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sunken land

sunken land


  • contemporary fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 272771

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Chapter 1 preface

sunken land 周梅森 1695Words 2018-03-18
History is the reality of the past. For history, each generation has a generation of understanding and thinking.In the creation of historical novels, the next generation must not simply repeat the previous generation.I hope that the five series of novellas I dedicate to readers can bring some of my understanding and thinking about that period of history. This understanding and thinking is based on the real life I am in, and is deepened step by step. In the "vigorous" year, I was ten years old, in the third grade of elementary school, and the school was closed, so we drifted into the society. We were too young to be qualified for "rebellion", and we did not accomplish a vigorous "big cause", so we came into contact with I learned about "art", and spent all day in the storytelling field in the mining town, listening to Jianghu artists talk about Dagushu.The small heads of these "artists" are filled with thousands of years of condensed history. With a beat of a flat drum and a grin of the mouth, they can talk about the world from Pangu to the current leader Chairman Mao.All my historical knowledge in my youth was obtained from them, and for many years later I could not distinguish the order of Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing, so I should "attribute" to them.

After the "Vigorous and Vigorous", the literary world was deserted as never before.It seems that life still needs some literature to decorate the appearance, so eight "model plays" appeared. That's when I started dreaming of being a writer. The "great era" has created a new generation of illiterates who are not great, and I am one of them, and I am quite courageous and bold.At the very beginning, I wrote a novel, worth 300,000 words, and confidently submitted it to the People’s Literature Publishing House. A few years later, I worked as a miner in a coal mine, and one day the manuscript was returned intact. .After that, I wrote two more novels and three screenplays, but the result was still a disastrous failure, creating a lot of unsalable language garbage.However, this has exercised my fighting spirit and perseverance, and at the same time, it has also given me some support in my spiritual life. It is quite fortunate that I did not become a rogue in that harsh environment.

Ten years have passed. I gradually had "thoughts", which were hazy at first and consisted of a series of question marks. It was not until after the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party that I dared to break the spiritual shackles in my mind and began to think about some seemingly It's a "deviant" question.I want to find the historical root of the feudalism in the "Cultural Revolution", and re-understand our national spirit objectively and fairly. Our nation is great and feudal at the same time, because we have thousands of years of feudal history, the national spirit must be colored with feudalism.Here again involves the evaluation of feudalism.Undoubtedly, feudalism is reactionary, decadent, and declining. However, this explanation alone may not be enough.Everything that exists has its rationality, and feudalism seems to be viewed in the same way.Just imagine, if the representatives of feudalism in daily life were villains like Liu Wencai, would feudalism last thousands of years in Chinese history?Can feudal remnants have such a powerful influence on today's life?

It was also at this time that I found the ancient and great land on the old course of the Yellow River that belonged to me. Using this land as the background, I wrote the six-year period from the fifteenth year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty to the thirty-seventh year of the Republic of China. Ten years of tragic and suffering history, trying to show a certain connection and inevitable law of history, land and people, to shape a national spirit with an overall sense of reality.These five works were published one after another in three years. After they were published, there was a certain repercussions. When commenting on one of them, an insightful critic wrote: "History is not a destiny in it. The running circle. History completes its optimistic progress through countless personal tragedies... The difficulty of the historical process lies not only in the comparison of material forces, but also in the complex and intricate spiritual fetters." His understanding is accurate, Now is the time to let go of those spiritual fetters!The history of the past, we never want it to repeat itself, but because of those fetters, we sometimes cannot guarantee that it will not repeat itself, so the history has an amazing similarity...

This book may be too heavy, however, the heaviness is not caused by the author; there is also a certain repetition in it, which is also a repetition of history. When the author writes works, sometimes he cannot avoid it. I hope readers can understand this. a little.I don't like frivolous things, fake things, things that whitewash and distort life. Therefore, in the writing of this book, I pursue three unities: the unity of strength, breadth, depth, and thickness of the work; The unity of epic sense, sense of reality and sense of humor; the unity of ideological, literary and readability.This is very difficult. This book obviously does not achieve the unity of the three, and there are still many shortcomings. I am willing to work hard to pursue it in my future creations and strive to write better works.

This book is my second collection of novellas. The three important works in the book, "The Rising Mountains" and "The Black Sun" were all published in "Flower City", so "Flower City" The first and second "Flower City Literature Awards" were sent to me, which strengthened my determination to engage in literary creation.On the occasion of publishing this book, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and high respect to the comrades in the editorial department of "Flower City". Without their support, encouragement, support, and their selfless and hard work, there would be no me. today.I will always remember this.

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