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Chapter 2 The taste of salted fish

The taste of salted fish 陈升 9937Words 2018-03-18
When Ah Xiang got up from the berth, the boat had already passed the Heishuigou.Perhaps it was because the boat was shaking quite badly in the turbulent gorge, so he sat on the edge of the bed for a long time.Last night's performance made him ache all over again.He slowly recalled everything about last night.This is often the case. After a burst of passion, I go back to the hotel with a weak body, and only after a long time do I slowly organize my scattered memories again. In the cabin, there was a muffled sound unique to the sailing of a large ship, which was deeper than Yuan Lei, and the bed board would rattle every few seconds.He just sat, and the pain in his body gradually came alive with his consciousness, and dissipated, almost giving up the idea of ​​getting up.

It's noon!The curtain at the window swayed slowly, and the sunlight drew circles on the table.He leaned over and took a deep breath, feeling the smell of sea water, closing his eyes, thinking about where to go next stop? He just sat and hummed in his head a song he learned a long time ago about the sea. He thought of his old mother whom he hadn’t seen for a long time, the grocery store in front of the pier in his hometown, the Mazu Temple blocking the provincial road, people’s screams, harsh sounds, and sweaty women during dark night performances; wine bottles full of pits; Jie pursed his lips and played the guitar absent-mindedly. He sang more than a dozen times, right?This month.

He suspected that every time he sang, he would lose some of his soul, like in a ghost movie, his soul was sucked away by screaming people. Everyone likes him, so he also feels that he belongs to everyone.Then people would gradually disperse, his troupe members would also disperse, and he collapsed on the stage, dead.Collapsing in a pile of untidy musical instruments and full of wine bottles, a man died because his soul was sucked up. "Get up!" he thought, but sat again, unable to remember how he got on this boat this morning.The memory was broken in the second half of last night's performance.Then what I can handle is now, I am so weak that I have lost a large piece of memory.There were times when I felt like I was dead, and this time I took a boat, thinking about that distant song, the waves washing the sandy shore, moving forward and backward...

The cabin door rang loudly, and someone knocked hastily. "Ah Xiang! Ah Xiang! You are dead, get up and eat!" It was Xiaojie's voice. He opened the door and leaned back. "Oh! Oh! You look so shabby, fight with a ghost! Clean it up! You are a big star, how can you meet people when you go out like this." "What am I doing, I rely on my face to eat!" "Who cares about your face, you stink, what are you doing, are you taking drugs again?" "Crack your mother! Crack! So many drugs!" "Good things should be shared with good friends!"

The boat was crooked in the fjord, and I couldn't figure out where to focus my sight.Only then did I realize that the dizziness after getting up was caused by the wind and waves in the fjord. "What to eat?" "You got up late, it was spectacular just now! The kid with the cup is seasick and vomited all over the table." "What do you have to eat?" "Mermaid! How's it going?" "How old are you?" "The two add up to one hundred!" Ah Xiang held on to the edge of the corridor wall with one hand, moved his steps with difficulty, thinking about tomorrow night's performance.The staff told him that thousands of people would come, and most of them got on this boat this morning and followed them from the island.

"How did we go back last night?" I feel a little guilty, and it's not the first time. I usually don't ask too much, and let the accident of the next performance wash away the memory.Brothers all understand that it seems that people who come to see my performance like to play tricks on the crowd in the stands.People are like this!Bloodthirsty, always bring some unusual stories back to scare people. "Did you know? I went to see a performance yesterday, and that... vomited blood and died on stage!" When I thought I was in prison, there were piles of letters from fans, and I couldn't read them all.

"Xiang, take care of your health! Xiang, don't be too tired to create! Xiang, go home and rest more!" shit!A bunch of bullshit!Feeling like a well-conditioned bull in a bullring, the floodgates open. "Now, with the loudest applause, we welcome the... (applause) Bull!" Then go and go.Snapped!A sword pierces the heart, impartial! At the end of the song, it was pulled out and dismembered, turning into a medium-rare steak. "If you die, you will die by your own hands!" he heard himself say. "what" "I said... when will we go to Tahiti?" This dream has been going on for three or four years, and it is getting farther and farther away.

"Look at you...!" "how are you today?" "Stop making trouble!" But his eyes widened again, as if he didn't believe that Ah Xiang would lie. "How to get there? By flying???" "Ship hijacking!" Came to like that word. "You know how to sail?" "I've never opened one this big!" I thought, I've never opened one this big. "Boring!" Xiaojie walked away alone, probably approaching the restaurant. There was a strange smell of fried fish in the corridor, which made people really hungry.As long as you are hungry, it proves that you still want to live, Ah Xiang thought so.

It was a sunny day in early autumn, a few distant islands were floating in the blue ocean, and the air was full of seaweed.like hometown. Ah Xiang lay on the side of the boat, lit a cigarette, and watched the boat create waves that spread into the distance.He likes to do this, and he has liked it since he was a child. When his father was still alive, he used to go out to Hong Kong with his father like this.As the boat came back slowly in the setting sun, he could feel that the fishermen's kitchens by the bay were frying fish. Some fish were in season, and some were available for every meal.He got tired of eating those fish until he was an adult, and he could still remember the smell like burnt wood after hiccupping.

He smiled, because looking at the spreading waves, he thought of the salted fish that he was tired of eating since he was a child. "Jie! Have you ever thought about what we will do if we don't sing anymore?" Xiaojie squinted his eyes and looked at the distant island before saying, "Find someone to marry!" "Nervous!" "No! Maybe I can go transgender too! Girls don't always say that, find someone to marry, it seems that life can be settled once and for all." "No need, we have nothing to do anyway, and the dream of Tahiti has been dreaming for several years, and it is getting farther and farther away, no need."

"Seriously, what are we going to do if we don't sing?" "I don't know!" It was still the answer after a while. "Are you tired?" Jack asked. "That's not true, you know? I've only recently discovered that men should have more important things to do besides fighting constantly." Xiaojie still looked at the distant island. "My mother married my father when he was 20 years old. He didn't ask how people felt. He left alone. He couldn't even find a boat. He told the neighbors and uncles that he probably went to the Philippines." "Why not Tahiti?" Xiaojie asked with a smile. "Is it too far away?" "No, you give me an endless ladder, I can climb to the moon to show you." He turned around and stared at Ah Xiang. "Yes! Maybe! We can find someone to marry." "Yes! Yes! Then you have to find someone to love first, right?" Very aggrieved. "That's right! I haven't been in love for a long time." "Yes! I haven't been in love since the year I was born." "There must be something wrong with us! I think... I think we may all love ourselves too much, so we are very good at pretending to love others." The boat has passed the black ditch, and it is much calmer.After noon, there was no longer a way to fry fish in the dining room, and the sun was slanting and very warm. It's autumn! Do you want to go back to the countryside for August Festival?Ah Xiang asked himself like this.I haven't been back for almost a year, and there is no one in the countryside, only a dilapidated house left there.Later, my mother got her own new home, and she felt that she was old enough to not bother her, so she dealt with the occasional phone calls. In the past few years, it's not true that I haven't loved, but I always feel that what should I give to others?The fate is very strange. Although I know very well that the mother met a good man later, there is no way to dissolve the innocence that has been tightly glued to my heart since I was a child.It's not that love is something that will definitely change, why not?In the end, he always thought so, why not?Like a song in a minor key, I love the song in a minor key in my bones; no matter how noisy the music I have been playing for many years, it is a song in a minor key. The noisier the song, the more minor it is. "Miramirami Remy, Lacido Silami Remy..." Thinking about it, he hummed again. "A new song?" Xiaojie lay on the side of the boat, as if asking about the distant ripples. "No! It's shit!" When Ah Xiang was about to flick the cigarette butt away, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a bird parked on the bow!The big bird is grooming itself against the wind. "Jay! Look! Shhh! Don't move! Look at the bird in the bow!" "It's always been there??! It's been there since just now!" "Really?...Really? Did you have it just now?" Maybe the bird was completely white and disappeared in the pitch white of the bow, maybe he was too focused on memories? "You didn't call me?" The optimistic person quickly regained his childishness. "Why are you called? This is their territory!" "Catch it!" As soon as this thought came up, the bird spread its wings and glides towards the wind. It flapped its wings and flew gracefully towards the bow of the ship.There is an island in the distance, and the white bird is in the blue sky, like a pointer, leading the boat forward. "Is the bird going home?" he thought. "Did that bird come with us all the way?" Xiaojie asked suddenly. "Why does the bird take the boat? It's here to lead the way!" "It makes sense! It makes sense! Maybe there is someone it misses on this boat!" Xiaojie pretended to be stupid and echoed as if mocking. "It's romantic enough!" Ah Xiang said thoughtfully as he took the cigarette handed over by Xiaojie with his mouth open. The beautiful island is slowly approaching in the setting sun. Some people are moving on the pier, and there is another greeting. Maybe it’s because of the sea breeze blowing too much. Maybe it’s because the island is the hometown of that beautiful bird. like.Ah Xiang smiled, abnormally wanting to get to know these people. "Let's go?" Ah Xiang put his arms around Xiaojie's shoulders, and puffed up his chest! "Why? The sky has changed?" Xiaojie turned to look at Ah Xiang suspiciously. The grassland slowly unfolds towards the direction of the monsoon. Two motorcycles are galloping on the green grassland. The big boat that arrives in the afternoon is moored at the bottom of the slope. It looks a bit small from the slope, like a child's toy.A little bit of white is placed between the emerald green and the distant blue, but it is also very conspicuous. Like children, the two rushed to the top of the slope, laughing and laughing. "Dump them!" "Dump it!" Xiaojie blushed with anxiety. "Again? Where is this road going?" "Ah, you ask me, who am I asking?" The two of them rode their bicycles together and looked at the path that slid down to the other side of the island. It was a long time after noon, and the sun pulled their figures crookedly. "Whatever, no matter how you go, you can't leave this little dick island, right?" "Let's go! Just treat it as the hometown of mermaids, maybe you will run into a blind dick!" "How to divide one! I want three, I have two, and you can make do with one." "Okay! Big brother, you can do everything!" "Just let him get lost! It's like the E key! Yes! It's like the E key, which never tells you whether it's sad or happy! It feels pretty good." "Who cares about you! Someone is chasing you, hurry up!" The grass waves sometimes stand up in the autumn monsoon, and sometimes crawl.The two of them slid across the waves, which startled many moths and disturbed the originally quiet world.Time and desire seem to be superfluous here.The sun sticks to the side of Isshiki's pot like a fiery pancake, frozen, everything is frozen, emotions, anger, sorrow and joy are also frozen here. The two stopped by the water, you look at me, I look at yours. "What about again?" "You still ask me! Aren't you from Haizhuan? Over there is the east side now?" Ah Xiang looked at the sun that was tilted to one side and said with a smile. "I can only look at the stars! The sun needs instruments." Xiaojie laughed along. "Does that mean we have to wait until evening?" "Don't be blind. You can ride back even if you don't go back, and they will come looking for you if you don't go back! Take a break! Do you want to swim? It's rare to be so far away from the world." "How do you swim without pants?" "You think you are a popular singer, you care about your image? Who cares to look at your naked butt." As he said that, he took off his clothes and walked into the water naked. "Damn it! It's not up to par!" Ah Xiang lay naked on the beach, continuing the memories of the afternoon.He was thinking that it must be the smell of salty fish floating in the cabin, which made him restless all the way.Should we go back to the countryside for a walk?Or make a phone call to my mother, forgetting how long I haven't seen each other.Xu knew the innocence hidden in his heart that should not be offended, and his mother seldom called.Why are you calling?The son always dealt with it angrily, saying what to do when he went back?Don't you have to watch TV?Don't you have a TV at home?Didn't you know your son is often on TV?I also deliberately said the word "your home" in a particularly eye-catching way.The old mother was on the other end of the phone, and her voice was a little choked up.I just want to say how you are, as if I want to wait for her to get sad, so I can swallow the pain in the back of my head, the smell of salted fish in my memory, and the innocence that cannot be insulted... I am happy to know that she is well.She was never really angry that she married someone else.She was so young, beautiful, and vulnerable when her father left.I also deeply felt that it was unfair for her, and then I gradually thought it was good.However, everything has become a habit, as if I was waiting for her call every day, and then found that she was still sad... The taste of the salted fish is so bitter! What is the number of girls with large breasts and beautiful buttocks standing at the front of the stage last night?Think about this!Salted fish, salted fish, I don’t know if those modern and gorgeous girls also eat the old-fashioned salted fish we eat in the countryside... The salted fish defeated the girl with big breasts and beautiful buttocks in a drowsy state, and it was burned in Ah Xiang's warm head. The sun was so comfortable.Maybe it's time to call home, haven't done that voluntarily in years.Time to call home.... "Ah Xiang! Come down! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" the man shouted excitedly in the water, and his voice swayed on the edge of the raised cliff... "If you don't come down, I guarantee you will regret it." Ah Xiang didn't respond, and was groggy. "A Xiang!" At some point, Xiaojie got up and raised his pants, leaning against A Xiang, calling him softly. "Xiang! Look!" Ah Xiang narrowed his eyes and blocked the sunlight with his hands. "Above! See?" Xiaojie was still kneeling on the sand with his buttocks bare. "..." A large white gull stopped on the top of the cliff and groomed its fur. "It's weird!" Xiaojie smiled with difficulty, as if he was frozen in the sea. "Is it the one on the boat at noon?" The question of the two people was the same.Ah Xiang sat up, rolled up his hands and watched like a telescope. "It's possible! Because I didn't see any birds along the way just now, let alone such a big one." "It's from Haizhuan! What kind of bird is this?" Xiaojie shrugged. "Could it have come to show us the way?" "Bring your head on! You got dizzy from the sun." "It's hard to say! I seem to have read such a story in a book." "Is there? Is that a dolphin?" The two of them squatted on the beach and stared at the bird on the top of the cliff. "Follow it and watch it fly there. It's idle anyway." "Why doesn't it fly?" Ah Xiang gestured to Xiaojie's setting sun that had gone sideways. "Chasing it!" Xiaojie grabbed a stone on the ground and made a gesture to throw it. Only then did he think that the bird had already taken a step ahead, and it spread its wings and flew up against the wind. "Quick! Chase!" Nervous!What kind of day is this, Ah Xiang smiled wryly in his heart, but kept moving his body, stepped on the motorcycle and hurriedly followed Xiaojie to chase after him. In the gradually yellowing sky, reflecting the west-slanting sun, the bird streaked across an arc like a shooting star, and the two chased along the grassland in frustration. In the sad and beautiful early autumn, some early stars in the sky can't wait to ignite their faint light.Facing the monsoon, there is a bit of coolness, but these make people forget the hustle and bustle and forget the troubles.Two old boys who escaped from the crowd chased after a gull flying alone. "The answer is blowing in the wind! The answer is blowing in the wind!" The two sang an old song of immortality sharply. Round the long, white beach, the road has long since disappeared.They stopped in front of rows of towering rock walls and looked up. The bird reflected in the setting sun was very clear. "It stopped there." "How did the car pass?" Ah Xiang scratched his head anxiously. "I think the village is just behind there." Xiaojie bent over to pick up a stone, and threw it at the bird on the rock wall. "Why doesn't it fly?" "It won't fly even if you throw it away!" The two of them studied side by side.The monsoon at dusk is cold and has a salty smell. "Climb up? Leave the car here and talk about it tomorrow." After thinking about it, there was no better idea. The two stopped the car and climbed up the rock wall occupied by the bird. "Look! It's so easy, there is no way out, and there is no way out, and there is another village." Xiaojie stared at Ah Xianghu, who was lagging behind. "Yes! Xinghua Village! Since the Qin Dynasty, I have... said goodbye!" Ah Xiang panted. When the gull took off again, Xiaojie was already standing on the rock. "How?" Ah Xiang raised his head and asked anxiously. Xiaojie stood there upright, the rock wall was very quiet for a while. "What's up, anyone?" Xiaojie turned around, stroked his forehead with one hand, with a surprised expression on his face. "Come on!" he whispered, his voice trembling. It was a small plane turned upside down, lying comfortably on its back in the emerald green grass waves.Reflecting Yu Xia, the bright metal is very dazzling, spreading its wings like a sleeping giant. The monsoon is swirling in this small mountain, whistling in the hairline.The two of them unconsciously gathered their collars and stood stiffly for a long time, as if dreaming, they all fell into their own imaginations. "Did you just drop it?" "The grass has grown, it must have been a long time." "But I've never heard of such news!" Ah Xiang slowly pushed aside the miscanthus and moved over softly. "Is there anyone inside?" Xiaojie followed behind. "Which country do you think it is from?" Ah Xiang ignored him and stood on the wing of the plane that was inserted obliquely in the soil. "It seems to have fallen here for a long time!" Xiaojie stroked the paint on the wing that was about to peel off. "It's so pitiful!" "What?" Ah Xiang stared at him, suddenly unable to understand what he meant. "It's just so pitiful! People don't know what's wrong?" The two leaned over to go into the empty cockpit, the instrument was shattered to the ground, and one can imagine the violent impact when it landed. "It's so pitiful! The news hasn't been reported!" Xiaojie murmured to himself. "Is there? We haven't cared about social affairs for several years!" "That's right..." His voice became even softer. "People don't know what's wrong?" Xiaojie was still muttering while walking in the miscanthus. The two stood still on the rock head and looked back, Ah Xiang just stared at it without saying a word, the wind became more and more urgent, and the smell was salty. He was thinking… he was thinking…. "Miramirami Remy, Lacido Silami Remy..." It was a minor tune, Ah Xiang closed his eyes and hummed softly. "Mira Miredo Remy, Lala Sidosi...la..." His voice gradually became higher, and he hummed the Layin in the wind like an old elder. Xiaojie didn't bother him, he liked this guy because he was abnormal. He knew it was a minor key, and they all liked minor keys, like the whistling monsoon, like the tides coming and going, like the clouds in the sky.The minor key is really good, like an answer blowing in the wind. "Let's go!" Ah Xiang woke up like a dream, and the two of them slid down from the rock wall they climbed up again. "Is that a new song just now?" Xiaojie asked indiscriminately.The monsoon can't blow on the rock wall, so it's still very quiet. "No, it's shit!" Ah Xiang responded, jokingly. "Bitch!" Jay cursed. "I'm sure I'll get fucked when I go back! We agreed to have dinner together, and they might have already started." The setting sun was about to touch the sea water, Ah Xiang sat still and watched the rays of light reflected from the sea.I thought, there will be fried fish for dinner, right?On this remote island, there should be fried fish for dinner, right?The salty smell is like burnt wood, and I suddenly feel that it would be good to eat fried fish today. Xiaojie stood on the beach and looked up. "Ash! Is this the place we went up to?" "Nervous! Isn't the car parked there?" He compared the distance. "But! When we came, did you have this?" Xu Shi was too anxious when he came, and Xu Shi's white shells were not eye-catching on the beach.After Ah Xiang stood still, he realized that the original roadside, no, it couldn’t be considered a road, it just passed along the waterline of the beach, and shell mounds piled up with white shells were scattered up and down.Like children's pranks, some are simply writing a few names on the faded wood, some have been scattered in the waves, is there anyone in it?You will think so.Or Mermaid?Only a mermaid is worthy of sleeping in such a pure white and beautiful tomb made of shells. "This is cool! This is cool! I will do the same in the future." Xiaojie murmured to himself from behind. "Is this the mermaid's bed? I'm afraid you don't deserve to sleep here!" The setting sun disappeared in the sea.Ah Xiang looked up at the stars in the sky, the salty monsoon wind made his eyes moist. "You asked me this afternoon." Xiaojie lit a cigarette and stuffed it on Ah Xiang's slightly parted lips. "what?" "Tell me, what are you going to do after you stop singing?" "Hmm!" Ah Xiang half-closed his eyes with smoke in his eyes. "Keep singing until I can't sing anymore, buy a one-way ticket, sit here... after I fall down, someone will pile up shells like that on me." "Then you go to the other end, don't get too close to me, I want it here, I will definitely come later than you." Ah Xiang smiled. "Really? You played so fiercely!" "Let's play and see!" The monsoon is blowing slowly, and a round of bright moon rises from the rock wall. The waves wash the beach, and the tides come and go.There is a smell in the monsoon, salty, salty..., reminiscent of fried fish. It was a long dinner, said to be the busiest day ever on this island.The swarthy middle-aged man leaned over with a red face, he was the township chief, department chief or something, Ah Xiang couldn't come to his senses all of a sudden, he gave Xiaojie the top. "Director Xia!" Xiaojie picked up the wine glass on the table and untied Ah Xiang. "I'm so happy that you are here today. The tern conservation work on our island is already in its second decade. It's great to have you perform on the island to wake up this... the world's attention. It makes so much sense." Ah Xiang laughed along with him, thinking to himself, is the election day coming soon?So everyone is attentive, can the terns on the island survive?Not really a concern of people. He thought of the big bird fluttering in the monsoon under the dim yellow sunset in the afternoon. Humans are really boring. They occupy the habitat of birds, destroy them, and then hypocritically say that they want to preserve them. He doesn't worry about these things. He thinks he is more practical.Over the years, he just decided whether he likes the place to go, whether the price is satisfactory, or the other way around. He felt that he was not hypocritical at all, he would go if someone needed him, or he felt that he wanted it, just like this performance on an outlying island, there was no motivation, no motivation. He framed himself in a narrow world, assuming he was content.He thought of the plane lying on its back in the grass waves, so peaceful. "I want to ask you, which plane?" Everyone will be overwhelmed at once, you look at me, I look at you. "It's the plane that fell... on the grassland over there!" Xiaojie gestured in a direction with his hands indiscriminately. "Oh! It's been a long time, we had it when we were young!" The young man next to the director rushed to say. "It's been seven or eight years, and their children may know better than us." "That's Mr. Qiuyi's plane." The young man named A Ding endured it for a long time and finally asked, "Is it difficult to be a singer?" Xiaojie smiled, looked at Ah Xiang and wanted to hear his answer. Ah Xiang looked into the distance without turning his head and said quietly: "Actually, this is an industry that doesn't exist at all." "No! I mean, is there any requirement to be a singer?" He was obviously very dissatisfied with the answer Ah Xiang gave him earlier. "It's probably like driving a boat alone in the dark and boundless fog, right?" "Oh! How miserable! Aren't you all a crowd of people?" "It's all fake! It's all fake..." The three walked in silence again. The weather was fine, hard as metal and dry, and a few birds flew up from the cactus bushes.The church was built at the junction of two hillocks, reminiscent of the cross pendants hanging between the plump twin peaks. "Here! It's here." Aden shrugged and said. "Looks like no one has been here for hundreds of years!" "That's right! No one here believes in (this) religion!" "Then you said that your teacher often comes here." "Yes indeed!" "Does she live here?" "The ghost wants to live here! I heard that this place was the barracks of the Dutch a long time ago, and then there seems to be a war, and many people died." "So complicated!" "That's right! Don't look at this small island of ours! It's the main channel of transportation in the strait! There are so many strange stories!" "yes?" The three walked around the narrow house. "La la Xi la Remy..." Ah Xiang hummed softly. Xiaojie stopped Ading and motioned him not to disturb him. After a few steps, A-Ding pestered Xiaojie to ask again. "Yeah! Seriously, is there any requirement to be a singer?" Only Xiaojie responded casually. "Then what are the requirements? You just need to be handsome." "Really? What do you think of me?" "Yeah! It's okay! It's better to go to the beauty salon and make a little tiger tooth! It's more popular now..." "Oh! Don't! That's so fake!" "That's right! It's all fake! Didn't someone tell you just now?" "You guys are so weird! People like you..." The sound gradually faded away, drowned in the monsoon that had just risen again in the afternoon.There is a salty smell in the wind, reminiscent of the dried fish on the shelves in the afternoon in my hometown. It's autumn! Autumn is originally the season of Minor, and Minor is irresponsible, and Minor has never been willing to take any responsibility.Minor keys can be made into all kinds of music, and even cover up the sadness in the tune, which is sad in its essence. Just like sad people, they can pretend to be happy, but deep down they are melancholy. Ah Xiang thought of a girl he knew a long time ago. "Tingting!" I still remember the name, but the appearance is a bit blurred. "You're scary!" she said. "Of course I'm not your favorite woman! I know. It's just weird! I feel... I really feel that your favorite woman is not human at all." She watched him downcast, smoking. "You're used to torturing yourself." And these words are really tormenting. What is your favorite?I don't know, and I actually don't want to know.Isn't that what those rogue psychologists all say? Your woman is just the shadow of another little mother. "I think! I fell in love with your attitude, how you take things seriously, not you! Sometimes, I feel like you don't exist at all." He stroked his lips with difficulty, wanting to say something, but he didn't reply anymore, as if he already knew all the answers, if the answer has already surfaced, then that's it?Not everyone is born blue. That is the closest... the closest love to my heart! The girl named Tingting. This remote and beautiful island, like a magnet, overturned all the feelings accumulated in my heart in such a season as hard and dry as metal.He was thinking about what Adin told them along the way.The young teacher Qiuyi, with her little daughter, came here after quitting her job on the island. Ading smiled and said, "Going crazy, you know? After my father went to the island, he ran away and never came back. Have you seen the cliff when you came here? They call it the Wangfushi, It’s so funny! There are dozens of islands here, and every island has Wangfushi.” "What about you?" Jay asked him. "That's why I'm asking you! Is there any need for assistants, and for the guitarist, I'm going to go 'roaming' too!" Ah Xiang imagines that a child like A Ding has never really been in love!Maybe when another person is more important to you than anything else, there is nothing you can't give up!He preferred to imagine this young woman from this island, who came here to guard her lover who could never go back.For every simple love, there should be an unswerving, hard-as-iron tie! "I love you!" It's enough to say once in a lifetime, he thought. But he never told anyone, maybe he was afraid that it would fade, maybe... he would never use it for the rest of his life, so he buried it with his youth. The three of them sat on the wall of the chapel, thinking about their own affairs.In the grassland behind the hill, the small plane that flew from the main island lay there on its back, very peaceful. Come and go!The tides come and go.... The monsoon was blowing slowly again. "I love you!" This sentence is enough to say once in a lifetime, really.he thinks. Some people, just alive, have never been able to say it once in their life: like his mother who worked in the fishing port and never traveled far, and his father who ran far away and could never be found, they must have never said anything. One sentence. "I love you……." He felt as if he had slept for half his life, slowly waking up in the monsoon. Is it too late to say something?There are also some things that need not be said!There are some things that I wanted to say, but never said.Like your own mother.Like the waves washing the middens on the beach.He felt salty on his cheeks, probably due to the monsoon.If he can say "I love you!", it's because one day, he woke up in the monsoon. The three of them moved slowly in the grass waves, and the sun set to the west. They could see the lights of the stage flickering in the distance, and the music before the performance was filled in the wind.Ah Xiang stood still in front of a field of celestial chrysanthemums. He seemed to hear someone shouting in the clear sky. Was it the man who drove a small plane from the island to shout? Behind the hills, on the grassland where the little plane is sleeping.The white gull flew into the wind. Ah Xiang smiled and said to Ah Ding, "Singing is not difficult at all! Use this!" Ah Xiang stretched out his left hand to hold his heart. "Here?" A-Ding looked suspiciously, Bibi's own heart. Facing the direction in which the white gull was raised, the two of them shouted "Yi Yi Ya Ya!"Xiaojie laughed beside him. "How! Are you more comfortable?" "It's a major key!" Xiaojie thought in his heart, he knew the major key.It's still a bit melancholic, but it's in a major key.... A small grocery store along the road.Ah Xiang and Xiaojie were on the phone and dialed several numbers repeatedly. "It's connected! Ah!" Xiaojie handed the phone to Ah Xiang. On the drying rack at the entrance of the shop, the fish that have just been hung up this season are drying.Shaking in the monsoon, it is a toothy snapper.He recognized that there was a bright shadow on the belly.In autumn, the wind in my hometown is full of its taste... "Mom! I'm Xiang!" Xiaojie stuffed a lighted cigarette on Ah Xiang's slightly parted lips, and walked quietly outside the shop door by himself. Such a peaceful island, little Jella went to taste the fish hanging on the rack; it was salty, and the whole wind smelled like this. The opening music started, and the two walked towards the stage. "Hi!" Ah Xiang called Xiaojie in front of him. The light from the stage reflected Xiaojie's eyes, they were brown, like the bright shadows on the belly of a fish at the entrance of the shop. "Thank you!" Ah Xiang said, staring at Xiaojie. Xiaojie raised his hand, Ah Xiang watched him play the guitar for many years, his knuckles were covered with calluses. "Sing to me a little bit! It's so temperamental that no one will understand..." "Like salted fish..." "Yes! It's like... the taste of salted fish!"
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