Home Categories contemporary fiction The past of the republic

Chapter 78 Chapter 78

The past of the republic 周梅森 4787Words 2018-03-18
The arrival of Sun Likun and the appearance of Chen Mengxiong gave Liu Gandou another opportunity to make a fortune.When Sun Likun visited the Yazhong Group, he talked a lot about tradition, and kept saying "I think about the past", and Liu Gandou came to the inspiration, and suddenly wanted to make a good article on "the past".The initial idea is as follows: to carry out traditional education in my big half-built house, collect some old furniture according to the characteristics of different ages, and put the used food stamps, cloth tickets, tofu tickets, etc. Tickets, as well as old clothes from the past were hung up one by one, so that little bastards like Liu Xin and elementary and middle school students in the city would pay to visit and receive education.In order to enhance the attractiveness, Liu Gandou even considered displaying some soil cannons from the Red Army era and the kitchen knife used by Comrade He Long in the uprising.

As soon as this plan was mentioned to Sun Di, Sun Di laughed: "Can you also collect the kitchen knives used by the He Long uprising?" Liu Gandou pointed at Sun Di's forehead and smiled coquettishly: "Look, isn't your brain clear again? Find two kitchen knives to make old ones, and mark 'replica' on it, and it's over? Who can say what?! We're going to What to do is to get your grandfather Sun Likun and those old guys that Sun Likun invited from Beijing and provincial capitals to be our consultants for revolutionary traditional education! use of relationships."

Sun Di had to be convinced: "Sister Gandou, you really have an imagination!" Liu Gandou was proud: "Brother, let me tell you, there are only things you can't think of in this world, and there is nothing you can't do! There is another advantage of engaging in traditional education, and you can accept donations. For example, a few days ago, when my uncle was taking a sauna, he met a The big boss in Hong Kong, named Chen Mengxiong, is a famous philanthropist. I heard from my uncle that Chen Mengxiong is busy donating money everywhere, and he has donated it to Africa. He wants to donate one million Hong Kong dollars to us when he is excited. We are not in vain. ?!"

Sun Di said: "Yes, yes, it is very possible." Liu Gandou looked mysterious: "What is the greater benefit? Guess what?" Sun Di looked at Liu Gandou with a dazed expression. Liu Gandou slapped Sun Di on the shoulder desperately: "My brother Sun, the biggest benefit is to go to the East Lake and take a bite! Your grandfather is always worried about our private enterprise, and he doesn't care about our business. Then, let's Let him feel at ease once, and play "Thinking of the Years" with the old man once. When the old man is moved and excited, the tears and nose will not come down together? Why don't you encourage Mayor Liu and Secretary Tang to approve the No. 1 plot by the East Lake? Give it to us? Let’s grasp the two civilizations together, what a group of outstanding young people, the hope of national reform rests on us!”

Sun Di was happy: "This is really killing several birds with one stone, brothers admire, admire!" So, they immediately started to act in full swing, preparing to create an atmosphere of "back then" in the most luxurious Rome Hotel in Yangshan, and put Sun Likun, Chen Mengxiong, and Sun Chenghui on the same table, and announced the plan for traditional education on the table.For this reason, Liu Gandou sent Sun Di to pester his grandfather Sun Likun, and Sun Likun invited Liu Shengli to the banquet together.Liu Gandou knew very well that he couldn't invite the mayor's sister, who had warned Liu Gandou as soon as she came to work in Yangshan: Don't do anything under her banner.

Chen Mengxiong, the fat boss in Hong Kong, is another key figure. When it comes to overseas relations and possible donations, Liu Gandou dragged his uncle Sun Chengwei to visit.As soon as Chen Mengxiong met, he said that Liu Gandou looked like Sun Chenghui, and when he heard that Sun Likun was also in Yangshan, he was immediately happy. Before Liu Gandou could talk about the treat, he asked for a treat first.Liu Gandou insisted on showing his friendship as a landlord, and invited the elders to get together, and Chen Mengxiong happily agreed. His mother, Sun Chenghui, was not easy to deal with. When she saw Liu Gandou coming in, she sneered and said, "Did you come to visit the poor?"

Liu Gandou said with a smile: "Where, where, I'm here to visit my mother!" Sun Chenghui became angry when he thought about what happened at Yazhong Company that day: "You profiteer, do you still have your mother in your eyes? You argued with your uncle for that little bath money in front of me that day. Did you show me the arguing, or did you quarrel with me?" Arguing for sister Panpan to see?" Liu Gandou hurriedly said: "Mom, look at you, have you misunderstood? I criticize my uncle, what does it have to do with you? Don't you always criticize my uncle? Mom, I took your class , continue to educate the old uncle to be a newcomer and follow the right path!"

Sun Chenghui didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Don't talk nonsense to me! In fact, you've already been all the way!" Liu Gandou said: "Okay, let's get down to business—what? I heard that your big business is about to open?" Sun Chenghui said: "Yes, Panpan, like you, is going to be the manager now, the manager of 'Fruit and Flower Company'." Liu Gandou asked: "Who is the chairman?" Sun Chenghui said: "Me! Your mother!" Liu Gandou rushed forward and put his arms around Sun Chenghui's neck: "Oh, mom, you are really rejuvenated? You even fished my sister Panpan out of the big iron pot of socialism? Great contribution!"

Sun Chenghui pushed Liu Gandou away: "Go, go, don't break your mother's neck!" Liu Gandou looked serious: "Mom, in order to celebrate your rejuvenation, Yazhong Group Company invites you to the Rome Hotel for a banquet, and invites Mr. Sun Likun, an older generation of proletarian revolutionist, your old friend Hong Kong Dacheng International Co., Ltd. Mr. Chen Mengxiong, chairman of the board of directors, will accompany you!" Sun Chenghui was taken aback: "Liu Xiaowu, you... what are you kidding?!" Liu Gandou said: "I'm not joking, I've booked all the banquet halls! My uncle will also go."

Sun Chenghui said: "Isn't this too wasteful? Does my small business company need such a big ostentation?" Liu Gandou smiled: "Mom, do you really think I am inviting you? I want you to meet my sixth grandfather and Mr. Chen Mengxiong to renew our friendship. In addition, Mayor Liu will also be present to have fun with the people. And give important instructions. Let's go, let's go, my car is waiting downstairs!" Just as Sun Chenghui followed Liu Gandou out the door, he ran into Liu Xin at the door. Liu Xin asked, "Grandma, where are you and sister-in-law going?"

Sun Chenghui said: "Your sister-in-law insists on inviting me to dinner." Liu Xin laughed: "Grandma, then I will go too!" Liu Gandou deliberately said: "Sister-in-law didn't invite you! You are the master of education, not the master of eating." Liu Xin grabbed Sun Chenghui's hand and shook it: "Grandma, you invited me, right?" Sun Chenghui smiled: "I don't want to invite you either!" Liu Xindao: "Grandma, you must invite me. Sister-in-law must be hosting a Hongmen banquet. It's dangerous if I don't go! Our business company is about to open, we can't live without the chairman! Sister-in-law, I'm going to escort grandma!" Liu Gandou liked Liu Xin quite a lot, and felt that Liu Xin was just another self, so he smiled: "Okay, okay, Liu Xin, my sister invited you together, not only to escort grandma, but also to accompany the guest to help my sister, Sing when you want to sing, dance when you want to dance, and perform well, my sister invites you to be the manager of our public relations department in Asia!" Liu Xin laughed: "Really? Sister-in-law, then I must perform well today!" Sun Chenghui slapped Liu Xin: "Liu Xin, I remind you that you are our business manager now, don't treat the poor and love the rich as a traitor!" Going downstairs, in front of the Mercedes-Benz, he muttered again: "Dare to fight!" , I am not talking about you, you are too wasteful, a car costs more than one million yuan, and I don’t know how much it will cost to eat in such a good place, I think you have forgotten all the hard times in the past!" Liu Gandou smiled and said, "I haven't forgotten, Mom, we want to talk about this today!" Sun Chenghui said: "What? Donate for the Hope Project, or donate for the laid-off workers of the Hongqi Mine?" Liu Gandou said: "Mom, my matter is better than donating money. Just thinking about it, I am deeply moved!" All went well, and the dinner at the Hotel de Rome went ahead as planned that evening. However, something unexpected happened: as the mayor, Liu Shengli couldn't come because the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee was not dispersed. Sun Di was extremely disappointed: "Grandpa, you are here, how dare Mayor Liu not come?" Sun Likun glared at Sun Di: "What nonsense are you talking about?! Is it easy to be the mayor of such a big city?!" Liu Gandou was unhappy in his heart, but he smiled all over his face: "Yes, yes, we won't wait for her, seniors, our colleagues in Yazhong Group are not inviting Mayor Liu today, but seniors, including my dear mother. The seniors have experienced decades of ups and downs with our Republic, and deserve the deep respect of our younger generation. Today, we pay our respects with a glass of thin wine. Come, seniors, toast to your meeting in Yangshan!" Everyone raised their glasses together. The atmosphere at the wine table was very lively that day, and it was not affected much by Liu Shengli's missed appointment. After a few glasses of wine, "remembering the past" is inevitable. Sun Chenghui was the first to start "thinking about the past", and said to Sun Likun: "Uncle Liu, it's so funny to think about the past. In 1959, he ran into communism, and as a result, he ran into three years of natural disasters, which made Mao The chairman can't even eat meat. Over the years of reform and opening up, we have done so well, but we are still in the primary stage of socialism." Sun Likun sipped his wine and said, "That's right, it shows that our party has matured." Chen Mengxiong said: "If you have this level in the primary stage, your socialism will be convincing." Sun Likun sighed: "What a price we paid for this kind of persuasion!" Liu Gandou interjected at the right time: "Grandpa Six, you have spoken so well. The road our country has traveled for decades is so extraordinary! I am a microcosm. I was born in the three-year difficult period you mentioned, and I got the first prize. One is called Difficulty, and when the 'Cultural Revolution' came, well, I called it Dare Dou again! I am a girl, who am I going to fight with!" Sun Likun pointed at Liu Gandou with the tip of his chopsticks, and said with a smile, "I know, your name was given at the scene of the criticism." Liu Gandou pointed at Liu Xin, with an emotional expression: "Little Liu Xin, you really don't know your blessings because you were born in the midst of blessings. You are chasing stars or dancing all day long. During political exams, how did you even answer the 'Cultural Revolution'? I don’t know anything!” Sighed, “You don’t know what kind of life our seniors lived!” Sun Chenghui immediately asked: "Hey, I said Liu Xiaowu, when did you become a senior?" Liu Gandou was startled: "Mom, I'm talking about little Liu Xin. In front of her, I am of course a senior." Sun Likun said: "That's right, dare to fight will also become a senior." Liu Gandou saw that the fire was coming, so he made a casual look and said to Sun Likun: "Grandpa Six, I will take this opportunity of having dinner today to report to you by the way. Comrades have a little understanding of the history of our Republic, and love our reform and opening up even more, and our Yazhong Group plans to hold a large-scale traditional education event.” Sun Likun's eyes lit up: "Okay, okay! For today's young people, traditional education is too much needed! Come on, dare to fight, don't forget the country and educate the next generation for you to get rich, I, an old comrade, toast to you! " Sun Chenghui felt a little strange: "Xiao Wu, why haven't I heard you say this?" Liu Gandou said: "I only do practical things and don't talk empty words. Mom, let me tell you, what we take from the society in Asia and China, we must also give back to the society. Mr. Chen, as the boss of Hong Kong, continues to donate to our Hope Project , as a beneficiary of the reform and opening policy, how can we forget to give back to the society?" Sun Di interjected in time: "Of course, we also accept social donations..." Sun Likun immediately stated: "I will take the lead in donating, and I will also mobilize old comrades to donate together!" Liu Gandou said sincerely: "Grandpa Six, you and the old comrades don't want to donate. You have worked hard for the party and the people all your life, and you are not corrupt officials. How can you donate much? You can be consultants and give us more guidance. In addition, you can donate some educational objects to us.” He continued to introduce, “We plan to build a 1,500-meter exhibition line—Grandpa Liu, do you understand the exhibition line? It is the length of the booth and the display window. .” Sun Likun became a consultant on the spot: "Dare to fight, since I have been asked to be your consultant, I have to express my opinion. My opinion is that the scale may not be so large at the beginning, and it can be developed step by step. Otherwise, your burden will be reduced." It’s too heavy. It’s not good to be a burden. You have to give back to the society and develop yourself.” Liu Gandou recorded solemnly: "Okay, okay, sixth grandpa, your instruction is very important." Chen Mengxiong couldn't sit still: "Miss Liu Gandou, Director Sun is your consultant, I have to support and show my heart. I will donate 800,000 Hong Kong dollars, you must not think too little..." Liu Gandou hurriedly stood up and toasted Chen Mengxiong: "Thank you, thank you, Mr. Chen..." At this exciting moment, Sun Chengwei dozed off untimely again. Liu Gan and Big Dipper touched Sun Chengwei in dissatisfaction. Sun Chengwei woke up: "Ah? Passed? Okay, okay, I agree!" Sun Likun smiled: "Dawei, the resolution we passed is to put back your bad guy hat!" Sun Chengwei grumbled, "Sixth Uncle, what are you talking about! I have been very unlucky in my life. In 1979, as soon as I took off the hat of a bad element, I met this Liu Gandou, and was supervised by Liu Gandou. I have never really freed..." Everyone at the table, old and young, laughed. In the joyous laughter, Liu Gandou suggested that Liu Xin sing a song for the seniors. Liu Xin jumped up like a rabbit: "Okay, okay, I'll sing whatever you want to hear." Sun Chenghui said: "Sing "I am a soldier"!" Liu Xin held the microphone in a dilemma: "Grandma, I don't know how to sing this song." Sun Likun said: "Then sing "Revolutionaries Are Always Young." Liu Xin murmured: "I've never heard of this song—how about I sing "Every Night Is Waiting" for you, okay? It's the one—" Then she sang, "My heart is waiting, Waiting every night..." Sun Likun sighed and said, "Little Liu Xin, can't you sing an exciting revolutionary song?" Liu Xin thought for a while: "Then, then, let me sing "Love Jiangshan More Love Beauty", this song is very exciting!" Sun Likun couldn't laugh or cry, shook his head, and said to Liu Gandou: "Our revolutionary descendants can't sing a single revolutionary song. From this point of view, it is very important for you to engage in traditional education!" Liu Gandou nodded again and again: "Yes, why don't you say that the mistakes in these years are mistakes in education!" Liu Xin is still waiting: "Sister-in-law, is "Love Jiangshan More Love Beauty" okay?" Sun Likun waved his hand: "Okay, okay, you sing!" So, Liu Xin began to sing. When Liu Xin sang, Sun Likun expressed emotion to Sun Chenghui: "Love Jiangshan loves beauty more, and I don't know if they still love us old guys, or the republic we created? Today's young people, thinking In terms of quality and revolutionary will, it is far behind us!" Sun Chenghui felt the same way: "Yes, yes, Sixth Uncle, tell me, what did we pretend to be in our hearts at that time? It was the party, it was the country! They are good, they only have themselves in their hearts, and their eyes are full of money!" Liu Gandou interjected: "So, we must strengthen spiritual civilization education for them..." Sun Chenghui said: "The 'they' I mentioned also includes you! A car costs more than one million yuan, which is simply a crime!" Liu Gandou spread his hands at Sun Likun: "Look, grandpa sixth, my mother just has a prejudice against me and doesn't see some people getting rich first." Then he said loudly to Sun Chenghui half-truthfully, "I know you comrades have Pink eye disease, didn’t I spend a lot of money on traditional education to repay the society!”
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