Home Categories contemporary fiction yellow leaves falling in the autumn wind

Chapter 6 Section VI

Before Lu Ruohua came home, his sister Lu Ruoqin picked up her bag and went back to Gaomiao Primary School. Lu Ruoqin stumbled on the potholed simple road. The mountains in the evening are very quiet.The field is green and yellow.Sooty crows flocked to and fro among the harvested bean fields.On the cliff beside the road, light blue wild chrysanthemums are blooming vigorously.The air smelled of crops and rot after rain.The wind blowing from Dachuan Road has already made people feel cold. Lu Ruoqin's round, childish face was covered with cloudy clouds, and from the corners of her eyes rolled out one after another of bright tears like beans from time to time.

She was walking on the loess road in this foreign land, her chest was burning like fire, and her nose was sore one after another. Now she felt that she had become a real orphan.All support is gone, leaving only myself alone. When people see that the person they admire is not as perfect as they imagined, especially when a child sees the adult they admire show terrible flaws, the pain and sadness cannot be expressed in words, as if the whole world has betrayed over him. However, perhaps it is at this time that people begin to truly understand the world and life. The textbook of life is by no means as simple as the textbook of school, and the way it teaches people to grow is often harsh.

Lu Ruoqin wiped away her tears on the way.She decided not to cry.Yes, what's the use of crying?After Mom and Dad died, she cried like hell, but they died anyway.After failing the college entrance examination, she also cried, but she still couldn't enter the university.Tears can't change reality.Yes, she shouldn't cry anymore. Still, it was all so painful.She felt that she had practically lost the last of her family.Although the unfortunate incident in front of her did not directly happen to her, it was the biggest blow she had ever suffered in her life. She never expected that it was her dear brother who made Teacher Gao's family so miserable.

What made her feel even more uncomfortable was that she felt that there was also her factor in this: if she hadn't taught in Gaomiao, there would be no reason for her brother to come here often! She is only now slowly recalling every time her brother came to Gaomiao Primary School: he always tried to talk to Liying; and every time Liying saw her brother's expression and eyes... But, how did she Didn't expect such things to happen? (Alas! How could you have imagined it? How could your pure heart have thought of such places? Besides, you trust your brother so much that it is almost superstitious.)

Yes, how could you not trust him?He is so mature and prudent, in his thirties, he became the deputy director of the county education bureau.Even the leaders of the county like and trust him so much, how can she not trust him?Every time the words that come out of his mouth are so educated, so knowledgeable, and so reasonable... Now, the idol in her heart was shattered all of a sudden! When it was almost time to go to school, her legs were so weak that she had no strength left.A huge emotional agitation consumes more energy than carrying sacks for a day. She was sitting on a rock by the side of the road, holding her knees with her hands, looking at the distant mountains in the dusk foolishly, like a little goat who has lost its way.

She closed her eyes and sat there quietly.For some reason, she suddenly thought of the endless plain of her hometown, their town on the plain; the railway shining brightly in the sun and the peeling paint door of their house in the moonlight... Farewell, dear hometown!Farewell, carefree childhood! She sat for a while before standing up and walking forward.Not far away is her school: a long row of cave dwellings is located in a quiet small bay, and the old pagoda tree by the courtyard stands like a giant umbrella in the dusk.She glanced at this kind place, and her chest couldn't help feeling hot.She quickened her pace, thinking: Bingbing better not fall asleep!She really wanted to kiss his red cheek right now.

When she was on the small slope at school, she suddenly thought: Will she tell Teacher Gao about Liying's marriage to her brother?She even stopped and thought for a moment.In the end, she decided not to speak. She entered the school yard and heard Bingbing crying for his life. She almost ran towards the cave dwelling with the lights on. She pushed open the door abruptly, and saw Lao Gao was squatting in the stove, holding the bellows with one hand and holding Bingbing in the other, almost pleading some kind words in his mouth.Bingbing grabbed his hair with his little hands and cried, "I want my mother! Where did you hide my mother?"

The appearance of Lu Ruoqin obviously surprised both father and son.Bingbing immediately stopped crying and stared at her with big teary eyes.Gao Guanghou stopped pulling the bellows, and asked, "You just went home at noon, why did you come back again?" Lu Ruoqin smiled bleakly, not knowing how to answer. She simply didn't answer, went over to take Bingbing from Lao Gao's arms, kissed his tear-stained red face, and then put him on the kang. She first took out some pastries and a pack of crispy fried peanuts (Bingbing’s favorite food) from the bag she carried with her for him to eat, then took out a red car, wound it up, Let the car run chug on the kang.She bought these for Bingbing in a hurry in the county town.

Bingbing immediately laughed and yelled and started playing with the car. Gao Guanghou stood up, rubbed his hands, and stared blankly at these.His thick lips trembled, not knowing what to say.After a long time, he asked again: "Why did you just go back and come back again? Your brother also lives alone, he is busy with work, and he is also pulling the child. You should help him well. Alas, the world is more difficult than me and Your brother..." He sighed dejectedly. Tears suddenly blurred Lu Ruoqin's eyes.She lowered her head and couldn't help crying. Gao Guanghou suddenly didn't know what happened, rubbed his hands together anxiously, and said, "Ms. Lu, what's the matter? What's the matter with you? Did something happen to your brother's house? Or is there something wrong with you?" Asked nervously, wiping the sweat from his head with his cuff.

Lu Ruoqin couldn't restrain herself anymore, she cried and said, "Mr. Gao, Liying is going to marry my brother... I... feel ashamed to see you..." Gao Guanghou was stunned for a while. He stood numb and painful, his eyes dilated as if pupils, and he looked like a frozen dead man. Lu Ruoqin fell down on the kang railing and cried even harder.Little Bingbing didn't care about this, he clapped his two chubby hands on the kang, and shouted happily: "Doo, toot, the car is coming..." Gao Guanghou sat down on the stump of the tree in the stove, put his hands on his head, and breathed out like an ox pulling a plow.

Hearing Lu Ruoqin's unstoppable crying, he stood up again, walked up to her, and said heavily and slowly: "Xiao Lu, don't cry. I know, you have a kind heart. Although I am a worthless person, But her mind is not so narrow-minded. Since Liying divorced me, she will always look for a man. I know your brother, he is a talented person. As long as Liying lives happily with your brother, I... He choked up, "She can forget it, as long as she still remembers Bingbing..." He was so choked up that he couldn't continue, only heard a "crack" in his throat. Lu Ruoqin stopped crying.She raised her head, looked at the man who was as strong as a farmer, and said, "Mr. Gao, you believe me, I will try my best to help you in all aspects in the future..." She turned her head and saw that Bingbing had fallen asleep at some point, holding the red car in his two chubby hands. She wiped the tears on her face with a handkerchief, walked over and pulled a corner of the quilt, and gently covered the child. Gao Guanghou rubbed his chest with his two thick hands, then sat down on the kang stove again, and said, "Let me cook, you probably haven't eaten yet!" Lu Ruoqin said shyly, "That's right... I'm here to make the dough. I still have some sauced meat. I'll go get it..." The charcoal fire was ignited in the stove, and the sound of the blowing bellows sounded extraordinarily loud in the quiet night...
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