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Chapter 4 Lady Black Rock

material life 玛格丽特·杜拉斯 559Words 2018-03-18
At the Black Rock Hotel, every afternoon, in the summer, there are some old ladies who come to the terrace to chat and chat.Some people call them Lady Black Rock.It was like this every day, every afternoon, all summer long.They can talk about their lives for a lifetime, and a lifetime is a lot.The women talked on the deck facing the sea and talked about the cooler weather until evening.People often pass by here and come to listen.Sometimes they invite them to stay with them.These women are talking about their lives and events in other people's lives, about what other people have been through, and the way they talk is unparalleled.They had grown up in the rubble of war, and they spoke of forty years in central Europe.People come to this big hotel on the shore of the Strait of Manche ① every year.For this reason, we talked about it.

① That is, the part east of the English Channel between France and Britain. In 1940, they were between twenty and thirty-five years old.Some of them live in Passy, ​​France.Speaking of ladies, the word madame means nothing if one does not know the ladies of Manche. ① Passy, ​​a city attached to Paris in its original place. In the summer, through their network of friendships, meetings, social relations and diplomatic exchanges, balls in Vienna, balls in Paris, dead at Auschwitz, exile, they rebuilt Europe. Proust also visited the hotel several times.Some people should know him.Just live in room 111 facing the sea.Here, it was as if Si Wang had also walked through this corridor.When Siwan passed by here, they were still very young girls.

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