Home Categories contemporary fiction The past of the republic

Chapter 17 Chapter Seventeen

The past of the republic 周梅森 2505Words 2018-03-18
After more than three months, Sun Chenghui has fully adapted to the teaching work, and he no longer feels nervous when he steps up to the three-foot podium.Political Commissar Qin and Principal Qi took a firm hold. The students were all PLA cadres with good qualities and most of them were more conscious. There were not many things that bothered Sun Chenghui at work. At this time, Liu Cunyi was far from adapting to the study and life of the cultural accelerated school. He often dozed off and ate peanuts in class. For this reason, he was often criticized by his comrades.Liu Cunyi was distressed, and said at the democratic life meeting that he felt sleepy when he sat down, so he had to eat some peanuts.The comrades took turns to criticize him, saying that he did not realize the meaning of marching into culture in his bones, and that he was putting on his old status.Battalion Commander Zhao Qingbo was thinking about the special mission Sun Likun had entrusted to him, so once he wrapped all the peanut shells in Liu Cunyi's desk with handkerchiefs and showed them to Sun Likun.

Sun Likun was very angry when he saw the peanut shells, and asked Zhao Qingbo, "Is this what Liu Cunyi ate in class?" Zhao Qingbo said: "This is just what I ate in the past few days. I didn't pay attention to collecting it before." Sun Likun slapped the table: "Why don't you kick him to death?!" Zhao Qingbo said: "Political commissar, you are joking, after all, do I really dare to kick him?" Sun Likun thought for a while, then waved his hand: "I'll go to your school some time, I'm as good-looking as him!" Uncle Six came as soon as he said that, Sun Chenghui remembered that it seemed to be a Saturday night, when he was studying at night, Uncle Six, accompanied by Principal Qi and Political Commissar Qin, appeared in the classroom very suddenly.Sun Chenghui wanted to go up to say hello, but he didn't dare to see sixth uncle's face was ugly.Liu Cunyi didn't notice the expression on his political commissar, nor did he expect Zhao Qingbo to sue him, so he ran over excitedly from his seat to shake hands with Sun Likun.

Sun Likun didn't smile at Liu Cunyi at all, and waved his hand coldly: "Go back and sit down!" Only then did Liu Cunyi realize that something was wrong, and retreated to his seat in embarrassment. At this moment, Zhao Qingbo winked quietly at Sun Chenghui: "Look, there is a good show!" Next, it really was a good show. Political commissar Qin announced: "Comrades, today's evening self-study is suspended and changed to a class democratic life meeting. First of all, political commissar Sun Likun will give instructions to comrades. Welcome!" The applause immediately rang out.

Sun Likun walked up to the podium amidst applause, and he was annoyed as soon as he opened his mouth: "I have no instructions today! I came here today for a very specific matter. One of our comrades lost something, please come and claim it .” Sun Chenghui and the students were all at a loss, staring at Sun Likun in a daze. Sun Likun put the peanut shells wrapped in a handkerchief on the podium: "Who lost these things? Huh? I ask him to stand up and claim them, hurry up!" Zhao Qingbo took the lead to turn his face to Liu Cunyi, and all the students' eyes were on Liu Cunyi.

Liu Cunyi blushed, stood up in embarrassment under the eyes of everyone, and was forced to walk to the podium. Sun Likun looked at Liu Cunyi angrily and remained silent for a long time. Liu Cunyi didn't dare to take the initiative to get the peanut shells on the podium, and he didn't dare to go back, so he stood blankly in front of the podium, not daring to look at Sun Likun's face, like a child who just got into a catastrophe, Very poor. At that time, Sun Chenghui was standing behind Principal Qi, and he could see Liu Cunyi's embarrassment from the side. For a moment, his heart tightened, and he really wanted to cry for Liu Cunyi.Recalling afterwards, Sun Chenghui still believes that it was at that time that he really accepted Liu Cunyi emotionally.

After being silent for a few minutes, to let Liu Cunyi shine enough, Sun Likun stuffed the peanut shells into Liu Cunyi's hands, and Sun Likun picked up the peanut shells scattered on the stage one by one, and put them in Liu Cunyi's hands like treasures, While putting it on, he said: "Teacher Liu, take it well, take it all for me! If you can't finish it at one time, give it to me again! Commander Liu, you are old and have a good habit. If you don't chew some peanuts, you will get sleepy." If you feel sleepy again, show me more of these peanut shells!" Liu Cunyi was about to cry, lowered his head, without saying a word, returned to his seat and sat down with a large handful of peanut shells in his hands.This incident was remembered by Liu Cunyi for a lifetime. After many years, Liu Cunyi told Sun Chenghui that there was a crack in the ground that night, and he got into it...

Only then did Sun Likun begin to speak: "Comrades, today, I proposed to political commissar Qin and President Qi to hold a democratic life meeting for our students. I proposed it. Naturally, I have something to say, but what should I say? Let's talk first. Let me tell you a story. In 1945, after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, we and the Kuomintang army rushed to take over the Japanese-occupied areas. One of our comrades, who was the deputy battalion commander at the time, took two companies to take over a county. The Kuomintang’s receiving troops fought outside the city. The Kuomintang’s side went up to a regiment, and we only had two companies. Not long after receiving the fire, our two companies were surrounded. The deputy battalion commander who led the team was very brave , is also very witty, while resisting the beating, I asked a dumb old man herding sheep in the encirclement to send me a letter for help. Guess, everyone, what kind of letter is this?"

The students whispered to each other and talked a lot. Sun Likun waved his hand: "This letter is not written with paper, it is made of dough, it is a dried bun!" There was a burst of laughter—even Commissar Qin and Principal Qi also laughed. Sun Likun didn't smile, but his face became more serious: "After receiving this steamed stuffed bun, Mr. Chen and I were puzzled. What does it mean? Why did the deputy battalion commander send us a dried steamed stuffed bun? The teacher realized it first, and said to me, Old Sun, don’t our deputy battalion commander be surrounded? I thought, isn’t it, our great hero is also a big illiterate, only he can put the buns It is connected with the siege, let us guess riddles! We just reinforced overnight and solved the siege for our heroic deputy battalion commander..."

The laughter in the classroom became louder, and Sun Chenghui noticed that Zhao Qingbo laughed the loudest, even a little exaggerated. Only Liu Cunyi didn't smile, his expression was very painful, and his eyes were moist. After Sun Likun told the story, he said: "Comrades, is this ridiculous? It's not ridiculous at all to me! One step too late, our deputy battalion commander and his two companies will be finished! More than three hundred People are heroic! Because of what? Just because of a letter! Think about it, if this dry bun was eaten by a dumb old man who herded sheep, what would we do? The former deputy battalion commander is sitting here now. Don’t name him, give him another chance to correct his mistakes, if he doesn’t correct again, I will remove him from his post and expel him from the party!”

No one expected that as soon as Sun Likun said this, Liu Cunyi stood up bravely: "Political Commissar Sun, you...don't keep secrets for me, I...I admit to my comrades that the deputy battalion commander back then It was just me. One hundred and twenty-one comrades were sacrificed in that battle, and I was also wounded in that battle..." After finishing speaking, wept. Sun Chenghui also shed tears for some reason, and she didn't even know when they fell. Sun Likun looked at Liu Cunyi, and then he smiled a little: "Okay, Comrade Liu Cunyi, please sit down. Next, the democratic life of our students will officially begin. Everyone must review their study and work at this stage. A serious review..."

When the students held a democratic life meeting, Sun Likun called Sun Chenghui outside the door and asked about Sun Chenghui's situation. Sun Chenghui's head was full of Liu Cunyi, and he briefly talked about his own business, then asked Sun Likun incomprehensibly: "Uncle Liu, why are you so disrespectful to Head Liu? You were a guard, didn't you?" Sun Likun nodded and said: "Yes, because of this, I can't save face for him today. If I don't punish him today, he will have trouble at work in the future." Then he criticized Sun Chenghui and said, "Xiao Hui Ah, you too, Liu Cunyi's situation, why didn't you tell me? It wasn't Zhao Qingbo who came looking for me, I don't know yet!" It was Liu Cunyi's subordinate Zhao Qingbo who reported it, and Sun Chenghui couldn't help being surprised. Because of Liu Cunyi's humiliation, Sun Chenghui has since lost his good impression of Zhao Qingbo.
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