Home Categories contemporary fiction no man's land

Chapter 5 Primer

no man's land 杨志军 738Words 2018-03-18
Heard a lot, saw a lot, and wanted to write them down.The initial material was fragmented. In early winter, there was a heavy snowstorm in the Tangut ancient gold field, and tens of thousands of gold diggers fled in panic.Just as they were crossing the Tangut Gorge, an avalanche happened.God bestowed the last and most solemn grace—death—to some of them.No one can say how many died. It was also early winter, but there was no snow, and people traditionally passed the days as if they were autumn.A fire broke out in a warehouse storing fox fur in a certain county, spreading damage to the surrounding area and burning down a department store and a bus station.

Not long after the fire, Zhang Busan of Weizi Village covered up the bad guys and killed his own son. The face of the law just showed a happy sneer at him, but he fled.No one on this earth can do anything to him. Still in Weizi Village, a disabled old beggar was thrown into a ditch and died.After a long time, the old man's body had decomposed, and someone accidentally discovered that the interlayer of the dead man's padded jacket was filled with gold.Ordinary people can't figure out why a man with a lot of money wants to live a life of dragging his body around and begging.The gold on his body could build a big hotel.

At the same time, in a distant city, a young man with a scar on his forehead was sentenced to death by an impartial law enforcement agency.His crime was that during his tenure as the director of the gold field management office, he used his power to enforce the law and violated the law, embezzling gold many times, worth 450,000 yuan.And successively extorted money and accepted bribes of 32,560 yuan. In summer, the American NWS Beluga transnational company is preparing to import large quantities of Tangut fox skins.Before signing the contract, they sent personnel to inspect the Tangut fox resources.In the dark wilderness, at the campsite of the expedition team, a fox (or several) sneaked into the tent like a snake, and bit off the throats of two Americans who were sleeping soundly.

The same thing happened on the gold platform in the middle of the ancient gold field.It was daytime, and someone poked his head into the stone kiln on the west slope of Huangjintai.Suddenly a big rock fell from the top of his head and he was knocked unconscious.A huge fox sprang out from the darkness, jumped at him, bit off his throat, and sucked the blood from his body.The deceased did not have a name, and no one who knew him knew that he was dead.But the fox knew him, and knew that he had come to revisit the old place. This novel describes the stories related to these incidents.
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