Home Categories contemporary fiction yellow leaves falling in the autumn wind

Chapter 30 Section 30

Gao Guanghou found out about it the day after Liu Liying and Lu Ruohua divorced. That day, Ruoqin had a bad cold and couldn't get up in bed. He went to the city to buy medicine for her, and heard that his ex-wife and new husband had divorced again. Many of his acquaintances have come to tell the story, to tell some details of the matter; Everyone thinks that Liu Liying has swallowed the bitter fruit by herself, and she deserves what she has done today.They felt that this incident was undoubtedly a comfort to the wounded heart of the honest man Gao Guanghou. Gao Guanghou himself couldn't tell what kind of mood he was in.He just bought the medicine in a hurry and rushed back to Gaomiao Primary School.Like a careful nurse, he took Ruoqin's medicine and cooked her four or five meals a day.Regardless of whether Ruoqin can eat or not, he will bring her a bowl of delicious food after a while.

At night, in the dead of night, he couldn't sleep no matter what.He felt that he could not lie peacefully on the kang, and felt that there were many swelling things in his body that needed to be released. After covering Bingbing with the quilt, he quietly got up alone, somehow pulled out an old pick from the stove, and went out the door. Like a nocturnal sick man, he walked to a field in the back ditch-it was the school's land, and the crops had just been harvested. As soon as he got to the bank, he dug up the ground desperately. After a while, the sweat soaked through his shirt and covered his forehead.He simply took off his coat, threw it aside, and started to work with his bare arms, and his head fell on the ground like raindrops... Honest man!Why did you act so unbelievably tonight?What churning is there in you that can't be resolved in any other way, but with this frantic labor?

The misty moonlight quietly shone on this shirtless laborer, and he kept waving his head, as if drawing some question marks in the air, as if digging some kind of answer on the ground—the answer to life, the answer to life... It wasn't until he was so tired that he could no longer support himself that he threw himself down on the soft ground, hugged his head, and wept silently; ditch!He must not understand why he is like this, and he himself cannot fully explain why he is like this.In short, he was painfully excited, and it seemed that there was something important in his life that required him to make a choice...

After a few days, his heart wave calmed down a little, and he tried his best to restore himself to normal.Lu Ruoqin's illness is also completely cured.The two of them started to prepare for Bingbing's birthday.No matter how you look at it, Gao Guanghou now feels that he should be happier—yes, he has suffered a lot in life, but he has found something worth gratifying. Bingbing's birthday happened to be on a Sunday. Gao Guanghou shaved off his stubble early in the morning, and washed his hair with washing powder with strong decontamination ability. Look at him like it's his own birthday.Bingbing is four years old today.

Poor children grow up day by day like grass in the crevices of stones.Right now, Gao Guanghou is not only happy about Bingbing's birthday, but he has something to celebrate himself: he is about to finish the first draft of his pamphlet.Thanks to Lu Ruoqin for running around and borrowing a lot of reference books for him, so that he can handle this big event with ease.During his writing process, Ruoqin also helped him take care of Bingbing and his life.She also gave him a lot of good ideas for the manuscript... In teaching, the two of them also cooperated very well, and the work of the school became smoother and smoother.They burned two more lime kilns not long ago, and the economy is much better, and the teaching conditions can be compared with the schools in the county!They are busy day and night, and there is indescribable happiness in their hearts.As the name of a novel says: Working is always beautiful.

Gao Guanghou and Lu Ruoqin have long remembered Bingbing's birthday.When meeting in the city yesterday, Guanghou said he couldn't do without, so Tuo Ruoqin went to the city to buy a new suit and a few catties of meat for Bingbing, and prepared to make dumplings.Lu Ruoqin also bought Bingbing a birthday present: a beautiful little sweater from Shanghai, and an inflatable plastic "Astro Boy". This morning, they talked, laughed and made dumplings together. Bingbing wore the beautiful little blue and white sweater that Lu Ruoqin bought, and built blocks on the chopping board where they made dumplings, deliberately trying to mess with them.

Lu Ruoqin, who was rolling out the dough, suddenly stopped, and said to Gao Guanghou, who was making dumplings: "Old Gao, I heard that Liying and my brother divorced again on the show yesterday...I wanted to tell you last night, when I saw you write something, I just... ..." Gao Guanghou raised his head at once, and the two muscles on his cheeks twitched nervously.He paused and said, "I heard about it two days ago..." Then he lowered his head and continued to make dumplings, his hands were shaking slightly... Seeing him like this, Lu Ruoqin quickly finished rolling out the dough, then came out of the kiln and strolled on the side of the school yard.

She suddenly saw a woman sitting on the simple road at the bottom of the slope, with her head almost buried in her knees, motionless, with a big burden beside her. Although Lu Ruoqin couldn't see her face, she quickly recognized that it was Liying!She was so excited that she ran down and called out, "Liying..." Liu Liying raised her head all of a sudden, her face was covered with tragic clouds, her lips twitched, and she couldn't say a word. When Lu Ruoqin saw this woman who was once so flamboyant, she became haggard all of a sudden, and all the dissatisfaction with her in the past disappeared all of a sudden.She said: "What are you doing sitting here? Go up! You must be celebrating Bingbing's birthday! Bingbing woke up this morning and said that his mother would bring him a present..."

"Did my baby say that..." Liying stood up all of a sudden, tears welled up from her eyes like springs. "I really said it." Ruoqin's eye circles were also red. Liying wiped the tears off her face with her hands, and said, "You probably know about my relationship with your brother...we're divorced..." "Understood." Lu Ruoqin said, "You were right to leave him." Liying lowered her head and stood there for a while, then said awkwardly: "Ruoqin, you are a good person, I wish you and Guanghou..." "Ahhh! Haoliyingli! Don't listen to other people's nonsense anymore! My brother may have spread the rumors in front of you! I have nothing to do with Lao Gao! Please believe me...you should believe me!" Lu Ruoqin Explaining excitedly, his face flushed red.She paused for a moment, then said, "I'm just about to do work, let you and Lao Gao?"

"That's impossible! Why would Guanghou want me again?" Liying interrupted Ruoqin and said sadly. "Anyway, you go up first!" Ruoqin walked over and took Liying's hand. Liying said: "Good girl! I'm ashamed to go into that kiln again. Can you go up and take Bingbing down and let me have a look. Don't tell Guanghou that I'm here. I brought some gifts for Bingbing... ..." Her hand feebly pointed at the big burden on the ground, tears kept streaming down her face. At this moment, Bingbing suddenly ran to the side of the base and shouted: "Aunt Lu, Dad asked you to eat dumplings!"

Lu Ruoqin hurriedly shouted: "Bingbing! Look who's coming!" Bingbing saw Liying all of a sudden, and shouted happily: "Mom!" He ran down the small slope like flying! Liying also greeted her with open arms in spite of everything! She hugged Bingbing tightly and kissed his little face wildly.Bingbing wiped her tears with his chubby hands and said, "Mom, you go home..." "I don't know if your father will let your mother go back?" Li Ying responded with a bleak smile to her naive son. Ruoqin pouted at Bingbing: "Go and ask Dad!" "I'll ask Dad!" Bingbing broke free from Liying's arms and ran home. Liying stood on the road at a loss.Ruoqin patted the dirt on her body with her hands. Bingbing quickly pulled Gao Guanghou out. When Gao Guanghou came to the side of the courtyard, he was startled and stopped. Bingbing forcibly pulled his hand and came down. The father and son came to the road.Bingbing threw away his father's hand and snuggled into his mother's arms again. Liying hugged Bingbing and lowered her head.Gao Guanghou looked at her quietly. Bingbing opened his small mouth and kept asking Gao Guanghou: "Father, do you want your mother to come home? Tell me! Do you want it? I want it! I want my mother! Do you want it! Say..." Gao Guanghou looked at his son, his thick lips moved for a while, and a deep word came out of his mouth: "Yes." Liying, who was holding the child, raised her head all of a sudden, and impulsively rushed towards Gao Guanghou, making this strong man stagger! He stretched out his two long arms, and hugged her and Bingbing in his arms... The moment Liying rushed towards Gao Guanghou, Lu Ruoqin suddenly turned her back, took rapid steps, and walked along the simple The highway moved in stride.She let the tears flow freely on her face.Through tears of joy she saw the ripe autumn fields, golden in the bright morning sun.A strong autumn wind rushed towards us, and the withered yellow leaves of the poplar trees on both sides of the road floated down one after another and fell into the dust under our feet.She strode around, thinking excitedly in her heart: life!Life!Aren't you just like this mighty autumn wind?You have blown the particles of full life to maturity, and you have also knocked down the withered yellow leaves in the heart on the road of life!But is it possible to regenerate tender green leaves on all the branches where the yellow leaves have fallen?She decided to write a long letter to her brother...
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