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Chapter 5 Chapter 05 The Jindalai Flower from the Korean War

long live love 黄晓阳 13495Words 2018-03-18
The north wind was blowing, as if some big man was shaking the barracks, the whole barracks was shaking, and the windows and doors rattled.It was already dark, and there was only a pot of fire in the house, and the light from the fire shone on Bai Changshan's face and the faces of his comrades, making their faces as red as blood.It was much brighter outside, and the thick snow covered the earth with silver, making it eerily white. Three consecutive departures.Dispatch issued an order.Bai Changshan and his comrades stood up abruptly, quickly put on coats and cotton caps, lifted the door curtain, and ran out in a single file.The Baimao wind was blowing outside, and the wind blew up the snow on the ground, flying all over the sky. The snowflakes were like clusters of white fog, floating in the ground, pouring into the neck of Baichang Mountain.After queuing up, Bai Changshan gave an order, and all the comrades quickly ran to their cars.

The chief dispatcher stood in front of Bai Changshan's car, and while he was getting into the car, he carried a large canvas bag into his cab. "What?" he asked. The chief dispatcher patted the big canvas bag and said, Company Commander Bai, the chief has specially explained that this bag is very important, more important than the bombs in your car or even your entire car company.Even if you lose your entire car company, you can't lose this bag of things.The head of the Volunteer Army ordered you that if the car is damaged by the enemy bombing, even if it is carried, you must carry this bag to the front line.

Bai Changshan suddenly became serious, and reached out to touch the canvas bag, feeling like bundles of square things inside.Such a bag of things is more important than the entire car company?Hey boy, could it be some new secret weapon?Bai Changshan said to the chief dispatcher, you tell the chief, as long as Bai Changshan is still alive, as long as there is one alive in our first battalion and third company, we promise to send this bag to the front line. The cars drove out of the camp one by one, and drove onto the mountain road that had been run many times one after another. Bai Xue has already covered everything on both sides of the road, and the ubiquitous traces of war can't be seen, but the road is riddled with holes, but it is clear at a glance.The enemy's planes fly hundreds of sorties over this highway every day. Once they find the target, they bombard it indiscriminately. If you can't blow up the car, you will blow up the road.An engineer division of the Volunteer Army is scattered along this highway, and as soon as night falls, it will carry out emergency repairs with the North Korean people.Looking at this road from the sky, it looks like a piebald snake, with a piece of loess between a piece of white snow.

Although driving at night, neither Bai Changshan nor his comrades turned on the lights.This is a unique skill practiced on the Korean battlefield, and it is also a need for survival.This road is the logistics supply line for the Volunteer Army, and all the food, weapons and equipment needed by the soldiers in front must be transported through this road.In the first period of time, because the auto soldiers were not familiar with the road conditions, they had to drive with their lights on. However, the enemy's planes had been flying on this road, and they would drop a lot of bombs when they encountered a convoy.It is much easier for an airplane to hit a car than an eagle to catch a chicken. Bai Changshan saw many comrades who were born and died together on this road, and many cars were abandoned on this road.As soon as the enemy's bombing was over, the comrades rushed out from the hiding place, carried the bodies of those comrades who were mangled by the bombing to the side of the road, pushed the destroyed car to the side of the road, jumped into the car and continued to drive forward.On this road, blood is shed and sacrificed every day and every moment.

In order to minimize the loss on the transportation line, the headquarters of the Volunteer Army sent an infantry division to this road and deployed it along the road.Once an enemy plane arrives, they fire shots to call the police.The gunshots were transmitted one by one, and the car team that was driving on the road could take cover in advance.Moreover, the soldiers are also familiar with this road, driving at night, no longer turn on the lights.Enemy planes are flying in the sky, and it is not easy to find the target.The enemy naturally knew this too. They kept throwing flares from the sky, illuminating the earth brightly.

The most annoying thing is this flare.Under normal circumstances, the car soldiers driving below will not take the enemy plane above them seriously at all. The enemy plane is flying fast and passes by in a flash. Before there is any movement on the ground, it has already flown past the car team. above.Therefore, the auto soldiers despise those planes.However, those planes would be in trouble if they suddenly dropped a few flares.Once the enemy pilot finds the car, it will be like a cat finding a mouse, and it will definitely chase after it. It is a very happy thing to drive a car and fight wits with enemy planes on this road.While driving the car intently, Bai Changshan sang cheerfully: cross the Yalu River with high spirits, to protect the peace and protect the motherland is to protect the hometown... He is not very good at singing, he always keeps these two lines upside down, but he sings with great enthusiasm.

The soldiers standing guard on the side of the road began to shoot at the sky. A few minutes later, the enemy plane flew over. From a distance, it looked like a few groups of stars floating from the sky.In the past, when encountering such a situation, the car team would hide nearby, but now everyone doesn’t pay attention to those planes at all. It flies in the sky, and the drivers are still driving and singing songs below. Suddenly, an aircraft started dropping flares.The earth was illuminated a piece of snow-white. Bai Changshan was startled secretly, stretched his right hand forward, and pressed a button, the two lights in front of the car suddenly turned on, shooting out two beams of light, like two long white-haired hands stretched out.He slammed his foot on the gas pedal, and the car hummed continuously, gradually increasing its speed.The moment the enemy plane dropped the flare, he had already rushed forward for a long distance.When the enemy plane finds the convoy below, due to its extremely fast speed, it often needs to make a big circle forward before returning.In order to confuse and divert the enemy, the vehicle at the front of the convoy must turn on its lights and rush forward, while the other vehicles quickly hide to the side of the road.Today, Bai Changshan happened to be driving the first car, and he had to maximize the distance between himself and his comrades in the shortest time.His car is not loaded with explosives, and it doesn't have enough load capacity, all of which are specially prepared to distract enemy planes.

The enemy plane quickly bit Baichang Mountain.Three planes bombed and strafed him in turn.Bai Changshan drove the car and zigzagged on the road.After a while, it suddenly brakes suddenly, and then gallops forward again.Explosions followed one after another, and shrapnel and rubble flew around the car.The back of the car was hit by shrapnel and quickly caught fire.Bai Changshan drove the train forward without any hesitation.He knew very well that as long as he persisted for a while longer, his comrades would be less dangerous. The bombs and bullets loaded by the enemy plane were limited. After throwing all the ammunition to Bai Changshan, they spun a few times and flew away.Bai Changshan quickly stopped the car, took out the fire extinguisher and jumped into the car to fight the fire.After he put out the fire, the cars of his comrades also came up.The enemy planes will fly back quickly after returning to the base to load ammunition. They will calculate the speed of the car and drop a large number of flares at similar positions.After this contest, if you continue to move forward, it will be extremely dangerous. If you stay where you are, you may also be found by enemy planes.A more feasible way is to drive forward for a period of time, find a hidden place not far ahead, and hide the convoy.After the enemy plane reloaded and returned, it estimated that when it was about to reach the location, it would throw flares while flying.If no car is found, they will keep flying forward.It is difficult to determine where the ideal bombing point can be found in the front. If you are unlucky, you may not be able to find a clear target, so you have to randomly throw bombs at places that the enemy pilots think are meaningful to attack, and then return.It took a while to drop all the bombs on the plane, which was longer than when they returned to reload.Taking advantage of this gap, Bai Changshan and the others drove the car and rushed forward.When the enemy plane returned, all the bombs and flares on it were gone, and the car below could not be found at all.They went back to the base to load the ammunition, and Bai Changshan's car company had already run tens of kilometers.

When the convoy arrived at the frontline camp, Bai Changshan jumped out of the car with the bag and walked directly into the headquarters. "What is this?" asked the Commander. "It's something very important, but I don't know what it is." The commander asked the orderly to open the bag and dumped everything on the table. It turned out to be a big bag of letters. "I thought it was some kind of secret weapon, but it turned out to be some letters." Bai Changshan was somewhat disapproving. Pointing to the pile of letters, the commander said, don't underestimate these letters. This is the affection of the relatives of the motherland for the volunteers, which condenses the love, care and admiration of the party and the people for the volunteers.We will send all the letters to every soldier, and ask them to write back, and you will take them back together.By the way, you probably haven't received it yet.We don't need so many. Some comrades have died. You can take some of these letters and distribute them to the comrades in the automobile company.

Since the chief said so, Bai Changshan had no choice but to follow suit.Deep down in his heart, he was disapproving. According to the usual practice, after the auto soldiers sent the materials to the front line, they immediately gathered for a meal and then rested on the spot.After dark, set foot on the return journey.Bai Changshan returned to his comrades with a lot of letters in his arms. Everyone was squatting there for breakfast. When they saw him come back with a lot of things, they jokingly asked what it was.He imitated the tone of the commander and said that this was the spiritual food given to the volunteer soldiers by the party and Chairman Mao.If it was before, the soldiers would immediately shout Long Live Chairman Mao and Long Live the Communist Party.But this time, they didn't understand what spiritual food was, and they all stood there in a daze.

Bai Changshan distributed the letters one by one, saying that this was the love and care for our volunteer soldiers from the Party and Chairman Mao, and the deep friendship from the people of the motherland and class sisters to us.Everyone must value this love and cherish this love, read the letter carefully, and reply carefully.We must let the people of the motherland reassure their class sisters that as long as there are volunteer soldiers like us, the motherland is safe. He sent the letter to everyone he could see, but he still had a letter in his hand. Strange, how could there be another one?He asked aloud if everyone had the letter, and who else hadn't?No one answered.He asked for a long time, and a comrade-in-arms said, deputy company commander, isn't that letter your own?He thought, yes, how could he forget himself?This letter is indeed my own. The comrades-in-arms had brought him meals, which were two steamed buns of white flour, a few scallions, and a bowl of clear soup.The clear soup of other comrades-in-arms was served in a marching pot. He took a look and found that there were only a few oil stars and a few green vegetables on it, but in his bowl, there were a few white pieces of fat floating.He took the steamed buns and scallions, picked up the bowl of soup, walked to the marching pot, and poured it in. "Deputy company commander, what are you doing? This is for you." A comrade-in-arms said. "Let's eat together." Bai Changshan squatted down next to them, took a bite of the white flour bun, and a bite of green onion.Some comrades got excited and began to read the letter aloud. Dear Uncle Volunteer Army: Hello! I am a student in Class 1, Class 5, Shanghai No. 5 Middle School. My name is Yu Lu.It is with great reverence that I write this letter to you. A few days ago, my parents and I read the "Liberation Daily" about the bloody battles of the volunteer army in North Korea with the US imperialists and their lackeys. Our whole family was deeply moved.Dad said, you are good students of Chairman Mao, good sons and daughters of the party, and iron fighters of the people.It is you who are building the new Great Wall of our Chinese nation with your own flesh and blood. Uncle, my window is facing north.Looking out from here, you can see the sky full of stars.I think those stars must be our volunteer soldiers, and the brightest one must be you... After reading this, the comrades-in-arms already had tears in their eyes, choked with sobs, and couldn't read any more. A comrade-in-arms suddenly stood up and shouted the slogan: Long live the Communist Party of China!long live Chairman Mao! Bai Changshan was agitated by these letters, so he opened the letter in his hand.The handwriting of this letter is so beautiful, with strength in the silk show, and tenderness in the elegance.The beginning of the letter is very plain, a few ordinary greetings.But the latter poem made Bai Changshan's heart flutter, especially the rose that was drawn with a few strokes, with a special warmth, which suddenly made Bai Changshan's heart beat endlessly. What kind of girl is able to write such poems and draw such pictures?Look at the inscription at the back: Fang Zijin, the teacher class of the Medical Department of Huazhong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Bai Changshan didn't know the word "衿", let alone understand what it meant.It should be good to read half of the characters.Fang Zijin, Fang Zijin, this name is very pleasant, as beautiful as poetry.He suddenly had a strong urge to write a letter to this girl named Fang Zijin in a poetic and emotional way.It was not enough to write a letter, but to give her roses in return.But this is on the battlefield, and it is winter, and there is nothing.If it was spring, he might pick a few Jindalai flowers and put them in the letter.In North Korea, Jindalai is the most commonly heard, and many people's names are Jindalai, but he has never seen what Jindalai flowers look like. After eating, no one was in a hurry to go to sleep, and the excitement drove away all sleepiness.Many soldiers have not written a letter for a long time, or even written words for a long time.Now, everyone starts writing letters.There were no tables and chairs, so everyone sat on the ground in the temporary barracks.This one is borrowing a pen, and that one is asking how to write a character.A few flimsy letters actually cast a deep love of spring in the harsh and cold military camp. Bai Changshan sat down, read the letter carefully again, and then began to write: Student Fang Zijin: Just after writing these words, I felt that the name of the classmate was not friendly enough, crossed it out, wrote the word comrade next to it, and then continued to write: Facing the indiscriminate bombing of enemy planes, he drove in the dark for two days and three nights in the ice and snow before arriving at the frontline command post in the early morning of this morning.I didn't know that what was contained in the package that had been lying in my cab for two days and three nights was the spring breeze from the motherland, the spring breeze from you. Your letter is like a bouquet of Jindal flowers with a faint fragrance, blooming brilliantly in my heart... This letter was later merged with other letters, from the war-torn Korean battlefield, over the ice and snow, across the Yalu River, to the river city of Ningchang, and arrived at Fang Zijin's hands. This time the letter was not taken by Li Shufen.Li Shufen and Hu Zhiyan had just finished their wedding, and the two went back to Hu Zhiyan's hometown in Shandong together.Moreover, these letters were sent directly to the Youth League Committee of the school. The Youth League Committee dismantled all the letters and selected some particularly touching letters as representatives, and the recipients themselves read out on stage at the grand ceremony that followed.There are two people in the teaching class who have won this honor, one is Fang Zijin and the other is Wu Limin.Wu Limin's letter was selected because the reconnaissance platoon leader Yu Aijun who wrote to her was from the suburbs of Ningchang. The letter was full of nostalgia for his hometown and strong affection for the people in his hometown.Before taking the stage, the Youth League Committee did not notify the recipient in advance, and only when the name was called, the person would go up.When Wu Limin read the letter on stage, the eyes of other students were full of admiration, and they felt that she had become a hero too. Just as the whole class congratulated Wu Limin, Fang Zijin heard her name.She immediately stood up excitedly and ran to the stage.The secretary of the Youth League Committee handed over a large envelope that had been opened to her.She quickly pulled out the letter paper and glanced at it.The writing was very ordinary, which made her a little disappointed.But thousands of pairs of eyes in the audience were anxiously waiting, so she couldn't think too much, so she stood in front of the stage and read aloud: Comrade Fang Zijin: Today is the happiest and happiest day for all the cadres and soldiers of our automobile company. This day is brought to us by you and the people of the motherland. A few days ago, we accepted a new mission to send a batch of military supplies to the front line.This transportation line is the lifeline of all our volunteer commanders and fighters, and it is also the enemy's blockade line.Every day, the American devils will send a large number of planes to bomb this transportation line 24 hours a day.It was against the indiscriminate bombing of enemy planes that we drove in the dark for two days and three nights in the ice and snow before arriving at the front-line command post in the early morning of this morning.I didn't know that what was contained in the package that had been lying in my cab for two days and three nights was the spring breeze from the motherland, the spring breeze from you. Your letter is like a bouquet of Jindal flowers with a faint fragrance, blooming brilliantly in my heart. Zijin sister.May I call you sister?I once had a sister, and we had a very good relationship between brother and sister.The devils wiped out the Anti-Japanese Alliance in the Northeast, massacred the people, ruined and killed my mother and sister.At that time, the girl was only eleven years old, still a child.Since then, there are only four bare poles left in my family, and my father is pulling the three of us brothers.Later, the little devil was over, and the Kuomintang came.My elder brother was dragged by the Kuomintang, and when Siping was fought, he was killed by our Siye artillery.My second brother joined me in the Northeast Field Army. His luck was not as good as mine. He died in the Tashan position when he was fighting Jinzhou. Forget it, what are you talking about? Today, when I read your letter, I thought of my poor sister. I don’t know what happened, but I thought it was a letter from my sister, a poem written by my sister, Flowers my sister gave me. Sister Zijin, I was thinking, if you were a sister sent to me by God, then I would be so happy and happy. For so many years, I have always been eager to participate in the battle. I hope to make meritorious service in the battle, and I also hope to sacrifice my life for the cause of the party and the people in the battle.Sister, let me tell you, I was born and died on the battlefield, and I have never been afraid. The chief patted my shoulder many times and said: Bai Changshan, why are you not afraid of death, kid?I said, what's there to be afraid of?Isn't it just death?It's really dead, I still talk to my father, mother, brother and sister.Girl, let me tell you the truth, why am I not afraid of death?Because I don't care about it. Sister, you may not know how lonely he is if he walks alone in this world without anyone to care about.I like to drive a car alone in the dark, only at this time, everyone in the world is as lonely as me.I like to sleep on the battlefield that has just been fought, with gunpowder smoke everywhere, blood everywhere, and maybe even dead bodies everywhere.I know those people went on the road alone, I stayed there and watched them, the loneliness was taken away by them, and I would not be lonely anymore. I was thinking, if God gave me a girl, what would my life be like in the future? Sister, let me tell you, I only rest for one day at the frontline command post, because only at night can we return to the transportation line.At that time, this letter of mine, as well as letters written by all volunteer soldiers to class sisters all over the country, will be sent back to the rear by us.I assure you and my relatives in the motherland that no matter how much gunfire and smoke I experience, I must send these letters back to the motherland. Even if I sacrifice my life, I will fulfill the wish of every volunteer soldier. Fang Zijin was deeply moved by this letter.Tears streamed down her face as she read.It wasn't just her who was crying, all the teachers and students were crying.Her reading was interrupted again and again by slogans. The volunteer named Bai Changshan had long been looking forward to having a younger sister, and what Fang Zijin had been looking forward to for a long time was an older brother, an older brother who would stand up and protect him when he encountered any difficulties.Bai Changshan's mother and younger sister were raped and killed by Japanese devils. Fang Zijin's mother was also ravaged before she died.Bai Changshan's two older brothers died on the battlefield, and Fang Zijin's two older brothers also died.Bai Changshan said that he has nothing to worry about in this world, and Fang Zijin is the same.Knowing the night of his mother's death, Fang Zijin felt that his last care in this world was broken, and a person who lost his care could only live alone in this world. The two lonely hearts resonated in an instant. After the ceremony was over, the first thing to do after returning to the dormitory was to pick up a pen and paper and write back to Bai Changshan. Brother, my dear brother dear brother: She wrote a line, felt it was inappropriate, erased it, and re-written only the word brother.Then I continued to write. After writing several paragraphs, I still felt that something was wrong, so I took out a piece of paper and rewrote it.After writing a few lines, I simply put it down.Lying on the bed, she thought, this brother, she must recognize it.But how to write this letter still needs to be carefully considered. The next day, she read Bai Changshan's letter several times, and every time she read it, she would be excited again, and she couldn't help but shed tears.In the evening, she went to participate in political studies, but her mind was on this reply letter.She deliberately found a corner table with the darkest light.Hu Zhiyan and Li Shufen did not finish their marriage leave, and the political study was presided over by other students, which was not as strict as before.She spread the paper on the table and solemnly wrote: elder brother: I recognize you brother. I have read your letter several times, my sister, and every time it makes me very excited.I didn't expect that there are people in this world who have experiences so similar to mine. Reading your letter is like reviewing my own experience.My parents are gone too.Originally, there were two older brothers and one older sister, and one older brother died on the battlefield during the Anti-Japanese War. It is said that he fought the Japanese devils with a bayonet to his death.The other brother went to Yan'an, and there has been no news since then.When my sister was studying in Ningchang, she was shot to death by a Japanese plane in order to save a child. Before I recognized you as brother, I was a carefree person just like you. Brother, it's different now, you have a girl in the world.In any case, you must take good care of yourself. Now it's night again, are you driving a car on that transportation line with your comrades again?Brother, I am sitting in the classroom, imagining the way you are holding the steering wheel.My sister is really proud of you, and honored to have a brother like you who is a hero. Brother, I have a lot to say to you.However, when I picked up the pen, I didn't know what to say.Some words, let's save them for later. The girl is waiting for the good news of your meritorious service on the front line. After writing this, Fang Zijin read it carefully, and felt that he was still not very satisfied.Although this was the first time she had written to him, it seemed as if she had known him for many years.There are many things she wants to say to him.But after all, this is the first letter, if you talk too much, it will not be very good. After thinking about it, she added another sentence: And again: Brother, when this letter arrives in your hands, it should be the spring season, right?I hope this letter from my sister will bring you a spring of the motherland, so that you will have two springs. At noon the next day, she was about to send the letter. Before going out, she couldn't help but took out the letter again, and added: "And, with the letter, I attached two recently written poems dedicated to the volunteers." He took the letter and came to the door of the Youth League Committee of the college, and saw that there were already many girls here, all of them had letters in their hands, including Wu Limin and several other female students in the department.The activity of showing love to the volunteers is organized by the Youth League Committee. The school Youth League Committee and the Youth League branches of each department have special mailboxes, and the post office specially arranges postmen to collect these letters.Fang Zijin suddenly felt that she didn't want others to know about her letter, so she turned and left the Youth League Committee.When she passed the department office, she went around and saw the counselor and a few other students inside. She hesitated again and walked away.She suddenly felt that this letter was very important, and it would be too imprudent if the postage was paid in this way.She left school alone and went straight to the post office. The post office is not far from here. Go out of the school gate and turn right, walk through the Wucheng side road, then turn left onto Wucheng Road, and walk 20 meters forward.This area belongs to the new area. The buildings were not too dense and the flow of people was not large. Usually, the post office mainly receives the business of the medical school.But the situation is different today. The post office is full of female students, both from the medical school and from several nearby middle schools. The business hall is filled with the fragrance of women.Some citizens who don't know the details are discussing, what day is today?Why did these schoolgirls come to the post office?Fang Zijin was in the line, and the line moved forward slowly.A post office worker stood on the counter and said loudly, students, please pay attention. The State Post Office has issued a notice that all letters sent to the Volunteer Army can be paid in lump sum. You only need to draw a square on the upper right corner of the envelope. Frame, write four words of postage lump sum in the frame, and it can be dropped into the mailbox outside without postage stamps.As he spoke, he took out a large envelope and held it in his hand to explain.Some female students left the team, while some students still stood in the team. Taking advantage of the chaos, Wu Limin suddenly appeared next to Fang Zijin, called her excitedly, and asked her if she had sent a letter to Bai Changshan.Fang Zijin hesitated and admitted.Wu Limin told her again that this kind of letter is paid by the postage lump sum, so there is no need to put stamps on it.Fang Zijin said that she thinks it is better to post stamps, which not only shows respect and reverence for the volunteers, but also contributes to the country.Wu Limin said that you are more enlightened, okay, I will post stamps too.She took out a letter from her bosom, handed it to Fang Zijin, and said quietly, help me get in the queue.Some female students who left the line to pay the lump sum heard their conversation, changed their minds immediately, and stood in the line again. Fang Zijin took the letter, glanced at the envelope, and jokingly said that he was a brave revolutionary soldier just by his name.One sentence made Wu Limin's cheeks fly red, and she said somewhat proudly, do you know what type of army he is?Scout, and a reconnaissance platoon leader.Fang Zijin tapped her nose and said, I see you are going crazy with joy.Yesterday, you read it so loudly on stage that everyone heard it. Although everyone says that the volunteers are the cutest people, but due to different types of troops, the degree of cuteness is still somewhat different.In the minds of these female students, the highest rank is Air Force fighter pilots, followed by tank soldiers, auto soldiers and scouts. Only the elite of the Chinese People's Liberation Army can enter these units. Officers in these arms are naturally the best of the best. up.Wu Limin's sense of pride in being a reconnaissance platoon leader can be imagined. Fang Zijin saw that Xiao Nizi was feeling pregnant, so he touched her with his body and said, tell me about your reconnaissance platoon leader.Wu Limin said, is there anything to talk about?Didn't you hear the contents of the letter?Fang Zijin said, I want to listen to it again, is it possible?Wu Limin quarreled with her and said, okay, okay, I said.His name is Yu Aijun, and his family lives in Yujiashan, a suburb of Ningchang.In other cases, it is not very clear.Because they were about to go on a reconnaissance mission, the chief only gave them 30 minutes to write a letter.So, the first letter was written very hastily.He said that after he finished his mission, he would seriously write a reply letter to her.After talking about the situation of the scouts, Wu Limin pestered Fang Zijin and asked her to introduce her situation of Bai Changshan.Fang Zijin said that you heard it yesterday.Taking advantage of her inattention, Wu Limin snatched the letter from her hand, read it impatiently, and read it out: Brother Bai Changshan accepts it.Fang Zijin felt that his greatest secret had been taken away by someone, so ashamed and annoyed, he snatched the letter. "What? This is already brother?" Wu Limin said exaggeratedly, "I'm so nauseous, vomit, I'm going to vomit." The two girls quarreled for a while before breaking up happily.On the same day, Fang Zijin wrote a second letter to Bai Changshan. In addition to attaching an essay she just wrote as a gift to the volunteers, the letter also mentioned that she would like to know his situation on the front line very much. If she has time , I hope he will write more about their battle stories next time. After sending out the two letters, Fang Zijin had expectations in his heart.Calculated according to the cycle of returning the first letter, it will take at least twenty-five days from sending a letter to receiving a reply.At the same time, she thought, maybe Bai Changshan didn't have to wait for her reply, so he wrote her a second letter directly? On the third day, she couldn't bear it any longer and went to the department office.There is a wooden cabinet at the door of the department office, which is divided into many squares, and some words are written under each square.Some are the teacher's name, and there are also the names of various classes.After the daily letters or newspapers and magazines arrive, the master in the reception room will sort them and put them in the corresponding cabinets.Although Fang Zijin passed by here countless times before, she had never paid any serious attention to this big cabinet. She didn't have any expectations for the things in the cabinet.She couldn't explain why, since she communicated with Bai Changshan, she felt that her life was completely different from before, and the cabinets in the department office had a completely different meaning to herself.She wondered what the difference was, and the answer deep down was because she had a brother. As soon as he entered the department office, he heard Li Shufen's hoarse laughter, which was very unrestrained and hearty.She was startled: she came back?Fang Zijin didn't want to touch her, hesitated for a moment, turned and walked away.Before dinner that afternoon, Li Shufen returned to the dormitory.She came to the dormitory for three things, one was to bring back the letters from her classmates, the second was to distribute her wedding candies to the classmates, and the third was to move her luggage into the new residence.Although they are teachers, they are still treated as students. The only exception is Hu Zhiyan, who has been a staff member of the college before and has a bed in the staff dormitory of the college.Now that they are married, the college has arranged a house for them, so she naturally doesn't have to live in the student dormitory. When Li Shufen distributed candy to everyone, Fang Zijin followed everyone to congratulate her. Only she knew in her heart that she was not sincere enough.She also wanted to warm up to Li Shufen, but since what happened last time, she couldn't be warm.Before Li Shufen left, she left a few letters, including Fang Zijin's, but the person who wrote the letter was not Bai Changshan, but Lu Qiusheng.Lu Qiusheng's handwriting is vigorous and powerful, much more beautiful and elegant than Bai Changshan's handwriting, but it is this chic and elegant handwriting that makes Fang Zijin upset.She was very worried that one day, he would use this handsome word to report to the organization, asking the organization to approve him to marry her in the name of the organization. On the fourth day, Fang Zijin went to the department office again, and saw Li Shufen there from afar, she slipped away while the other party didn't notice her.Back to the dormitory, the other students have not come back yet.She took out gynecology and wanted to read it seriously.But in vain, she didn't know what was printed in the book for the first time.Deep down, she was angry with Li Shufen.Really, they are already married, why don't they have a good time with their husband, why don't they go to the department for a while?Apart from her husband, no other man will write to her.Even if there is, can she still count on it?Now she has been labeled with a special trademark.She was annoyed by Li Shufen in her heart, but Li Shufen blew in like a gust of wind.After meeting and greeting her, he took out a handful of candy from his bag and handed it to her.Fang Zijin said nonchalantly that he had already given it yesterday.Li Shufen said that everyone was together yesterday, she couldn't give too much, and today it was specially for her.She also said that today's candy is different. It is from Shanghai. This kind of candy is very difficult to buy. Some people have never seen it in their entire lives.Lao Hu made a lot of connections before he bought a catty.Li Shufen's voice was full of pride.She also seems to have reason to be proud, not to mention buying Shanghai candy which is in short supply, even the general candies produced in Ningchang are strictly controlled substances. Li Shufen talked to her for a while, put down a few letters, and said that she was going back to cook for Lao Hu, because Lao Hu liked to eat her cooking, so she left in a hurry. Fang Zijin couldn't wait to pick up the letters and read them carefully, but there was no one of his own.Watch it a second time, still nothing.There was a letter from Wu Limin. You don't need to look at the content, but just by looking at the envelope, you can tell that it was written by her scout.He is a man of his word.Fang Zijin hid the letter, and when Wu Limin returned to the dormitory, pay attention to her expression.Wu Limin saw a few letters on the table, and went to look at them immediately. Naturally, she didn't see her own letter, and she was a little disappointed.Fang Zijin thought, Xiaonizi is starting to feel pregnant. She said to Wu Limin, I have a surprise for you.Wu Limin asked, where's the surprise?Fang Zijin said, you have to promise me and share with me.When Wu Limin heard it, she knew it was the letter from the reconnaissance platoon leader, and she was ashamed like a flower.She naturally refused to share her letter with Fang Zijin, but Fang Zijin insisted that she would not give it to her unless she agreed.She was eager to read the letter, and agreed to Fang Zijin, but at the same time made another request, Fang Zijin would also share the letter from the company commander of the car with her.Fang Zijin thought, that would be impossible, Bai Changshan's letter belonged to her, and no one else could read it except her.She handed over Wu Limin's letter, saying that I was joking with you, how could it be serious? Wu Limin crawled to her bunk to read the letter, and giggles came from time to time.This laughter made Fang Zijin jealous, made Fang Zijin envious, and also made her a little annoyed with Bai Changshan.没过多久,吴丽敏将头探出床沿,欢快而又神秘地对她说,子衿,你上来。方子衿爬上了她的床,两人挤在那窄窄的床上,一起读着喻爱军的信。喻爱军在信中说,上次有紧急任务,所以那封信写得匆匆忙忙。当天晚上,他带着侦察排突破了敌人的封锁线,任务是抓一个舌头摸清敌人的部署情况。敌人知道志愿军的侦察兵十分活跃,一到晚上,都不单独行动。喻爱军说,他们这是第三个晚上突破敌人的封锁线了,前两个晚上都是无功而返。如果再抓不到舌头,他没法向首长交代,心中十分着急。侦察兵在敌人的眼皮子底下活动十分危险,所以,上级有规定,除非事前有明确命令,否则,深入到敌方阵地的侦察兵,不论任务是否完成,规定时间内一定要撤出。眼看规定时间又到了,任务却没有完成。喻爱军不甘心,磨蹭了几分钟。正当他宣布返回时,发现敌人的营房里走出一个人来。那人闪过了敌人的岗哨,沿着山中的一条小道向前疾走。喻爱军哪里肯放过这样的机会?指挥着侦察排的战友,悄悄地摸过去,将那人按倒在地,往他口里塞了一条毛巾,再用绳子将他捆了个结结实实,背起他就往自己的阵地跑。回来后一审问,才知道是一个伪军士兵,他不想跟着美国佬以及李承晚打自己的兄弟,想开溜。据这名俘虏说,美国佬和李承晚正计划向志愿军和朝鲜人民军发起新一轮攻势。志愿军得到这个情报后,当天晚上埋伏在敌人增兵的必经之路上,将一个连的美国大兵和伪军打得人仰马翻。 看过信,吴丽敏问方子衿,是不是比看小说还过瘾?方子衿在她耳边悄悄地说,你是不是爱上他了?吴丽敏矜持地说,那要看他是不是向我求爱。方子衿掏出糖,递给她,对她说,看把你甜的,再让你甜一下吧。吴丽敏拿过一颗糖,剥了纸就往嘴里塞,一面问她哪来的糖。方子衿说是李淑芬给的。吴丽敏问你怎么不吃?方子衿说我才不吃她的东西。吴丽敏弯过头,看了她一眼,说为什么不吃?糖又没有阶级性,她给多少我就吃多少。吃光了她我才高兴呢。 过了几天,方子衿收到白长山的信了。 白长山在信中说,这一趟很不顺,一路上遇到敌机几次轰炸,有两辆车被敌机击中,车上装的是军火,引起了爆炸,汽车炸成了碎片,开车的志愿军战士被炸得血肉模糊,无法辨认。有一位战士的肚子被弹片削开了,肠子流了出来,驾驶室里到处都是血和脏污。当时,他还没有牺牲,战友们见到他的时候,他从怀里掏出一封信,信封上已经全都是血渍。他说,这个小妹妹非常可怜,父亲早就去世了,母亲又生病躺在医院里。为了给母亲治病,她已经决定退学去工作。他在上封信中鼓励她无论遇到什么困难,一定要坚持把书读完,答应每个月给她寄生活费。现在,他无法完成这一心愿了。白长山说,你放心好了,我们一连全体战士来代你完成这一心愿。听到这句话,他终于闭上了眼睛。白长山从他的嘴角,看到了一丝微笑。大家不忍心从战士的残尸上驶过,车队在路上多等了一天,直到工兵部队将路面清理干净,将战士的残尸掩埋,他们才重新上路。返程时,又遇到特大暴风雪,车队被阻住了。 信中所讲,虽然是一些方子衿闻所未闻的事,可他的信,在方子衿的生命中洞开了一扇窗子。透过这扇窗,方子衿突然觉得自己透悟了人生。许多以前不明白的事,现在明白了,许多以前觉得对的做法,现在知道错在何处了。许多事以前觉得不以为然,现在的看法是完全改变了。这一切,都因为她心中有了牵挂,原来,心中有一份牵挂是这样一种美妙的感觉。 吴丽敏知道汽车连长来信了,向方子衿闹着要看信。方子衿无论如何不肯答应。她觉得信中藏着巨大的秘密,是有关自己内心深处的秘密,这封信如果给吴丽敏看到了,自己的秘密,也就大白天下了。但实际上,仅以信而言,没有半点秘密,白长山只是像喻爱军一样,在信中谈了自己在朝鲜战场上的一些经历而已。她为什么会认为这些经历中隐藏着她内心深处的巨大秘密?连她自己都说不清楚。 有一天,吴丽敏和方子衿一起去食堂吃饭的时候突然神秘兮兮地对她说,我听说李淑芬结婚后并不幸福,胡之彦碰都没有碰过她。方子衿淡淡地说,是吗?她总觉得了解人家这样的隐私有些过分。True.吴丽敏说我亲耳听到的,昨天她去找了辅导员,她在辅导员面前一把鼻涕一把眼泪,说胡之彦每天晚上都穿着长衣长裤睡觉,根本就没有把她当阶级姐妹,更没有把她当革命战友,完全像是阶级敌人似的。她请求组织出面做胡之彦的思想工作,希望组织上给胡之彦下达命令。这一次,即使是不关心这类事的方子衿也惊讶了。这种事也需要组织下命令?组织如果真下命令,那这个命令应该怎样下? 吴丽敏说子衿你说可笑不可笑?组织怎么下这种命令?下一个红头文件:华中医令字第零零零么号,胡之彦同学务于今晚前和李淑芬同学圆房,完成革命大业,否则将以党纪军法论处。特此命令。方子衿在吴丽敏额头上点了一下,说道:你呀,亏你说得出口,羞不羞。 你那个汽车连长在信里说了些么事?吴丽敏又转了一个话题。方子衿不想在这个话题上纠缠,说无非是么样躲过敌机的轰炸这一类。你的侦察排长呢?一定很浪漫吧?向你求爱了没有?吴丽敏说,他苕得要死,懂么事叫求爱?谈起喻爱军,吴丽敏眉飞色舞。她说喻爱军初中毕业以后,就参加了游击队。后来四野南下,他和战友们参加了宁昌的外围战斗。后来,他跟着四野下湖南,打两广,战海南。多次立功,被提拔为排长。吴丽敏拿出喻爱军刚刚寄来的照片给她看。 照片很模糊,却也很英武。看到吴丽敏有了照片,方子衿就暗暗对白长山有了恨意,他为什么不给她也寄一张照片?对了,下次的信,主动给他寄一张照片试试他的反应。 那天晚上,方子衿躺在床上,心中想着自己的信是否已经到了白长山的手中。但后来她的思想走神了,由白长山想到了喻爱军的照片,自然又想到了吴丽敏以及她模拟的命令。现在是晚上了,吴丽敏的命令是否起了作用?李淑芬自从结婚后就搬出了宿舍,此刻,她应该是和胡之彦睡在一起。或许,他们正在执行吴丽敏的命令?天,怎么会想到那种事?一个大姑娘想这事,羞不羞?突然,她想到了另一种可能。胡之彦和李淑芬肯定没有做那种事,而这一切,与自己有关。胡之彦不肯和李淑芬做爱,这件事对于自己是非常严重的。 这个念头冒出来之后,她觉得荒唐。他们的事,与自己有什么关系?一切都随着他们的婚礼而结束了。没有结束的只是和陆秋生的婚约。再过一个多月就要放暑假了,陆秋生早早来信说,他和他的父母希望她去南昌过暑假。陆鸣泉在她到宁昌不久就调去了南昌,他们知道她独身一人,希望她把南昌当做她的家。她回信说,他们这届学生因为是师资班,学制缩短了,按照惯例,医学本科应该是五年,他们只是两年半。所以,她想趁着这个假期去学院的附属医院实习,哪里都不能去。 即使是要实习,回去一两天的时间总还是有的。方子衿不肯回去,是因为心里藏下了一个巨大的秘密,再也无法面对陆秋生和他的热情了。等待白长山的来信,成了她生命中唯此为大、不可替代的头等大事。他们都等不及看到对方的回信便又提起了笔。每隔一个星期左右,彼此就可以收到一封信。白长山在信中也给她寄来了照片,是出发去朝鲜前,在河南的汽车兵基地照的,头发剃光了,乌青发亮,看上去挺可笑。不过,脸上的轮廓线条分明,粗犷有力,正是方子衿喜欢的那一类型。那是一寸登记照,很小。照片是粘在一块布上的,周围拼着很多鲜花。白长山说,第一次给她写信的时候,就想过要送给她一件礼物,当时想到的是送金达莱花,但因为季节不对,采不到花,所以拖到现在。这些金达莱花是他利用躲敌人空袭的间隙采摘的,粘相片的那块布,是他向前线的战友要的,是从被击毙的美军军官身上裁下来的呢子军服。 方子衿沉浸在一种从未有过的激情之中,丝毫没有料到,某种危机,正潜伏在自己的身边,就像一只趁着黑夜悄悄接近猎物的猛虎,睁着一双喷火的眼睛,静待着时机。这天晚上方子衿和吴丽敏一起去参加政治学习。她们进去时,教室里才坐了一半的人,胡之彦坐在最前面,面对着门口。他的脸阴沉沉的,有着一股很厚重的戾气。这股戾气在他的脸上盘桓了很长时间,自从婚假结束后回到学校,他那刀削一样的脸,从来都不曾晴朗过。这一点,方子衿其实早就注意到了,只是今晚的感觉更强烈一些。看到他阴鸷的目光,她的心暗自咯噔了一下,莫名其妙地疾跳起来。
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