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Chapter 4 The fourth chapter confirms Tian Dongqin's conjecture

black grave 周梅森 3331Words 2018-03-18
Heading into the courtyard, the lights in the east wing came on, and with a "squeak" sound, Tian Danao saw through the crack of the door that the third cousin who was shifting was wearing a rough blue double-breasted coat, trembling. He came out of the east wing with a lamp in his hand.The light in the lamp flickered, illuminating his wrinkled walnut skin-like face. "Who is it?" "Third Cousin, it's me!" The third cousin opened the latch of the gate: "Oh, it's a riot! What's the matter?" "I... I... I have... something to do with the second master."

The third cousin yawned loudly: "Why can't I tell you clearly? It's the middle of the night!" "Third Cousin, I... I have something urgent, please call me all the time, maybe... maybe the second master is still asleep!" "Well, I'll go and have a look!" The third cousin grumbled, and entered the second courtyard with a lamp in his hand. Looking at the third cousin's curved back, Tian Danao suddenly regretted it, "Fuck me, did I just lose my head or something?"Came here in the middle of the night!You woke up the second master from his sleep right now, and he won't agree to anything he can promise!Even if he hasn't fallen asleep, and is talking with someone at the table of the Eight Immortals, if he is reading and writing there, you can't disturb him; although the second master treats people with a benevolent heart and a kind face, he is not a cat. Agou can disturb you at will!

He felt a little apprehensive, and wanted to turn around and slip away. However, at this moment, the disaster happened.The ground under his feet swayed suddenly, the doors and windows of Tian's courtyard slammed loudly, and after the gate building behind him shook a few times, a corner of the "boom" collapsed, and the falling plaster bricks almost fell on him. body. He heard a heavy rumbling sound like thunder rolling across the valley. He didn't know where the sound came from and where it was going. Anyway, he heard this sound, this mysterious and terrifying sound.He felt the sound now lingering in the night sky above his head, and now surging deep in the earth beneath his feet.

He forgot everything, including his guilt and regret, he even forgot his original purpose of coming here.Afterwards, he still insisted that it was God's will, it was God's will that made him come to the second master's courtyard in the middle of the night, just to rescue the second master from the disaster! He didn't hesitate anymore, and shouted loudly: "Get up! Get up! The ground is shaking, get up!" while breaking into the second courtyard and into the second master's bedroom. At the door of the second master's bedroom, he first saw the third cousin who was knocked to the ground.He didn't bother to help him, but pushed open the door of the second master's room, and carried the second master who was lighting the lamp out of the room.Afterwards, the second grandmother also ran out of the house shouting and screaming.

At this time, many people crowded out of Erjin's courtyard, the sons and grandchildren of the Erlord, servants who looked after the house and guards, and long-term workers were all standing in the courtyard.In their frightened eyes, they saw at the same time the terrible fire above Dahua Company, the derrick of the big well burning violently, and the wood on the derrick flying around in the dark night sky with the sound of explosions. fall…… Tian Dongqin, the second master's distant brother and Tian Danao's distant uncle, who was packing the cabinet in the company, was the first to come to the conclusion that this was not an earthquake, but an explosion of dirty air in the mine.

At this moment, the thrilling siren sounded for a long time, conclusively confirming Tian Dongqin's conjecture. "Go! Make a fuss, go and have a look!" The second master put on his clothes, and surrounded by a group of servants, walked out of the courtyard, and crowded into Boundary Street with all the people in the street. At this time, the Fenjie Street, which was about two feet wide, was filled with terrified crowds. Among them were the elderly, children, daughters-in-law, and young children. Anxiety and expectation were condensed on the faces of each of them.Crying, shouting, heart-piercing screams, mixed with sirens trembling in the night sky, turned the whole town of Tianjiapu upside down.

Without anyone directing or guiding people, the people on Fenjie Street rushed towards Dahua Company like a tidal wave, just like the Yellow River burst in the first year of Xianfeng, with mournful din and waves that drowned everything, crazily rambling Entering the gate of Dahua Company... On that turbulent night, a twelve-year-old child and an old widow who had lost her man were the first to lose their lives. They were overwhelmed by the frantic flow of people, and before they had time to get up, they were trampled to death by countless feet... Hu Gongye, Hu Delong, happened to have a stomachache that night. He believed that it was framed by Zhang Datou, the chairman of the town council.The dog Zhang Datou is the nephew of Zhang Heran, the governor of Ningyang County, and the relationship between Zhang Heran and Tian Dongyang is extraordinary. From this, it can be concluded that the vicious Tian family also participated in this frame-up conspiracy.Master Hu Gong thought about it now, but he still felt regretful. At that moment, he said that he shouldn't eat that can of pickled cucumbers at all!Don't say that the jar of pickled cucumbers was brought from Yangzhou, even if it was brought from some fucking "Java country", it shouldn't be eaten!Right now, it is the Republic of China, and everyone is in "politics", how can there be no "political" conspiracy in this pickle?If Zhang Datou colluded with Tian Dongyang in advance and poisoned the pickled cucumber, wouldn't Master Hu Gong's old life be ruined in vain?Yes, be careful!

Maybe—maybe it wasn't pickled cucumbers that framed Master Hu Gong.If it's not pickles, then it must be the bowl of fat intestines.Think about it!With pickled cucumbers, fat large intestines, and the bad-tasting sorghum, how well-planned and vicious is the plot?How do you let Lord Hu Gong be on guard, how to be vigilant?You can't stop eating or drinking, right?Not eating or drinking is obviously looking down on others. As the elder of the Hu family and the highly respected deputy speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Hu Gong must not put on airs like this!eat!You have to eat as much as you want!It's all about "politics".

Lord Hu Gong's recent "politics" is to get rid of Tian Dongyang's chairman of the board of directors in Tianjiapu Town. No matter who this seat is for, Tian Dongyang can't sit for it anyway!For this reason, he joined forces with Zhang Datou, and secretly conducted a long "discussion" in Zhang Datou's study.He declared: The Hu family and the Hakka villagers unanimously support Zhang Datou to be the chairman of the board of directors, because only Zhang Datou is the chairman, a bowl of water can be leveled, and he, Hu Gong, will surrender, otherwise, hum! The meaning is very clear, Lord Hu Gong has a strong appeal among the Hu family, Hakka villagers and kiln dwellers, as long as Lord Hu Gong speaks out, there will be a few more or even dozens more on the boundary street of Tianjiapu Corpse, a fight with weapons is inevitable!Didn't the people in Tian's family call him a fierce god and a murderer?He is a vicious god, a murderer!Otherwise, why did the Hu family gain a foothold on this land?This fucking was all forced out by the bastards of the Tian family!

Master Hu Gong didn't read the Four Books and Five Classics very well, and he didn't write stereotyped essays smoothly, but he thought he was very good, and it was said that he was both civil and military!People with both civil and military skills naturally want to engage in "politics". Besides, engaging in "politics" is a very lively thing. Lord Gong is born to be lively, and he can't live a peaceful life, so he naturally wants to engage in "politics".From a political point of view, Lord Gong feels that something has to happen one after another in this world to be plausible, so that he can take the opportunity to show his ability and show his uniqueness. His "political" talent The merits and virtues are complete.Think about it, the Hu family, who was born in the Nian Party, actually had a "tribute student" in the Qing Dynasty—whether it was a donation or an examination, it was a "tribute student" anyway, what an honor it must be !Just because of this, he is the chairman of Tianjiapu's board of directors!

Naturally, this meaning cannot be revealed in front of Zhang Datou, Master Hu Gong knows strategy!Lord Hu Gong's mind is by no means as simple as Tian Dongyang imagined, and he is not only good at killing and making trouble. Once Lord Hu Gong gets involved in "politics", he will be much smarter.Master Hu Gong wants to borrow Zhang Datou, and Zhang Heran, the county magistrate of Zhang Datou's second uncle, to get rid of Tian Dongyang and become the chairman of the board of directors himself! So, the conversation was very speculative and happy, and it was very late, so he ate a meal at Zhang Datou's house; then he was framed and ran away... That night, Master Hu Gong ran to the toilet behind the house three times. When I squatted down on the stone steps of the latrine for the third time, there was almost nothing in my stomach to excrete, only a burst of pain.He squatted on the stone pit for a long time, and after the bursts of pain passed, he pulled up his pants and prepared to go back to the room and lie down.As soon as he got out of the toilet and walked to the garden in the front yard, he was thrown to the ground by the violent vibration from the ground. For a while, he didn't realize that it was a disaster. He thought it was because he was weak and unable to support himself, and he tripped over something; later, he suspected Zhang Datou more deeply, and concluded that he was poisoned and suffered a serious injury. framed.He suddenly felt a bit afraid, he felt that he shouldn't say so much in front of Zhang Datou, he would lose his words if he said too much, he must have slipped his words after drinking, exposed his heart, and aroused Zhang Datou's jealousy, so... He lay on the ground and cried out: "Come here! Come here!" I don't know whether it was he who woke up the people in the family, or the vigorous explosion from the ground woke up the dream of this big family. All the children, grandchildren, servants, and servants ran out—but no one noticed his existence. They were all looking around in panic. At this time, Master Hu Gong began to wake up. He noticed that something seemed to have happened in this small town. The rumbling sound, which had never been heard before, faintly spread to his ears against the wet ground.Then, like all Tianjiapu people, he also saw the thick smoke and fire rushing into the air, and saw the fire leaping up into the night sky spectacularly, like a dazzling sun that was close at hand!There was no light in his courtyard, but the fire illuminated the entire courtyard like daytime! Master Hu Gong jumped up from the ground and stared blankly at the fire and the burning derrick.After a while, he asked the family members around him: "What's going on? Huh? What's going on? Did Dahua Company catch fire?" "Master Gong, I'm afraid... maybe the dirty air in the mine exploded? Otherwise, it wouldn't be so powerful." The one who said this was a servant who had been in a kiln. Dirty explosion!Yes, Master Hu Gong understands, this is so dirty, when Li Hongzhang, the governor of Zhili during the Guangxu period, set up an official kiln in Qingquan, he blew it up once, killing hundreds of people! it is good!Well fried. The stomach pain disappeared all of a sudden, and Master Hu Gong seemed like he had just had enough of a cigarette addiction, and he suddenly cheered up unprecedentedly. He felt that this was his chance to show his talents and clean up the world.He must not stand by and stand by whatever he says, and do a good job for Tianjiapu Town, for the suffering kiln workers, and for further expanding his political influence!
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