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Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Surprise Attack on Doufang Mountain

homeless 冰河 21720Words 2018-03-18
In the first battle in Wuhan, the national army paid a huge sacrifice and kept all important positions.The 2nd Company where Lao Dan belonged and the other five companies only survived more than 300 people, and most of them were seriously injured.In the Group Army Wounded Soldiers Hospital on the outskirts of Wuhan, thousands of wounded soldiers crowded here, crying and howling, receiving care from doctors and ordinary people.There are fierce air battles over Wuhan every day. The devil's planes have never stopped bombing the outer positions. Recently, they have started bombing the urban area.Air defense alerts came one after another, and the terrified people spent sleepless nights after another.

Lao Dan's wounds were too large, and the medical conditions during the war were poor. His wounds were severely infected.Doctors dug out more than a dozen pieces of shrapnel and several bullets from his body, and nurses watched over this strong soldier day and night, bringing him back to the world time and time again.Due to the priority of using the antibiotics that had just been shipped, Lao Dan finally got rid of his fever.The bandages the doctors took off on his body could almost make a quilt.When he woke up, ten days had passed, and finally, he said a word: "Mother, have you fed the baby yet?"

The comrades around heard his voice and immediately yelled to call the doctor.The doctor checked his condition and said happily: "What a man, he won't die!" Lao Dan opened his eyes and saw a group of blurred white shadows dangling around. He thought he was in the sky, and opened his mouth wide to say something.Everyone's laughter made him realize that he once again missed the summons from King Yan.He focused his attention and tried to move his body, but found that he couldn't move at all, his whole body was covered with hard bandages, and his whole body was surprisingly itchy, accompanied by excruciating pain.The strong smell of the potion made it difficult for him to breathe. Just as he was about to speak, he found a tube inserted into his mouth, straight into his stomach.He turned to see a soldier with a bandaged eye grinning at him.

"Brother, you are alive, and someone wants to carry you outside several times!" Lao Dan pouted hard, which was his answer.On the opposite bunk, another soldier with half a leg missing was staring at him. "Old company commander, the brothers thought you were honored too. The day before yesterday I found out that this was you. You were covered in bandages. I couldn't recognize you at all." "How are you brothers?" Lao Dan asked muttering. "Oh, they're almost dead! The living are basically here. Fortunately, the position is not lost, but the people have changed a few times!"

A tall doctor came over, pulled out the tube in his mouth, put a thermometer in his mouth, and shouted loudly: "Don't talk! He just woke up, let him rest well, wait for his blood pressure to stabilize, and then he will be able to recover." Move again in a few days, do you hear me? Your name is Lao Dan, right? Your regiment leader let me see you come back to life and tell him, your life is really tough, there must be good luck in the future!" "How is Head Gao?" Lao Dan asked eagerly. "Regimental Commander Gao was slightly wounded and is still on the front line... Your name is so easy to remember. Many people asked me to inquire about this and that, but I can't remember it at all." The doctor replied and went to take care of other wounded soldiers.

"The devils have attacked several times. Our artillery can't keep up. Fortunately, there are planes to help. A few days ago, I heard that the head of the regiment swam to the devils with a death squad and blew up one of their warships. Hehe, It’s full of devils! But yesterday the devils captured the southern fortifications, threatening our position!” said the brother with a broken leg. Lao Dan could already imagine what it would be like to defend a position without artillery support.Although the devils suffered heavy losses, they would never give up their attack easily.The national army will not give up their positions easily this time, so why should they be chased by devils?New wounded soldiers were brought in continuously every day, and countless people died screaming in pain.The bloody doctors were all exhausted. One of them passed out while rescuing the wounded soldiers the day before yesterday, and never woke up again!The devil's planes bombed around the camp from time to time, and occasionally bombs fell into the yard outside.The doctors and nurses moved the wounded nervously, and threw themselves on them when they were in a hurry.Some veterans knew that the bomb would not fall on their heads just by hearing the sound, but they kept yelling in order to make the nurses jump on them and feel their warm chest and sweet breath.Lao Dan saw it in his eyes and didn't puncture it. He laughed and laughed in bed. He couldn't help admiring these medical staff who were desperate to protect the wounded soldiers. It turns out that doctors can work so hard?

In this relatively safe environment, Lao Dan has been resting for half a month. Although his body is weak, his wounds have healed and he can move around.He looked around for the brothers of his company, chatted with them, smoked and talked about women, and occasionally exercised his atrophied limb muscles.The old Dan in the mirror is a bit ferocious, a bit like the life-threatening ghost in Henan opera, but he doesn't take it seriously anymore, after all, there are still so many people who have already been wiped out.Life here is full of death and tears. Those who came in were bloody and bloody, those who were carried away were stiff in limbs, and most of those who stayed were numb and indifferent to the wailing and pain of others.

Lao Dan finally got used to adjusting his emotions.Death is always there, since I just escaped from Lord Hades, I don't care much about the pain around me.Here, the brothers are all similar to him, lacking arms and legs but still have a tone.Everyone is facing a common destiny, so there is no need to lament too much for this time's misfortune, and there is no need to secretly rejoice over that time's luck.In an army of more than one million, he was just an inconspicuous deputy company commander.As far as the battle experienced this time is concerned, it doesn't seem to be the worst - after all, many brothers and brothers survived, and many companies were wiped out.He learned from a wounded soldier from Jiujiang that a brigade fell into a tight siege when it raided the enemy's airport, and failed to break through several times in the past month.The devil's persuasion to surrender was rejected by the brigade commander. Two thousand soldiers, including three regimental commanders, together with the two major generals' staff, fought for seven days, ran out of ammunition and food, and all died heroically.The devils were in awe, and sent back the bodies of all the officers and soldiers in a carriage.I heard that Generalissimo Jiang personally made elegiac couplets for them.Black gauze is all over the sky in Wuhan, and the whole people pay homage for three days.

Students in the city often secretly bring some cigarettes, food and drink to the wounded soldiers without the doctor behind their backs. Of course, alcohol is also indispensable.Lao Dan had a happy drink with everyone and met some students.The students surrounded this group of soldiers who were born and died, pestering them to tell stories on the battlefield.The fragrance from the female students was so lethal that it made the soldiers feel distracted and speechless.Lao Dan didn't make a fuss, so he narrated his experience from the Yellow River to the time he was admitted to the hospital, which made all the girls cry.In the eyes of these young students, Lao Dan is an immortal hero, and every scar shows the charm of a hero.A few handsome girls from Wuhan University were so ingenious that they brought Lao Dan his favorite mutton stewed noodles, which made the soldier next to him salivate.Although he wished to swallow the whole noodles in one gulp, Lao Dan still graciously ate with his brothers, which made him feel happy.He happily watched this gang of wolves and tigers share this delicious meal, and felt as satisfied as if he had become a general.

"Old company commander? Were you homesick when you were fighting devils?" The girl who asked the question was Yingzi, and she had been to the hospital several times.Every time she came here, she would visit Lao Dan's bed.According to the seating position of the brothers, she looks pretty among the girls.And she is very quick to fight against the medical staff, so she is deeply loved by everyone.While rolling cigarettes for Lao Dan earnestly, she asked her about topics she was interested in. "Oh, I usually have weird thoughts, but when I fight, I want to kill devils, what else do I want?"

"Do you know the situation in your hometown?" "I don't know, I don't have any news... Where are you from, girl?" "My hometown is in Henan, but my home is in Beiping. After the devils took over there, my parents sent me to Wuhan." "Oh, then you must miss them. Do you have brothers and sisters?" "There is only one younger brother, who is still young, not as tall as your gun!" "Don't worry too much. I heard that the devils are quite respectable in Beiping, and they didn't kill ordinary people indiscriminately." "Well...Old company commander, as long as we don't have classes, I'll bring you mutton stewed noodles every few days. Our school's cook is from Hexi. I heard that you want to eat it. I don't know where I got the mutton. ?” "Oh, then when I recover from my injury, I will go and see this fellow. This is fate!" The wounded soldiers nearby had long coveted this beautiful Yingzi, and her presence always made these guys very active, and they talked more. "Brother, are you going to see the cook or Yingzi? Go and bring us all, or we will sue the doctor!" "That's right, brother, why are you so blessed? You have food and drink, and big sisters give you cigarettes. I have to urinate for a long time before someone comes here. It makes my pee bubbles almost explode. Oh...why is there such a big difference?" "Yingzi, don't listen to my brother's stories all the time. There are more stories in our trench than in his side? You also send me a few bowls of noodles, and I will tell you every day! Is it okay?" "Hmph, you're not from Hexi, and the cooks in our school don't have that much mutton? You can tell stories, and I can hear them here too." "That's different. You sit in front of my brother and listen to it, and the feeling is different from sitting in front of me. Why don't you just sit here?" "Hehe, big brother, you are really funny... Well, I will come to listen to you tomorrow, and I will bring a few classmates. If you can't speak well then, I won't give you cigarettes." "No, no, I just talked for three days and three nights, and the story will not be the same... Unlike my brother, Che Jilu kept talking back and forth, and I even killed a devil who stabbed my brother with a bayonet... Don't worry, I guarantee you will be satisfied, remember to bring more girls!" The officers of the 37th Army come here from time to time to inspect and condolences to boost morale.The long-term retreat made everyone feel gloomy. Finally, in this unprecedented decisive battle, everyone felt the unprecedented excitement and determination of the national army.News of success came from the front line every day. Basically, the national army still held its ground and killed thousands of devils and so on.According to the gossip, an assault boat driven by the death squad of the 16th Army was loaded with explosives, crossed the blockade in the middle of the night, crashed into the hull of the devil's main ship, blew it in half and sank to the bottom of the river.Their feat stopped the momentum of the Japanese fleet to continue westward.The Japanese fleet was crowded and cruising at the Yangtze River port, and was violently bombed by national army planes, causing a lot of losses. At the same time, the Japanese army significantly increased its air power, and they gradually gained the upper hand in the aircraft chase over Wuhan.Fortunately, the national army's anti-aircraft artillery fire is still very intensive. The Japanese army bombarded the urban area at intervals on a large scale, causing many civilian casualties.Every day, new and energetic troops marched to the front line amidst the cheers of the citizens. The citizens of Wuhan took to the streets, waving colorful flags and red flowers, and lined the road to send off these fearless warriors. During the Battle of Wuhan, the national army's peripheral defense withstood a major test.The Poyang Lake defense line and the northern Dabie Mountain defense line have changed hands several times between the enemy and us, regardless of superiority or inferiority.But in the end, the Japanese army increased its troops several times and concentrated its firepower to break through many fortresses violently. The national army finally reluctantly gave up.The precise bombing of the Devils Air Force made the firepower points in the defense line nowhere to hide, and the elite national army began to suffer a lot, and was bombed to pieces as soon as they drove up.Although there are air force pilots from the United States and the Soviet Union fighting side by side with the national army, the national army air force is still far behind the Japanese army in terms of numbers and combat capabilities.The military and civilians in Wuhan often saw heroic pilots flying Soviet-made fighter jets to fight more with less, and the battle was inextricably linked.The nimble little Japanese fighter jets pursued and shot down countless national army planes, even parachute pilots. They either used machine guns to sieve the pilots hanging in the air, or cut them in two with their wings.The citizens below stared blankly at the sight, all gritted their teeth and felt extremely distressed. After three months of bloody fighting, the national army used the hilly area on the south bank of the Yangtze River as a mobile defense. Although it retreated steadily, the overall effect was good.Although the Japanese army had an absolute advantage in the sky and sea, the ground attack was far from ideal.After opening the Hukou line of defense, the Japanese army did not dare to let the armored troops penetrate quickly to cut off the national army's transportation supply line and the return route of the defenders. Instead, they stood firm and waited for a rest.The national army was able to quickly put the new reserve team into the counter-offensive, and actively broke through the Japanese army's transportation lines.The battle was fierce, and the Japanese army often had to pay a one-to-one price to occupy some fortresses and positions.However, the concentrated breakthrough of the Japanese army's front line enabled the troops on both wings of the national army to constantly threaten the flanks of the Japanese army's vanguard.Many positions occupied by the Japanese often lost their original campaign purpose.In order to avoid being led by the nose by the national army, the Japanese military headquarters had to start a frontal battle with the national army prematurely, which became a tug of war.The Japanese's delicate little tanks did not make much money when they fought in the river basin.The soldiers of the national army were no longer so afraid of this steel monster, and dared to let it go to attack the infantry behind.They will also jump on the tanks that are stuck in the anti-tank trenches, pour gasoline on them and burn them, and then retreat to the side to wait for the devils who come to rescue them. After several large-scale battles, although the national army suffered heavy casualties, the casualties were not as good as the Japanese army. The Yangtze River defense line seems to hold. After lying in the hospital for more than 20 days, Lao Dan was finally able to go to the front line with a limp.The freshly scabbed wounds were white and red all over his body, contrasting sharply with his black and red skin, making him look ugly.Now that she is alive and kicking again, Lao Dan is more concerned about the scars on her face, and always feels uncomfortable when greeting acquaintances, especially female medical staff.Happily, the recuperation for nearly a month has actually made him fatter, and the blue veins exposed on his forehead are not too obvious. The news that came in was mixed.Lao Dan laughed from ear to ear when he learned that the devil's plane accidentally bombed his attacking troops, killing hundreds of new troops who had just been transferred from East China.However, after an enemy plane bombed, Yingzi, a beautiful girl who often came to see the wounded, failed to escape the enemy plane's strafing.She was still breathing when she was carried into the emergency center, clutching a basket tightly in her hand, and all the food was spilled on the food.A nurse cried and told Lao Dan and the soldiers that it was Yingzi. The group of wounded soldiers immediately exploded and miraculously jumped off the hospital bed.The soldiers surrounded Yingzi's operating table layer by layer, not daring to breathe, watching the bright red blood gushing out of her chest in bewilderment.Her face turned pale due to blood loss, her blue lips twitched, and the machine gun bullets as thick as airplane carrots drilled down her right chest from her shoulders, cutting off her shoulders and right breast. Her body was so beautiful and her breasts so plump. , now only a huge hollow of flesh and blood can be seen.Her eyes were fixed on the ceiling, and her pupils began to diverge. At the last moment of her life disappearing, she actually yelled clearly: "Mom..." The doctor gave up.Lao Dan and the soldiers wept bitterly around the girl's body. The soldier who liked to tell Yingzi stories knelt in front of her, gently stroked her face, and then slammed his head hard against the iron frame of the operating bed. Go, howling like a wolf.The wound on his chest burst open in pain, the blood sprayed on Yingzi's pale hand, and then slipped stickily to the ground... Commander Gao led the troops back from the position on the south bank of the Yangtze River. At this time, the 406 regiment had 80% fewer people than the original establishment, and only about two companies remained.The company to which Lao Dan belonged was cancelled. A group of short recruits selected from Jiangxi Province and nearly a hundred veterans who crawled out of the hospital were ordered to form a field strengthening assault company, which was no longer attached to the 37 Army 406 Regiment, and directly under the main force - Li Yannian's 2nd Army Headquarters.A captain officer who graduated from the Central Military Academy served as the company commander, and Lao Dan served as the company's deputy company commander. The new company commander, Yang Tieyun, whose name is Gongting, is twenty-four years old.A pair of handsome eyes are opened, radiant and full of energy, and when they are concentrated, they are deep, distant, melancholy and low back.This is the most beautiful man Lao Dan has ever seen - how can this big brother grow up to be as beautiful as a big girl?Although this person looks young, his words are wise and calm, with a maturity that does not match his appearance.He is full of military style, always has a military appearance and a shiny belt, and he is completely undisturbed in front of the soldiers.Yang Tiejun, who was born in a military family, was still studying in Japan before the devils invaded. When the Sino-Japanese war broke out, he managed to escape and worked in the Special Operations Section of the Wuhan Garrison Command.For the current mission, he and Lao Dan must train the troops within fifteen days, and they must have the capabilities of reconnaissance and in-depth combat, and they must also teach everyone to learn some important Japanese military terms. At the beginning, Lao Dan, like his comrades in arms, could not understand and accept the training method of the new company commander Yang Tiejun.Running 20 kilometers with weight in the middle of the night every day was a nightmare. It made Lao Dan, who had just recovered, feel cramps in his calves and was about to foam at the mouth.Most of the fighters could run faster than him, but fortunately someone graciously helped him carry his equipment back.In the second half of the night, there was a blasting training in units of shifts. The detonators and explosives made in the United States were connected together with wires, and then they pulled a rope and ran a long way, and then turned on the key to explode.This is not Lao Dan's forte. The clumsy Lao Dan either connected the wrong wire or inserted the detonator backwards. In short, none of them succeeded.On the contrary, some of the new recruits had learned a little bit of electrician, and helped the class pass the test.After shooting training in the middle of the night, Lao Dan still couldn't do it.He had never practiced shooting systematically, and when he was shooting devils, he only followed the general direction, but ten shots might not knock down two or three, especially at night.The young and handsome company commander carried 20 kilograms of ammunition on his back, fired ten shots in a row, three with ten rings, four with eight rings, and three with seven rings.Lao Dan also fired ten shots, two with seven rings and five with four rings.Company Commander Yang Tiejun knew about Lao Dan's combat experience, and knew that he had just climbed out of the hospital, so he politely gave him the steps, and loudly shouted at the laughing soldiers: "What are you laughing at? Don't think you can fight right now, the devil's The planes and cannons all greeted you, and you were so scared that you couldn’t even find the sight! Ask the old company commander for some practical experience, and you won’t pee your pants when you get serious!” Lao Dan, who used to piss his pants, was very receptive to such compliments, and worked very hard when training for fighting.Compared with Lao Dan, Company Commander Yang has a higher level of theory and has stayed in Dongyang, but his actual combat experience cannot compare with this farmer, and he has never used a knife or gun one-on-one with a devil.When he was practicing the broadsword, there was a gap between him and Lao Dan.Lao Dan kept firmly in mind the fellow's nimble turn-around footwork and horizontally dragging the knife, combined with his actual combat experience, and explored a set of ugly but extremely practical knife techniques.Two new recruits from sparring rushed forward, and Lao Dan cut the stomach of the soldier on the left with a wooden knife in one move, and then lifted an arm of the soldier on the right with his backhand.The soldiers onlookers applauded immediately, respecting Lao Dan, they didn't dare to underestimate this rough-looking guy any more, and imitated and practiced this set of moves he invented. The smart company commander Yang Tiejun is very good at summarizing techniques, and he summarized Lao Dan's saber techniques as follows: Feign attack with left slash—swipe right to step up—sword becomes horizontal slash—turn around and slash belly—swing up with big sword—the devil opens an account.This is so vivid, easy to say and easy to remember, how can you do it yourself but can't say it?Lao Dan admired the young company commander from the bottom of his heart.The swords danced wildly on the coaching field. When Lao Dan took off his shirt, the soldiers were stunned. Everyone admired and sighed at Lao Dan's scars, and inadvertently left the thin-skinned and tender company commander aside.Lao Dan found out that he had mastered the leadership skills and immediately transferred the top hat: "If I could learn so many combat skills from the company commander earlier, the brothers would definitely die a lot less! Everyone should ask the company commander for advice. My way I can’t see it, it’s not the right way.” After half a month of intensive training, both old and new soldiers have made great progress.The platoon and platoon, and the squad and the squad under the guidance of the company commander cooperate to cover the offense and defense, and everyone has mastered it through repeated drills.The soldiers admired the young and talented company commander Yang, and respected the honest and experienced old deputy company commander.One time during a practice grenade throwing, a soldier boy panicked and stumbled under his feet. The grenade unexpectedly fell behind his buttocks and landed right in front of Lao Dan who took off his shoes and smoked.The iron bump was emitting green smoke, and the soldiers next to them were scrambling and scattered. The company commander Yang Tieyun looked back, and his face turned ashen.Lao Dan was startled, walked over barefoot calmly, bent down to pick up the grenade, threw it lightly into the nearby well, and then went back to put on his shoes.The soldiers lying on the ground saw that Lao Dan was sitting by the well with a smile on his face, the brim of his hat was wetted by the spray from the explosion, and half of a cigarette was still in his mouth, full of smoke. Everyone fell down in admiration. From the arduous and varied training with daily rest and evening training, Lao Dan felt that this unit would have different combat missions from the past.He guessed that Company Commander Yang must know, so he often inquired about the military situation, but Yang Tieyun's mouth was like an iron gate and he didn't let go.Lao Dan could only guess wildly: "Will you let us catch prisoners? What's the point of practicing setting off explosives? Don't you want us to blow up warships like the regiment leader? But you haven't practiced swimming yet? Cough! What are you doing with the ball?" Well, isn’t it like beating devils?” A few days later, the order came down, and the company commander called a meeting of the squad leaders overnight to convey the combat order.Approved by the head of the Wuhan Garrison Commander, the 2nd Army Department signed and issued a combat order: the field assault company must cross our and enemy positions for a long distance within two days, march 150 kilometers in a hurry, and attack the Japanese army at night Doufangshan temporary military airport, and wait for an opportunity to destroy the enemy's aircraft navigation equipment and ammunition warehouses.All the troops tore off the epaulettes and numbers, took Japanese uniforms, equipped with Japanese combat weapons and a radio station, and set off at 8 o'clock tomorrow night.Implement radio silence before arriving, and attack immediately after arriving at the combat position. At the same time, we call our air force to conduct guided bombing on the enemy's air force ammunition warehouse.After the task was completed, the commando retreated to the southeast and entered the lake area to wait for the guerrilla troops of the 28th Army in the third theater to be rescued. Before departure, the deputy chief of staff of the 2nd Army personally came to give everyone a farewell party. He announced on the spot that the soldiers who participated in the battle would each have a rank of one rank, and the soldiers who returned safely would have 30 yuan from the ocean, a medal of national glory, and compensation for sacrifices. double.During the banquet, the deputy chief of staff burst into tears, raised his glass and sang military songs.Lao Dan couldn't follow the tune, so he just hummed along.Everyone is a bit of a brave man traveling, and he is not very afraid of this difficult task.The recruits feel that there are more than a hundred veterans—especially two witty and experienced company leaders, and they feel more at ease.The veterans feel that although such a task is difficult, it is better than the defense of the position where the planes bombed the ground and the devils bombed here in Wuhan City, so they are calm. As night fell, the assault company entered the starting point in full gear.More than a hundred soldiers looked solemn, carefully checking their equipment.Yang Tiejun and Lao Dan stood in front, looking at the north without moving.At one o'clock in the middle of the night, the northern front suddenly burst into artillery fire.That was when the two regiments of the 165th Division of the 2nd Army began to launch a feint attack on the front of the Jiang'an Fortress, in order to attract the enemy's flank troops to reinforce the central part.Under the night, clusters of exploding flames shone in the night sky, which was extremely magnificent under the reflection of the river.Not long after the artillery fire was prepared, thousands of national army soldiers began to charge with loud shouts.The flares of the Japanese army hung up all over the sky, illuminating the river and both sides of the river brightly. The bullets rained and the smoke and dust flew all over the place. How many soldiers fell down? The assault company set off under the leadership of agents and guides.They successfully passed through the passage arranged by their own people and entered a middle ground where the two sides faced each other.Before entering the flanks of the Japanese positions, they changed into the prepared Japanese uniforms and helmets.The carefully selected military uniform fit Lao Dan's body very well, which made Lao Dan quite angry. How dare the Japanese devils be as big as him?Seeing that the hundreds of brothers were all dressed up in uniform devil costumes, and seeing Yang Lianchang with a devil saber on his waist, who also shaved his mustache into a devil beard, and walked in front flauntingly, I thought it was a bit funny.The company commander's proficient devil's talk made the soldiers who could not read a few big characters very impressed. How could the company commander who is chattering learn it?The tone of these words is the same as the devil's shouting, isn't this even fooling the devil?There were also two officers in the assault company who could speak devil's language, both from the division headquarters, and now they were also dressed up as Japanese soldiers, and ran on both sides of the assault company, and these two officers would answer questions from the Japanese army. The team marched at high speed in the dark, sneaking around a village guarded by devils.The scouts had been waiting there a long time ago, calculating the time for the devils to patrol.More than a hundred people got through in a gap of five minutes, walked on the road, and swaggered into the enemy's position.Suddenly, they saw the devils in the front trench, wearing mesh helmets, waving to them.The soldiers shouted "Victory!" in Japanese as they had practiced beforehand. Company Commander Yang chattered with the devils in front for a while, and showed them some documents, and the troops passed the defensive position.After passing through another mountain depression, we headed towards Doufang Mountain at high speed.Along the way, they tried their best to avoid the troops marching to the front line of the devils, and just kept their heads down.Occasionally, devil sentries and armored troops passed by on the road. Although they were a little puzzled when they saw this team running back in a hurry, they didn't bother them.Common people in ragged clothes and frightened faces often appeared on both sides, staring nervously at the "Japanese army" rushing past, making everyone's hair stand on end. After running all night, the commando had reached forty kilometers behind the Japanese front line.At this moment, everyone understood that thanks to the half-month intensive training, how could it be bearable otherwise? According to the established route, they rested in a shelter next to a semi-abandoned village, and then continued in the afternoon.Because of discipline, no one was allowed to speak loudly, and everyone ate dry food and bacon quietly.Guard posts were arranged all around, and several scouts sent out caught a devil who was about to rape a village woman.This fellow was about to work with his bare buttocks when he was touched by the scout Dapeng and punched him unconscious on the kang, and was carried on his shoulders and caught back.Dapeng used too much force, the bridge of the devil's nose hit the corner of the bed and was knocked crooked, and his voice was very nasal.Company Commander Yang first scolded him in Japanese, and then asked in detail about the situation of the troops stationed at the airport and the number of the troops, and said that he would be sent back to be dealt with by his commander.The dizzy devil thought that the officer found out that he had raped the people, so he specially sent someone to arrest him and came back. In the panic, he explained the details like pouring beans into a bamboo tube, and kept saying good things and bowed.It wasn't until a squad leader who was on guard came back and accidentally said something in Chinese, that the devil realized that the group of people in front of him were all Chinese soldiers in disguise, and immediately became extremely vicious, jumping up and shouting, Lao Dan was already prepared, and quickly used The bayonet finished him off, and he was quietly buried. According to what the devil just said, the airport is guarded by a squadron of the 15th Division of the Japanese Army, but two regiments have already gone to the west to collect military supplies, and the squadron leader is not there.According to reconnaissance, the assault company discovered that a mechanized squadron of the Japanese army was resting not far from the airport. There were more than 100 people with unknown numbers. They could reinforce the airport within half an hour.I don't know where the ammunition depot at the airport is, so I can only look there.At four o'clock in the afternoon, they set off again.This time they left the main road and walked around the mountain roads to the back of the airport.When it was getting dark, the assault company arrived at Sigu Ridge to the east of the airport, and found a place with lush trees to lurk.Yang Tiejun ordered to rest and wait until midnight before acting.Yang Tiejun and Lao Dan didn't dare to relax, they climbed up to the ridge with two scouts, and observed the airport in the dark. Doufangshan Airport is located among the mountains. It used to be just a large drying field. In order to expand the flight radius of the aircraft, the Japanese army worked hard for a month, knocked down trees and houses, and paved it into an airport that can take off and land heavy bombers.Lao Dan saw through the binoculars that dozens of planes were parked at the airport, and some of them took off and flew towards the rear. The Japanese army built three tall wooden platforms around the airport, with sandbags piled on them, machine guns on them, and large Power searchlights swung around.There were not many people on the ground, only a patrol team of more than ten people walking around.Yang Tieyun suddenly patted Lao Dan, and looked in the direction Yang Tieyun pointed. There was a camp to the east, and tanks, cars and motorcycles were neatly arranged inside.The devils inside seemed to be having an exercise, more than a hundred devils in white sweatshirts and breeches were bouncing around the camp.Lao Dan looked at Yang Tiejun again, saw his thoughtful eyes were unpredictable, and guessed that he must have some evil ideas.After returning, Lao Dan arranged for a dozen sentries to take turns to be on duty, so that everyone could hide well, eat and drink enough and sleep, and prepare to attack Doufangshan Airport at night. The two came to the observation point on the top of the mountain again.Two other Japanese translators, Second Lieutenant Hu Jin and Sergeant Lin Wei, were also there.Yang Tieyun laid out a map with small clods of soil on the ground, and everyone gathered around to discuss the battle plan. "As the prisoner said, the airport has only about 50 people defending it, but the several roads that can enter the airport are all within the range of machine gun fire, and it is impossible to sneak in secretly even at night." Yang Tiejun paused, handed some cigarettes to Lao Dan and the two translators, and continued to gesture and say: "If the airport is attacked by force, the gunshots will definitely recruit the armored regiment next to it. People came with tanks and armored vehicles. Not only could we not complete our mission, but we couldn’t run away. If the Japanese radio station yelled again, our retreat route would be blocked safely. Therefore, I think that bombing the airport is the purpose, but This armor has to be dealt with first, and even their vehicles and weapons can be used for this mission." The company commander was confident about his plan, and he spoke a little excitedly, a blush glowed on his delicate face.Lao Dan and the translators were also deeply attracted by this clear and bold plan, but soon Lao Dan raised his concerns. "Company commander, take advantage of the dark to attack the armored regiment suddenly. With the fighting power of our brothers, it is not a big problem. But when the gunshots sound, the devils at the airport will inevitably raise their guard. The machine gun is placed high, and it is not good to shoot. Charged in. There are so many devil planes, and within half an hour, the explosives can't be loaded. So we have to divide the troops and deal with the devil troops on both sides at the same time." Lao Dan's simple and thorough analysis surprised everyone, and they couldn't see that this illiterate farmer had some military strategies.Lao Dan went on to say: "The devils in the armored regiment are actually not difficult to deal with. After you kill the guards and sentries, I will take the brothers to kill all the devils who are sleeping. At the airport, when you get close, you will kill the devils on the watchtower." Knock it down, and then our soldiers will go up to guard, and the rest will plant bombs." Yang Tieyun listened carefully to Lao Dan's opinion. At this moment, he felt that it was wise for his superior to assign Lao Dan to be his deputy.With regard to this experienced tactical guidance, even though I have a solid theoretical foundation, I still cannot express it so decisively, simply and accurately. "Lao Dan is right, you have to split up and attack simultaneously. Lao Dan, you and Hu Jin led the brothers in the first and second platoons and lined up to the armored unit. When you arrived at the door, Hu Jin, you pretended to negotiate with the devils and killed them. Then go directly to deal with the devils living in the barracks. I will take Lin Wei and the remaining two platoons to the airport, and deal with the sentries and machine guns first. As soon as the gunshots from my side, you will do it. Devils don’t want prisoners You can’t take it away, Lao Dan, you can figure it out. Kill the devils, fill up the gas in the car that can be driven and drive over. Damn it! It’s a pity that no one can drive a tank.” "The ammunition depot seems to be in the row of low houses in the northeast corner. There must be devils inside. It looks very strong. It is difficult to rush in. Just use explosives to blow the door open?" Hu Jin asked. "If it's really an ammunition depot, there should be a lot of devils inside. Why rush in? Surround it and ask the air force to blow it up." The company commander made a decision.Everyone checked their watches, agreed to start at two o'clock in the morning, and went back to the resting place separately.The soldiers knew that they were going to do something, and they all geared up and rolled up their sleeves, but the moonlight was still too bright, which was not conducive to concealment. In the middle of the night, the Japanese sentry guarding the entrance was staring at the bright moon in a daze when they suddenly heard the sound of orderly footsteps.灯光照过去,两队日军正冲这边走来,走得很齐,也蛮精神。这里地处前线后方一百多公里,自占领之后就没有过什么大事,机场的鬼子们每天就是修机器养伤员,实在闲了就去村子里掏鸡摸狗找女人。可鸡狗都没了踪影,女人就更别说了,于是都有些倦怠了。看到有这么一支部队过来,哨兵很是诧异,也有一股莫明的兴奋,上面并没有通知今晚上有部队过来接防啊?看上去还不是装甲兵,都是陆军作战部队,他们来作甚么?就在哨兵发愣的功夫,这支队伍已经到了眼前。他的顾虑很快就被说话者的声音打消了,带头的军官用地道的大阪方言向他问好,说上级命令他们过来补充该团的编制,原本下午就应该到的,因为帮自己部队搭桥耽误了半天。 鬼子激动得直跳,和打头的那个英俊的帝国军官抱在了一起。见胡劲递过来一根香烟,手脚冰凉的鬼子忙高兴地接过,象嘬花姑娘般深深吸了一口。他刚享受地向月亮吐出一个烟圈,就感觉一个冰凉的铁器从后背穿到了前胸,低头一看,胸前冒出一把崭新的日本军刺,他在感到冰冷、疼痛和窒息的同时,也品出了嘴里原来是一根中国香烟。 老旦刺刀一拧,再一拔,这个鬼子就一命呜呼了。另外一个哨兵被一个粗壮的战士一拳打中咽喉,可怜的鬼子仿佛溺了水,脸憋成了猪肝样,一声都发不出来,眼见着一把冰冷的刺刀插进了他的胃。老旦一招手,大家蹑手蹑脚的摸进院里,集中在院子边上蹲着。四个侦察兵向几排房子摸去,片刻就折返回来。 “那些个鬼子都在中间的那片房子里,旁边的房子都是武器装备,里面有两个哨兵。”一个侦察员说。 “鬼子大都睡着,都光着呢。有几个醒着在说话,老连长,咱们什么时候动手?”又一个侦察员问。 借着月光,老旦仔细端详了一下鬼子住的这排房子,发现这些房子都是用木头桩子和木板子搭起来的,敞风漏气,子弹完全可以穿进去。院子里有摆放整齐的汽油桶!一个出格的想法计上心头。 “四栓儿、黑牛、王老桂、柱子,带领大家各搬两个汽油桶浇在两个房子周围。其他的兄弟三面包围。” 大家齐声称妙,这办法也太绝了。不一会整个营房就泡在了一圈汽油里。弟兄们又把一堆汽油桶堆在门口和几个窗户下面,然后趴成一个小半圆瞄准,黑牛等人抱着一堆手雷猫在窗户下面,等着老旦的一声令下。 机场方向枪声大作,炒豆子一样传来步枪和机枪的射击声。老旦估计那边已经得手了,大手一挥,战士们立刻就把手雷扑头盖脸的扔进了屋里。鬼子们登时哇哇大叫,随着一声惊恐的尖叫声,十几颗手雷接二连三地炸开了。 这排屋子真不结实,半个房顶立刻就上了天,伴随着起飞的还有一堆光腚鬼子白里透红的尸体。手雷也引燃了周围的汽油,腾地而起的火焰立刻把营房包住了。战士们欢呼着跳起来。 “赶紧趴下!” 老旦警觉的话音未落,房子里猛然射出了一排子弹。没想到这个时候鬼子还能够冷静地低平射,七八个战士立刻被打倒在地。一个战士的身上“砰”地爆出一块血肉,直朝老旦面门飞来,老旦条件反射一般凌空抓住了,火烫的一团,竟是半个还在霍霍乱跳的心脏。 “开火!一个也别让出来!” 老旦大怒,扔掉手里的东西,照着一个蹦出来的鬼子就是一个点射。战士们各式武器开火了,房屋立刻被打得千疮百孔。活着的鬼子在火中左突右冲不得其路而出,被烧得皮开肉绽,嗞嗞冒油,拼命跳出火圈的鬼子立刻被战士们的乱枪打死。汽油燃起了熊熊大火,只不到一根烟的工夫,偌大的一个营房成了焦炭,一百多个还搞清楚怎么回事的鬼子已经去向他们的天皇报到了。 清点战果,鬼子全部被歼,只剩下十几个伤员捆在地上。我方只死二人,伤六人,代价很小。 “俘虏怎么办?”陈玉茗问老旦。 “毙了!”老旦头也不回地答道。 一旁的黑牛听了心里不禁一颤,想不到平素那么老实厚道的副连长竟也这般狠。不过这倒也正中他的下怀,弟兄们本来就没想放过这些鬼子。 十几个鬼子被排成了一排,背朝着大家。在战士们拉动枪栓的刹那,这些已经垂死的鬼子竟然都回过头来,哇哇喊着冲了过来。两挺机枪把他们打成了蜂窝,但是所有的人都是头朝着枪口死去的。老旦看得真切,这些鬼子还是人么,竟这般冥顽不畏死的? 弟兄们欢呼雀跃着,争先恐后地爬上汽车,八辆宽大的敞篷军用卡车和两辆装甲车发动了,剩下的都浇上汽油点着,就飞速向机场方向开去。 杨铁筠带人已经在炸鬼子的飞机。守军和鬼子的飞行员正架起机枪往这边扫射,爬在塔楼上的战士们转过92式重机枪,居高临下打得营房象漏勺一样,几个战士干脆放平鬼子的一门防空高射机枪,用胡萝卜粗的子弹开始切割敌人防守阵地,几阵弹雨扫过,鬼子就没有了动静。 在剧烈的爆炸中,一架又一架的飞机变成了碎片。炸药不够,弟兄们就手雷汽油机枪扫射一起上,二十多架鬼子飞机很快就在熊熊大火中变成了废铁,指挥中心也被炸得一塌糊涂。弹药库的鬼子仗着坚固的工事顽强抵抗着,几位过于乐观的战士顿时就倒下了。由于通讯员已经向空军通报了弹药库的方位,战士们乐得清闲,用火力压住了事。杨铁筠命令战士们炸毁防空高炮和高射机枪,把能点燃的东西全部烧起来。整个机场爆炸连连,亮如白昼。刚完成任务回来的两架鬼子飞机看到了奇怪的一幕:上百个自己的战友拿着火把将机场上一架架飞机点着,不过瘾的还用机枪扫射。跑道上已经被浇上汽油,烧得烟尘弥漫,无法降落,稍微飞低一点,地面的机枪立刻就打上来,吓得掉头就飞走了。 老旦这边得胜而归,并且伤亡很小,杨铁筠大喜过望。老旦站在装甲车的后座上,威风凛凛,颇有不可一世的得意。参战以来,他从来没有此刻这么惊喜和自豪过。两边的战士们欢呼着跳上汽车,激动地拥抱在一起。战士们也为两位连长出色的指挥而叹服,一时间,他们暂时忘记了自己是处在敌后一百多公里的中心地带,而几个方向的鬼子正增援而来。 杨铁筠指示部队向东南方向撤退,强调沿途尽量不和鬼子冲突,能骗就骗过去,没有命令不许举枪,不许下车,更不许说话。各排必须严格执行命令。老旦吩咐大家补充弹药上车,车队迅速向东南方向开去。 刚开出五公里左右,机场方向又传来惊天动地的爆炸声,国军空军把敌人的机场弹药库炸上了天,战士们又发出一阵欢呼。 “别喊了,后面安静,前面有鬼子,准备战斗!”坐在排头车上的杨铁筠大声命令。 一个车队朝着他们的方向迎面而来,约有十几辆车,两百多鬼子。连长冷静地命令车队迎头而上,站在车上向对方车头的指挥官敬礼。鬼子军官恼怒地从车头站起来回敬。连长和鬼子军官叽里呱啦的狂说一阵,鬼子军官大声地呵斥着,杨铁筠大声地回答着,然后“啪”地一个立正。鬼子的车队开始往前开,杨铁筠悄悄回头告诉老旦:“鬼子以为我们是走错路的援兵,让我们跟在后面去机场,等他们的车队过去了我们就跑!” 战士们站在车上大气不敢出,等鬼子的车队一过去,他们立刻狠踩油门拐上旁边那条路飞奔而去。上了当的鬼子恍然大悟,急匆匆掉头追来,但已被甩下了几里地。老旦指挥着装甲车奔着地图上的方向开去。按照计划,28军的两个营会在离机场八十公里的地方接应,然后掩护大家进入湖泊区。但在这路段中,至少还有两个鬼子的哨卡和一个团的鬼子驻军。 车队继续行进。约摸过了半个钟头,天就蒙蒙亮了。果然战士们就看到了横在道路上的路障和一大群鬼子。 “连长怎么办?”老旦急切地问。 杨铁筠头上也大汗淋漓,回头看了一眼追过来的鬼子,脸上浮起一个自信而狡黠的笑容。 “开过去,胡劲你和我来,就说后面就是袭击机场的敌人,穿着我们的衣服,我们要求一起阻击他们!” 这个大胆的计划让老旦和胡劲瞠目结舌!但是一细想,觉得这个计划虽然冒险,也仿佛可行,一时也想不出其它更好的办法来。 “就按连长的意思办!”老旦斩钉截铁地说。如果和前面的鬼子干起来,不一定就能冲过去,后面的鬼子马上会杀到,前后夹击,那滋味会比什么都被动。 杨铁筠真是个表演天才,前方日军刚命令停车,他和胡劲就跳下车跑过去,用日语声嘶力竭地大喊着。两个鬼子军官狐疑地看着这两个人,枪口犹豫地低下了。杨铁筠发现面前的两个鬼子居然比自己假扮的军衔低,立刻就摆起了军官派头。一阵熟悉的“八个”传来,连长挥手就给了两个鬼子几个五指煽红,胡劲跑过来指挥车队开进障碍阵地后面。鬼子已经让出了一条路,老旦他们把车停靠在路边,纷纷跳下车来。战士们按照军官的手势散布在了两边,枪口一律朝向后面的鬼子车队,并不理会别的鬼子和自己打招呼,暗自里都心惊肉跳。杨铁筠大声地命令着,那意思看来是不许讲话,准备开火。真鬼子和假鬼子纷纷拉开枪栓严阵以待。 鬼子追兵车队气势汹汹的刚进入射程,杨铁筠立刻命令大家开枪了。莫名其妙的鬼子们顷刻间纷纷从车上栽下来,他们大概以为是刚才这支冒充自己人的队伍在打阻击战,反应很快,拉足火力就朝这边冲锋开火了,只是没遮没拦的,好几辆车很快都被打着。对面鬼子的喊声完全淹没在枪炮声里。激战中,杨铁筠给了老旦一个眼色,老旦会意,离开正在拼命的鬼子们,把后面的几十个战士低头集合起来,交代了任务:“认清自己人和鬼子,那边的鬼子一打完,看我的意思,你们就向这边的鬼子开火,别犹豫,用最快的速度把鬼子干倒!”战士们纷纷点头会意。 回到原地,眼前的景象令人啼笑皆非:这边的两百个“盟军”——真鬼子和假鬼子一道,竟将后面的一百多的鬼子追兵消灭了一大半,剩下鬼子已经往后跑了。大家正在一起欢呼,一些真鬼子还给受伤的假鬼子包扎伤口。很多真鬼子在军官的带领下前去检查战场。老旦一挥手,已习惯了老旦这独特手势的战士们立刻集合,另一边的几十个战士仍站在一起。看到这边的兄弟们都集中了,老旦照着正在抽烟的两个机枪手就是两枪,战士们迅速响应,齐齐开火。鬼子连枪都已放下,这阵突如其来、近在咫尺的枪弹把他们打得惨不忍睹,一百多人瞬间就见了阎王。去检查战场的几十个鬼子刚惊恐地回过头来,就纷纷被密集的子弹撂倒在地。 战士们放声狂笑着。这场战斗简直就像一场游戏,我方总共牺牲不到十人,受伤不到三十人,既干掉了追兵,又干掉了堵截。大家在车上大声地说笑着,这才换上自己部队的军服,把鬼子的衣服钢盔扔得满路都是,交口称赞着两位机智勇敢的连长。朝阳在道路的左边冉冉升起,满载欢乐的汽车全速前进,离指定的接应点不远了。老旦用望远镜警惕地看着前方,他看到接应点那边的村庄火光熊熊,死尸横陈,显然刚刚经历过一次战斗。 老旦的心猛地一沉! 车队放慢了速度,战士们紧张地巡视着周围的状况。杨铁筠已经命令大家下车,散到路的两旁,侦察兵田鼠前去了解情况。大家有一种不祥的预感,都紧张地竖起两耳,手握钢枪,方才胜利的喜悦已经抛在了脑后,化作了一身冷汗。杨铁筠也非常紧张,一面看着地图,一面看着手表。整个队伍一片静寂,只有汽车不敢熄火的发动机在嗡嗡作响。 老旦看了一下表,这个时间,接应部队应该已经到了,即便不到,也应该用电台有个招呼。28军75师特务1营战功赫赫,神出鬼没,在敌后打游击已经有几个月了,不过他们穿越到这么深的地带也是第一次。他们必须在夜里翻过销子山,行军五十公里,路上很可能碰到鬼子的部队。总部对这个区域的鬼子兵力部署并不完全了解,空军的侦察部队无法在白天飞到这个地方来侦察,故路上发生一些不可预见的情况倒并不可怕,可怕的是没有接应部队的任何消息! 这支一宿没睡的队伍正不知何去何从,侦察兵田鼠满头大汗地跑了回来。 “报告连长,村子里到处都是死人,有我们的弟兄,也有鬼子。看来刚打完不到一个小时。” “部队番号是什么?”连长惊讶地问道。 “我们的弟兄是28军的,鬼子的是15师团。” “没有遇见我们的人?” “活的没有!”田鼠紧张地回答。 杨铁筠和老旦等人面面相觑,一时犹豫不决。 “咱们大概死了多少人?”老旦问道。 “至少两百人,看来是中了埋伏,都死在村子里,鬼子大多死在外面。” 杨铁筠终于命令通讯兵呼叫总部,询问情况。总部回答,从今天早晨八点,特务一营就失去了联系,28军团指挥部也不知道怎么回事,总部让突击连自行判断,争取向东南方向前进。 “怎么办?”杨铁筠有点紧张地问老旦。 “特务一营碰到的看来不是遭遇战,在这么快的时间之内就被鬼子打掉了,连个消息都来不及发,说明鬼子是有准备的,而且兵力不少。保不齐他们抓了咱们的俘虏,鬼子也许知道咱们会来。”老旦尽量平静地说。 “可如果咱们不往前走,后面可能还有鬼子追来,咱们的弹药和粮食快没有了,留在这里也是等死!”陈玉茗说道。 “可不可以先派两个排过去?”胡劲问。 “不行,如果真是有埋伏,他们一个也回不来的,也改变不了我们的处境。”杨铁筠立刻否定了这个建议。 “冲吧,开着车往前冲,遇到鬼子也别停下来打,能撞就撞过去,汽油也就还够用一百公里左右。现在,没人能帮我们了。”老旦思虑再三,说出了自己的看法。 “冲得过去么?”胡劲问道。 “没有别的办法了!”杨铁筠同意了老旦的意见,下定了决心说。 “鬼子肯定会设置路障和火力点。老旦,安排一辆车,把剩下的汽油和炸药装在上面,准备撞开鬼子的障碍,让大家只管往前冲,能过去多少就看我们的造化了。” 老旦哑然,打头的冲锋车肯定要付出几个战士的生命,让谁来开这辆车呢? Time is running out!十几个会开车的弟兄在老旦的脑海中一个个想过。终于,他对着一个车上的战士喊道:“柱子,过来!陈玉茗,李克中,六子,小白,你们也过来!” 陈玉茗从军已经一年多了,既沉稳又勇敢,打起仗来都冲在前面,办起事来干净利落从不冒冒失。李克中是连里最好的机枪手,也是老兵了。新兵六子枪法好,胆子大,一家人都死在鬼子手上。柱子开车让人放心,挨两枪也不会停下。小白身强体壮,有必要他得把汽油桶扔下去。 老旦咽了口唾沫,字字清晰地说道。 “没法子了,前面鬼子兵力强,咱们要往前冲,硬拼是打不过的,所以不能与他们纠缠被包围……只能硬冲,过去多少算多少。你们几个打头阵,车上放好汽油和炸药,一定要撞开鬼子的路障……陈玉茗,李克中,你们俩一人带一挺机枪在车顶上打,小白扔手雷和汽油瓶子,柱子开车……我和几个弟兄开着装甲车在你们后面,能不能冲过去就看你们了。”老旦觉得说出这番话是如此之难,这是他第一次以一种不容置疑的口吻命令战士去送死,但他还是看到了这几个勇敢的弟兄脸上泛上了一阵苍白。 老旦咬了咬牙,问道:“成不?” “有啥不成的?俺没问题,副连长放心!”先说话的居然是六子。 “成!”柱子也说话了。 “给我一挺最好使的机枪,看我给副连长出彩!”看到新兵都这么干脆,李克中转眼之间就变得无所谓了。 “俺两个听副连长的!”陈玉茗一脸自在,搭着小白的肩膀,这是两个形影不离的好朋友,有时裤子都换着穿。 前方步步杀机。老旦又习惯性地拿出了那把梳子,梳了梳凌乱的头发。每当这样的时候,深埋心底的对生命的眷恋和思家之情就涌上心头,而战斗的时候啥都不想了,一心想的就是如何置鬼子于死地。生死战场的经历来得太快太多,从不会用枪到杀人如麻,才短短四个多月。这段时间里认识了那么多战友,可他们大多已经死去。在梦里,千百个似乎相识却又陌生的面孔都血肉难辨,能够在梦里回忆起来的除了自己可爱的女人、胖乎乎的孩子和年少时候的事情,就只有杀戮、鲜血、枪炮和悲伤。虽然战友之间建立了很深的生死情谊,但大家似乎都有默契,相互间宁可只挑军旅生活中最简单的快乐分享,也不愿相知太深。因为大家都明白——死神无时无处不在,或许今日眼前还生龙活虎的战友,也或许自己,明天就成横尸沙场的野鬼,太亲密的友情反会带来更深的悲伤。 中国能不能打赢日本鬼子?大多数人心里没底。鬼子强大的军事力量远胜于国军,一个鬼子的生命往往要付出几个国军战士的代价。一退再退的战局让大家倍感心寒,却无能为力。国军几次小规模的歼灭战和日军歼灭国军的大手笔比起来,根本不值一提。自己的将来怎样?家的将来怎样?国家的将来又怎样?这些都和面前这条不得不走的路一样,凶险未知! Put it to death and come back to life! 果然,突击连的车队刚冲出村口没多远,刚刚拐过村口的路标,就发现了鬼子的埋伏。柱子开的头车发现不妙的时候,日军已经从埋伏的地方冲了出来。当柱子看到约百米的前方有两辆日军坦克和一排军车,上百名荷枪实弹的鬼子正向这边瞄准时,立马就唬得腿肚子转筋了。他还没有来得及掉转方向,日军坦克炮火就准确地打在车头上,驾驶室里的他登时被炸成了碎片,车头烂成了蝈蝈笼。车顶上的李克中、六子和小白一看不妙就跳了车。小白的头撞在村口的石辘轳上,成了血肉模糊的一团。李克中和六子也摔得爬不起来。老旦紧随其后,一看不妙,当即命令车队缩回村里。一辆车掉头的时候熄了火,被鬼子坦克的炮火击中,油箱炸了,车上的人反应慢了没来得及跳车,十多个战士在一团大火中飞上天空,发出一片的凄厉的惨叫。 大火挡住了鬼子的视线,车队终于退了回去。日军慢慢地围将上来,停在了距离村口五十米的地方。面前这支日军阻击部队可不是什么小分队,乍一看像是一支不满员的机械化营,这两辆坦克对这一百多弟兄而言,就是无法逾越的障碍。只一眨眼的工夫,就牺牲了十几个弟兄!硬冲是行不通的! 杨铁筠立刻决定:撤进村子里,再想办法! 老旦指挥着大家进入村周围的民房,把机枪布在村口的街角上,战士们纷纷拆墙头,挖墙脚,以班为单位开始布防整个村子。杨铁筠和老旦从一堵墙上挖下几个泥砖,看到鬼子并没有急于进攻,而是在驾机枪和迫击炮,整个村子的前方都有鬼子的车辆。原定的退路完全被截断了! 鬼子的坦克又开炮了,靠边的几间民房顷刻被炸塌。迫击炮也开始不慌不忙地落进村子,战士们惊得缩着脖子四处躲藏。鬼子显然是想先消耗一下我方的力量,然后再进攻。杨铁筠和老旦忙转移到一个祠堂里,传来通讯兵,接通集团军总部,杨铁筠亲自呼叫着:“……我是夜猫,呼叫狐狸,请接一号指挥官……” “……夜猫讲话,我是狐狸,你的口令?”过了一会,通话器里传来了声音。 “猫头鹰!” “夜猫你好,你们现在什么方位?” “我们在晁石湖以西约二十公里的地方,村庄不详,正被日军优势兵力围困!请求支援!” 过了一会,步话机里换了一个浑厚的声音: “夜猫,我是一号指挥官,你们的情况如何?” “我们情况不妙,还没有接应部队的任何消息。但是大约两小
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