Home Categories contemporary fiction take west exit
take west exit

take west exit


  • contemporary fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 334972

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Chapter 1 sequence

take west exit 俞智先 411Words 2018-03-18
late qing dynasty.Qi County, Shanxi Province. The sun hangs in the sky, and its scorching light mercilessly shines on the thousands of ravines on the Loess Plateau.Looking around, there is a little bit of insignificant green in the yellow that is full of eyes. It is a thin grass seedling, which has become a piece of dry grass under the scorching sun. The cracked land ruthlessly declared their death fate…… The air seemed to be burning. The loess road in the village is like a thin thread pulled from a solid thread, leading to the distant sky.Peasants carrying luggage rolls walked in twos and threes on the dirt road. They staggered and lifeless, their faces were like cracked yellow earth, full of helpless sorrow and confusion.

On the loess ridge stood a girl from Shanxi, a farmer who sang a song so far away from home looked back three times at a step... The mournful song is like weeping and complaining. In Qixian County, Shanxi Province, where there is no fertile land and no water springs to irrigate, this folk song full of helplessness and sadness is circulated.It is a tragic song composed by countless Shanxi people who went to the west exit for survival, life, and hope, with dark red blood and bitter tears.In this song that chills the listener, there are the bitter and sad past of the people who went to Xikou, and there are also their bizarre and magnificent stories.Just like the loess road leading to the sky in the village, there is infinite hope in the confusion and sadness!

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