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Chapter 25 deserted sun island

Searching on Weishan Lake 董尧 1303Words 2018-03-18
Harbin's Sun Island, like a rosy cloud in the sky, attracts many people's yearning.After I found a place to live, I hurried there. That day happened to be the Double Ninth Festival, and Halbin people celebrated the Old Age Festival.Although the streets are full of yellow leaves and Wanmu has lost his youth, the chrysanthemums on the window sills and in the flower gardens are showing a variety of shapes; old women and old men are wearing head flowers and colorful scarves, forming a group to follow. With the dull sound of gongs and drums, people twisted the big Yangko with great interest in the streets and alleys and scenic spots, adding warmth to the already cold weather!

I am very unfamiliar with Halbin, I only know from the text that she is a bright pearl beside the Songhua River, and Songhua River, a song of exile has established an indelible impression, and even made it a Sun Island.When I walked out of the train station tiredly and was surrounded by a group of middle-aged and young women soliciting customers, I remembered all the "dangerous situations" I heard on the way and the "Siberian tiger" and suddenly felt a sense of terror: "I can't stay here for long!" I first stepped into Stalin Park.The park is along the side of the Songhua River, and the river is slanted and elegant. The earliest sight is a flood control monument with curved fences and flood-fighting figures all over the body.It is said that in 1967, the water of the Songhua River was 4 meters above the city, and all the men and women in the city mobilized to build a high embankment to ensure the safety of the urban area. After the water receded, this monument was built to commemorate it.For this alone, Harbin people are worthy of admiration. The park is as deserted as it is in season.I hurriedly boarded the yacht at the small tourist pier by the Songhua River.

Some people say that two seasons are the best in Harbin. One is midsummer, with flowers in full bloom and a pleasant climate; the other is severe winter, covered with ice and snow, a world of glazed glass.I came at the wrong time, the autumn wind blows the fallen leaves, the river is shallow, and the setting sun is everywhere.The small boat only made a small circle in the middle of the river, and then sent me to the other side——I went to Sun Island. Sun Island is separated from the urban area by the river, except for a few Soviet-style spiky and vermilion buildings, the sidewalk flower gardens are nothing special.Fallen leaves cover the road, no tourists are seen, and there are no road signs to check. The only feeling that people feel when walking is cold.Later, relying on intuition, I climbed the rockery, walked into the water pavilion, and ate my own breakfast on the golden lawn covered with thick fallen leaves.In addition to Sun Island, you need to buy tickets for the People's Garden, and other scenic spots have to buy tickets separately-this is probably a common practice in the country. The Summer Palace in Beijing has a garden within a garden, and the Forbidden City also has a palace within a palace. If you want to see the garden Any garden in the palace, any palace in the palace, you need to buy another ticket.Halbin people are not naive, and the islands on Sun Island can naturally have their own independent portals.However, the Halbin people are still kind. When I approached the ticket office in the garden to buy tickets, they saw that my hair was full of frost, and they said kindly: "Today is the Senior Citizen's Day, you don't need to buy tickets. Please Come in!" I bowed reverently!

There is a Zhongliu Garden on Sun Island, which is the best garden in the garden.The walls and lintels are unique, like a box or a wooden bungalow; when you walk in, you can see that the mountain and stream houses are well coordinated. The stream in front of the pavilion is winding and winding. Voice.I was resting on the lawn under the bright sunshine, thinking about the meaning of the name of the garden: I don’t know why it is used as the name of the garden (read), it is rarely used in Chinese phrases, I saw it in some soil science articles, it seems to mean Or it is specially used for saline-alkali land.This garden has beautiful mountains and green waters, and the houses are novel, without a sense of desolation.Later, I heard that it was built with donations from a friend of Hongben, so I named it this way.After China opened its door, many foreigners became friendly with China with various ideas.As a result, various parks, factories, and enterprises with a mixture of Chinese and Western cultures came out, and became fashionable and a symbol of the new era. It is not surprising that the garden built by H himself is named "Zhong Ni".I wanted to have a Japanese breakfast, but because tourists were scarce and the restaurant was closed, I had to give up.

When you come out of Zhongfu Garden, you walk around a mirror lake, and you can see a Soviet-style mule-drawn carriage pulling passengers. The wheels are high, and the carriage workers on the frame are dressed in Russian clothes. There are flower balls on the heads of big horses. It will be very special to sit on. .Have fun.The driver said that in midsummer and midwinter, the fee is 10 yuan per passenger, but now in the off-season of tourism, the fee is only 5 yuan per passenger. 5 yuan by a 10 yuan car, and finally Sun Island discount.I sat in the carriage and walked out of Sun Island Park in a "flashy way".

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