Home Categories contemporary fiction Goddess One

Chapter 4 Chapter 4Kim

Goddess One 冯唐 3656Words 2018-03-18
Tian Xiaoming loved biology since he was a child, and he studied biology at the famous QH.Between heaven and earth, the supernatural object Tian Xiaoming first realized was himself, including his body, feelings, needs, fears and so on.Obsessed with the sky, the earth, and his own body, Tian Xiaoming loved to ask why since he was a child, and most of the reasons were related to creatures.These problems have nothing to do with Chinese medicine and Western medicine, and seem to have nothing to do with literature and academic theory, and are problems for all mankind. Tian Xiaoming's parents are both middle school teachers. When Tian Xiaoming asks these questions, they usually ignore them.Being asked anxiously, Tian Xiaoming's mother took Tian Xiaoming's temperature, and Tian Xiaoming's father asked Tian Xiaoming to go for a walk in the garden downstairs and look at the starry sky. "Kant's similar problems were cured in this way. He was comforted a lot, or the starry sky made him understand that some existences are irrational, they just exist, they are, they are. During the treatment, Kant also wrote many philosophical books.”When Tian Xiaoming volunteered, he filled in the Department of Biology, and his intuition told him that as long as one of these seemingly illusory problems is solved, the world will become a little better, and he will also have great wealth.Tian Xiaoming's class teacher told Tian Xiaoming's parents in private: "Actually, Tian Xiaoming is only curious about sex. He should not study biology. He should study agriculture or forestry. After graduation, he can breed pigs or help plants avoid pests and diseases. Father Tian disagreed, he firmly believed that Tian Xiaoming was an idealist.

Tian Xiaoming loves human beings, and always wants to study some issues that others may think are weird, such as: how to live forever, how to maintain a childlike innocence, how to grow wings, how to avoid dysmenorrhea, how to pass away painlessly and become a Buddha, etc. Major issues.There is no research climate and research conditions in China. Scientists who work too hard in these directions will be sent to local psychiatric hospitals such as Huilongguan Hospital. Wang Dali's only girlfriend sent Wang Dali to a mental hospital somewhere in Hubei. The reason was that Wang Dali stopped touching her after he fucked her once. homosexuality.His girlfriend asked Wang Dali to choose whether to define the first time as rape and go to prison, or to define his overall world outlook, values, and outlook on life as mental illness and then go to a mental hospital.Wang Dali chose the latter.Three months later, Wang Dali was discharged from the hospital.He didn't tell anyone how he got out of the hospital.He and Tian Xiaoming said that it is no less difficult for a normal person to prove that he is not mentally ill than it is for a normal person to prove that he has become a Buddha. The higher the IQ, the harder it is to prove.

Tian Xiaoming went to the United States directly after graduating from QH University. No one in the United States studied such major issues. Tian Xiaoming studied the structure of flagellar tubulin at Stanford for six years.Tian Xiaoming's parents introduced Tian Xiaoming's research direction to others, and they were often misunderstood. Narita Xiaoming studied the structure of pubic urethra in the United States for six years. After Tian Xiaoming graduated, he joined CompuGenome, a biotechnology company headquartered in Silicon Valley.This CG company described in its listing prospectus that it is researching a variety of drugs related to immortality, emotional intelligence enhancement and painless death. Five of them have passed the toxicology test and started animal experiments. The results of the initial animal experiments are exciting.After the injection of the elixir compound, the muscles of the mice were strong, active, and they continued to mate, showing a clear and statistically significant positive correlation.

There are mountains and seas in the Bay Area, neither hot nor cold, neither dry nor wet. There is no historical bondage between mountains and seas, and innovation has long been 50 to 100 years ahead of the world.Many garages double as IT laboratories, and many kitchens and backyards have E.coli fermentation tanks. Science students change their mobile phones and computers every six months on average. Many desktops are water-cooled, and there are at least two monitors. Meet and chat. In Silicon Valley English, 80% of the abbreviations do not appear in the Oxford English Dictionary.The growth of liberal arts was looked down upon by science students and the general public in Silicon Valley, and they could only shift their excitement to fields that seemed unlikely to be involved in science in a hundred years. They used hallucinogens, often organized non-violent revolutions, abducted women, chanted poetry.

Tian Xiaoming resolutely rejected two well-paid jobs that sounded completely out of line with the refined temperament of Silicon Valley. One was to build a pricing model for non-performing assets, and the other was to maintain a video and video database for a dating website. CG Biotechnology Company issued Tian Xiaoming 500,000 stock options with an exercise price of 10 US dollars and a lock-up period of two years.In less than a year, the stock rose to nearly 300 yuan.Tian Xiaoming thought that after two years, he would sell some of the options and buy a house, which is impossible in China. The agent asked him whether he wanted to rely on water views or mountain views, and whether he liked sea views, lake views, or river views.There is a house that combines mountain and water views. It is close to Highway 1 in California. On one side is a cliff. On the east side of the cliff is the mountain, and on the other side is the vast Pacific Ocean. .

"It's so close to the sea, will the seawater corrode too much?" "It's okay, it's high-tech, even the drinking water in the house is purified by seawater." "The typhoon is coming, will the waves crash the house?" "It is designed to resist typhoons that occur once in a century." "What if next year there is a once-in-a-century typhoon? Many small-probability events often happen to me, such as girlfriends who are virgins in a row." "No, you are so unlucky, you can't be unlucky anymore. If you firmly believe that a small probability event must happen to you, buy some life insurance and property insurance. If the typhoon destroys your house and kills you, your heir become super rich."

Tian Xiaoming was still hesitating. The latest clinical data of the elixir came out. The patient was injected according to the "No Observed Adverse Effect Drug Level (NOAEL)", and the patient had a high probability of depression. There are variants, mania, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and panic disorder. The company's stock dropped to seven and a half dollars in one day.Tian Xiaoming continued to live in a one-bedroom apartment in Palo Alto. In the apartment, a Korean liberal arts student drank too much, spoke Korean, laughed, and cried in the corridor, and smashed Tian Xiaoming's door violently, and Tian Xiaoming turned the safety latch on the door.The Korean liberal arts students shouted in English: "Tian Xiaoming, Ming, I know you are here, open the door. Moses said, don't commit adultery. Xuanzang said, Eight Precepts. Confucius in Korea said, the mean! The mean! The mean! What good is immortality?" ?Fast birth and quick death, every time I can have a new body, like changing a pair of jeans, my new body in the next life is you. You have to be sincere to yourself, make good use of this life, make good use of this world, you actually like a man. My surname is Kim, I love you, in this lifetime."

Through the cracks in the door and the window, Tian Xiaoming smelled the smell of Korean soju from Kim, and all kinds of soju from his nose and mouth.Tian Xiaoming was also drinking red wine at the door, and was reading the electronic version of the series of famous works translated into Chinese by the Commercial Press.Tian Xiaoming always reads when he feels bored in this world, rarely novels, but a lot of philosophy, history, and sociology.In fact, if the patient does not suffer from depression, the company's stock options can really be cashed out. What he wants most is not to buy a house carved out of a cliff. He is still afraid of a tsunami. When a tsunami comes, raindrops the size of chestnuts will fly horizontally.

With the money, he wants to organize a team of scholars to write "On Everything", to get rid of the Eurocentric perspective, and also to get rid of the Chinese-centric perspective, literature, history and philosophy, heaven and earth, mathematics, physics and chemistry, similar to "Utopia 2.0", telling the world that the information age has come, The genetic era is here. If everyone is rational enough to get rid of the shackles of human nature, how should human beings live, how should society be organized, and what should the world be like.This book should pay special attention to the origin of organic matter, life, mammals, human beings, writing, cities, science, democracy, etc.Set up an open source website on the Internet, and everyone can edit relevant content at will.If you buy a winery in Sonoma or Napa, in addition to growing grapes and making wine, you will also reserve a few guest rooms. For this book "On Everything", you will have three or five opportunities for visiting scholars. One person will stay for one year for free, free broadband, red wine, and housing , There is no obligation, you can discuss something if you want to discuss something, and you can be in a daze if you want to be in a daze.Tian Xiaoming thought about it and took a big sip of red wine.After he arrived in the United States, he no longer drank Chinese baijiu, only red wine for reading, half a bottle for half a day, one bottle a day, slightly drunk, just right.

Tian Xiaoming and Kim repeatedly said that his sexual orientation is heterosexual, he does not discriminate against homosexuality, but he is not interested in homosexuality. Kim and Tian Xiaoming repeatedly said: "How much do you know about human nature? How much do you know about your own human nature? You don't have any homosexual tendencies? I don't believe it. You don't have any sadomasochistic tendencies? I don't believe it. How many people are born to believe God's? Open your heart and listen to your inner voice, you will be scared. But don't, don't be scared, there is no right or wrong in life, life has no forbidden areas, face it calmly, if you don't, your suppressed subtle voice The voice will get louder and louder until you can't ignore it, but at that time, maybe you are too late."

As a professional life science researcher, Tian Xiaoming cannot rule out the possibility that Kim’s argument is valid, but life is not like this, as if you go to the street to find something to eat, there is KFC, there is McDonald’s, and your instinct is to eat McDonald’s, then Just eat McDonald's, you have to torture your soul, explore your hidden human nature, and see if there is a slight urge to eat KFC deep in your heart, you are not far from half-crazy. When he was studying bioengineering at Stanford University, Tian Xiaoming liked a Japanese girl who lived by the swimming pool on the first floor.The girl has a quarter of Yugoslavian descent and looks like Ozawa Maria. There are too many A's in the Japanese name, which is hard to remember. Tian Xiaoming always calls the Japanese girl downstairs Ozawa Maria.He tried many ways to get close to Ozawa Maria, but all failed. Ozawa studied very hard and was very stingy with other people's time.Every time Tian Xiaoming was close to failure, he hid in the apartment to watch Maria Ozawa's movies, and missed Ozawa Maria not far from the floor. Tian Xiaoming finally tried a very direct way: "Ozawa, where is the best matcha in the Bay Area?" Ozawa Maria said without hesitation: "I live in the apartment." Tian Xiaoming took out a Northern Song Dynasty persimmon red glaze to build a kiln The bamboo hat is smaller than the rice bowl in the real world, and much larger than the tea bowl in the real world, asking to drink tea. Ozawa Maria presented to Tian Xiaoming the classic Japanese tea ceremony with simple equipment and complicated steps.After drinking tea, Ozawa Maria inquired in detail about all the kiln building knowledge that Tian Xiaoming knew, and then opened a bottle of entry-level Stag's Leap, and Tian Xiaoming shared half with Tian Xiaoming.After his face became hot, Ozawa Maria leaned close and asked, "Is that okay?" Tian Xiaoming nodded to Ozawa Maria's raised eyes. Kim also said at the door: "Confucius in Korea said, the mean! Understand, how will people live later? The world belongs to your old people, the world belongs to our young people, and the world belongs to the next group of grandchildren after all. I was wrong, there can be no elixir of life, so there will be no elixir of life. Let’s not seek immortality, and let’s not talk about "On Everything", and focus on solving the problems of men and women is the right way." Tian Xiaoming poured out the last bit of red wine in the bottle, drank it up, became dizzy, and fell asleep.The wind was blowing in the dream, and I dreamed that Kim gave Tian Xiaoming a short windbreaker, with both sleeves pushed up, standing behind Tian Xiaoming, and putting it on for him. It fits well and is very windproof.
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