Home Categories contemporary fiction Lower Nanyang

Chapter 16 Chapter Sixteen

Lower Nanyang 俞智先 6420Words 2018-03-18
Jian Zhaoxing showed his father the telegram sent by Jian Aqi, but Zhaoqing was still missing. Ya Lan burst into tears suddenly, Yang Chun saw that she couldn't hide it, so she had to tell the truth. "Nothing will happen to him, right? Zhaoqing is still a child. It's not right for you to send him to Nanyang alone. Look, he has been away from me for so long. As a mother, I don't even care about the life and death of the child." Know." Jian Yangchun became anxious: "Shut up!" Yalan knew that she had said something wrong.But Ah Qi has never seen Zhaoqing in Singapore, where can I find it? Isn't Yangchun lying to himself?

Jian Yangchun did not believe that something would happen to his son, he must find his son back and hand it over to his wife safely.If there is any mistake in Zhaoqing, don't say I am sorry for the Shi family, I am sorry for my brother Shi Zhizhong, and I am sorry for my wife's kindness in raising this child for more than ten years.However, the most urgent task at the moment is to find out about running the school, and he can't let the hard-earned money he earned in Nanyang disappear. Jian Zhaoxing came to Song Yating again by his father's order.This time Song Yating didn't show up, and only asked his master to deal with it.The master talked nonsense, saying that Mr. Song has always been compassionate, and wanted to follow the example of the Westerners and set up a charity foundation.Relief for the widows, widows, lonely, old, weak, sick and disabled in this county.Ask Jian Yangchun to donate some more money.Master Song will be commended together with his donation to build the school.As for the matter of the school site, this is a major event that will benefit generations to come, how can Mr. Song engage in it rashly?

Jian Yangchun was furious after hearing this, this is blatant extortion!This dog official took over the matter of supervising the establishment of the school just to enrich himself!Moreover, he set up a pretense and reached out to his pocket in the name of a charitable foundation. Jian Yangchun couldn't wait any longer, he didn't have the heart to entangle with Song Yating anymore, he decided to find a way to go, he went to Nanyang to find his son... The Jian family has no whereabouts of their son, but the Tao family received a letter from Jian Zhaoqing. When Shu Yan's mother saw that the letter was from Nanyang, she knew it was written by the kid from the Jian family, and immediately decided to burn it.In order to prevent Jian Zhaoqing from not receiving a reply, he mailed it to Shu Yan's school at another place. Shu Yan's mother sent someone to the school to find the gatekeeper of the Tao family and told him that all letters from Shu Yan would be withheld and handed over to the family.

Tao Shuyan was always surprised that she couldn't receive Zhaoqing's letter. When they broke up, she said it well. He wrote to himself as soon as he arrived in Nanyang, but why couldn't he receive it at school or at home?Tao Shuyan wondered if he had sent a letter and asked her mother to hide it. Of course Shu Yan's mother denied it.She knew in her heart that the most urgent task was to quickly find a good family to marry her daughter to.Now that she had her own home, she stopped thinking about Jian Zhaoqing, and Jian Zhaoqing had no hope.It happened that there was a fat aunt in the clan, and her natal uncle was a lieutenant general under the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. He had a son, who was twenty-three years old this year, and had experience as the chief secretary.In theory, it is half a level higher than Song Yating.When Shu Yan's mother heard it, she immediately agreed.

Shu Yan's marriage came soon, and Aunt Fat told Shu Yan's mother that the man's father, General Guo, had already known that the Tao family was also a family of officials and eunuchs, and his daughter would definitely be right.It's just that the Revolutionary Party has been making a lot of trouble recently, especially in Guangdong. The Revolutionary Party has risen several times.He is a lieutenant general, and he is in charge of the defense of the Guangdong and Guangxi regions. He wants his son to find a reason to take the opportunity to visit Yongding. Shu Yan's mother was naturally happy when she heard that, and she just waited for her future son-in-law to come to propose marriage.

A Wu ran to Kuala Lumpur.After traveling all the way, he was already unkempt, ragged, and only had a few small change in his pocket.Scarface and Xian Zhifu chased from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur. They followed Ah Wu all the way and realized that he was penniless. It should be time to take the bloody Suanni out. However, Xian Zhifu had some doubts about whether A Wu had a bloody 狻猊. He often saw Boss Huang playing with a bloody 狻猊 in the past and didn't know its value, so A Wu would definitely accept it?Ordinary jade is a few yuan or tens of yuan. If he knew that it was so valuable, could he leave it to Huang Yuda?So he thought that Ah Wu might not have known its true value back then.

Ah Wu was negotiating with people at the street boxing ring not far away.The opponent is Hong Bintong, a well-known boxer in Kuala Lumpur. The people in the boxing ring were explaining the rules to A Wu: "You have to fight at least six times. Otherwise, the spectators will be dissatisfied. That is to say, even if you are knocked down, you have to get up again and persevere. Do you understand?" "I don't care about copper or iron. I want bread and coconut milk! I'm hungry!" A Wu said impatiently. The man sent someone to buy bread and coconut milk, and Awu ate it in big mouthfuls.He listened to the rules while eating.

The referee announced the start of the game, and Hong Bintong jumped up and down with a murderous look; A Wu only made a gesture of staring at Hong Bintong.Hong Bintong started to attack, and a series of combo moves caught Awu off guard.Before Ah Wu could fight back, he fell on the spectators in the crowd. The spectators pushed him out, and Hong Bintong launched another series of attacks.But this time there were fewer hits, and Awu took a lot longer to stand up.But in the end it fell down. The audience pushed him out just like before.Hong Bintong punched him without waiting for him to stand still.A Wu shrank his head, and Hong Bintong was shot empty. A Wu didn't wait for his arm to retract, and with a quick movement, Hong Bintong was caught off guard and fell to the ground.

The spectators cheered. The referee counted seconds, but Hong Bintong did not stand up. A Wu said to the people in that organization: "Give me the money!" The hero Awu picked up the money and walked away. Xian Zhifu, who was standing outside the circle, saw A Wu coming out, and immediately turned his face away. It was the first time he had seen A Wu's martial arts. If he were to fight against A Wu, it would be a dead end.Scar face pulled Xian Zhifu and chased Ah Wu, now that Ah Wu has money in his arms, he will not make a move if he has money, who knows where he will go? Kuang Qiuju's work is becoming more and more difficult now, and Sister Liu looked puzzled: "Why do you look like a woman who is pregnant with a child?" With one sentence, Kuang Qiuju's face changed, and the glaze in her hand stopped.Before her eyes was the appearance of Ma Yuefang after death... Kuang Qiuju didn't speak, let go of Liulang and threw Liulang into the river, and walked towards the middle of the river with difficulty.Seeing something was wrong, Sister Liu turned her head and shouted to the girls in Liulang, "Hurry up and save her—" she said and swam towards Kuang Qiuju.

Only then did Sister Liu know that Kuang Qiuju was really pregnant.The two fell asleep next to each other and worked shoulder to shoulder, why didn't they notice it? "Good girl, I know you're not married, but there are also things like marriage first. Tell me, what's your fiancé's name? It seems to be Peng Xiazi? Just wait, I'll go find him right away, hurry up After the marriage is done, who can say anything?" "No, I cannot marry him! The boy's father is a devil!" Sister Liu now understands that this child is not Kuang Qiuju's best friend, she has been harmed by others.Kuang Qiuju gritted her teeth and said three words that surprised her even more: "Ah, it's the one who killed a thousand swords! You can't marry him, he is not a decent person! But isn't your fiancé Peng Xiazi who picks mud? You Did you tell him? Did you tell your brother?"

"I dare not, Di Piding said, if I tell the truth, he will kill my elder brother and Peng Xiazi." Miss Liu was speechless.But no matter what, Kuang Qiuju can't let Ma Yuefang say: "How about this, you lie down and rest, don't go to work today. You can't seek death. I'll find a way to make you live." Sister Liu came to Alicia in a hurry, and she waited for the customers to leave before she walked over and said, "Help me, buy something for me when I'm in stock." Sister Liu looked around: "Please go to the pharmacy in China, I will Want...Musk!" "Musk? Is it incense?" "No, it's a kind of medicinal material. A sister is pregnant, and she is not in good health. She needs...needs this kind of medicine to nourish her body." "Wow... God! It's so wonderful. A little life is going to be born in this valley. No problem, I'll write it down." Aligia was happy, "I'll go tomorrow! The child's business is the most important thing. " Sister Liu repeatedly asked her not to tell others, and then left. The next day, Aligiya went to buy musk, and the pharmacist told her that not only is musk not used to prevent miscarriage, but also that pregnant women will miscarry if they smell it.She was taken aback. She didn't know if Sister Liu lied to herself on purpose, or if she really didn't know. Sister Liu had no choice but to tell the truth. "Why, the child is innocent, you do this, the gods will punish you. Oh my god, I almost killed a child for you. I don't understand why this child is not born, you tell me, maybe I can help her My uncle is Charlie, I'm going to intercede, let her not have to work, and I can help her find a place to rest..." The kind-hearted Alicia was in a hurry. Sister Liu named Kuang Qiuju and told her that an unmarried woman would be accused of giving birth to a child.Aligia was taken aback. She had a good impression of Kuang Qiuju: "It's her? I will try my best to help her. The child must be born and cannot be destroyed." As soon as Sister Liu left, Alicia immediately sent someone to call Jian Zhaoqing.Jian Zhaoqing thought it was a letter from his family, but Alicia said coldly: "I think you are a gentleman, but I didn't expect you to be a man who dare not take responsibility." Jian Zhaoqing was dumbfounded. "Kuang Qiuju is pregnant, you should be the father of the child! She is now looking for medicine everywhere to kill the child. Do you know how painful it is for a girl to protect your reputation?" "What did you say, Kuang Qiuju... Who did you listen to?" Jian Zhaoqing's eyes widened, he ran out, and came back just two steps away, "Alegia, please believe that the child is not mine, although I I don't know what's going on. I'll go and find out. Please keep it a secret, okay? Miss Kuang's reputation is the most important thing, please." Alygia gave a dubious oh. Jian Zhaoqing thought of two people, one was Tang Atai and the other was Peng Xiazi. In his opinion, only these two people could have an affair with Kuang Qiuju.He returned to the work shed and called out Tang Atai first: "Did you go to Liulang River that day?" Tang Atai nodded. "What are you going to do?" Tang Atai was a little puzzled when he heard this: "Look at Kuang Qiuju. Ask the question knowingly, don't tease me." Jian Zhaoqing pulled his face down: "I didn't tease you, you honestly told me how many times you went there, and what did you do?" Tang Atai didn't know why Jian Zhaoqing cared about this, he sneaked away to see Kuang Qiuju that day, and took a handful of flowers, seeing that she hadn't had time to give them, she turned and left.Later, I was beaten up, and I really paid for it... Jian Zhaoqing couldn't believe it: "You have been there just once?" "Ah! I just bought some face powder. I'm planning to go there for the second time. At worst, I'll pay more attention to the thatched cottage." Jian Zhaoqing reached into Tang Atai's neckline, took out the powder and put it in his pocket, and told him not to go again.Tang Atai didn't understand what was going on, so he agreed to Zhao Qing only because he was afraid that he would be beaten again. Jian Zhaoqing went to Peng Xiazi again and told him that Qiu Ju sent money to his mother: "According to the time, there should be a round trip. I must have received it long ago. Don't worry." Peng Xiazi laughed. "Is Kuang Qiuju treating you well? When are you going to have a wedding? I have to have a wedding wine." Jian Zhaoqing couldn't say it directly. "Let's earn money for a few years first, and after my mother's illness is cured, Qiu Ju and I can make money before returning to Tangshan." Xiazi said sincerely.Jian Zhaoqing was relieved, thinking that if it was him, he would be responsible: "Don't bother with Artest, he's just like that, always talking about what's wrong with Kuang Qiuju..." Peng Xiazi was overjoyed, this was the first time Jian Zhaoqing spoke for himself: "Brother, you are a sensible person, you said that my daughter-in-law of Peng Xiazi hasn't passed the marriage yet, what is he always thinking about. Besides, although Qiu Ju and I are Darling, but you haven't even held hands, so it's hard to say if it spreads." "No way, you haven't even held hands?" Jian Zhaoqing put on the shrimp. Peng Xiazai snorted: "Our fisherman, Yuhuazi, is nothing like you. People who have read foreign books, we have a good relationship, but if you haven't passed the door, you have never passed the door. You can't mess around. Artest is fine. Uncle called." Jian Zhaoqing was puzzled, and went to the store again, he wanted to ask Alicia carefully. Sister Liu is so stuck in her heart that what she thought of couldn't be done.It seems that this child must be born. "If not, I'll discuss it with your elder brother and see if he can persuade Peng Xiazi. As long as Peng Xiazi doesn't say anything and is willing to be the father of this child, isn't there nothing to sigh about? "She persuaded Qiu Ju. Kuang Qiuju cried: "Sister, I beg you, you must not go." Doesn't she know what kind of person Xiazi is?Seeing that Kuang Qiuju's face was pale and she was out of breath from crying, Sister Liu quickly called Jin Xixue to look at Kuang Qiuju, and went to find Kuang Zhen's house by herself.Walking to the men's shed, she asked loudly, "Who is Kuang Qiuju's brother?" Kuang Zhenjia responded. "Come here, I'll tell you something." Sister Liu turned away. Kuang Zhenjia and Peng Xiazai exchanged glances, and left with Sister Liu with their jobs in hand.Tang Atai watched as they were about to get up.Peng Xiazi stopped him: "What's the matter with you? I didn't look for you!" He followed secretly. "My sister is pregnant?!" Kuang Zhenjia was taken aback. This was just heard by Xia Boy who rushed over, and he roared: "I know who did it! I'm going to kill him—" he turned around and ran towards the work shed. Standing upstairs, Di Piding saw the situation in front of him, looked at Peng Xiazai who ran like crazy, and Kuang Zhenjia and Sister Liu who were chasing after him. Knowing that the matter had leaked, he panicked, and hurried into the wooden building and closed the door. Door. But Peng Xiazi went straight to Tang Atai.Tang Atai was taken aback, but before he could react, Peng Xiazi had already pounced on him: "I'll kill you bastard!" He swung his old fist and punched Tang Atai in the face.A few punches made Tang Atai's nose and mouth bleed.Tang Atai reacted and overturned Peng Xiazi with all his strength.Kuang Zhenjia and Sister Liu ran over and grabbed Peng Xiazi. "Don't worry about it, I'll settle the score with him alone!" Peng Xiazi picked up a bench, "I'll smash you to death!" As soon as Tang Atai rolled, the bench hit his calf, causing him to yell in pain, "Oh! Oh, it hurts me to death!" Peng Xiazi wanted to smash it, but Kuang Zhen's family hugged him: "If you beat someone to death, you will pay with your life!" Sister Liu pointed at Tang Atai and yelled at Kuang Zhen's family: "Why beat him? He is not Dipiding, it is Dipiding who ruined your sister! It was Dipiding who ruined your sister on the way to Ipoh!" Kuang Zhenjia was stunned, Peng Xiazi let go of his hand, and the stool fell to the ground, Tang Atai asked loudly with a blank face, "Sister, tell me what you said just now!" Sister Liu said anxiously: "Kuang Qiuju is pregnant, and the child belongs to Di Piding. She is waiting for news from me. If her fiancé Peng Xiazai can marry her, she can still live. Otherwise, if she is determined to die, No one can stop her." "She can't die! Sister, go back and tell her to make her wait for me, no matter what she is, she is my wife! I'll kill Di Piding now, and go to Liulanghe to talk to her when I'm done." She is married!" Tang Atai endured the pain. Sister Liu was stunned. Kuang Qiuju said that her fiancé was Peng Xiazi, why did someone else appear? "It used to be Peng Xiazi. I spent five hundred taels of silver to get him to break off the engagement!" Tang Atai endured the pain and stood up. "He ruined my wife. Even if I die, his blood will be splashed on him!" Tang Atai hopped on one leg and found a wooden stick. His eyes were red and he was angry: "Dipi Ding! Get out of here, this young master will kill you today!" Kwong Zhen's family took Peng Xiazai to the side of the hillside. He remembered the situation when Amei came. At that time, she said that she came to Ipoh with Di Piding, and he was surprised. "What Sister Liu said is true. My sister was ruined by Ding Ding on the way with Ding Ding. Peng Xiazi, this matter can't be left alone. If I risk my life, I have to give it to Qiu Ju revenge!" Peng Xiazai squatted on the ground dejectedly, hugging his head, this little man!You should go to hell! "This revenge is for revenge, but who is Di Pi Ding? He is the emperor here! You forgot why Sister Liu didn't tell us that Di Pi Ding ruined Kuang Qiuju? She said it was Qiu Ju who refused to let her go. Why didn't Qiu Ju let it go? I was afraid that you and I would not be able to avenge, but instead let Di Pi Ding get killed! Kuang Qiuju was able to fall into Di Pi Ding's hands, and the root cause was Tang A Tai's forced marriage. The two of us killed Tang A Tai, Avenge Qiu Ju!" Kuang Zhenjia thought about it too: "Let's go and kill Tang Atai right now, and we'll talk about the matter of Land Piding later!" The two decided to go back. Tang Atai dragged one leg and crawled towards the wooden building: "Dipi Ding! Come out if you are a bitch, and be a coward! You bastard who has been raised and not taught, today I will discipline and discipline you for your dog father! Come out!" Sister Liu chased after him, isn't this young man going to die for nothing! When Kuang Zhenjia and Peng Xiazai saw Tang Atai rushing towards them with a wooden stick in hand, they thought Tang Atai wanted to strike first, so they stopped immediately, separated from the two sides, and made a posture to deal with it.Don't want Tang Atai to come close, shouting with red eyes: "What are you doing standing there? Why don't you come with me to avenge Kuang Qiuju!" Both Kuang Zhenjia and Peng Xiazai were stunned.Tang Atai ignored them and went straight to Dipiding's wooden building.Kuang Zhen's family knew that he was looking for Land Piding, and they were afraid that he would suffer, so they wanted to run to help, but Peng Xiazai grabbed him: "Don't worry, let them two dogs bite dogs! We just sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight!" Sister Liu looked at them puzzled: "Hurry up and help!" Tang Atai had just climbed the stairs when Di Piding, who had been prepared for a long time, stepped on Tang Atai's shoulder. With only a little effort, Tang Atai rolled down the stairs.Di Piding ran down the stairs and ran towards the tin mine, shouting as he ran, "Someone—— Tang Atai is crazy———————— Tang Atai rebelled——" Tang Atai got up and chased after him with a broken leg.Kuang Zhenjia looked at Dipiding who was running towards him, and was about to pounce on him, but Peng Xiazi grabbed him and said, "Brother, don't meddle in it!" Kuang Zhenjia hesitated, and Dipiding took the opportunity to run towards the mine. Tang Atai caught up and glared at Peng Xiazai and Kuang Zhenjia: "Trash! Why don't you stop him!" Dipiding ran into the mine, panting and said to Ah Yi: "Quick, it's not good, Tang Atai is going to rebel!" Seeing Tang Atai chasing after him carrying a pole, Ah Yi yelled: "Brothers, copy guys!" Dipi Ding breathed a sigh of relief: "Brothers, hit me, beat me to death!" Several thugs from gangs held wooden sticks in front of Di Pi Ding, Tang Atai ran to him and said, "Get out of the way, the injustice has its leader, and the debt has its owner. I want Di Pi Ding's life today, and it has nothing to do with you!" Ayi and others rushed up, and a burst of poles and sticks beat Tang Atai until he had no strength to fight back.Di Piding snatched the stick from a brother and smashed it on Tang Atai's head. Tang Atai fell to the ground without making a sound. Ah Yi was startled: "Brother Ding, you killed him!" "He is looking for death by himself! Go, find some people, carry them to a random grave, and bury them!" Di Piding didn't take it seriously at all. Kuang Zhenjia and Peng Xiazai were called, and together with two other miners, they carried Tang Atai to Luanfengangzi.Ah Yi stuck the shovel into the ground: "Dig a hole and bury it!" A miner took the shovel and muttered: "Tang Atai, I dug the hole along the hillside. Remember, that is Tangshan's hometown. You are lying here, but you still have to go home, don't you?" " Several people put Tang Atai into the pit with head held high. Sister Liu didn't say anything about Tang Atai being beaten to death when she came back, she was afraid that it would make things worse if Kuang Qiuju found out.But Kuang Qiuju still knew what had happened when she accidentally said something out of the job.She burst into tears. Although Tang Atai was a rascal, he was only a man if he worked hard for himself.Kuang Qiuju wiped away her tears and ran frantically towards the tin mine.Tang Atai died for herself, she was going to kowtow in front of his grave. Jian Zhaoqing learned the whole story from Aligiya, it was a matter of life and death, and he had to find a way to help Kuang Qiuju tide over the difficulties.Xiaboy and Artest can't let Xiaboy and Artest know about this matter before they figure it out, he's afraid there will be a big mess. How did he know that the trouble had already happened. As soon as Jian Zhaoqing came back, he saw Peng Xiazai entering the room carrying the door panel, but he didn't say a word when he saw him.The old tin worker pulled Jian Zhaoqing over: "I know you and Tang Atai are kowtowing brothers, but you can't be impulsive in this matter anyway. Tang Atai was beaten to death by Di Piding. They just buried him." Jian Zhaoqing opened his eyes wide: "Ah? What?" "Dipi Ding ruined Kuang Zhen's sister, Kuang Qiuju. Tang Atai became anxious when he heard that, and tried his best to find Di Pi Ding, but Xiazi misunderstood that he did it and broke his leg. He didn't kill Di Pi Ding, but let Di Pi Ding's people He was beaten to death with a stick!" The old tin worker sighed. Jian Zhaoqing yelled and ran towards the cemetery on the hillside.
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