Home Categories contemporary fiction red hunter

Chapter 28 Chapter 27 Powerful Figures

red hunter 魏笑宇 6155Words 2018-03-18
"It's 200 boxes!" Ouyang Kai became impatient and waved his hand, "Please make way?" "Kneel down!" The little boss suddenly yelled, and the scene was extremely shocking: five men lined up in a row, all kneeling in front of the jeep. "You... what are you doing?" Ouyang Kai suppressed a smile, pretending to be surprised and asking. Gangwa, 47 years old, commander of the 31st combat zone of the northern military region of T country, the youngest major general of the army in T country, his resume is as follows: Gangwa is definitely a legendary figure in all walks of life in the T country's military.In all the changes in the structure of T country that he has experienced, he can clearly see the situation, find the entry point, and keep himself invincible.Especially after the crisis that began in 2000, Gangwa, who regained a seat in the new government, was even more cunning. He first took advantage of the superior geographical location of his war zone in the northern jungle to deploy all his troops in the deep mountains and old forests. To ensure the absolute safety of your defense zone at various dangerous passes, and then start to get involved in the armed drug breeding, drug trafficking and arms smuggling industries, amassing a lot of wealth for your troops, and using the money to recruit and expand your strength, and continue to go everywhere Be active and bribe government officials to stabilize your position...

On the computer screen, Gangwa's information was displayed one by one. Ouyang Kai, Luo Hong, Fu Xiaofeng, and Hao Tou looked dignified. In the satellite image displayed on the screen beside him, Orion was also frowning. "Such a person, country T let him guard the border town, can you rest assured?" Fu Xiaofeng said angrily. Pickaxe kept pulling more and more information out of the computer, and his tone seemed a little low: "Of course the government of country T is worried, but there is nothing they can do about him, and those politicians who have been bribed by him are all worried. When he speaks, even if someone has any unfavorable views on him, they will all be stifled. Today, this guy is a bit of a warlord of a separatist party, and the government will not be able to move him. If he turns against him, country T The government has a big problem, the 31st combat zone is all deep in the mountains and old forests, who dares to touch that bad luck?"

"I can't imagine, how could that Nakata Harumi get involved with him?" Luo Hong continued the conversation in distress, "It seems that we will have to spend a lot of trouble this time!" "Shotgun, what do you think?" On the screen transmitted from the satellite, Orion looked at Ouyang Kai who had been silent all this time and asked. Ouyang Kai thought for a moment, and said seriously: "Now that the situation has been clarified, it was this Gondwa who intercepted the pickaxe and rescued Harumi Nakata that day, so it can be sure that there must be a close relationship between Nakata and Harumi Nakata. Now Harumi Nakata suddenly Disappeared, probably hiding in the sphere of influence of Gondwa. I thought about it for a long time, and it seems that there is no better way except for us to go to the northern part of country T to investigate."

"But that's where Gondwa's garrison is located, and there are nearly ten thousand jungle troops stationed in the deep mountains and old forests!" Orion said worriedly, "This is not like the previous reconnaissance. Once something goes wrong, it will poke a big hornet's nest I see, can you think of a way to understand the real situation from the side?" "I think so too, but there is really no suitable solution yet..." Ouyang Kai said with obvious apology on his face. In Orion's memory, his capable subordinate seldom behaved like this today, and it seemed that things were really difficult.

"I have a suitable person here." Pickaxe said after thinking. "Who?" Ouyang Kai and Luo Hong asked anxiously at the same time. Pickaxe thought for a while, and quickly called up a document on the computer.The photo in the file shows a man from T country with dark skin and shawl hair. On the lobe of his left ear, a huge platinum earring shines brightly. Pickaxe pointed to the photo and said, "This man's name is Jidilu. I have dealt with him in a previous case. He is a well-known arms dealer in the northern part of country T, and has connections with some large arms dealers in North America. As far as I know, this guy bridged many of Gondwa's arms deals. He has free access to Gondwa's defense zone and has a good personal relationship with Gondwa. My thinking is that if we can control him, maybe Then we can find a way to investigate Gondwa.”

"Is it too difficult?" Orion asked after thinking about it. Pickaxe said with a smile: "It shouldn't be too difficult. This Jidilu arms business is doing well, but he is very timid, and he is particularly hesitant. Back then, because of an arms case involving our country, he was investigated by our powerful unit and was scared to death. Have a deep respect for our powerful unit. I think if we find him, he should not be stubborn." "That's good." Orion said with a little reassurance, "Shotgun, you should start with Jidilu and try it first. In short, you must remember that you must buy time as soon as possible, once Harumi Nakata recovers , it is bound to continue to implement the death list, and if something happens again, we will have no way to explain it to the headquarters!"

"Yes!" Ouyang Kai nodded. Immediately, Orion closed the video call, and Ouyang Kai, Luo Hong, and Fu Xiaofeng who were present all turned their attention to the pickaxe. Ouyang Kai asked: "Hautou, the Jidilu you mentioned just now, where can we find him?" ?” Pickaxe nodded, pulled up the map of the northern part of country T from the computer, and pointed his finger at a location: "He should be here." Ouyang Kai looked in the direction of the pickaxe finger. It was a small town surrounded by deep mountains called "Yipu Town". Pickaxe pointed to the location of Yipu Town and said: "This town has a total population of less than 1,000 people. Jidilu is a native of this town. He is regarded as the emperor of the town. Everyone in the town followed him to sell arms and made a fortune. Jidilu is a man. Be very cautious, and don’t leave the town easily except when going out to do business.”

"Won't the country T government arrest him?" Fu Xiaofeng asked suspiciously. Pickaxe said with a smile: "The government of Country T has been plagued by turmoil in recent years, and the management of weapons has always been lax. In addition, this Jidilu is so exquisite that the local government officials have long been relying on his tribute. Who cares about him? What’s more, there are people like Gondwa protecting this guy behind him!” "Then let's go to Yipu Town as soon as possible." Luo Hong looked very anxious. "Don't be busy." Pickaxe waved his hand, "Let's go alone can't deter Ji Dilu, we have to ask comrades from powerful units to help, I will contact you immediately."

Yipu Town is surrounded by mountains, surrounded by endless jungles. The only way to enter the town is a winding mountain road that winds from south to north. The road in disrepair is full of potholes. A dark green car The off-road jeep is bumping and moving forward at high speed like a boat in a stormy sea. In the car, Pickaxe is sitting in the co-pilot position, Ouyang Kai, Luo Hong, and Fu Xiaofeng are sitting in the back, and a man in his thirties is sitting in the driver's seat. Bin. "Brother Qi, tell us about what happened to Jidilu back then." Haotou glanced at Qi Bin and said with a smile.

Qi Bin laughed first, and then said with relish: "Speaking of this Jidilu, it's interesting. That year, our headquarters received a report from the Interpol that a batch of light weapons with large destructive power were about to pass through the northern jungle of T country to our country. Province Y transported in. At that time, the headquarters attached great importance to this case. In addition to ordering the border patrol force to strengthen the patrol and search of the border line, it also sent several of our investigators to country T for investigation. "At that time, we targeted several well-known arms dealers in country T, and investigated them one by one. A partner and I were in charge of this Jidilu. We went to Yipu Town as an arms buyer. At that time, we planned to There are many plans to deal with emergencies. Unexpectedly, as soon as we found Jidilu in Yipu Town, he panicked. First, he prepared ten gold bars for each of us. After being rejected by us, he became even more nervous. We begged for mercy, but in the end we took out 20 boxes of brand new AK-47s and 15 boxes of M16 automatic rifles, and personally sent people to our border inspection station.

"We were very excited at the time, thinking that the case would be solved. After a few days, guess what? Our other team of investigating comrades found the batch of arms from another arms dealer, and the batch of arms had been shipped to We are at the border, and we were immediately searched by our border guards! This Jidilu has nothing to do with this case at all, he is afraid of offending us and wants to spend money to eliminate disasters!" Everyone in the car laughed together, Luo Hong smiled and asked, "Why is this person so afraid of us?" Qi Bin explained: "We were also surprised at the time. Later, we found out that this Jidilu is a China hand. He used to do business in our country when he was young. At that time, he speculated and smuggled prohibited goods, and was caught by our government. He was sentenced to three years in prison and received three years of ideological education from our prison guard comrades in the prison. After he came out, he was stimulated. When he saw the Chinese police on TV, he couldn’t help but stand up and shout to report to the government. Until he returned to China, Being an arms dealer, I still can't get rid of this experience, and I have a deep awe of China's powerful units... As soon as we found him, he was frightened at the time, thought and thought, and thought of a way to calm things down, Only then did I take the initiative to admit my mistake and gave us a large number of weapons for nothing..." When Qi Bin said this, everyone in the car was laughing. At this time, the jeep turned a big bend in the mountains and stopped on the side of the road. Qi Bin pointed to the side mountain and turned his head and said, "Turn this mountain, and you can see Yipu Town." "Okay." Ouyang Kai ordered sternly, "Hunting Knife, Hound, get off here. Although we are somewhat sure about Jidilu, we still have to be on the safe side." "Yes!" Luo Hong and Fu Xiaofeng got out of the car, and Fu Xiaofeng got out with a big suitcase from the trunk. "Little guy, can you do it?" Luo Hong glanced at Fu Xiaofeng's shoulder and asked. "It hurts a little, it's okay!" Fu Xiaofeng smiled, and deliberately lifted the arm carrying the box. Immediately, the two climbed along the hillside towards the top of the mountain. "Let's go." Putting down the two, Qi Bin started the car again, and galloped forward with Ouyang Kai and the pickaxe. Luo Hong and Fu Xiaofeng climbed to the top of the mountain in one breath, and opened the box. Inside was a Bartley m82a1 anti-materiel sniper rifle and a full set of high-power observation equipment that had been calibrated beforehand. Luo Hong skillfully assembled the sniper rifle, looked around, and found a hidden location. There were two cyan rocks obliquely growing among the grass on the top of the mountain, and there happened to be two people lying down in the middle. Fu Xiaofeng looked down the mountain with a high-power laser rangefinder, and Ouyang Kai and others had already parked their cars at the entrance of the town. "Let's get out of the car and walk in here." Qi Bin glanced at a miniature camera above the intersection and said in a low voice, "This is the rule of Yipu Town. Walk in to show no hostility." "It's kind of like military officials getting off their horses and civilian officials getting off their sedan chairs." Pickaxe said with a smile. "Where is it? It's not that Jidilu is cautious by nature." Qi Bin said in a low voice. "Someone is coming." Ouyang Kai suddenly reminded the two in a low voice, Qi Bin and Hao Tou hurriedly looked around, the road leading to the town was empty, where is there anyone?The two of them were stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized, and subconsciously looked towards the top of the mountain behind. "A paratrooper assault vehicle, including five drivers." Before Ouyang Kai finished speaking, the sound of the car engine came, and an old-style paratrooper assault vehicle appeared at the end of the small road leading to the town. The man from the T country stood up from the car, each holding a different type of light weapon in his hand. He saw Ouyang Kai and the other three from a distance, and gestured to them to stop moving forward. The three stopped and waited quietly. The assault vehicle drove up close. "What are you doing?" A leader-like man jumped out of the car with an AK-47 first, and looked at the three strangers suspiciously. The others got out of the car, including the driver, pointing their weapons at three people. "Friends from the east, come to Jidilu to talk about business." Qi Bin replied calmly in T Mandarin. "A friend from the east? What a friend from the east? Our boss is not here!" The leader rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "What business do you have, it's the same with us." "You guys? I'm afraid you can't make the decision." Qi Bin sneered, pretending to be respectful and approaching Ouyang Kai on purpose, and said, "Boss, Ji Dilu is not here, what do you think?" "Not here? Then why are we wasting time?" Ouyang Kai said carelessly, "He's not the only one who sells arms. If he's not here, we'll go find someone else!" "Boss..." Seeing this, the pickaxe at the side hurried over and said cautiously, "I heard that Jidilu's price here is quite fair..." "What's fair or not?" Ouyang Kai rolled his eyes and said loudly, "Then there are a large number of guys, who can we turn to to lower the price? Besides, what the big boss wants is time, so spending more money is nothing? boarding!" Ouyang Kai returned to the car first without hesitation, Qi Bin and Hao Tou made a helpless look and followed him to the car. The performances of the three were very good. The five men looked at me and I looked at you. It wasn't until they got into the car that they suddenly realized that they chased after them and blocked in front of the car. "What? Are you doing business or robbery?" Ouyang Kai rolled down the window glass and shouted impatiently. "Hey, this boss, don't be in a hurry to leave." The little boss said with a smile, "How many weapons do you want to buy?" "You don't need to worry about this, anyway, your boss is not here, so can you manage it?" Qi Bin said angrily on purpose. "Whether our boss is here or not depends on how big your business is?" Not only did the boss say something shameless, but he still stood in front of the car and refused to let the three of them go. "We need at least 200 for the thing you are holding in your hand." Ouyang Kai said with narrowed eyes. "This? 200?" The little boss was startled, and picked up his AK-47 automatic rifle. He couldn't help looking it up and down, then turned his head suddenly, and said in a more courteous tone, "200 AKs! This is no problem..." "It's 200 boxes!" Ouyang Kai became impatient and waved his hand, "Please make way?" "Kneel down!" The little boss suddenly yelled, and the scene was extremely shocking: five men lined up in a row, all kneeling in front of the jeep. "You... what are you doing?" Ouyang Kai suppressed a smile, pretending to be surprised and asking. "Our boss said that all the big customers who come to Yipu Town are our grandpas! Grandpas, please get off the bus, our boss is waiting for you!" The little boss replied fluently as if reciting service terms. Ouyang Kai, Qi Bin, and Haotou, these three experienced people who have experienced various scenes, have never seen such a battle before them, and their stomachs are about to cramp from laughing, but they can't show it on the surface, so they have to forcefully tense up. Get out of the car with a straight face. The two on the top of the mountain were different. Luo Hong and Fu Xiaofeng, who heard the whole process clearly through the satellite talker in Ouyang Kai's ears, almost rolled down from the top of the mountain without laughing. "Did you two see that? In the future, when doing business, you should also learn from others' good sense of service." Ouyang Kai "seriously reprimanded" Qi Bin and Haotou, then turned his head and said kindly, "Then, please lead the way?" The little boss jumped up from the ground with a "chuckle" and trotted over first, and opened the car doors for Ouyang Kai and others one by one: "Our boss has a rule that big customers can drive in, grandpas please! But let's talk ugly, if If you didn't buy the goods in the end, don't blame us for being rude!" Dare to say that this grandpa is not called for nothing, he is a man who gives courtesy first and then soldiers, but this courtesy is really a bit too big. Afterwards, five men from Yipu Town drove a paratrooper assault vehicle in front, and Qi Bin drove a jeep behind, and entered the town smoothly all the way—it was said to be a town, but it was actually not that big, about two kilometers from east to west. With a population of more than a thousand, a total of more than a dozen rows of houses are distributed on both sides of the street leading to the town. As soon as the jeep of Ouyang Kai and others entered, groups of town residents immediately appeared on the originally quiet street. When everyone saw the car driving in, they knew that it was a big customer. All of them had smiles on their faces. It's almost a welcome line. The paratroopers brought the jeep all the way to a relatively tall building in the center of the town. The style of the building should be a temple, but at this time the walls were mottled and the temple gate was replaced by a large iron gate. The five men jumped out of the car excitedly, the little boss opened the big iron door, ran over and made a respectful "please" gesture to the three people in the jeep, then opened the car door himself, and led Ouyang Kai and the three out. Get out of the car and enter the big iron gate. In a small narrow courtyard, there were several ruined temple steles whose words could no longer be read clearly. After entering a wooden door inside, a spacious hall suddenly appeared in front of everyone.There had long been no Buddha statues in the hall, replaced by a long row of sofas and chairs. "Three, please sit down! We'll go find the boss right away." The little boss and the other men put the three of them in the middle of a row of sofa chairs one by one like a Buddha, and ran out again. At this moment, the seats of the three were facing the gate, and more and more people from Yipu Town gathered outside the gate, all blocking the door to "appreciate" the sitting posture of the three, which made Ouyang Kai and the others a little uncomfortable. Within five minutes at most, I heard a person shouting urgently from outside the gate: "Where are the grandpas? Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Under his yelling, the crowd of onlookers quickly parted into a passage, and a thin man with long hair in a shawl ran in hastily. He looked almost the same as the man in the profile photo. The two iconic stud earrings are shining, it should be that Ji Dilu without a doubt. Ji Dilu ran into the hall in three steps at a time. First, he stood in front of the three people, then respectfully put his hands together, bowed to the three people, and then knelt down to worship.The whole process was funny and grotesque, but Ji Dilu did it meticulously, with a solemn expression like a pilgrimage. After finishing the ceremony, Jidilu stepped forward with a smile on his face, glanced at the faces of the three people, and then narrowed his eyes, and asked in several languages ​​one by one: "People from country R? People from country H?" ?...People from Country Y?" Ouyang Kai shook his head one by one, looking at him with a smile. Ji Dilu was taken aback, his attitude suddenly became less respectful, and he said in fluent Chinese: "Are you from Hong Kong? Or Taiwanese? I'm sorry, I never do business with Chinese people." "We are from mainland China." Qi Bin said. Ji Dilu shivered subconsciously, staring at Qi Bin, and suddenly waved his hand, and a dozen men with automatic rifles rushed up outside the door, all the weapons were unsafe, and the bullets were loaded! "Are you kidding me? Do you think I'm a fool? Guns have been banned in mainland China for decades, why are you buying 200 cases of AK?" Ji Dilu asked coldly, and then said viciously, "Come to my shop I will treat you as grandpas to buy arms, if you come to make trouble, you will not be able to get out!" "Jidilu, you are such a noble person who forgets things." Qi Bin laughed loudly, "We haven't seen each other for a few years, you don't know me anymore?" "Huh?" Ji Dilu couldn't help being startled, and looked Qi Bin up and down again, Qi Bin smiled and drew a beard on his face. "Everyone get out! Close the door! Get away!" Ji Dilu suddenly turned around, and the subordinates who rushed in and the crowd standing outside the door roared angrily. Those people were all taken aback, quickly put away their guns in desperation, and closed the door from the outside, and all the townspeople watching the excitement outside the gate also scattered and left. Ji Dilu cried and knelt down on the ground again.
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