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Chapter 44 Chapter 43: Sea of ​​Blood

second handshake 张扬 7771Words 2018-03-18
The scientists were silent and got up and left the table one after another.Brigadier General Bernas and Colonel Griffin also carried their briefcases and walked out of the conference room lightly.As soon as the female professor stood up, Perry whispered, "Joan, please stay." The general pressed the bell and called the waiter: "Open all the windows! Also, two cups of coffee—oh, no, two cups of tea, green tea." After speaking, the general left the round table with a bulging black leather bag , led Ding Jieqiong to a row of single sofas and sat down; he groped all over his body, and finally found a box of Camel brand cigarettes, took out one, said "I'm sorry", and put it in his mouth...

"I've never seen you smoke, General." "Suck today!" Perry lit his cigarette, took a drag, and coughed a little.He stared at the front, pondered for a while, stubbed out the cigarette butt that he had just smoked for two or three puffs, opened the black leather bag, took out a thick stack of files, and put them on the big coffee table in front of him: "It's like this, Joan, I brought some Please take a look at the information. Just read it here. I have something else to do, come back later." After Perry finished speaking, he glanced at his watch and left in a hurry.

Perry often brought some "materials" to Joan to read, usually technical information and research reports, sorted into files, and sometimes asked Joan to give oral or written opinions on the spot or as soon as possible.Probably so again this time.A stack of dossiers was more than half a foot thick.In Ding Jieqiong's memory, the general had never brought so many "materials" for her to read.She leaned forward, but saw the title: "The Fall of Lushun" printed on the white cover of the top file in large English letters. Lushun?The fall of Lushun?What kind of information could this be?Ding Jieqiong opened the file, and an old book suddenly appeared in front of her eyes: "The Fall of Lushun"—oh, it turned out to be the title of a book.Oxford edition in 1896, almost half a century ago.According to the introduction on the title page, the author Josephine Allen was a British businessman who had been doing business in India, Malaya and China for many years; when Japan invaded Taiwan in 1874, he was in Chiayi; When Japan invaded the Liaodong Peninsula four years ago, he was in Lushun again... Even if the historical fact that the "Japanese pirates" have harassed China's coast for hundreds of years is excluded, as Japan's "state act", the first invasion of China was indeed in 1874 years of attacking Taiwan and demanding "reparations".Today, at this very moment, Ding Jieqiong suddenly recalled, or it can be said to be re-realized, that from 1874 to 1894, Japan invaded China uninterruptedly for twenty years; Now, the invasion has continued uninterruptedly for half a century—that is to say, the history of Japan's invasion of China has actually lasted for seventy-one years!

Ding Jieqiong was particularly surprised that this old book, almost considered a cultural relic, was stamped with the seal of the Library of Congress—what does this mean?Did General Perry get it from Washington on purpose?What does he mean by "recommending" an old book that has nothing to do with physics and World War II to female scientists? Ding Jieqiong began to read "The Fall of Lushun".She quickly found the key record, which she thought was what Perry wanted her to read: The Japanese army captured Lushun on November 21, 1894 and massacred the city. Only thirty-six residents survived!

Josephine Allen was Caucasian, so he was spared, and that's why he was able to see the hell on earth: he couldn't find his way when he went out, because he was covered by Chinese corpses, severed limbs and blood!The Japanese army forced the common people to jump into the pond, and the decapitated, half-cut, pierced, and disemboweled corpses were mixed together.A woman came out of the water with a child in her arms and crawled towards the shore. The Japanese soldier stabbed through her chest with a single knife, and stabbed the child a second time, then lifted it up and landed on the tip of the gun.In another place, he saw ten Japanese soldiers capture many refugees, tie their braids together, "lingchi" one by one, cut off hands, arms, feet, cut off ears, goug out eyes, behead...

There are more than a dozen photos in the book, all of which are horrible.One of the images is that there are many fragmented corpses lying on the ground, surrounded by Japanese soldiers in black military uniforms. They all show their fierce faces, holding swords, and the tip of the knife is stuck on the corpses... As Ding Jieqiong read, she gradually felt breathless!The mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood accumulated in words and pictures squeezed her from all directions, suffocating her.She finally couldn't stand it anymore, closed "The Fall of Lushun" and put it back in the file folder. After a while, she opened her eyes again, panting lightly, and turned her gaze to the second file.The title of this dossier is "Taiwan (Formosa)".The first piece of information in the dossier is a map of Taiwan, with an English printed "Introduction to Taiwan (Formosa)" next to it:

Taiwan has been Chinese territory since ancient times.It was called "Daoyi" in ancient Chinese books; it was called Yizhou in the Han, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, it belonged to Fujian Road in the Southern Song Dynasty, and an inspection department was set up in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties; Taiwan was established in the early Qing Dynasty and belonged to Fujian Province; Taiwan Province was established in 1885.It was called "Formosa" by Europeans in the fifteenth century.After China's defeat in the Sino-Japanese War of 1895, China ceded Taiwan's main island, Penghu and other affiliated islands and the Liaodong Peninsula to Japan in accordance with the Treaty of Shimonoseki in 1895.

The simple and unpretentious words "Taiwan has been Chinese territory since ancient times" made Ding Jieqiong, who had studied "General History of China", feel a warm current in his heart!She knew that even though Taiwan has been a "Japanese territory" for nearly 50 years, Taiwanese resistance has never stopped, and Japanese brutal suppression has never stopped.The first photo in the dossier showed a large earthen pit surrounded by Japanese soldiers, and the pit was full of dead bodies, severed heads and stumps.Caption: "In 1895, the rebel army in Taiwan who resisted the Japanese occupation was massacred." Other photos and text descriptions are roughly the same.The lower two-thirds of one of the screens is filled with densely packed human heads. At first glance, one might think it is a crowded crowd. Squatting or sitting behind the "head formation" was a group of Japanese military police.Caption: "On April 25, 1931, the Wushe indigenous people launched a second uprising, and they were all killed after the failure. The picture shows the severed heads of Taiwanese and their executioners. From 18 In the half century from 1995 to 1945, the entire island of Taiwan had less than 5 million inhabitants, and 600,000 were massacred by the Japanese."

The last content of the dossier is a blank page.The few lines printed on it made the female scientist's eyes moist—— The "Cairo Declaration" was promulgated by China, the United States and the United Kingdom on November 1, 1943.Today, Ding Jieqiong was still moved when he saw the statement "Return to China the Northeast China, Taiwan and Penghu Islands, etc., which were occupied by Japan" in the declaration!One year and eight months have passed, and Japan not only refused to surrender, but also stubbornly resisted and fought back frantically, killing tens of thousands of people every day.Ding Jieqiong felt that she had an epiphany: No matter what some scientists think, how to say, how to understand, how to "revolt", in fact, "bomb Japan with atomic bombs as soon as possible" has become synonymous with "force Japan to surrender as soon as possible"!

The title of the third dossier made Ding Jieqiong feel emotional: "Jinan tragedy".Luonan is closely connected with Guanlan.In a sense, it can even be said that what happened in Jinan made her meet Guan Lan and changed her fate... Ding Jieqiong still clearly remembers all the tragedies mentioned in Guanlan's letter back then.Now, many words and pictures in the dossier have torn apart the bloody history in front of her eyes: In the "Jinan Massacre" in May 1928, the Japanese killed 6,123 Chinese soldiers and civilians, wounded More than 1,700 people... There is such a picture in the picture: a boy about twelve years old is blindfolded, his hands are tied behind his back, and he is tied to a tree.A Japanese soldier raised his saber to him.Caption: "The moment before a candy seller is hacked to death. The 'crime' is that the Japanese found the central banknote triangle from his basket."

Ding Jieqiong thought of Cai Gongshi, a Chinese diplomat who was cut off by the Japanese army in the "Jinan Massacre" by cutting off his ears and nose, gouging out his tongue and eyes, and then shot to death with a machine gun; he thought of being raped by two Japanese soldiers and then gouging out his eyes and cutting off his breasts Huang Yonglan, the female teacher of the old school... In contrast, this little boy selling candy suffered a lot of pain and humiliation, and left an ironclad proof with his young life and blood, proving what kind of humanoid beasts there are on the earth! The title of the fourth dossier is "Three Eastern Provinces (Manchuria)"—except for Taiwan, Penghu, and the Liaodong Peninsula, the Northeast is the place that has been occupied by the Japanese for the longest time.This dossier is therefore particularly thick and contains a great deal of information, covering the Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese Army in the Eight-Power Allied Forces, the Russo-Japanese War in Northeast China, the Twenty-one Ones, the Eastern Conference, and "Tanaka Memorial", "Huanggutun Incident", "September 18th Incident", "Kwantung Army", "Manchukuo", and successive occupations of Shanhaiguan, Rehe, Jilin and Heilongjiang... A large part of the above historical facts coincided with Ding Jieqiong's study in Nanjing.For her who is taking "General History of China", this is simply a living "Contemporary History of China"!A "document" presented in front of her wrote about the Japanese killing methods in the Northeast: "buried alive, fed to dogs, burned, hung upside down, poured with water—cold water, boiled water, pepper water, or kerosene rolling nails." People are stuffed into wooden barrels full of nails and rolled on the ground until they roll to death; "electric mill": Chinese people are stuffed in and ground into meat paste, and then washed into the river with water, leaving no trace... In one photo, a principal was branded alive by the Japanese with a red-hot iron; in another photo, the Japanese army was massacring anti-Japanese fighters in Northeast China with guillotines; in the third photo, a pile of heads of those killed by the Japanese army in Lingyuan, Liaoning ; The fourth picture: A dozen human heads hang on a tall bar in Tieling, Liaoning... An English bulletin from the Political Department of the Military Affairs Commission of the Nationalist Government on the "Pingdingshan Massacre": At noon on September 16, 2011, more than 200 Japanese troops and gendarmerie surrounded Pingdingshan Village in Fushun, Liaoning, and more than 400 people in the village households, more than 3,000 people rushed to a piece of grass, and began to shoot at the same time with six machine guns at one o'clock in the afternoon... The bulletin reads: "Inspecting the pile of corpses for the purpose of killing them all, they found that there were living people and shot them with knives and guns. A Japanese soldier opened the belly of a dead pregnant woman with a bayonet, and stuck the fetus on the tip of the knife for fun. Then poured water Put gasoline on the corpse, use explosives to blow up the Pingdingshan, and press all the corpses under the mountain..." Starting from the fifth file, it is recorded like a "chronology" that the Japanese army invaded Rehe in February 1933, attacked Marco Polo Bridge and occupied Pingjin in July 1937, attacked Shanghai in August 1937, Captured Guisui and Taiyuan in October and November 1937, occupied Nanjing, Zhejiang and Anhui in December 1937, occupied Xuzhou in April 1938, and occupied Guangzhou, occupied Wuhan in November 1938, occupied Hainan Island in February 1939, and occupied Nanchang in March 1939. From 1938 to the end of 1941 after the outbreak of the Pacific War, the Japanese army Occupying Xiamen, Fuzhou, Hong Kong and the Shanghai Concession, the Japanese army attacked Henan, Hunan and Guangxi in 1944. It has been a frenzied aggression against China for more than ten years.One photo has an English description from the Political Department of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government: "In November 27th, the Japanese army used poison gas bombs when they attacked Wuhan. The face of a wounded Chinese soldier was festered." Another photo was covered with bones, English description: "The bones of Chinese massacred by the Japanese army were found in a ditch in Liudian Township, Huangpi County, Hubei Province. There are more than 60 such killing fields and ditches." One dossier contains the report "Panjiayu Massacre" from the Eighteenth Army to the Political Department of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government: On January 25, 1930, the Japanese army invaded Fengrun County, Hebei Province, and concentrated more than a thousand villagers in pre-heaped The Pan family compound in the firewood was shot with machine guns, and then lit a fire.In this massacre, more than 1,000 people were killed, 86 people were injured, 33 households were killed, and 1,100 houses were burned.The report was accompanied by several gruesome photographs of ruined walls and twisted, charred bodies. There is also a report "Pingyang Massacre" from the Eighteenth Army to the Political Department of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government: In the autumn of 1932, 40,000 Japanese troops "mopped up" the area around Pingyang Village, Fuping County, Hebei.Sixty-four-year-old man Yang Zhen and his wife, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter were captured. The Japanese army forced him to stone his relatives to death; His granddaughter was thrown from the top of the mountain and died.Villager Meng Lianshu's mother was over 60 years old. The Japanese army asked her if she was in pain. When she was dying, she was thrown into the fire and burned into coke.In front of their parents, the Japanese army chopped off the head of a sixteen-year-old girl, first placed it on the table, and then threw it into her mother's arms. Her crippled father was also killed... The Japanese army seized more than a dozen women from the cave, and selected five of them as objects of rape. The rest were driven back to the cave, stuffed with dry firewood, and burned to death.The Japanese army also pressed a pregnant woman in a coffin, forced more than 20 young women to surround the coffin, and watched them disembowel the pregnant woman, dig out the heart, and pick out the newly formed fetus... The Japanese invaded Pingyang Village for 87 days, killing more than 700 villagers, men, women and children, and burning more than 5,000 houses.Every well in the village is filled with dead bodies, there is an inch thick bruise in the courtyard, corpses are scattered on the road, and the bones of the five killing fields are everywhere... Another pile of photos, full of pictures of Chinese women being raped, humiliated, and forced to serve as "comfort women".Some of the photos of naked female corpses have the same description: "Chinese women who were first raped and then killed by the Japanese army." In one of the photos, the woman died terribly: her stomach was cut open, her intestines were turned out, and her eyes were facing the camera. Rage here... There are also two photocopies, which are two letters found from the body of a Japanese soldier, which were provided to the Allied Forces by the Political Department of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government.One was a letter from the elder brother of the deceased who was a military policeman. It said that after he was wounded in Burma, the Japanese army shot and executed some local British expatriates and British prisoners of war, and then beheaded them. The heart and liver were removed by dissection, fried and stewed for the wounded soldiers to eat.The letter wrote: "We now know that human flesh is delicious, and eating human flesh is a rare enjoyment! We healed our wounds like this, and even became very strong..." The gendarme who lost an arm returned to Japan, Worked as a supervisor in the arsenal, "It is a great honor to continue to serve His Majesty the Emperor!" And his younger brother wrote in the reply letter that has not yet been sent: When he was a recruit, he used scarecrows to practice assassination in China. Captured Chinese soldiers were used as "targets": the prisoner was tied to a tree, and the instructor drew a red circle on his chest and shouted: "Get ready—the place where the red circle is drawn is the heart, and you are not allowed to stab there!" In order to let the captives live longer.Approximately one prisoner was "assigned" for every five recruits.The recruits were trembling with fright, but finally drew their guns and stabbed. Amidst the shouts of killing, the chest, abdomen, legs and even the head of the "live target" were quickly smashed to pieces.The Japanese soldier wrote: "This is how the recruits develop their courage, ruthlessness, and hatred of the enemy. This is how they develop their bestiality. We have all become beasts!" The Japanese are accustomed to filming scenes of killing and cannibalism.These photos were all found from the corpses or prisoners of the Japanese army: Several photos about the "Pingyang Massacre" recorded the whole process of the Japanese soldiers beheading the farmer Li Xiaogen to death, digging out his heart and liver and frying them for food; Another photo shows a female corpse whose head has been beheaded and dismembered into several sections. The caption reads: "Liu Yaomei, director of the Luoyu Village Women's Salvation Association, is unyielding. After being gang-raped by the Japanese army, she was mutilated and the meat on her thigh was cut off. Eat dumplings.” The photos taken by German missionaries in Qingdao showed many infant corpses, and the caption read: “The Japanese army gouged out the eyes of a large number of Chinese babies and disemboweled them. The eyeballs were used for ‘medication’, and the livers were eaten.” Ding Jieqiong spent her university days in Nanjing, and has special memories and feelings for Nanjing, so she read the "Nanjing Massacre" in the dossier very carefully... The Nanjing Massacre shocked China and the world when it happened.Ding Jieqiong would feel pain and resentment whenever this tragic event came up, and she would often force herself not to recall and think deeply.However, today, she decided not to avoid it anymore! The first item in this file is a photocopy of a report on "Under the Zijin Mountain" in Tokyo's "Daily Shimbun" on December 23, 1937: Warrant Officer Miyaoka and Noda's killing contest, to see who can kill the first Hundreds of people.On the tenth day, the two met at the foot of Zijin Mountain, both carrying sabers that had been cut off.Noda said: I killed one hundred and five people, how about you?Miyaoka: I killed 106 people.But unfortunately.It is uncertain who will reach the number of one hundred first.Therefore, they decided to draw a tie this time, and re-gamble on who would kill one hundred and fifty Chinese first. "From December 11th, the game is going on again. "The Japanese army's killing competition in Nanjing is far more than this one. There are two people in this kind of competition, and there are also groups of several people." A photo published in a Japanese newspaper showed two officers leaning on sabers.Caption: "Two heroes who participated in the competition of 'Who will kill 100 Chinese before occupying Nanjing': Lieutenant Noda Takeshi (right) and Lieutenant Toshiaki Mukai of the 9th Regiment of the 16th Division." Another photo: In the picture, three Japanese soldiers participating in the killing competition are sitting on the steps, wiping the blood on the knife. Photo: A group photo of two "heroes", Miyaoka and Noda, carrying sabers; Photo: A close-up of the murderous saber, engraved with the words "killed 107 people in the Battle of Nanjing"; Photo: Noda holds a saber in his right hand and the head of an old Chinese woman in his left... Photo: A trench filled with dead bodies.All men who looked like soldiers were bound to Yuhuatai by the Japanese army and stabbed to death with knives or shot with machine guns. Photo: The head of a Chinese soldier is placed on the Japanese barbed wire fence outside Nanjing; Photo: Several Chinese are being buried alive, surrounded by Japanese soldiers watching with gusto; Photo: A Japanese soldier holds up his saber, and three Japanese soldiers happily watch a Chinese soldier who is about to be beheaded; Photo: Two Chinese were tied to a tree, and two Japanese soldiers were using them as targets to practice assassination; Photo: Dead bodies strewn across a pond.Descriptive words: "The Chinese soldiers and civilians in the suburbs of Nanjing were shot and killed by the Japanese army and then thrown into the pond. There are more than 300 corpses in this pond alone"... The dossier also includes testimonies from foreign missionaries, businessmen and journalists.They recorded everything they witnessed: Japanese soldiers raped Chinese women and then cut open their bellies, cut off their breasts, and inserted a bamboo stick one or two feet long into their lower body... Burials alive, beheadings, dismemberments, and haunches were commonplace; castration, hanging the living and grilling them to death, and hanging them with iron hooks through their tongues or hooks around their jaws; Let the German Shepherd pounce on it until it's ripped to a skeleton... The report from the Political Department of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government attached to the dossier stated that the Nanjing Massacre lasted for six weeks, and 300,000 Chinese civilians were killed and officers and soldiers who laid down their weapons reached 300,000! The title of the eighteenth, last and thinnest dossier gives people the feeling of a sudden "turn around": "Yasukuni Shrine".After opening, the first is a piece of "introduction": Yasukuni Shrine, established in Tokyo in 1869, was formerly known as "Tokyo Summoning Society", and changed its name in 1879.It is a place where Japan worships fallen officers and soldiers.It is dedicated to more than one million officers and soldiers who died in the wars since the Meiji Restoration. "Jing" means stability and tranquility.These "Yasukuni" wars were all decided by the Japanese emperor and government and carried out by the Japanese army on the territory of other countries.Every spring and autumn, a grand festival is held, and the emperor or his representative presides over it.With the evolution of the Great East Asian War and the rapid increase in the number of officers and soldiers killed in battle, the number of "heroic spirit" tablets enshrined has also increased dramatically. Ding Jieqiong knew that the so-called "heroic spirits" were those beasts mentioned earlier! There are more than a dozen photos attached to the "Introduction".A photo shows a cherry tree grove in a shrine garden, and cherry trees are regarded as the soul of the Japanese nation; it can be seen that there are many white cards nailed or tied with white paper on the trees, and the explanatory words: "These trees are all war dead 'Wood offerings to the survivors'." Another photo is full of various weapons including sabers, and the description reads: "The murder weapons displayed in the shrine's Yushukan. Their owners have been away in China and so on. Local 'sacrifice' in Japan, where they are used by the bereaved to 'inspire posterity'." Other photographs show groups of reliefs with captions: The works of art in the shrine are presented by the relatives of the fallen officers and soldiers, and the same is true for the pair of stone towers built in the Showa decade.There are sixteen reliefs on the body of the tower, praising Japan's achievements, glory and holiness in launching the Great East Asian War. Looking closely, the reliefs reflect and show off the "great achievements" of Japan's invasion of China, from the occupation of Taiwan in 1894 to the occupation of Northeast China in 1931; On the 4th, Japanese soldiers from the Eight-Power Allied Forces captured Tianjin. Japanese officers and soldiers carrying spears and knives opened the city gate of Tianjin and held an entry ceremony... The purpose of offering sacrifices to the ancestors is indeed to "inspire future generations". The "relatives of the fallen officers and soldiers", that is, the "people" of Japan built the Yasukuni Shrine, planted trees, displayed relics and presented "artworks" in the shrine, which is also the purpose.Undoubtedly, they hope that through this method, generations of Japanese, and the entire Japanese nation today and in the future, will become beasts! "Oh my god..." Ding Jieqiong had hallucinations, feeling that he was soaked in a sea of ​​blood, surrounded by corpses, the corpses of his compatriots, the corpses of decapitated, half-cut, chest pierced, and disemboweled.The sea of ​​blood was rising, rising, rising...Suddenly, the sea of ​​blood roared violently, until it flooded her chest and neck, suffocating her, making her unbearable!She felt that if she continued like this, she would suffocate to death and her whole body would "burst".She stood up and shouted at the top of her throat, but she couldn't make a sound.Tears filled her eyes, and cold sweat soaked her clothes.Her face was pale, she tore off her collar vigorously, and took deep breaths desperately, doing it time and time again, but she was still out of breath like lack of oxygen! "Joan, Joan!" Ding Jieqiong woke up from the nightmare with a series of calls and a rush of footsteps.She opened her eyes and saw, ah, it was Perry, and Hull.Their eyes widened and they asked almost simultaneously, "What's the matter with you, Joan?" The female scientist opened her mouth, but her throat was dry and she was still unable to speak.She shook her head vigorously and swallowed again and again, only to realize that there was not even a single spittle! "Joan, Joan!" The general immediately picked up the cold tea.Ding Jieqiong tilted her neck and drank it down; the general picked up another cup, and she drank it down again.Only then did the general help her, and said softly, "Come on, sit down, sit down." "No, that's it..." Ding Jieqiong was finally able to make a sound.She raised her wrist to look at her watch, and the hour hand was actually pointing to seven; she looked out the window and found that it was already daylight—it was only because the conference room was always brightly lit that she didn't notice the sky outside. "You, Hull, why are you here?" Ding Jieqiong hadn't seen the lieutenant colonel for a long time, but he knew that he had been participating in atomic bomb dropping training in the Pacific Ocean. "Joan, this is my first visit to Alamos. The general asked me to come here from the front to see you." "Thank you," the female scientist choked up a little.She glanced at Perry, then returned to Hull's face, "Thank you." "Our training is over," the lieutenant colonel puffed out his chest, "We are about to go on an expedition to Japan and carry out our mission." "Hull, Hull," Ding Jieqiong said with emotion, tears blurring his vision.She could not complete the words, but murmured, "Hull!" Hull silently stared at the female professor. Perry withdrew his gaze from the pile of messy files on the coffee table and stared at the female scientist. His voice was soft but deep and powerful: "Yes, I haven't forgotten Pearl Harbor. But I'm not wrong. It's you, Joan, you forgot Nanjing!" The female scientist felt deafened and burst into tears. "Joan, what a pair of beautiful female hands you have!" Perry suddenly changed the subject, and his tone became full of warmth.He stretched out his two rough, cast-iron hands, and took the other's white and soft hands with appreciative eyes. "However, these hands are the most powerful - because they help to wash away the long-term humiliation of a nation, and they can help humans kill fascist beasts!" "General..." Ding Jieqiong choked up. "Joan, now I have a question—" Perry took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the tears on the female scientist's face: "If Japan still refuses to surrender, our super bomb, the bomb with your heart and soul, will definitely be used. About bombing Japan and killing thousands or tens of thousands of people, hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people—Joan, tell me, once this happened, how do you think about it now?" Ding Jieqiong let the tears flow down her cheeks.She looked directly at Perry, tears streaming down her cheeks; her yell of rage tore through the air, shook the house, poured out the window, into the blood-stained sky: "Evil - there is - evil - retribution!"
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