pier. His legs hurt and he couldn't walk easily. He murmured, "I've been like this. This is retribution. How dare I think anything wrong. Today Seeing that Tashi and the young mistress have a tacit understanding, the fake show has come to an end, right?" "Of course. Now they are a real couple. I think Tashi is a good match for our young mistress. To be honest, it is a hundred times better than the real young master." "That is, that is. Tashi is upright and shrewd. The most important thing is that he has never touched a woman in his life. He cherishes our young mistress!" "You still sound like a human being." "This is great! With the new young master, the family business passed down from the ancestors of the Dele Mansion will prosper like a raging fire. It's great, when I get there, I can also go to see Master Dele with my old face It's..." Wangchuk said, choking up his sobs. Gangzhu looked at him and said with some emotion: "You have suffered a lot in the past six months, you have really changed." Tashi, Xia Jia and more than a dozen monks and lay officials gathered at Ziben's house in Jiangcun. They sat around on the mat in the living room and looked at Jiangcun with hope in their eyes.After Jiangcun burned incense in front of the Buddha, he turned around and said to everyone: "It is now the Republic of China, but our snow-covered plateau is still three hundred years ago, which is too out of date. Therefore, I suggest that we imitate the system of the English people. , keep Lhasa Buddha or Prince Regent as the symbolic leader of Lhasa, disband Kashag and Yicang. Elect talented lay people and well-practiced eminent monks to form a council, and the council will appoint local government officials instead of the current hereditary system... ..." Xia Jia asked impatiently: "Master Jiangcun, do lower-level officials like us have a chance to be promoted?" "Equal opportunities! Is it possible that only the great nobles can hold important positions? Even if the children of the great nobles are only teenagers, even if they have no virtue or ability, they must still have the opportunity to be promoted. And talents from small families like you, No matter how hard you work, you can only live in obscurity, do you think this is reasonable?" Everyone began to discuss: "You can't rely on nepotism; you can't rely on blood; everyone has the opportunity to serve the great cause of politics and education." A monk suddenly stood up and said, "Master Jiangcun, I have a question." Looking at his stern face, Jiangcun said calmly, "Pingtso is so poor, please tell me." "You are a great nobleman, but you fight for our interests, what good does it do you?" Jiangcun smiled but did not answer. Tashi took over the topic, and he said: "The question of Pingcuo Kengqiong is well raised! I am also a great nobleman. I am not fighting for your interests, but for the future of Lhasa." "If the ancestral system is changed, will it shake the foundation of our political and religious cause?" the monk asked still puzzled. "It is not reform that threatens the development of Tibetan Buddhism, but rather conformity. There are more than 100,000 lamas in the monasteries of Lhasa, accounting for 10% of the population of Tibet. But are these lamas really reciting scriptures and worshiping Buddha? No, most of them Some of them are running the monastery’s business, lending usury, collecting land rent, and doing all kinds of miscellaneous labor. This is the real threat to our political and religious cause.” Tashi said. "The monastery's manor, land, and serfs and herdsmen should be taken back, and lamas should no longer be allowed to engage in business activities for their livelihood," Jiangcun added. "Without the manor and land, who will support the monastery, and how will the lamas survive?" "Since the monastery is the spiritual center of our Lhasa, it should be funded by the government. Lamas can receive salaries on a monthly basis, and they will be given as many salaries as there are lamas, so that they can study scriptures and practice with peace of mind, and benefit themselves and others." Everyone was in awe of Jiangcun's vision. Xia Jia stood up and said, "Master Jiangcun's idea is too good, we are like bees smelling the fragrance of flowers, following you." "But all of this is just talk and talk. Mr. Jiangcun, we must do something of real significance. We must act and act quickly. I can't wait." A senior monk said. "Grand Lama, what do you mean by something of substantial significance?" Jiangcun asked with a smile. "I have read some American life magazines and Indian newspapers. They talk about party politics. We in Lhasa should also have our own political party." "Yes, we should have our own political party, and the people in the living room today are the founders." Xia Jia echoed. "I agree with all of your ideas. Then... let's discuss and give our organization a name." Jiangcun said. Everyone talked about it, some said it should be called the Xueyu Party, some said it should be called the Lhasa Party, and some said that the mainland was called the Kuomintang, so we are called the Lhasa Kuomintang... Tashi listened to everyone's discussion, got up alone, walked out of the window silently, and fell into deep thought. Seeing that Tashi's mood was a little off, Jiangcun got up and followed him and asked, "Master Dele, what do you think, tell me, and let everyone share with you." Tashi turned around and said solemnly to the crowd: "One hundred thousand years ago, Avalokitesvara crossed the Himalayas and came to Tibet. He found that the sentient beings in the three realms and six realms were extremely stupid, stubborn and difficult to teach. The Bodhisattva was very sad and felt great compassion. Heart, vow to save all sentient beings in the snow region from the sea of ​​suffering, if you can't, let yourself 'split a thousand petals'!" The eminent monk continued his words and said: "Many generations have passed, and Avalokitesvara came to my Tibetan place again. He saw that the sentient beings here have not been liberated, but many animals and hungry ghosts have been added to the evil realm. When it came true, his whole body shattered into pieces and split into thousands of petals with a bang. Avalokitesvara screamed in pain, the pain was unbearable." "Amitabha Buddha cherished his devotion, blessed him with spells, and turned Avalokitesvara into a Bodhisattva with thousands of hands and eyes. After being saved, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was filled with emotion, and resolutely made another great wish: vow to save all sentient beings in the six realms of reincarnation. If not, it will never come true. Buddha! Our people in Lhasa are all disciples of Avalokitesvara. Whether we set up an organization or a political party, we are all for the happiness of all beings. In the words of the Buddha, we are a group of people seeking enlightenment, which is the meaning of "Bodhi Satuo" The original meaning of the Hindi language. Therefore, our organization can be named Lhasa 'Alliance of Enlightened Ones'." Jiangcun heard it and said with great appreciation: "Good! This name is very good! I agree." Everyone agreed one after another, and the atmosphere at the scene was extremely warm. Jiangcun looked at the crowd with complacency and said, "We will set up the banner of 'Alliance for Enlightenment' and recruit all like-minded people from all of Lhasa to our ranks." Everyone solemnly signed a letter of proposal written in Tibetan, "Alliance for Enlightenment Seekers". The sentry on duty at the gate of the police barracks was sitting on the ground twisting woolen yarn, his gun leaning against the edge of the sentry post.Paka came in a hurry, the sentinel got up quickly, hid the woolen thread behind his back, stretched out his hand to bring the gun over, and carried it on his shoulder.As a result, the gun was taken down. Pa Jia went straight to the training ground in the barracks, where two teams of Tibetan troops were training and the dust was flying.Tudenggrad was sitting under a big parasol drinking buttered tea and watching.The ranks of the Tibetan army were uneven and discipline was lax. Pa Jia came to him and quietly reported: "Jiangcun Ziben has been in frequent contact with officials at all levels recently, and it seems that something big is brewing." "Have you figured it out?" Greg asked. "Not yet, but sent two people to sneak in." "Ask some more people, quick-witted and quick-witted. Not only should Jiangcun Ziben be monitored, but also his surroundings should be posted. Pajia, remember, you must never show your feet." "My lord, don't worry. Don't let them notice even a hair of the horse when you do small things." "What's the reaction from Rinchen Kalon?" "There seems to be no movement. But...Master Dele is very close to Jiangcun Ziben, and he should have participated in their activities." Geller heard it and became alert. When Tashi returned to Dele Mansion from Jiangcun's house, it was already dark, but he was still elated and restless.Deji sat on the card mat and flipped through the Buddhist scriptures. Seeing his excitement was beyond words, she stopped and asked, "Since you entered the house, you have been jumping up and down like the green beans in a copper pot. What's the matter with you?" ?” "A good thing, a big good thing." Tashi said. "Then tell me quickly." Seeing that she was interested, Tashi said with a cold face on purpose: "Well, this concerns the future and destiny of Lhasa's political and religious affairs, so you women should not ask about it." "Don't show off to me. Do you want to talk?" "Doesn't our family have good snuff, use it to make me enjoy myself, and then I will tell you." Deji smiled, got up and took the snuff bottle and handed it to him.Tashi poured the snuff on his fingernails, put it into his nostrils and inhaled deeply. As a result, he choked and sneezed loudly. He burst into tears and snotted his nose and said: "Take a pinch of pleasant snuff, Shed a happy tear. Enjoy!" "Okay, okay, don't be happy on your own, just talk." Tashi scratched his back again, leaned in front of Deji and said, "I'm itchy here, please scratch me again." "You're so annoying!" Deji finished speaking, stretched out his hand to scratch Tashi, and asked, "Is it okay? This time it's okay, tell me quickly." "I was so thirsty after talking at the Jiangcun master's house this afternoon!" Tashi teased her again. "Okay, okay, send the Buddha to the west, I'll take care of you comfortably today, let's see what you have to say." Deji said, served tea, and leaned in front of Tashi: "Come on, young master, I'll give you a hand." Are you pouring it down?" "Don't, don't." Tashi took a sip of tea, collected himself and said, "Deji, Mr. Jiangcun is really amazing..." Nazhen led Baima and pushed the door in. Tashi and Deji stopped fighting and sat upright.Nazhen came to them and said, "Young master, young mistress, Baima can get out of bed now, I will bring him here to kowtow to you." "The child's body is just right, so what's the point of knocking on the head? Don't worry! Baima, come and sit next to me." Tashi said. Nazhen stabbed Baima, and Baima took a step forward, knelt on the ground and said, "Honorable benefactors, Mr. Dele and Mrs. Dele, thank you for your life-saving grace. I will be worshiped by the villain!" He kowtowed three times in a row. size. After kowtowing, Baima was about to get up, but was held down by Nazhen, and she said, "You child, didn't you tell me that the young master Dele on the seat is your biological father, hurry up, call Dad La." Tashi was a little surprised, and looked at Deji, who was also a little at a loss.Baima stood up stubbornly, not intending to recognize her father. Nazhen was anxious, she grabbed Baima and said, "Why are you so ignorant? Get down on your knees! Call Dad." "I only knew you were my aunt from birth. I didn't know who my father was, and I never heard of it. Aunt, don't force me." "You stubborn mule, I know you resent Dad. Although the Dele Mansion has not recognized you these years, he has always entrusted Duo Jilin Living Buddha to take care of you, give you alms, and arrange for you to learn scriptures and improve..." "He is my benefactor, and I kowtowed to thank him." "Nazhen, don't force the child." Tashi finished speaking, and then said to Baima: "You can't figure it out for a while, it doesn't matter whether you recognize it or not, I have already greeted Living Buddha Duojilin, you don't have to go back. In the temple, return to vulgarity and stay at home." Baima was surprised, and said dissatisfiedly: "How can you make decisions casually, I want to go back to the monastery." "You cannot leave Dele Mansion until the order of the Kaxag government is lifted." Baima refused to accept, but was helpless. In desperation, he stuffed the rosary in Tashi's hand, turned around and left.Nazhen stomped her feet angrily, and followed her out. Baima walked ahead with a cold face and humming, Nazhen chased after her, and she shouted: "Baima, stop!" Baima ignored her at all and continued walking. Wangchuk came in from the stairs carrying a big teapot, and when he met two people walking by angrily, he quickly stopped and moved aside.Wangchuk tried hard to recall the image of Pema, and seemed to remember something. Looking at the rosary beads he gave to Baima, Tashi felt emotional. "Baima grew up in the monastery, and he only has a teacher in his eyes, but no parents. His education is poor!" Deji said. "I like his character, he doesn't follow suit." "Just wait, he might kick you someday." "Deleux House has shut him out for eighteen years. Can a child be emotional? I understand." "It's fine for a child to be fussy, but look at Baima, it's like a piece of stiff cowhide, no matter how you stroke it, it won't soften. This yak-like temper will make him suffer in the future." Tashi looked at Deji and suddenly asked, "You like him too?" "I have already picked it up, how do you like it, how do you say you don't like it?" "You have a fierce face and a happy heart." "I'll let you see everything thoroughly, and you won't be able to do it if you think about it in the future." "I'm really thinking about bringing Baima to the house. Deji, I have to explain to you today." Seeing that Tashi became serious, Deji looked at him questioningly: "What are your plans?" "After all, I am a fake young master who pretends to be a fake young master. Baima is the real bone line of the Dele Mansion. When he inherits the family business in a legitimate way, it will be the day when the Dele Mansion will be safe from all troubles." "The old thief Rinqin will stop embarrassing us, no one will mention this matter, you just worry about it." "The surface of the river is calm. No one can guess what terrible rapids are hidden under the water. It is better to be prepared. Master Jiangcun is collecting the signatures of monks and lay officials. This is a great reform movement and a true salvation of all sentient beings. I have no hesitation with Jiangcun. The adults stand together." "I know what you are going to say, you are afraid of making mistakes." Deji said heavily. "This kind of change will definitely offend the interests of the lords. If, I am assuming... the reform fails, my fate is unpredictable! Deji, this family needs a man to support it. Baima has no noble children He has a dandyism, knows how to repay his kindness, and dares to take responsibility, he is someone you can rely on in the future." Deji felt uncomfortable, but he still said: "The more you talk, the more you feel nervous, as if something is going to happen. Young master, I believe that what you have done is a good deed, and you will not be rewarded with evil." "hope so." 白玛回到自己的房间,冷着脸,一屁股坐在卡垫上。娜珍追了进来,站在他面前语重心长地说:“你啊,真不懂事儿,就不体谅阿妈的一片苦心。” “阿妈,我不想惹你生气,可是突然间冒出来一个爸啦让我认,我的头皮发奓,头发都竖起来了。” 娜珍瞥了一眼白玛的喇嘛头,问道:“你有头发吗?胡扯!如果不是你遭此一劫,想认父,你有机会吗?当年……德勒老爷立下规矩,永远都不许说出你的身世,这次你是因祸得福了。” “德勒府不认我,我凭什么要认他为父?”白玛赌气地说。 “就凭他生了你,养了你。” “他没养我!自打我记事的时候起,我就是一个被人抛弃的野孩子,因为我是私生子,我尝尽了世间的苦头。” “白玛,你这是在戳阿妈的心窝子,我不疼你吗?可我一个女人家,又能怎么办?现在你终于可以名正言顺地回德勒府了,成为德勒家的公子,你为什么……那么犟啊。” “我不会为了世间的荣华富贵,去认一个抛弃我的人做我的爸啦,我不想当什么德勒公子,这太荒唐了!” 娜珍上去打了他一个大嘴巴,吼道:“幼稚!” 白玛不服气,梗着脖子。 “你站起来,跟我回去。”娜珍气愤地说。 “不去。” “你不去,是吧?好!你不听话,我就死给你看!”娜珍说着,跳到窗台上。 白玛冷静地看着她,最后说:“你跳吧,我到楼下接你去。”说完,他起身出门了。 娜珍没辙了,气得坐在窗台上哭了起来。 白玛并没有走,而是躲在房门外。娜珍哭够了,又气又恼地从房间里出来,匆匆走了。白玛望着她的背影,放心了。他来到走廊的窗前,推开窗户,心中充满感慨。 旺秋在院子里捡了一盆牛粪,一瘸一拐地端进自己的屋子里。他拢了一盆牛粪火,然后把藏刀拿来,放在火中烧起来。他撩起自己的裤管用烧红的藏刀对着腿上的伤口割肉疗伤,藏刀落在伤口上冒起了青烟。旺秋嘴里咬着一块破羊皮,疼得汗珠子都下来了,他龇牙咧嘴地忍着:“哎呀……,要了我的命啊……” 扎西手里拿着一个缎布包进来,看到眼前的情景,愣住了。旺秋也愣住了,慌乱地起身,身子一歪,差点儿摔在地上。扎西上前扶住他说道:“当心!” “没事儿。少爷,您怎么来了?”旺秋问。 扎西把旺秋扶坐在地铺上,仔细观察他的腿伤说:“都发炎了……这是前一阵子从药王山给白玛请的跌打创伤药,正好合适你用。” “少爷,我这又腥又臭的,可别脏了您的眼睛。” “什么少爷,旺秋,关上门来,我的底细,别人不知道,你还不清楚。” “我不敢,您就是少爷,您是尊贵人。” “半年没见,你变乖了。什么都别说了,来,我帮你把药涂上。”扎西说着,给旺秋的伤口上抹药,他问道:“疼吗?” “凉丝丝的,好受多了。” “我把药留给你,你每天都涂一次,然后用棉布把伤口包扎好,用不了多久伤口就会痊愈。” 旺秋望着扎西,情不自禁地眼圈红了,他说道:“少爷,我对不起您。” “还说这些干什么。其实,我也要谢谢你,当年要不是你那一羊腿把我打晕,我哪能成为德勒少爷啊。” “您是造化之人,是命中注定。少爷,我过去是邪魔附了体,恶鬼迷了心窍……”旺秋说着,哭了起来,悔恨不已,“要不然,我怎么会有非分之想,做出对不起您和少奶奶的丧良心的事儿。我不是人哪……” “嘿嘿,算了,都过去的事儿。” “您大人大量,好人有好报。少爷,那天我一进院子,就看到您和少奶奶在一起,你们俩就像酥油和茶水一样融合,就像蓝天和白云一样般配,我打心眼里高兴。” 扎西被他逗乐了,说道:“你就拣我爱听的说吧,我看你,还是不疼!” “求觉悟者同盟”新一轮的签名仪式又开始了,江村、扎西和大喇嘛们商量,为了安全起见,请愿书的签名地点改在了夏加的家里,一些渴望改变拉萨落后面貌的有志之人纷纷前来。 请愿书上已经有了长长的一串签名,一些僧俗官员还在上面继续签名,有人签过名后离开,又有新的人不断过来,接过竹笔写上自己的名字,现场的气氛严肃而紧张。 扎西双手合十,侧立一旁,向每一个签完名离开的人行礼。 此时,帕甲正带人在胡同里观察夏加家门前的动静。胡同里很安静,但好像要发生什么。格勒带着随从骑马过来。帕甲上前汇报:“代本大人,人都进去了,僧官俗官都有,有三炷香的工夫了。” 格勒掏出手帕,拍了拍鼻子问道:“多少人?” “他们陆陆续续来的,有二三十人,具体人数不详……”帕甲还没说完,就看到夏加家的院门大开,从里面出来两个人,他们左右张望,见没有什么异常,匆匆忙忙地走了。 帕甲回身对格勒说:“代本大人,您看。” 格勒只好下马,凑上前去观看。 一会儿,从夏加家又出来几个喇嘛,同样的张望,同样的匆忙走了。最后,夏加也出来了,他是送扎西出门的,两个人在门口寒暄。 格勒倒吸了一口凉气,嘟囔:“我这个姐夫,搞什么名堂?”他见扎西走了,赶紧骑马包抄过去。 扎西今天的心情格外的愉悦,他骑马走在路上,好像看到了改革后的新拉萨。他拐过一个路口,突然见格勒骑在马上,等在那里。扎西奇怪,上前问道:“格勒,你怎么在这儿?” 格勒没说什么,他下了马,将缰绳交给了刚珠。扎西也下了马。 刚珠明白,赶紧牵着马离开了。 扎西观察着格勒,他问道:“格勒,你好像有要紧的事儿?” 格勒叹了口气说:“姐夫,我不得不等在这里,就为了给你提个醒。” “你是指……我跟江村孜本走得很近?” “这些年你一直来往于拉萨和印度之间,生意越做越大,可是你离拉萨的官场也越来越远。姐夫,你根本不了解拉萨的僧俗权贵们在想什么。” “格勒,让你为我担忧了。” “仁钦噶伦和江村孜本现在斗得正欢,德勒家刚刚躲过一劫,你不要再卷进去!” “我不认为这是他们的个人恩怨,仁钦抱残守缺,江村孜本标新立异,他们之间必有矛盾。噶厦政府已经是一个悖逆时代的政府,万恶之源,必须进行变革。像欧美那样,像内地那样,废除贵族专权的终身制。” “像内地那样?你认为蒋介石、国民党能指得上?” “至少,可以借鉴,效仿。” “民国建立已经二十多年了,内地的军阀混战就没有停过,硝烟四起,生灵涂炭。我不知道江村孜本要效仿他们什么?相反,我雪域高原有至尊至圣的佛教保佑着,秩序井然,一片安定祥和。你说,是佛祖的教义有法力,还是孙中山的三民主义有威力?” “格勒,江村孜本所倡导的是英式的君主立宪,他提出了一个方案,准备在热振摄政王御前进行讨论。我想,你在印度留过学,思想前瞻,应该和我们站在一起……” 格勒打断他说:“姐夫,我认为,那只是一个空想。” “你没兴趣?” “听我一句劝,你瞅着江村他们胡折腾,总会有人掉脑袋的。那些明哲保身的权贵们躲还躲不及呢,你何必伸着脖子往上凑呢?姐夫,到此为止吧!” 扎西失望,自嘲地笑着说:“我天真,不如你看得透彻。妹夫,人各有志,你就让我冒一次险吧!” 德吉正在梳妆镜前化妆戴首饰,女仆在边上侍候着。娜珍推门进来,赔着笑脸,她走到德吉的身后,却又故意向后退了两步才说:“少奶奶午安。” 德吉从镜子中扫了她一眼,问道:“娜珍,过来有事儿吧?有事儿就说。” “也没什么大事儿,还不是为了我那噘嘴的骡子。没规没矩的,昨个儿惹得少奶奶不痛快,我来替他给您赔个不是。” “都是一家人,免了这客套吧。唉,你干吗站那么远?” “您看……那桌子上又是珍珠,又是珊瑚的,多晃眼啊。要是缺一件、少一件,我怕说不清楚。” “瞧你说的,把自己当成什么啦?这些七零八碎的玩意儿,没什么好稀罕的。”德吉说着起身,这时她才认真地端详娜珍,见她一身简朴,于是说:“你这身上也太素净了,来来……”她伸手把娜珍拉了过来,抓过桌子上的一副玉镯,套在她的手腕上。 “少奶奶,这……这可使不得。”娜珍推辞说。 “你这小手腕跟白瓷碗似的,正配这镯子。喜欢吗?” “喜欢,少奶奶,这得值多少钱啊?” “可能值十头牦牛,也可能一钱不值。那得看戴在谁手上。” 娜珍装听不懂,自顾自地左看右看,爱不释手。德吉看着她没见过世面的样子,有一种高高在上的得意。 娜珍凑近镜子,亮出手腕看着,扭头说道:“少奶奶,太谢谢您了,这可真漂亮。” “这些东西你要是喜欢,看着拣几样吧。” “真的?”娜珍情不自禁地拿起一串红珊瑚项链,一边往脖子上比画,一边说:“我从来没戴过,他也从来没送过我,真好看。” 德吉一听“他”,有些反感,她说道:“好看,就拿走吧。”说罢,她起身走了。 女仆不屑地冲娜珍撇了撇嘴,也跟着出去了。 德吉面无表情地走在走廊里,女仆跟在后面,嘟囔:“少奶奶,这个女人真不自量力,那么贵重的东西她也敢要。” 德吉继续在前面走着,没言语。 “您要依着她,她非得寸进尺不可……” “你说什么呢?”德吉训斥。 女仆低下头,不言语了。 “当主子,就得有当主子的样儿。既然进了德勒府,她也是二少奶奶,对她,你们今后要放尊重点儿!你看她穿得那么寒碜,丢的是我们德勒府的脸。你明天去八廓街的店铺上给她取些穿的用的,挑好的拿。听说那家北京商店,新进了一批杭州丝绸,你去看看,扯几块回来,给她做几套像样的衣服。” “啦嗦。”女仆应承着。 白玛的伤好了许多,他坐在房间的卡垫上读着经书,娜珍从外面进来,身上挂着几件珠宝。她把珠宝从身上摘下来,放在桌子上。 白玛看了一眼,不快地问:“哪来的?” “少奶奶赏的,她戴旧的破烂东西。”娜珍说。 “阿妈,你过去一心向佛,不染世俗之气,现在是怎么啦?” “你想说什么?觉得阿妈活得没点儿骨气?贪图浮华?” 白玛瞥了她一眼,不再言语,眼睛又回到了经书上。 娜珍望着儿子,心绪难平。白玛不谙世事,单纯幼稚,这让她忧虑不安。她现在还不能直截了当地告诉自己的儿子,你比德吉更有资格拥有德勒府的财富、爵位、荣誉。我所做的一切,都是为你,我要帮你夺回这一切! 她随手把几样珠宝抓起来,摔到地上。白玛惊讶地抬头望着娜珍,很是不解。娜珍狠狠地说:“这几个镯子、项链算什么,根本就不入我的眼!” 夜深了,外面下起了大雨,雷鸣电闪的。女仆侍候德吉上床躺下后,退出房去。扎西宽衣解带,准备上床,他伸头看了看假寐的德吉,逗她说:“睡着啦?我知道你没睡。”他见德吉不理自己,于是用手捅她说:“你装,你再装。”他又故意在德吉耳边打呼噜。 德吉笑了,推开他说:“讨厌,跟野驴叫似的,难听死了。” 扎西上床搂德吉,德吉扭捏地说:“让下人看见。” “看就看见呗。噢,你是贵族,要注意身份。哎哟,我怎么摸上少奶奶的床了,这可是犯上啊,要剁掉手脚的,我还是外边睡去吧。”扎西说着要走。 德吉终于忍不住,扑到他怀里,撒娇:“你又念经,絮絮叨叨的。少奶奶怎么啦,少奶奶也是人,也得睡觉,让贵族见鬼去吧。” 两个人亲昵地相拥在一起,忽然门外传来窸窸窣窣的声音。 “谁在外面?”德吉警觉地问。 娜珍可怜兮兮地推门进来,她小心翼翼地凑到床前说:“少爷、少奶奶,外面打雷我害怕,听见你们还没睡,我就来了,躲会儿。” 德吉见她冻得发抖,下床给她拿了件衣服披上说:“打雷下雨有什么好怕的,别受了风寒,快回去睡吧。” 这时,又是一个雷电闪过,娜珍一声惊叫,跳上床,钻进了被窝。 “娜珍,你这是干什么?”扎西生气地说。 “我每次遇到这种天气都吓得要命,大多都躲到姐妹的屋里去,今晚我没处可躲。少爷、少奶奶你们就别轰我了,我是让外面的雷声吓破了胆。”娜珍可怜巴巴地说。 “我看……你的胆子比谁都大!”德吉铁青着脸说。 “我不是成心要冒犯您……少爷,自从我回到府上,您就没理过我。” “当着少奶奶的面说这种话,太放肆了!” “少奶奶也是女人,她最理解我。” 扎西闻听,知道她要闹事,于是压着火说:“你睡这儿吧,我走!”他起身下床,朝屋门走去。德吉气不打一处来,也随扎西一起出去了。 娜珍见他们走了,笑了,她左右环顾了一下说:“走就走吧,我一个人睡,宽敞。这间屋子就是华丽,雕梁画柱的……被子也软。”说完,躺在了床上。 扎西和德吉一前一后进了佛堂,两个人的脸上全是怒气。德吉气哼哼地说:“还有这种没羞没臊的人,算我瞎了眼,当初就不应该让她进门。” “就让她把我们俩的睡床给霸占了,不行,我去把她轰走!”扎西气愤地说。 “轰,轰什么轰?整个拉萨城都知道我们家接回来个妖精,你不是还要摆宴给她正名吗?” “那也不能让她这么张狂啊?这今后还了得!” 德吉怀疑的目光看着扎西,她突然问:“我就奇了怪了,她为什么会这么张狂?扎西,少爷,你有事儿瞒着我吧?” 扎西低着头,半天才说:“那天……我真喝醉了,我也不知道我都干了什么。” “真不要脸!” “我什么都不记得,我喝醉了,喝醉了也算拉萨啊?” “算,算,就算!” 扎西气得大声号叫:“哎哟,我扎西喇嘛一生一世守身如玉,就让她把我糟蹋啦?不行,我去把她拎出去!一刻也不能等啦,现在我就去!”他冲出佛堂,直奔卧室。 扎西刚走了几步,一抬头看见白玛站在走廊尽头,望着窗外。扎西冷静了许多,他好奇地观察白玛。白玛掏出那管汉笛,轻轻地吹了起来,汉笛的声音回响在夜色中,仿佛穿过雨幕,抒发着千古悲凉的情思。白玛沉浸在音乐之中,并没有发现他身后的扎西。 太阳照进德吉的卧室,暖洋洋的。娜珍在床上醒来,她见窗外已经风和日丽,起身去推开窗子,感到很惬意,她转身要回床上,突然吓得一声惊叫。原来扎西坐在床对面的椅子上,冷冷地盯着她。 “你什么时候进来的?吓死我了!”娜珍喘着粗气问。 “你说吧,到底想干什么?”扎西问道。 “没想干什么,打雷,我害怕!” "Crap!" “你吼什么?真以为自己是德勒府的主子啦!你有今天,最该感谢的人是我。” "What do you mean?" “你不用跟我装腔作势,在这个府上谁都能摆布我,唯独你不能!” "What did you say?" 娜珍边整理衣服,边搔首弄姿地来到扎西面前,她俯下身,盯着扎西,嘴唇都快贴到了他的脸上,才说:“你是明知故问,哈哈……” 德吉站在房门外面,满脸狐疑,听着里面的谈话。 娜珍放肆的笑声,让扎西一激灵,他脸色有些僵硬,问道:“你到底想说什么?” 娜珍的脸忽地冷了下来,口气强硬地说:“你根本就不是其美杰布,你是他的影子,假的!” 扎西惊异,马上又冷静下来。 “呵呵……其美杰布大腿根上有一个疤,那是我们俩一块去哲蚌寺拜佛,他为护着我被野狗咬的,你大腿根上有吗?来来,脱了让我看看。” “在尼姑寺那天晚上你就知道啦?” “我们是二十年的夫妻,他身上长多少根汗毛,我都数得过来,你能瞒得过我吗?” "What do you want?" “二十年了,我跟其美杰布偷偷摸摸,受尽了人间的非难、指责和白眼,今天我儿子名正言顺地回了德勒府,母以子贵,我只想过点儿舒坦日子,安度余生。我还能怎么样,我有什么不对吗?” “好吧,我就给你母以子贵。” “只要你肯帮我,我绝对守口如瓶。” 扎西透了一口气,于是说:“你昨天晚上也太过分了,你明明知道我不是其美杰布……” “难道少奶奶不知道你不是其美杰布?大家都在装糊涂,我才不信你呢,你要是真肯帮我,就要给我正名,分我财产!”娜珍打断他说。 “我要是不答应呢?”扎西反感地问。 “你爱答应不答应,担惊受怕的又不是我。拉萨河里的鱼再温顺,你要把它逼急了,它也能翻出几个浪来不是。少爷,噶厦政府不会容忍德勒府乱了骨系!” 扎西火了,上前把她拽过来,拉着她往外拖:“你现在就给我滚出去!” 德吉闻讯跑过来,拦住了他们。 扎西愤怒地说:“你有什么招儿就去使,去噶厦议事厅,去布达拉宫,看我怕你?” 娜珍恶狠狠地盯着他,充满了仇恨。 德吉赶紧打圆场说:“娜珍,你要喜
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