Home Categories contemporary fiction Goddess One

Chapter 11 Chapter Eleven Contempt

Goddess One 冯唐 2548Words 2018-03-18
Four weeks later, in the office of Tiger's headquarters in Bonn, Germany, Wan Meiyu completed the project final report meeting on behalf of M Company, and mainly found that it was consistent with Tian Xiaoming's initial intuition, and everyone was in a good mood.Some praised the high standard of living in Germany, and all the taxis on the street were Mercedes-Benz, while some objected, saying: Germany only has Mercedes-Benz, so taxis can only be Mercedes-Benz, and the cultural life in Tieling is still rich. It's Errenzhuan.Some people say that due diligence of German companies is easy to do. There is only one account, and there is no second fake account anywhere. After the merger, the control will be very worry-free. What the Germans say can basically be regarded as the truth. Is there another set of words hidden in the stomach.Some worried, saying, that the Germans probably have only one tendon in their minds, and it will be difficult to cooperate in the future, and they can't find a flexible second, third, or fourth tendon everywhere. This kind of single tendon has entered China. , When you need to be flexible, what should you do?Wang Dali concluded: This is the benefit of China Life Sciences’ acquisition of Tiger. We know Tiger’s truth, R&D and technology cannot be faked, and we also know how to make changes in China. Sometimes the Chinese market needs another way of saying it. In this way, we pursue the scientific truth with one tendon, and we deal with the Chinese market with as many tendons as the sands of the Ganges River. We are invincible. The prospects and money prospects of the great life science and technology company are bright, let us tonight Drink as much as you want.

During the briefing, Tian Xiaoming kept hiding from Wan Meiyu's eyes.Wan Meiyu wore a suit, her hair was coiled up, thick black on her porcelain-white face, she looked like a professional woman, completely different from the student in casual clothes, and the female man arguing with him outside the venue.The two consultants brought by Wan Meiyu revealed that during the 72 hours before the final report meeting of the project, the three of them hardly slept much, and Wan Meiyu slept the least. One of the consultants secretly told Tian Xiaoming: "Meiyu said, the project will If you find gray hair growing within three months, it must be caused by this project. Meiyu said, if it really grows, it will kill you, Mr. Ming.” But at the report meeting, Wan Meiyu spoke clearly , The complexity is appropriate, the voice is like flowing water, the smile is like the morning sun, and there is no tiredness.

Tian Xiaoming thinks that some things can make people prosperous. What they knew in the past are: power, money, love, and now they know another one: solving complex problems.Since these questions can make people excited, they must have stimulated a common neuroreceptor pathway, and I don’t know if anyone has studied them carefully.Wan Meiyu's suit is tailored to show her waist.Tian Xiaoming raised his eyes helplessly, and Wan Meiyu's eyes swept over. After a long time, Wan Meiyu told Tian Xiaoming that on the day of the briefing, she really didn't pay much attention to him.She stands on the right side of the big screen at a forty-five-degree angle to the big screen, facing the audience, her eyes move from left to right and then from right to left every minute, and every time she moves to the position of the CEO, her eyes Stay for a minute or so, these are all part of the strict training of M company, and have nothing to do with love.The source of these details is the research results of M Company's management consulting practice and group behavior for one hundred years.

Later, Tian Xiaoming said that it was Wan Meiyu's fault that she got bruised at that report meeting. To make up for it, she held another report meeting, with Wan Meiyu speaking and wearing this professional suit, and Tian Xiaoming was the only one listening.Wan Meiyu said, Tian Xiaoming, you think too much. If you think like this every time you meet, how can you be a CEO? Tian Xiaoming said, I often think that in the not-too-distant future, there will be a meeting recorder, which is similar in size to the recording pen used to record meeting speeches. The meeting recording instrument records the whole process, who is thinking about business, who is distracted, and who is calculating, it is clear, and the minutes of the meeting are formed and submitted to the board of directors for review.If that time comes, how should human beings make business decisions?Don't think I'm just thinking wildly, now that cloud computing and big data are available, our grasp of individual privacy information is many times greater than in the past!You know that famous Amazon case?Amazon sent an advertisement for baby products to an unmarried underage girl. Her father was angry and sued Amazon, but later found out that his daughter was indeed pregnant and was indeed planning to give birth to a child. I read early pregnancy reactions online and checked. Books on how to get pregnant, and information about short-term rental houses, so Amazon judged that his daughter was pregnant.Ten years ago, who would have known this?In another ten years, who dares to say that our grasp of subliminal information will not be infinitely greater than it is today?

After the report meeting, everyone ate at an old castle restaurant not far from the company.The restaurant is on a small hillside. According to the introduction from the Germans of the Tiger company, the original owner of the castle came from Romania, the hometown of vampires, so he seldom smiles when he sees guests.As a result, many people on the project team saw the fangs that night.That night, the moon was also full, bigger than the dinner plate, and brighter than the candlelight. Everyone drank a lot and emptied all the wine in the castle. They drank the middle-grade wine first, then drank the low-grade wine, and finally swept away the high-end wine.

Tian Xiaoming said to Wan Meiyu: "Look, Europe is pretty good. Red wines worth tens to tens to hundreds of euros are delicious, and white wines are also delicious." Wan Meiyu said: "It tastes like plants, animals, and people. White wine tastes like a glass of peaches." "Actually, the same is true for girls. They are also a gift from God. Teens and decades are good, tall and short are good, just like wine." A feeling of nausea rose from Wan Meiyu's lower abdomen, and struck the diaphragm between the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity from bottom to top in the abdominal cavity. The wine stirred between the two temples. Deadbeat: "Girls are different from wine, girls are different from girls, you can drink all the wine you want in the future, I only drink this wine with M and Y, MY, beauty, jade, mine." "Then I will also drink this wine with M and Y."

"Stop it." "Then I only drink this wine with M and Y." "Stop it." "If you don't believe me, just watch my actions." "If you drink with me, you only drink this wine with M and Y. If you drink with others, you still don't know what to drink." "Also only drink this wine with M and Y." "Save it." "Hehe. The project is finished. Let me introduce myself again. My name is Tian Xiaoming. I am married. My wife is not around. I have no children. I often keep myself very busy." "Haha. Let me introduce myself. My name is Wan Meiyu. I am unmarried and I have no children, but I have a boyfriend. My boyfriend has three children. They are adopted. I often keep myself very busy, 100% Sleeping in hotels for 80% of the time, eating 50% of the meals on the plane, I only love my man."

"Hehe. I only drink one kind of tea. I used to drink green tea, but after a while, my stomach failed. I changed to rock tea, and after a while, my stomach failed again. Now I drink Pu-erh, cooked Pu-erh or aged raw Pu-erh. One?" "What does drinking tea have to do with me? Are you drinking tea in the office?" "Ok." "Next time I go to drink tea, I'll bring a cup myself." "You think my cup is not good?" "I like specificity." "Then I'll prepare a special cup for you in the office." "Okay, buy me some tea when you have time, and don't give the cup to others."

"Did you drink too much?" "A little headache." Tian Xiaoming took out a piece of agarwood from his trouser pocket and handed it to Wan Meiyu: "Smell it hard, and the headache will be relieved. I don't know much about Chinese medicine, but I heard that the fragrance is diffused. If it diffuses, it can cure headaches." Wan Meiyu took it and smelt it again, and her headache did get better, she said: "The other girls drank too much, have you smelled this agarwood for them too? This is a non-specific agarwood, an evil agarwood .” An evil fire rose from Tian Xiaoming's abdomen, and Tian Xiaoming waved his right hand very close to Wan Meiyu, saying: "It's been a long time since I've been single-minded. If you despise me, before you despise me righteously, and While you despise me, please also despise yourself righteously."

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