Home Categories contemporary fiction yellow leaves falling in the autumn wind

Chapter 25 Section 25

Lu Ruohua came back from a regional meeting in high spirits.He feels that this trip has gained a lot. The prefectural committee recently asked each system to answer how to create a new situation for their own system.The regional education bureau held a meeting of the county education bureau chiefs for this matter.They took the slogan of the prefectural committee intact and asked the county education bureaus to answer this question for them. The county director of education didn't like to hold this meeting, saying that he was not feeling well, so he asked Lu Ruohua, the deputy director, to go.

Before Lao Lu left, he was very well prepared, and even memorized some documents and study materials. In addition, he was very eloquent, so he made some wonderful speeches at the regional meeting.These speeches were not only full of praise from the head of the district education bureau, but also a deputy commissioner in charge of culture and education in the district who said: "To open up a new situation in the new era, we must rely on this number of cadres!" Lu Ruohua was very happy when he showed his hand in the district.He knew what these things would mean. The progress of his career, combined with the fact that he had married a beautiful lover, made his spirits higher than ever.Of course, after losing his temper with Liying on National Day, he felt a little unhappy about his new family life.But everything passed quickly.He felt that no matter how he treated Liying, Liying couldn't do without him.Of course he also needs such a beautiful wife to match his status.

He didn't live with Liying for a week, and he missed her a little bit.He guessed that as soon as he entered the house, Liying would come up to meet him, wrap her arms around his neck, and kiss his flushed face; But when he entered the house full of enthusiasm, the situation surprised him: the door was open, but there was no one in the house, and the whole house was in a mess; one thing was thrown here and another there.This neat and orderly family is completely out of order.There is no spark in the stove, and the ice pan is cold; the furniture is covered with a layer of dust. Where did Liying go?Where is Lingling?What happened?

In a panic, he ran to the next door to ask the neighbors, but met Lingling in this family's house. He asked his neighbor Liying where she was, and the fat lady hesitated for a moment before telling him in embarrassment: Liying's son was hospitalized, and she had been in the hospital for the past few days and hadn't come home; Lingling was alone at home. , Liying took care of Lingling to have dinner at their house... "Then she won't come back at night?" "Not coming back..." A burst of anger rushed straight to Lu Ruohua's forehead! He yelled and asked Lingling: "Why didn't you lock the door when you went out?" Lingling cried "Wow".

The fat lady hurriedly said: "Don't yell at the baby, the baby seems to be not feeling well these two days, it seems to have a fever..." Lu Ruohua was so angry that he couldn't control himself.He left the howling Lingling alone, and went out of the neighbor's house alone.For a moment he didn't know where to go. He took out a cigarette from his pocket with trembling fingers, lit it and took a deep puff, then came to an empty field outside the courtyard, and walked back and forth in annoyance. The enthusiasm of the newlywed life for more than a month suddenly extinguished like a pot of cold water.

Things have clearly shown that the root of Liying's entire affection is still rooted in her son! He suddenly thought: Is it because of his status that she married him?Of course, even so, he can tolerate it.But he couldn't tolerate her being cut off from her past home!To illustrate his thoughts with the most general concept, it is the famous sentence: Love is selfish. Especially in the past few days after he left, she actually left the house alone and took care of her son in the hospital day and night.Sometimes they don't even come back at night!All she knew was that she felt sorry for her son, and left his daughter behind to make her sick!Doesn't she think that her current home is here!The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, swallowing with difficulty, or sighing, or sighing.He looked resentfully down the street.On the street, the sun was shining brightly on groups of bustling crowds.He couldn't help sighing: Do those people have troubles like him?Maybe he is the only one who is unlucky in this world!Fate gave him sweetness on the one hand, and bitterness on the other hand...

For some reason, he suddenly thought of his former lover—the lively, talkative and laughing actor from the county troupe.Although she is uneducated, she makes him very happy.They had lived together for many years.Now she has become an old friend.He remembered the sad scenes at the funeral; poor Lingling almost died of crying... Two teardrops slipped out of the corners of Lu Ruohua's eyes unconsciously. He took out his handkerchief and wiped his eyes. He felt now that he had to do something about the new family in front of him; he must not allow this to continue.He had to find a way to make this woman completely his.

He resented her behavior these days very much!She should know, is it easy for her to find a husband like Lu Ruohua?She shouldn't make him angry; she should love him with all her heart! He immediately went back to the Education Bureau, grabbed the phone, and called the inpatient department of the county hospital.Needless to say, he was not very nice to Li Ying on the phone...
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