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Chapter 2 Raise a glass with Shenzhen book friends

The South on Taste Buds 古清生 1231Words 2018-03-18
The Tianya I am talking about is the Tianya online community. Today, I don’t think the Internet is a virtual world. It is an interesting form of interpersonal communication supported by modern technology. The Internet has allowed me to meet a much wider range of friends than before the Internet age .I stayed in Tianya for a long time, and met a group of good book friends, including the Shenzhen Book Club, such as Xuener, Baozi Mantou, Mr. OK, etc. Mr. OK is especially interesting. He has written a lot of books. He tried his best to push Dong Qiao's essays to the mainland.But I don’t know who said that Mr. OK is a lady. I think it’s very interesting. It’s no wonder that those who are knowledgeable women are willing to call themselves husband. I also heard that her name is Hu Hongxia, so I definitely believe that Mr. OK is a lady. .

I went to Shenzhen and wrote an article in Bao'an. Suddenly I had a free day, so I left a message to Mr. OK in Tianya Xianshuo, saying that I had arrived in Shenzhen. The saber from the company also came over, let me go to the city at night (Bao'an is the countryside of Shenzhen), and left me a mobile phone.I dialed the mobile phone number, and when I heard that Mr. OK is not a woman, let me ask again, are you Mr. OK?He replied, I am.It's really strange, I seem to be missing something, how could this be?I always thought Mr. OK was a woman.In the afternoon, Fangda from Bao’an TV station drove me into the city. I didn’t have a border defense card, so I couldn’t enter the city by myself, although I deliberately brought my passport.But it turned out that Mr. OK's name was Hu Hongxia, and people also called him Daxia.

The meeting place they found was very hidden, mainly because it was close to Tian Hongbao's office building.When I arrived, they had already ordered food, and the table was full of book friends who were chatting with each other.Saber is very thin and wears a pair of myopia glasses. Sao Hong is the only woman. She has big eyes and is silent, so she quit her job to write full-time.Baozi Mantou is a very big police officer, so there are many police tattoos on his forehead.Handan is a handsome young man.With so many people, there are two kinds of wine in front of them, one is beer, and the other is Tian Hongbao's Bordeaux red wine.As I was a guest outside their circle, Saber gave me a bottle of Louis XIII and a Havana cigar he had brought.As usual, he poured me down again and toasted frequently. Fang Da was too drunk, and he still had to drive. I just wanted not to fall down in Shenzhen.The drinking place is said to be on the edge of the Mistress Village in Shenzhen, and all mistresses live in the community, so the transportation between the place and Hong Kong is convenient.

Shenzhen is a northern cultural enclave in Lingnan. The southernmost people on the table are also from Hunan. Then Baozi Mantou said, we all come from the north, and we are the wolves of the north.A table of dishes, I don’t remember which one is good. Baozi Mantou specially introduced me to an oil eel. The oil eel is fried in flour. It is curved in shape, long or slightly short, and its diameter is smaller than the holder of a small script brush. .It is a sea creature, it has been fried dry, and it is quite tough, but it is just chewed fiercely when holding the chopsticks. I think the eel is really good to serve with wine.Everyone on this table has their own personality. However, the strange man only has a saber, and he can taste the era of Louis XIII. He drinks foreign wine in Hong Kong, and he always holds a Havana cigar between his slender fingers. His ancestral home is in Shandong.

After drinking until almost midnight, I felt a little dizzy, so we all went to Tian Hongbao's office building, and he gave everyone a book, which was not true.There are thread-bound books on his boss's desk and the bookcase behind him. I made a special statement not to give me a book that is too valuable, because I will easily lose it.Surprisingly, in Tian Hongbao's bookcase, I had a copy of "Left Roast and Right Stew Soup". He took it down and asked me to write my name on it, which I did.Then, everyone drank tea and picked books.I feel that loving nothing is as good as loving books. Drinking tea, it is really the tea Tian Hongbao brought back from Tokyo, chatting about books, there is a bit of elegance, everyone is knowledgeable and innocent.Well, a group of Shenzhen people who were talking about books, they talked about opening a second-hand bookstore in Shenzhen, thinking that there is such a store, a good place for gatherings, so I listened silently, this is also a group of Shenzhen people.We talked until late, and we went our separate ways.

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