Home Categories contemporary fiction Goddess One

Chapter 14 Chapter Fourteen Like

Goddess One 冯唐 2770Words 2018-03-18
On Wan Meiyu's birthday, Tian Xiaoming did not send Wan Meiyu's poem.Tian Xiaoming wrote ten things he likes most about Wan Meiyu, "Don't you always ask me what I like about you? I say I like everything about you, but you say I'm perfunctory. If I give specific examples, these are the ten things." Wan Meiyu read them one by one, was stunned, and then said that this is poetry, Tian Xiaoming said no, "These ten are not poems. For me, the standard of poetry is very high. You are poetry. These ten are for poetry. Bravery is doomed to failure. The description is not the reality, what does it mean, I said, you may not understand, and I don’t bother to talk about it, as long as you like it.”

The "Ten Joys" are recorded as follows: Love sharing a bottle of wine with you. I like to grab your hair to sleep. I like hugging you from behind when you wash your face in the mirror. I like that you give in first after quarreling, pouting and touching me with your hands.I like to hold your waist and watch the sunset go down the mountain. I love when you play games quietly by yourself while I read emails. I like that you have a cold and just recorded a song for me. I like that you don't stay angry overnight. I like you can do anything. I like your tired and long call to Master.

Wan Meiyu was stunned for a long time, and said, "What don't you like about me?" Tian Xiaoming said, "Although I grew up in the good era of reform and opening up, I have heard of what it means to let a hundred flowers bloom and lead a snake out of its hole. I can't be fooled by you. I like everything about you, there is nothing I don't like." "Tell me about these ten likes." "You know it all." "I want to hear it, I want to hear it from you, I want to hear your version." Tian Xiaoming said slowly while thinking, as if he was picking out fleshy sentences one by one in his mind: "I like to share a bottle of wine with you. You and I have different views, very different. You Call me a beast, I say you a beast, I am willing to jump away, but you are not willing to jump away. But after two glasses of wine, you start to soften, and I also forgot about the three views. The wine opens up in the body A certain set of codes, you suddenly become beautiful, and suddenly I don’t want to take my eyes off you. Water has become wine, and wine is as normal as water. We are in each other, and we don’t want to go anywhere.

"I like to grab your hair to sleep. Your hair is very good and slippery. Your hair has the most beautiful touch in the world. If you grab it, your brain will lose consciousness within a minute. I have tried it many times. I have an electronic wristband , can track my exercise and sleep, I have a scientific basis, grab your hair from behind to sleep, I sleep the best. "I like you hugging you from behind when you wash your face in the mirror. Your waist is very thin, and you have two thorny hands. Although you can't see your face directly, you can see your face in the mirror. I can see my rambunctious face, rubbing against your face rascally.

"I like that you give in first after a quarrel, pout your mouth and touch me with your hands. I really don't like quarreling with you, but after all, the three views are too different, so it's inevitable to quarrel. If you quarrel casually, I want to bang my head against the wall, not me I think my head is harder than the wall, but I don't know what to do, my words are weak, and the sound of my head hitting the wall may better express what I want to say to you. You love me, and you are obviously still there When you were angry, your mouth was so pouted that you could hang up your coat, but you still touched me lightly with your hand, you meant that even if I was angry with you again, you still liked me. So, my anger was vented, as if I had been stabbed. The balloon that was punctured, the rest is my love for you.

"I like to hold your waist and watch the sunset go down the mountain. Before it gets dark, the sunset seems to be very slow. You said, it always reminds you of the nostalgia for the good times. We don't look at each other, we hug each other, sitting on the window sill Go up, watch the sunset go down the mountain. It suddenly went down, and then disappeared completely, leaving only a little bit of red and yellow sky light. Tell me, will everything be lost, and good things will be lost faster? When will you Forget Wan Meiyu? I said, when the sun goes down, it's time to go back, and I won't fall in love with other girls.

“Love it when you play quietly by yourself while I’m reading email. One of your greatest strengths is that you’re not clingy. As long as you know I’m around and I’m not texting other girls, you calm me down and let me check E-mail, to solve any problems that drop on my head. "I like that you recorded songs for me just when you had a cold. Your recording equipment is too bad, but your voice is beautiful. When you record, you think of me all the time. I can hear your voice flowing into the cochlea, and your heart is full. Too full to speak. "I like that you can't stay angry all night. You scold me, Tian Xiaoming, you are stupid, you just make people angry, and they have to coax you every time. You are a man, you have to be more bold, you don't have to tell me I understand those principles, you are stupid, you can’t let go of the syllogism and scientific research methods, come up and give me a bear hug? Do you understand the bear hug? Even if I look angry and unhappy, you will come and hug me .In the end, I fell asleep holding your hair.

"I like you. You can do everything. Including computers and networks. After you fix the router, you will always laugh at me, but this kind of ridicule is unscientific. Just because I can program does not mean that I can fix routers. "I like you to call me Lord for a long time. I don't know why. As soon as you call me Lord, I am completely satisfied, and the world has nothing to do with me. I can die in the next moment. I think this involves God. The creation of man, especially man, encodes the most complex and deepest secrets." Wan Meiyu was stunned for a long time, and when Tian Xiaoming's voice completely disappeared, she said, "This is the best birthday present I have ever received."

Tian Xiaoming said: "There are better ones." "What's better is to write poems to me every year on my birthday until the year I die? What's better than just writing poems to me every year until the year I die, or even until the year I die? After? If you can do this, you will be so damn good, I won't call you a male beast, and you will be completely sublimated." "I didn't think about it so much today. Besides, poetry doesn't just come when you want it. It can only come out when you accumulate a certain amount. Otherwise, it's useless to use your strength."

"So where's the better birthday present today?" "It's Friday, what else do you have today? What else do you have on Saturday and Sunday?" "There's always something going on." "That's all right. Have you brought your passport?" "Bring it." "Then let's go." "where to?" "Scared?" "Afraid that you are a perverted man of science? Did I get scared when I was a child? Let's go." "Okay, let's go." "Okay, let's go, who is afraid of whom?" Tian Xiaoming took Wan Meiyu's hand and went directly to the Capital Airport. He was in the car, at the check-in counter, and on the plane. He never let go.The plane flew directly to Chiang Mai, Thailand, got a visa on arrival, and when we left the airport, the hotel car was waiting, and we drove for another half an hour. The road became thinner and thinner, so that it would accommodate a car. When we arrived, the hotel was embedded in a valley. inside.

There is a small lake in the center of the valley. Outside the small lake is a rice field. Above the rice field is a swimming pool. Above the swimming pool is another larger swimming pool. Above the swimming pool is a Thai restaurant and wine house. Above the Thai restaurant and wine house is the small lobby of the hotel. .When Tian Xiaoming and Wan Meiyu walked into the lobby, they were the only two guests. The welcoming girl gave them jasmine garlands, cold hand towels soaked in lemongrass, and mixed tropical fruit juice.After Tian Xiaoming's credit card pre-authorization was completed, the small battery car had loaded their luggage and waited outside the lobby.The small battery car turned around an altar of the elephant god, followed the direction of the stream in the valley, and soon arrived at their room.The moment Tian Xiaoming and Wan Meiyu entered the room, everyone else disappeared, and the sky was so dark that only the stars remained.The room is next to the flowing stream. Three sides of the room are surrounded by streams, flowers, plants and trees. The other side is an exclusive three-meter jacuzzi and ten-meter infinity swimming pool. Outside the swimming pool is a small pond. The water in the small pond meanders , flowing into the small lake at the bottom of the valley. Tian Xiaoming opened two bottles of Thai local beer and put them in the gazebo by the swimming pool. Wan Meiyu started to swim, her hair became darker after being soaked in water.Tian Xiaoming followed, with his head above the water, watching Wan Meiyu's black hair floating on the dark blue water. At the edge of the infinity pool, Wan Meiyu turned her back to the pond outside the pool and said, "You know, I'm good at swimming. I used to be on the university swimming team. I have a lifeguard qualification certificate." Tian Xiaoming said: "Did you know that I have been to New Zealand once, and there is also an outdoor hot spring, which is very private and you can see the stars when you look up. However, I can only soak with a male colleague. He asked me, can you see the stars?" I asked him, can't you see the stars? He said, of course, I can see the stars. I said, I can see them too. Then we stopped talking, and then he started rubbing the dirt on his body, and then I started rubbing Mud on my body." The stars burned brighter and brighter, and Tian Xiaoming's eyes gradually adapted to the lighting of the stars.Wan Meiyu grabbed the cold beer on the steps of the gazebo and took a sip. After the two bottles of beer were drained, the stars above her head were frighteningly bright. Wan Meiyu said: "I will give birth in water when I give birth in the future." Tian Xiaoming said: "It seems that in the water, I can relax a little bit, and I don't always have no resistance in front of your beauty." Finally, Tian Xiaoming loosened his heels, fell into the water, and sank to the bottom on his back.
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