Home Categories contemporary fiction yellow leaves falling in the autumn wind

Chapter 10 Section ten

The disaster once again knocked down Gao Guanghou. unfortunate people!A smile finally appeared on his face, but now he was knocked down by the black frost of rumors again. Which vicious person is trampling on the heart of a kind person? Gao Guanghou himself did not want to question the maker of this rumor. There are always some people in life who destroy beautiful things with a vicious mind.Even when these people are walking, they have to step on a beautiful flower or a fresh grass on the side of the road.Their own hearts have been covered with black curtains, so there is no room for a bright ray of light.

This person, who was knocked down by life again, is now mainly thinking about: This terrible rumor has probably spread widely, how can the girl in the back wall who is less than twenty years old bear this terrible pressure? Now he is gnashing his teeth with hatred: he is the one who killed the person who was dedicated to him! He hated himself for being incompetent, hated for being useless, and hated for not being a man at all! what to do?he kept asking himself. It was already dark.He fumbled and lit the kerosene lamp on the kang. Bingbing didn't know when he stopped crying, but now his face was covered with tears, and he was lying on the kang and fell asleep.The world inside the kiln and outside fell into a desert silence.Only the long second hand of the small alarm clock on the table was moving unhurriedly, making a ticking sound.

Gao Guanghou raised his heavy head and looked at the sleeping Xiao Bingbing with sad eyes. He gently stroked his son's head with his thick palm, brushing up a lock of sweaty hair that fell on his forehead.He swallowed uncomfortably, like an old lady in the countryside, muttering in his mouth: "My poor baby, why did you come here?" He felt his head hurting like it was about to split open, so he took off his shoes, got on the kang, and lay beside his son with all his clothes on. He pulled over a corner of the quilt, covered him with Bingbing, blew out the kerosene lamp on the kang, and fell asleep in the darkness.The father and son didn't even eat a bite of food in the afternoon, but he was not hungry. He remembered that he should give Bingbing something to eat, but he couldn't bear to wake the child up.

He closed his eyes and lay on the kang, thinking how he could get out of the difficult situation in front of him.He thought he must figure out a way tonight.This is not to free himself, but to make his conscience worthy of Lu Ruoqin! He was in a daze, he didn't know if he was awake or asleep, he felt that he had already thought about what to do when he got up tomorrow... The next day is Sunday.Early in the morning, Gao Guanghou made the meal first.He didn't eat much himself, mainly feeding Bingbing. He then took the child and went to Sheke Village in front of the school. He went to a family named Zhang.He has taught several of the family's children and now has a child in fourth grade.Usually he has more contacts with this family.He discussed with the family: Can his father and son borrow a cave dwelling in his house?And during the day he wants to leave Bingbing here.The family has a grandmother in her 60s. He discussed whether he could show him the doll during the day and let him take care of it when he came back at night.Even the rent and child care, he plans to pay fifteen yuan a month.

Lao Zhang's family was very kind, and they all said how could they accept Teacher Gao's money.Although he lives in the house; the doll is put down, and they try their best to take care of it. The matter was settled quickly.Then he went to the homes of several senior girls and did work for the students and their parents, saying that he was going to live in the place where the soldiers were sent, and that the school was remote, so he asked these female students to live with Teacher Lu at the school at night. in one piece. Parents and kids are happy.They all said that if they lived with Teacher Lu, they could learn more arts and sciences from her.

After everything was settled, Gao Guanghou returned to school with Bingbing in his arms.He thought he should have done it long ago.If it was earlier, maybe those gossips would not be provoked. After arriving at school, he went directly to Lu Ruoqin without going back to his cave.In very short words, he said that from today onwards, he was going to move to Sheko Village, and that several other girls would come to keep her company, which had already been agreed. "Why is that?" She looked at him anxiously like a frightened bird.She hesitated for a moment, picked up Xiao Bingbing from the ground, and kissed him on the face.

"Auntie, I won't call you mother anymore..." Bingbing touched her face with his chubby hands and said. This sentence suddenly put the two adults into an extremely embarrassing situation. Lu Ruoqin's face flushed again. Gao Guanghou lowered his head heavily, and said, "Ruoqin, I've made you suffer...I can't make you suffer any more. Otherwise, you might as well go back and find your brother and find another school for you..." "No," Lu Ruoqin became calm all of a sudden, "Let others say whatever they want! People often say that if you behave well and stand upright, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night!"

"But I can't stand it. I don't want you to be wronged. Anyway, I will move to Sheke Village this afternoon..." Lu Ruoqin couldn't say a word.She held Bingbing in one hand, took out a handkerchief with the other hand, and kept wiping away the tears welling up in her eyes...
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