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Chapter 32 Chapter Thirty-Two

Lao Tzu's help 王蒙 4014Words 2018-03-18
We often can't find a suitable title to express and define Dao, and Dao often can't find its own conceptual affiliation, positioning, qualitative name and reputation.Avenues often don't have big names.It is like wood that has not been processed—it is not defined, it is called plain, and it is called the original, original state.Although such simplicity and original ecology are not dazzling, although they appear insignificant, even humble and insignificant, they cannot be subjugated and commanded by any acquired human power.If the princes and kings can maintain this simple, original, unadorned and nameless state, all things and people will automatically submit to him.

The operation of the avenue is like the falling of nectar. It is a process of combining and coordinating the yin and yang of the sky and the earth. It does not require human intervention and human command, and it can naturally achieve universal uniformity. From the beginning, the beginning, to the end, it finally has a name, has a certain regulation, and has its own name and qualitative positioning.Now that there is a naming, a stipulation, a name and a qualitative positioning, the whole system will be completed and started to operate ("beginning system" may be interpreted as such), and enough is enough.Enough is enough, and there is no danger.

Dao travels in the world, like rivers and valleys flowing into rivers and seas, naturally, endlessly, mighty and mighty. The explanation of this chapter is relatively vague. I read some explanations of former sages and teachers, but I still don’t feel the gist. Dao is often nameless, and name is the concept of belonging, that is, similar items, that is, qualitative and positioning.The Dao is the only one with the highest and the highest, and there is no consideration of belonging, similar items, or qualitative positioning.Looking through the dictionary when I was young, I sometimes saw situations that explained each other, such as eye and eye; eye and eye; happy, happy appearance; joy, happy appearance.But the Dao is too big, you can’t explain what the Dao is, what is the Dao.

Another possible meaning of Tao is often nameless is that Tao is often silent (empty and quiet) and inaction. It never makes a sound, does not show mountains, does not show water, and does not hype its own reputation. Lao Tzu has already talked about the big (huge, vast), passing (changing), far (profound) and anti (dialectical movement, return movement) of Dao, but in this chapter, Lao Tzu introduces from another new perspective, from an unknown perspective, That is, the original, undefined (please connect my word "undefined" with the definition, setting, etc. in computer operation) to discuss the characteristics of this aspect of Tao from the perspective of Park.

I just talked about the greatness of Dao before, and here I also talked about the smallness of Pu.The nameless is the small one. In martial arts novels, when it is said that the opponent is a nameless person, it is to identify the nameless person as a small person.Although this understanding is extremely superficial, it represents the collective consciousness.The reason for its smallness is that it is native, without the affiliation of a big concept, without the comparison of large similar items, without the declaration of high-level status and performance, and without With these external naming and definitions, there is no glorious title.Just like a person, you only see one man or one woman or one fat one thin one young one old man, he or she is still small in your mind.Once he or she is announced as a politician, giant businessman, celebrity, champion, hero, or model, that is, as soon as he or she declares his or her status—concept affiliation, group affiliation, power and status affiliation, won't he or she become big?

The size of ordinary people is not determined by themselves, but by belonging, which is the effect of gaining glory (including negative). Chinese people pay attention to name, and Europeans and Americans pay attention to Identity—identity, in fact, both refer to belonging.Just like a stone or a log, you usually don’t look at it too much. Once you know that it contains emeralds, diamonds, rare metals, or it is mahogany, rosewood, or has any history, geography, archeology, and biology. The only special, weird and rare identity-name, it is also worth a hundred times, and it has inflated. The meaning of small may also include the meanings of subtlety, moistening things silently, yi, xi, and micro.

But Hou Wang should just hold on to and guard the undefined, undeveloped, unrecognized, unrecognized, and unidentified, the simplicity of Tao.It is the state of simplicity, austerity, simplicity, integrity, chaos, originality, authenticity, sincerity, credibility, originality, and unoccupied memory.Only by keeping such a space can Hou Wang have the right to use it, have things to do, have things to do, and have popularity to gather.If the Hou Wang had stipulated everything, filled it up, sealed it all, and completely fixed it, who would run to you, the Hou Wang? In particular, it is proposed that Hou Wang should keep this simple, because the Tao is big, evanescent, far away, and rebellious, and it is easy for ordinary people to understand and cherish it.If others can't do it, the prince should do it. Otherwise, you are not qualified to be a prince, to talk about the world, to discuss politics, discuss soldiers, and worry about the country and the people.It is precisely this little simplicity that can determine the status of a prince—whether everything will come to itself—see whether the outside world will obey you or not.

I like to discuss this chapter using a computer metaphor.As I said long ago, we can make a popular and therefore lame metaphor: the world is like a transcendental self-running big computer.The entity and existence of this computer, especially the hardware, is the nature of the universe.The principle, calculation method, energy and impersonal operation of this computer dominate, and the essence and origin of this computer is Tao.The basic concept of calculation and the basic symbols are 0 and 1, that is, nothing and existence. "Large" refers to its memory capacity. "火" indicates its computing speed. "Far" indicates its subtlety and precision of function. "Anti" means its ability to return to the home page without error and to format and return to the original state of self-renewal ability. "Virtual Tranquility" explains its virus-free junk noise and obsolete data. "Trance" and "valley" indicate that it does not occupy space, and its function and operation are not restricted. "Unnamed" means that it is always new, unnamed, and unassuming.

The characteristic of the Dao is its original nature, which is the nature that is eternal and independent of human will—the truth that operates on its own, is the fundamental principle of the birth and death and operation of all things and phenomena, and is also the original nature of the world. .Its manifestations are the world and heaven and earth, all things and all phenomena.The avenue itself does not need to be set up and defined, and does not need artificial operating systems, application systems and various programs.The avenue is originally a much simpler and more primitive but also much more complete "plain" than a computer. It is the highest ideal type and the supremacy "plain machine".It works naturally and never fatigues and crashes.

Owning a Pak is having first-hand a computer with unlimited memory, without defining a name for it, and without setting up an artificial database.Without Park, there are only second-hand, third-hand, and hundred-hand computers. You have been filled with various naming and definition data, your presets are messy, and you are already dizzy and at a loss.Your computer is dead and no one is going to buy or want to use your half-dead computer unless you delete everything and start over. As long as you maintain your simplicity and original state, you will naturally be consistent with the Dao.Don't name and define settings for yourself indiscriminately, don't fill yourself up to death, don't be self-confident, self-destroyed, and self-defeating.The world will come to you, because you are the most capable, the least troublesome, and the most tolerant.

The Dao nourishes the heaven and the earth through the nectar, and does not favor one or the other, and does not favor anyone or dislike anyone.They come from the union of heaven and earth, and they return to universal heaven and earth.And the more you try to interfere with the distribution of nectar, the more uneven it will be, and the more difficult it will be. However, apart from Dao, Heaven and Earth, Tianxia, ​​World, and Manna, there are also intelligent and promising people. Human beings always have to manipulate the Dao, give it names and definitions (such as benevolence and righteousness, universal love, Xiuqi Zhiping...), Without naming or defining, he feels strange and at a loss.Therefore, while the originally simple avenue has been explained by the public to become popular, useful, and famous, it may also become more and more lively and chaotic, or it may be explained in a paranoid and exclusive way, leading to a narrow path. Road evil road. Therefore, enough is enough, the name is named, the definition is defined, the affiliation and qualitative positioning are established, and the title is established. Know that what belongs to Caesar belongs to Caesar, what belongs to God belongs to God, what belongs to the common people belongs to the common people, and what belongs to the king belongs to the king. Once you are king, you can operate and apply it, and you can understand a little bit, it is enough and enough.If you still want to beg for nothing, name definitions and add programs without limitation, it will cause the computer to crash (hardware and software) due to data expansion. For example, the situation of the United States in the world, the history of the Soviet Union, the "Cultural Revolution" in China, the rise and fall of certain schools of thought, and the success or failure of a certain individual, especially a big man, all can inspire us to think about how to protect simplicity and how to avoid it. As for "more than just peril" - due to excessive self-promotion, excessive interference, excessive actions and lack of proportion, and not knowing when to stop, they have created dangerous problems for themselves. You'd better have a kung fu: do the original formatting of the computer from time to time, delete it and start over by yourself.Learn from scratch, start from scratch, start again, and reshuffle the cards. Hundreds of rivers return to the sea, Baili returns to the avenue, to the avenue, the infinite, which transcends everything and encompasses everything. Some interpreters may think that what Lao Tzu said in this chapter is not to ask for a name too much, and I secretly think that what he said is too small and too real.What Lao Tzu is talking about here is actually still the trend of cultural criticism that runs through the whole book.Rather than saying that name is fame and name is a noun, it is better to say that it is concept and naming, that is, the "definition" in the computer.From an original computer that is actually fully capable of operating by itself to formatting and naming that cannot be completely avoided, from a computer that is unnamed and undefined and therefore considered unusable by some skilled craftsmen or thieves, to a computer with a name Defining a computer that can be used by a name is a development and an inevitability, but it may also be that human beings have gone astray and evil since then. In the words of Lao Tzu, it is: when a sage comes out, there are great hypocrites.The sage makes various definitions, names and rectifies his name, and sets standards and rules as his ability.Such "sages" think they can judge the world, appraise the world, change the world and punish the world.No matter how tragic and confident such saints think, many things they do have the opposite effect.Because everything man-made often cannot keep up with the avenues of nature.Everything man-made is lacking, and it is impossible to be as smooth as the sky and the earth, and to be seamless and sparse, and it is impossible to be as uniform and ideal as the combination of the sky and the earth and the dew (according to, at this time, the principle of dew formation is still unclear). .For Lao Tzu, the fake one does it, and the fake one is forced to do it.This statement is of course extreme, and at the same time, Lao Tzu's sharp and hurtful proposition is a flash of genius. Lao Tzu's views tend to criticize this cultural process.He believes that people should not be too superstitious about themselves, and should not overestimate In addition to yourself, you have many prejudices, you have many selfish distractions, you have many fallacies, assumptions, impulsiveness, human weaknesses, and limitations of regional ethnic classes... These will all be brought into your pursuit and use of the Dao, just like the use of computers It is the same as bringing garbage, harmful information, viruses and wrong operations into the computer.The more the culture develops and enriches, the more information and operations there are, the greater the chances of harming the road, deviating from the principles, and harming the computer, so you must know what to stop, and stop when you need it, and don't end it endlessly. The meaning of cessation is not only to stop, but especially to the destination, which is to reach and reach. When the goal is achieved, it should be stopped, instead of rushing to the bottom of the momentum of progress, let alone expanding infinitely under the instigation of greed. "University" also said "knowledge and stop, then there will be steadfastness." It can be seen that the concept of "knowledge and stop" is universal and super-sectoral in China.The development of culture should also be known, the theory is not the better with each passing day, sometimes the latest and most different is nonsense.It is not enough to have more and more methods. Some methods are like medicines. Too many tricks are more likely to be misused and cause side effects. Some refurbished pills turned out to be poisonous.Enjoyment is not good enough to be endless. Excessive enjoyment is another name for depravity.If you want to achieve your goal, you should stop at the right time and at the same time reflect on it at any time. The idea is introduced into social development and cultural development. Of course, the concept of accepting what is good and the concept of self-improvement should be win-win, complement each other, and help each other. One more thing, discussing this chapter with the common language of computers, of course, does not mean that Lao Tzu’s views are used to build computers, but that high-tech computers that imitate the human brain, like everything in the world, embody the Dao reason. Lao Tzu's reasoning is brilliant, but it's a pity that things in the world are often not like this.The thing is, sensationalism sometimes achieves results, sometimes big words are enough to deceive the world, tolerance or big hypocrisy are enough to become holy, maybe Dapu is easy to be ignored indifferently.Or at least, saints also have hypocrisy, good words also exaggerate, and high scholars also have unavoidable places.Lao Tzu's advice is sobering and vigilant. Only by stepping out of secular considerations of gains and losses, and beyond operational considerations, can we approach the avenue and reach higher levels.
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