Home Categories contemporary fiction Shanxi Coal Boss

Chapter 26 Chapter Twenty-Five

Shanxi Coal Boss 王进 6463Words 2018-03-18
In the casino, it was two o'clock in the morning, entering the craziest time. At this time, the sky-high priced Pink Girl, who has not yet found her prey, suddenly dives and cuts her price sharply, looking for a cheap "confidant" tonight to pay the rent of a luxury hotel.The high rollers in the casino, who have the chance to win, take advantage of the victory to pursue the greatest value of life.Those gamblers who lost their eyes started the last round of counterattack.Those who have surplus cash, mortgage all of them; those who have no surplus cash, start to borrow usury; those who cannot borrow usury, only use jewelry, antiques, real estate, companies, cars, etc., and even beauties as collateral, and immediately realize cash...

Gamblers who have lost their eyes know that: the god of fate, when it comes to life and death, is not afraid of anyone, but most afraid of people who use unscrupulous means.As long as he does whatever he can, there is still a last chance to stand up.If they are reluctant to part with the last capital, what awaits them will be bankruptcy, nothing, the end of life, and... Seeing those ferocious faces, Dahei desperately said to Zhao Guozhong next to him: "Brother, I have already lost more than six million yuan, I'm afraid..." Assistant Xiao cheered him up: "When we came in just now, you lost more than 8 million yuan. Since we came in, you have changed your luck. Within half an hour, you got back 2 million yuan. If you continue to play, maybe I can dig them all back. Don't be afraid, Mr. Zhao and I will support you!"

"What if I lose again? Brother, please forgive me, I don't have the life to make money in the casino." Dahei felt that the grotesque casino was more terrifying than the dark Vietnamese cave. "Brother, don't worry." Zhao Guozhong comforted him while smoking a cigarette, "I have prepared 10 million for you, and it will be used as a high price for the roller coaster ride. After losing, let's go back to sleep." "That's what you said." After hearing this, Dahei regained his energy, "Then I'll try again, and don't blame me if I lose!"

"Play with confidence, this year we have a lot of opportunities to make money, as long as you listen to me, you still care about the small money!" Zhao Guozhong, who is one of the most influential figures among Shanxi coal bosses. ... Walking around in the casino, there are several familiar characters: Zhang Juhai, Wang Wenwen and Yang Juan.Yang Juan twisted her buttocks, raised her face, and puffed her chest out. She regarded this place as a beauty pageant. She nonchalantly flaunted her coquettish charm on this special occasion. As officials, Zhang Juhai and Wang Wenwen became more and more uncomfortable. Apart from Yang Juan's factor, they accidentally ran into many familiar faces.Of course, these familiar faces are all from the coal city thousands of miles away, and they are all coal bosses there.

The coal bosses have no scruples. They are very curious and enthusiastic when they see their parents and officials are also "chic" here.What they didn't expect was that what greeted their enthusiasm was as cold as ice, and the other party even deliberately pretended to be unfamiliar.They didn't understand at first, but after thinking about it carefully, they understood the "mystery" behind the cold face - the parents' official, after all, is an official, it is not a pleasant thing to be recognized in this place, mainly because the occasion of meeting is too inappropriate up.

Soon, the three left the casino and returned to the room. "You fucking don't embarrass me!" As soon as the door was closed, Wang Wenwen was still there, and Zhang Juhai yelled at Yang Juan desperately. "What's wrong with me?" Yang Juan actually understood that the coquettishness just now attracted the attention of men, and also upset Zhang Juhai's jealousy.I originally wanted to stay and take a look, but Lao Zhang insisted on dragging me back. "Who do you think you are?" Zhang Juhai tore his face, "You think you are really a twenty-year-old woman by sticking the skin of a twenty-year-old woman on your face! Women who have undergone surgery don't even want their own faces!"

"Secretary, why bother?" Wang Wenwen quickly persuaded. "Old Zhang, are you a gentleman?" Yang Juan couldn't bear the other party's abuse, "My mother is forty years old in front of you, and I have never denied it. But I have undergone cosmetic surgery and dressed up as if I was twenty years old. , isn’t it to make you look comfortable and prevent you from attacking a twenty-year-old girl? Objectively, it’s also to protect you.” "Fart your mother!" Zhang Juhai almost lost his mind, "I've never seen a 'two-skinned' woman." "Brother, what are you doing?" Wang Wenwen felt uncomfortable seeing the two of them arguing non-stop, "Today is a good day, and the work problem I have been looking forward to for a long time has finally been solved, you should be happy, quarrel and quarrel What's the point of going."

"Brother, I didn't mean that she was flirting in front of men, I mean..." Zhang Juhai suddenly felt that being jealous in front of his subordinates would make people laugh out loud. "Then what do you have to say!" Yang Juan was scolded in public and refused to let go. "I'm talking about you, in front of my leader, Duan Tiansheng..." Zhang Juhai suddenly remembered the unhappiness at the dinner party, "You fucking know how to make money by any means, and lose my future." "That's Duan Tiansheng's fault. He enjoyed the woman I sent, spent my money, and didn't do anything for me. Is there such a shameless and obscene leader?!" Thinking of Duan Tiansheng, Yang Juan felt even more uncomfortable, "Later, If you didn't suppress me so hard, let's see how I..."

"What do you want to do?" Zhang Juhai led the snake out of the hole. "My old lady must ruin him!" Yang Juan went crazy, "It was Zhao Guozhong who drugged the old man. A few stupid men, even the simplest common sense is not considered: women are ten times more terrifying than men when they become crazy hundred times!" Neither Wang Wenwen nor Yang Juan expected the craziest man to appear: Zhang Juhai rushed over from afar, and without explanation, pushed the woman to the ground, grabbed her neck, and bowed left and right: "I will make you crazy! I will make you crazy! I made you crazy!"

"Help! Help! Help!" Yang Juan uttered a desperate cry, "Brother Wenwen, please save me, please." Wang Wenwen hurried over and pulled the angry and crazy Zhang Juhai away with great effort.I stood between Zhang Juhai and the woman, and stood as a separation wall. The woman finally got a chance to get up from the ground, hid in a corner and cried loudly. "Brother, you judge." Zhang Juhai blushed, "Our future is more important, or this bitch's stinky money?" "What are you talking about? Both are important." Wang Wenwen knew best in his heart. Although they were both on fire, and now they were in a mess, they had a physical relationship after all, and they had to sleep in the same bed at night.If he agrees with Secretary Zhang now, once the two reconcile, the woman might blow the pillow and get revenge on him for pandering to the strong and betraying the weak.

No matter what, the two people in front of them couldn't afford to offend them. "Why don't you have principles?" Zhang Juhai stared at him suddenly, "Tell me, if I lose this black hat, no one in the society will recognize her as a worthless small coal boss! Even Zhao Guozhong can trample her to death .” "It's not that serious." Wang Wenwen deliberately disagreed with Zhang Juhai's opinion, and said ironically, "Duan Tiansheng, a dignified secretary of the municipal party committee, is not so narrow-minded. Yang Juan will not offend him by talking about her opinion on competing for mines. of." "You two are idiots!" Zhang Juhai cursed, and even Wang Wenwen also brought in, "How about the old mayor Zhang Guojun? He has a higher position than me, greater influence than me, and richer social experience than me, but how can he be arrested by the Discipline Inspection Commission? He got up? It was because he offended Duan Tiansheng with a joke on the Standing Committee. Duan deliberately fabricated a crime for him, not only sent him in, but also lost his position as mayor. This bloody lesson is not profound enough. ?!" Zhang Juhai, secretary of the district party committee, barked wildly like a Tibetan mastiff, which startled Wang Wenwen. In the past, Wang Wenwen only heard that Lao Duan was narrow-minded, but he didn't know that he was so cunning. Even the woman who was crying loudly was frightened and stopped crying. "There is such a saying secretly circulated in the society. You may not have heard of it. Now, I solemnly tell you: there are 'three evils' in the coal city, and you can never offend them: mad dogs, kidnappers, and Duan Tiansheng." Zhang Juhai shouted loudly. They were all dumb, "Especially you, bitch, if you make a fool of yourself in front of the secretary again, in order to protect yourself, I can 'kill relatives' on the spot!" ... Just when Yang Juan and others were arguing in the room, the fate of the three Shanxi fellows in the casino changed dramatically again. Dahei, who had been losing money continuously since entering the casino, suddenly bumped into the god of fate head-on. In just one hour, he got back more than 18 million yuan. Not only did he get back his capital, he also made a net profit of more than 1,000 yuan Ten thousand! "Oh, I won all the money, and this gambling table has become a cash machine." Assistant Xiao was very pleasantly surprised, "If we continue to play like this, we can earn back a coal mine tomorrow morning." "Brother, it's amazing." Dahei couldn't believe everything in front of him, "I not only paid back your 8 million advance payment, but also the 3 million ransom money you paid." "You have to concentrate, luck is on you now, take the opportunity to make a lot of money." Assistant Xiao was extremely excited. The big black side of the gambling table has almost become a dam for storing water, and all the chips are rolling towards this side continuously.Those "red eyes" who lost money looked at everyone here angrily. "Dahei, it seems that the 'Vietnam incident' has overdrawn all the disasters in your life. From now on, you will be lucky and have golden lotuses every step of the way." Assistant Xiao deliberately flattered, "If you are still a caring person, you know Who changed your fate? Was it the woman named 'Xuemei'?" "Of course not, it's my elder brother Zhao Guozhong." Although Dahei was drawing cards, his mind was not disturbed. "Shanxi people are good, they are all descendants of Guan Gong." Assistant Xiao said so deliberately. "What do you mean? How did you involve Master Guan?" The big black hand trembled a little. "You know how to repay your kindness." Assistant Xiao spoke very artistically, "When Guan Gong was in trouble, Cao Cao took him in; after the Chibi War, Guan Gong missed the old feelings, and Hua Rongdao specifically let Cao Cao go." "Brother Zhao is Cao Cao who has been defeated repeatedly!" Dahei's brain is also very fast, "I borrow your good words, if I am Guan Gong, the elder brother is Liu Bei. From now on, we will be brothers in life and death." "Yes! Yes! Yes! You are life and death brothers." Assistant Xiao, who is extremely clever, sometimes speaks inappropriately. "If I were Liu Bei, you have to listen to me." Zhao Guozhong stared at the game. "Brother, I'll definitely listen. What card did you say?" Da Hei was so excited that his face turned liver-colored. "No more cards, we have won enough." Zhao Guozhong persuaded, "The God of Destiny bumped into us once, and we will accept it when we are good. If we continue to play, the God of Destiny will drive around the corner." "Okay! I'll listen to my brother." Although Dahei wanted to continue playing, he finally restrained himself, "I want to let my brother know: as long as you say, I will do it." "Brother, no matter what happened in the past, it is a good sign that you can win so much money in Macau during the first month. Let's do a good job this year!" Zhao Guozhong couldn't help being happy. "Brother, don't worry, the more than 3,000 people in the village will thank you and follow you wholeheartedly!" Dahei wanted to give the other party a reassurance. "You are really brothers in life and death, brothers in need!" Assistant Xiao felt the confusing moonlight in Macau, which made people excited and even more intoxicated. The three returned to the hotel, emotions running high.After entering the room, he specially ordered the waiter to bring food and drinks, and began to set up a supper stall in the room.Although Dahei had regained his freedom for many days, tonight he really reached a state of incomparable freedom and relaxation both physically and psychologically. And Zhao Guozhong and Assistant Xiao also put the unhappiness with Yang Juan and others last night behind them.The three called for a bottle of foreign wine and drank it heartily. "How about Guo Tianliang?" Assistant Xiao obviously had a certain purpose in saying this. "Others say he's gloomy and difficult to deal with. I think he's not bad. Regardless of whether he's good or bad, Assistant Xiao can rest assured that I can handle Guo Tianliang's problems well and won't become an obstacle for us." Dahei's posture drinking foreign wine , It's a bit like drinking beer, pouring a big glass into one's stomach, "People say that the foreign wine is delicious, but I don't think it's very good. It tastes similar to the Guilingji from Shanxi." "Don't underestimate your opponent. I heard that Guo Tianliang is not an ordinary person. Apart from other things, after living in prison for so long, he would rather knock out his teeth than utter a word. Even the people who clean him up admire him." Terrible." Assistant Xiao drank the foreign wine very elegantly, "He protected Zhang Guojun, and Zhang Guojun promoted a large number of people, Guo Tianliang is quite powerful." "I have more experience dealing with Guo Tianliang than any of you." Although Dahei is a small coal boss, he has been the village chief for a long time, and his mind is very active. Eat soft but not hard. Guo Tianliang belongs to the second type of person. If you want him to be hard, he is tougher than you. If you want to be soft, he won’t be able to stand it.” "What is his weakness?" Zhao Guozhong was very interested in this topic, "Children? Women? Tears?" "Neither." Dahei grabbed a roast chicken, and his mouth was full of greasy food. "What's that?" Assistant Xiao wanted to pick the chicken out of Dahei's mouth. "Fairness! Do you understand? It's righteousness." Dahei finally swallowed the roast chicken completely. "Don't I care about loyalty?" Zhao Guozhong was a little displeased. "Brother misunderstood." Dahei wiped his hands clean, "Of course you are loyal, otherwise, brother would have died in Vietnam. I said Guo Tianliang's 'loyalty' is a means to deal with him. There are also many Guo in our village. People with Tianliang's personality don't have a good reputation, but they can be loyal. To deal with them, I always use 'loyalty' as a means, and finally settle them." "You kid, on the surface you seem careless, but you have a lot of heart." Zhao Guozhong poured him a glass of wine, "Tell my elder brother, what kind of 'loyalty' method will you use to settle Guo Tianliang?" "It couldn't be simpler. Of course, you need a little cooperation, brother." The cunning Dahei looked at Zhao Guozhong and his female assistant. "How to cooperate?" Assistant Xiao moved closer. "Back to Coal City, you asked someone with weight to come forward and spread the news to the society: The original target of the kidnappers was to kidnap Big Coal boss Guo Tianliang. As a result, he went abroad for the New Year. So he kidnapped his brother Dahei ;Because Guo Tianliang was abroad and could not be contacted, Zhao Guozhong of Huihai acted bravely and rescued Dahei..." Dahei smiled secretly, "The second half is true, and the first half is made up. At the same time, no one can tell the truth from the fake. As long as Guo Tianliang feels: what he owes me, I owe you. Guo Tianliang will voluntarily withdraw from the mine competition.” "If I have the opportunity in the future, I should also be the village head." Assistant Xiao's eyes lit up, "Only when I become a cadre can I grow wiser." In the middle of the night, when Zhao Guozhong, Dahei, and Assistant Xiao were plotting a big event, the other three fellow villagers Zhang Juhai, Wang Wenwen, and Yang Juan who lived in the same hotel also stayed up all night, planning another big event. "At the dinner party, the staff was too complicated. Secretary Duan simply said, what kind of method should be used to compensate us with a big deal of more than 200 million yuan? What kind of deal is it?" Zhang Juhai looked at Yang Juan, wanting to start from The woman knew the details of the matter, "Could it be that we are compensated for a coal mine? That's not right. If the coal mine is compensated, why do we have to arrange for Wen to become the president of the court before it can be implemented?" "That's the ecstasy soup that was deliberately served to us in order to make us withdraw from the mine competition." Yang Juan was persuaded by Duan Tiansheng's rhetoric to quit, and has always been bitter. Wang Wenwen suddenly remembered that when he was about to break up, Secretary Duan gave him a stack of case files and told him to deal with them as soon as he took office. Wang Wenwen, who is a legal professional, immediately dug out the case files and began to analyze the "secrets" hidden behind the case. "Did I just say it for nothing? Oh, no matter what, Lao Duan is my superior after all, and I can't let you, a stinky bitch, spoil it wantonly." Zhang Juhai stared at the donkey's eyes, "If he plays tricks on us, there is no Is it necessary to arrange Wenwen to be the dean? Is it necessary to ask Zhao Guozhong to advance the five million case handling funds in advance? Is it necessary to compensate the big business of more than 200 million?" "It must be Zhao Guozhong's ghost idea. He set up a trick to let us sneak in." In Yang Juan's mind, Zhao Guozhong is the most unkind guy in the world, and Zhao Guozhong is also the most sinister guy in the world. "This case is indeed related to Zhao Guozhong." Wang Wenwen, who had read the file for a long time, raised his head. "Look, I'm not wrong." Yang Juan was proud of her accurate judgment, "Zhao Guozhong came up with an idea to let Duan Tiansheng be the hunter, and finally caught us as prey." "Stop fucking that shit!" Zhang Juhai was still furious, "The old Duan said in front of so many people: as long as this deal is completed, only Zhao Guozhong's capital and 100 million advances for handling the case will be repaid; the rest of the funds will be paid. Five million is a special fund for Secretary Duan, and the remaining two hundred million is ours." "I don't believe what that old pervert said!" Yang Juan was still not convinced. "You're fucking out of your mind. No matter what, the document is the head of the court, and the initiative is in our hands. As long as we can get the money back, no matter how shrewd the old Duan is, can he still snatch it from us?" Zhang Juhai The more you look at women, the less pleasing you are. "Tonight, isn't it the old fox who tricked the cooked duck away?!" Yang Juan was scolded and beaten again, saying that she was mentally unbalanced. "Women are the most fucking stupid people in the world." Zhang Juhai scolded people, saying "fuck" one after another, and his mood was very abnormal. "You know how to make money, and you don't care about the international situation. Now What is the state of the global economy, do you know?" "You also learned the tricks of the old fox: big angle, big vision?" Yang Juan deliberately satirized him. "Fucking nonsense!" Zhang Juhai threw the cigarette butt on the ground, "Now that the world is in a financial crisis, can you, a fucking boss, make a lot of money to compete for mines? How big is that number; I will give it to you The foreigners who invested will go bankrupt immediately, and they can't survive themselves, so where can they raise such a large sum of money?" It seems that the people who are officials are not completely laymen in economics.Yang Juan was finally persuaded by Zhang Juhai, and she fell silent. Zhang Juhai's anger was high: "Old man, if you don't talk about these general situations that everyone knows, it's for my sake, to give you face as a stinky woman, understand?" Yang Juan completely turned off the fire, her face was very embarrassed and embarrassing. "Literature, how are you reading? What's going on with this deal?" Tired of cursing and venting his anger, Zhang Juhai turned and stared at his subordinates. "This is a relatively simple case of arrears." When he was the deputy head of the district, Wang Wenwen had studied law. "Five years ago, Fujian businessmen Huang Youshui and Huang Youchi brothers owed Zhao Guozhong Trading Company nearly 100 million yuan. Coal payment. At that time, coal was relatively tight. In order to get the coal as soon as possible, the two brothers signed an agreement with Zhao Guozhong. There was such a clause: If they could not repay the loan on time, Zhao Guozhong would be compensated with high interest in the future. According to this clause, so far, The debt owed by the two brothers, including the high compensation fee, is more than 300 million..." "Ah, the compensation is more than the cost." Yang Juan was surprised. "Later, the Huang brothers engaged in fake bankruptcy and real debt evasion, and evaporated from Fujian. Recently, Zhao Guozhong sent people to investigate and report: Huang Youshui and Huang Youchi went to Beijing to develop, and currently have assets of several billion. The Huangs under their banner The value of the hot spring club is more than 300 million. Zhao Guozhong filed a lawsuit and asked the court to arrest them for fraud and help recover the total 300 million owed with principal and interest..." Wang Wenwen explained the ins and outs of the case. "Good deal, good deal. 100 million, after five years, it has rolled over to 300 million with principal and interest, what an astronomical figure!" Zhang Juhai lost his temper all night and smiled for the first time, "Documentation , You have studied law, tell me, is it legal to enforce this case? Don’t be like this stinky bitch, because there are loopholes in the law, in the end not only will people laugh at you, but you will have to pay for it.” When the man took the opportunity to scold her again, Yang Juan went into the back room angrily. "There are no obvious loopholes in the law. Repayment of debts is a matter of course. The key is..." Wang Wenwen hesitated to speak. "What's the key?" Zhang Juhai was suddenly worried. "This business is a bit disgusting," Wang Wenwen replied. "Why is it disgusting?" Zhang Juhai still didn't understand. "Although it's legal, it's immoral." Wang Wenwen said quietly, "Secretary, look, is it moral for us to use judicial power to collect debts for individuals? If it gets out, everyone will laugh." "You're not an old man of Taoism. You care about morality and immorality." Zhang Juhai disagreed, "If you want to talk about morality, are you running away from an official morality? Are you dragging Secretary Sun to prostitute morality? You went to Macau to fight the courts Is it moral? Which one is moral now?!" A few words from Zhang Juhai confused Wang Wenwen.
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