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Chapter 51 Chapter 55: Compared to Chizi

Lao Tzu's help 王蒙 1860Words 2018-03-18
The virtues contained in the Dao (image, influence, effect, touching place, power to penetrate into the hearts of the people, etc.) are very generous and broad, and its condition is just like that of a baby.Poisonous insects will not sting him, wild beasts will not capture him, and birds of prey will not fight him. A baby's bones are weak and its tendons are delicate.It is impossible for him to understand the intercourse of a man and a woman, but his genitals will stand up by themselves, which is due to the effect of essence (energy, spirit, sperm or testicles??).He cries all day without hoarseness, it is due to the effect of harmony and self-regulation.

Knowing harmony and self-regulation can achieve permanence and sustainability.Only when you know how to achieve harmony and sustainability can you understand--a clear mind and a bright eye, not ignorance.What is beneficial to health preservation, life, and life is called auspiciousness.Gritting one's teeth wishfully, acting aggressively, being aggressive, reckless and reckless, that is called reluctance. If a thing is too strong, it begins to age, which means it violates the Dao.If you go against the Dao, you will be finished soon. When Lao Tzu talks about Dao, he likes to use two sets of metaphors: one is water, which is as good as water;

Not just a metaphor, because a metaphor is a figure of speech—a means of expression.When people have an assertion or a proposition, they need to give a popular and more vivid explanation, which is derived from metaphors.For example, Paoding Jieniu and Waiting for the Rabbit respectively express the ability to do a job with ease and wait for luck. After you understand the related ideas of doing things with ease and waiting for luck, it doesn’t matter whether the two original examples of Jieniu and Waiting for the Rabbit are credible and true. meaning. Lao Tzu uses image thinking here. He not only finds metaphors from concepts, but also seeks new inspiration from his observation and understanding of water and babies, seeks a further grasp of the Dao, and seeks new discoveries and new insights into the Dao.Laozi loved and worshiped water and babies quite devoutly, and looked for inspiration from them.

Here, Lao Tzu's observation and thinking about the baby are quite meticulous.He first said that although the baby had weak bones and muscles, his fists were clenched tightly.Regarding this phenomenon, I don’t know what physiology and parenting science say today, but I think it has profound meaning.According to Lao Tzu's point of view, when a baby is born with clenched fists, it means that it is born with the Dao, and the function of the Dao is great virtue.The great virtue is vast and profound, and it can only be grasped and hidden, preserved and kept, not to be taken lightly, not to give up even for a moment.

In my humble opinion, clenching the fist is a symbolic meaning, even if it is not from a physiological point of view, it can also be interpreted as a meaning, not reaching out, not begging with the palm upwards, and not grasping and snatching with the palms downward.In this way, we cherish ourselves, and we also cherish and respect the world.Self to self, man to man, and the world to the world, that's fine. As for the baby being weak but immune to attack, I think the key is that the baby is in a protected position, not that the baby is naturally immune to poisonous insects, wild animals, and birds of prey.Mrs. Xianglin's son Amao was taken away by wolves, and there have been incidents in foreign countries where children were bitten off by mice.

What is displayed here is still Lao Tzu's weak and feminine philosophy.It is a principle of Lao Tzu that it is better to lose than to be weak, to be protected, not to be strong, or to threaten others.Such a principle is very instructive for those who dominate, domineering, and discouraged by setbacks, but it will not work in another situation, such as the invaded. Careful Lao Tzu has been observing the erection of the male baby's genitals.Laozi generously talked about Xuanmu (big pussy) and little boy’s penis in his modest works, which shows that the sexual concept at that time did not have as many taboos as later.What he meant was that genital activities do not require external instigation, instigation, provocation, early sex education, sexual taboos or sexual precautions. Since there is sperm, the genitals will naturally move and function.Or Yunjing means concentration, no harm, no conflict, concentration is also essence, sperm, semen, energy and spirit are also essence, here is the generalization and integrity of Chinese characters.

Crying all day long actually leads to a hoarse voice, not so hoarse, like the consequences of adults screaming too much, or singing and opera actors who practice their voice incorrectly. The reason is that the crying of babies is a natural thing. Cry when you want to cry, rest and sleep naturally when you are tired from crying, or cry and suck your nipples, and it turns into a moan of satisfaction, and naturally stop crying. Whether it is the throat or the genitals, it has its own rules. When it should rise, it will rise, and when it should stop, it will stop. Here Lao Tzu proposes a new attribute of Dao: harmony, that is, harmony and balance, rhythm and instinct.Temporary victory, momentary gain, and momentary success are easy; what is rare is Chang Yuming, always normal, always harmonious, always clear, and always bright.So Lao Tzu once again emphasized nature, opposed exhaustion, opposed to being competitive, opposed to aggressiveness, and opposed to domineering.He reminded people to be wary of the peak state, the golden state, the state of extreme arrogance to the small group, the state of being undefeated in the East, surpassing the heroes, and domineering. He believed that whoever reached that state would lose the way, and whoever would decline. perish.

Loyal words are harsh to the ears, but good medicine is bitter to the mouth. This lesson is worthy of serious consideration. Discussing the Dao nature of babies, the great Lao Tzu seems to be wishful thinking.There are some so-called people who will never grow up in the world. In addition to the positive qualities of innocence, straightforwardness, indifference, non-judgment, and harmlessness, the childishness they display is often accompanied by willfulness, superficiality, irritability, easy-going, and selfishness. Center and even selfishness, dependence, incompetence, overreaching, irresponsibility, lack of vision, lack of self-control, etc.The best example is Jia Baoyu; the not-so-good example is Gu Cheng, who really dare not flatter or set him up as an example of Taoism.If the 1.3 billion people in our country become 1.3 billion children, if there are 750 million little boys with strong penises??

That's scary enough.
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