Home Categories contemporary fiction yellow leaves falling in the autumn wind

Chapter 7 Section VII

For Gao Guanghou, the most difficult days began. In fact, in the course of his thirty-three years of life, there were not many happy days.As soon as he was born into this world, his father was paralyzed on the kang and could not move. ——The family of three can only be maintained by the mother's two hands digging in the land.If it weren't for the government relief in the new society, it would be difficult for them to survive. He grew up listening to his father's constant groans and watching his mother's constant tears.The depressive character and the quality of pain tolerance have been formed since then.

In a farming household, the most important support for a family is the father.Because to live on the land, you have to rely on the strength of a man. But their family lost this support.The man who couldn't fulfill his responsibilities, seeing their mother and daughter suffering so poorly, was so anxious that he bumped his chest on the kang and wailed, or had a hysterical attack, and tried to kill himself many times.The mother knelt down in front of the father, and begged him not to commit suicide; she wanted him to watch their generosity grow into adults. He grew up day by day in such a family environment.

His strong mother refused to let him work, vowed to send him to school, and made him the first teacher in the generations of Gao's ancestors. Almost always under the condition of hunger, he used the most diligent energy to study and graduated from junior high school in 1966.In order to start working earlier and support his parents, he did not go to high school, but applied for a technical secondary school, and was admitted to the Provincial Aviation Mechanical School with excellent results. After he took the admission notice home, his illiterate father held this dear little piece of paper under the lamp and read it countless times.The family of three were all happy from ear to ear.The father, who had not been able to get off the kang for more than ten years, was almost so happy that he stood up.

But fate loves to play tricks on the unfortunate. The "Cultural Revolution" began.Nothing counts.The admission letter has become worthless waste paper. The school is in chaos.Society is in chaos.The sound of fighting guns turned cities and villages into terrible battlefields. He had no choice but to go home dejectedly.He is timid and has no courage to participate in a life-and-death struggle. He wasn't overly sad about it.Anyway, he finally grew up.He can start to use his strength to carry the heavy family burden on the land. His parents are already old, and the poor mother is struggling on the land.

Not long after, my father died.He was a dutiful son, borrowed a river bank debt, and held a grand funeral according to the folk customs.He won't let his mother go to the field again.Like a mature farmer, he began to toil on the land. Like a cow, it takes ten years to work.Almost everyone in the village forgot that he was still a middle school graduate.It wasn't until one of his classmates became the deputy director of the commune that he found out that he was still in the countryside.Thinking of his old classmates, he recommended him to the regional normal school. At the District Normal, he was immediately the top student of his class.When he graduated, the school asked him to stay in school to teach.But he refused, he wanted to come back to honor his mother.

In this way, he came to Gaomiao Primary School, which is only ten miles away from home, and became a teacher.He loves this cause, and he loves his school children; his unfortunate childhood life makes him have a strong sense of responsibility, and wants to train these rural children to be excellent people. Marriage was not on the agenda until the age of twenty-seven.It's not that he wants to be a "model late marriage", but that he has an inferiority complex in this regard.Because of his shabbiness, because of his depressed character, not many girls favor him.He had also secretly loved a girl or two.But he knew that to him, they were all fairies in the clouds, unattainable.

It wasn't until the fall of that year that someone introduced Liying to him that he fell in love with a woman for the first time.Liying's beauty seemed to him like a fairy descended from the mortal world; her brilliance dazzled him so much that he couldn't even open his eyes.He felt that it was an incredible thing to live with such a woman.He heard people say that Liying originally wanted to find a decent "official family", but she didn't have a job and she had a rural household registration. "The public family.Even though Gao Guanghou knew this was the case, he fell madly in love with this woman in his heart.In his married life, although in the eyes of ordinary people, that woman gave him too little warmth, but he was already satisfied.Anyway, he had a wife, and what a beautiful wife!

Especially after giving birth to Bingbing, he felt that he was extremely happy.He had not only a wife, but a son, and what a beautiful son! No matter how Liying treats him badly, he always loves her passionately in his heart.She is his heaven—whether it is a yellow wind or a hailstorm, he is willing to live in this world! For now, this woman had left him for another man, and he still had a painful love affair with her in his heart.He hated her, and couldn't bear to hate her—there was no other way.Don't blame him, people!In all of us, there are more or less things that seem to be close to nothing.Perhaps this should not be said to be Gao Guanghou's shortcoming, but just shows how sincere this person is!

Because of this, Gao Guanghou's pain at the moment is severe.It's just that he is a person with a deep personality, swallowing all the bitterness in his mind and trying not to let it come out. Liying left a huge void in his spirit.He was used to her cursing; used to living in the tense atmosphere she created. Now it all comes to an abrupt end. What's more frightening is that he himself can bear the pain of losing his wife, but he can't bear the pain of losing his mother.Poor boy, he is so small!He is too sensitive again!His lovely big eyes seemed to have seen that some kind of misfortune had befallen him in the world.

Fortunately, there is Lu Ruoqin!She is like a stove that counts nine cold days, bringing some warmth to the father and son.He thought she was like an angel sent by God in religious mythology.When Gao Guanghou thought of Lu Ruoqin's kindness to his father and son, he wanted to cry.What a kind heart this girl with a foreign accent has! Life is often unbalanced, and it often deprives us of some of our most precious supports.But life is often balanced—after people lose something, there may be something new to make up for it from another place.
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