Home Categories contemporary fiction take west exit

Chapter 83 Section VII

take west exit 邓九刚 1637Words 2018-03-18
Taichun heard the news of Yulian's death in the Grand View Garden. In the morning, when Taichun came to the Grand View Garden, it was already full of guests who came to have morning tea.The waiter knew Xu Taichun, and when he came in, he greeted him warmly: "Master Xu is here! Please, there is a seat inside!" Xu Taichun had just sat down when Wen Quanbao came in.Taichun saw it and said hello: "Master Wenda, there is a seat here!" Wen Quanbao walked towards Taichun, and said to the waiter: "Two liang siu mai, a pot of tea!" Wen Quanbao had a look of panic on his face. He sat down and looked at Taichun carefully. Taichun didn't understand why shopkeeper Wen looked at him like this, and asked, "Why does shopkeeper Wenda look at me like this?"

Wen Quanbao expected that Ding Taichun didn't know yet, so he said, "You don't know yet, do you?" Taichun asked: "What's wrong?" Wen Quanbao sighed and said, "Oh, Zhang Youhe's wife hanged herself last night!" Taichun's heart trembled: "What did you say?" Wen Quanbao: "Zhang Youhe's wife hanged herself!" Taichun immediately said angrily: "You are talking nonsense!" Wen Quanbao smiled wryly: "For no reason, why am I cursing people in the early morning? Believe it or not." Taichun's head buzzed, he pushed Wen Quanbao away, rushed out of the Grand View Garden, and ran towards Zhang Youhe's house.

When Taichun rushed into the courtyard of Zhang Youhe's house, he was stunned—the door was wide open, and looking through the door, he saw Yulian lying on a door panel.Zhang Youhe sat beside Yulian, holding lotus seeds in his arms; Suisheng, dressed in filial piety, knelt beside her. Lianzi tugged at her mother's clothes and cried: "Mother, what's the matter with you, get up quickly, I haven't finished sewing my new clothes yet! Mother, get up..." There are some helpers inside and outside the house, Taichun pushes aside the crowd and rushes over, the dead Yulian suddenly appears in front of him.

Taichun froze there.It was so sudden, how could this be possible?He was alive two days ago, why did he suddenly die?Taichun rushed over and shouted, "Yulian——Yulian!—I killed you..." Suddenly, Taichun rushed over, grabbed Zhang Youhe and threw him to the ground, Lianzi was so frightened that he burst into tears. Taichun's eyes were full of hatred: "You bastard! Tell me, how did Yulian die? If you can't explain clearly, I will kill you—" Zhang You and Yi Ren Taichun ravaged them, but they didn't fight back, they looked numb. Taichun grabbed Zhang Youhe's neck with both hands, and forced him to ask, "How did Yulian die! Speak up!"

Suddenly, Taichun felt a fist hitting him from behind, and when he looked back, it turned out to be Suisheng! Suisheng's small fist landed on Taichun's body, and he cried, "It's all because of you, why are you alive after you're dead? We were living a good life, but you killed my mother!" Zhang Youhe came over to pull Suisheng up, and said sadly, "Son, don't be like this, no matter what you say, he is also your own father. When your mother is gone, he feels sadder than anyone else..." What Zhang Youhe said touched Taichun quite a bit, his eyes became moist.Suddenly, Taichun felt dizzy, and he staggered towards the door. If he hadn't held the door frame in time, he might have fallen to the ground.Taichun stood there to stabilize himself, then turned around again.

Zhang Youhe went over, sadly: "Taichun, what else do you want?" There were tears in Taichun's eyes, he tried his best not to let them fall down: "I want one thing...the red belly that Yulian gave me when I walked to the west entrance." Zhang Youhe took the red doudu and handed it to Taichun.Taichun took it over, seeing things and thinking about others, tears streaming down her face. Taichun went back to the hut behind Xinsanyitai. He set up an altar at home, and on the table was the spirit tablet of jade lotus, and in front of the spirit tablet was the red pocket belly.

Taichun fell in front of Yulian's memorial tablet, feeling overwhelmed with pain, he regretted it so much, if he had known this would be the result, why would he come back?It would be better to spend a lifetime in Yunzhong Temple guarding the ancient Buddha's blue lantern in this life!Although I didn’t know who I was for those three years, and I didn’t know where I came from and where I was going. I got up every day to dive into the water, cut firewood and clean the yard. People woke up, but when they came back, there was nothing.Since there is nothing left, let's go back to my hometown and serve my mother to grow crops and live the rest of my life. Why do I have to stay?Now, I have stayed, but Yulian has left... It seems that I have harmed her...

Taichun sat quietly in front of the altar, sitting face to face with Yulian, adding a stick of incense for a while, burning a piece of paper for a while, the pain was the kind of pain that permeated the whole body, and he felt that he was also broken , maybe when the body is crooked, it will go with Yulian... Taichun sat blankly in front of Yulian's spirit tablet, he couldn't figure it out, why did Yulian leave? ...Yulian, why are you so cruel? Brother brought you from his mouth. Didn't we agree a long time ago, live, live together, die, die together, but why are you alone? I'm leaving... Yulian, you came to see my brother yesterday, I have a lot to say to you, it's my fault, I made you wronged, I regret it to death... I want to know this is the end, I might as well I became a lama in that temple, and what am I doing when I come back... Yulian, you left, my brother's world has collapsed, and since then, I have lost even a single thought...

Taichun lay down on the altar, weeping uncontrollably.
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