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Chapter 42 godson

Prose by Su Qing 苏青 1874Words 2018-03-18
godson The proverb goes: "One mother has nine sons, and even the mother has ten hearts." Although the child is not careful, he also likes to show his temper. Who can teach him to vent his nostrils like himself? Ordinary people can divide their ideas into two kinds of ideas: one is to make their sons like themselves, the so-called "Ke Shao Ji Qiu", and it is better to be able to "cross the stove".The other is to hope that his son will no longer be as useless as himself, or that his efforts will not be thankful. The so-called grudges, such as Lu Xun’s will, hope that his son will no longer be a literati, and Ming Sizong’s painful words about why his daughter was born In the imperial family, he only hopes that his children can live a peaceful life among the people, and don't have to be the golden branches and jade leaves of the royal family to suffer the tragedy of subjugation and extinction.

Most of the purpose of teaching a child is to be good to the son and think about the son; but there are also plans for his own interests, such as teaching him to show off his relatives and fame, and to show more filial piety.Other than these two, most people's so-called teaching children is probably inexplicable. People say that children are not allowed to tell lies, and I say no, as if a son accidentally said a sentence, it is a heinous crime. Will it still be like this in the future?If the son begs for mercy with duplicity, his responsibility will be over, and the work of teaching the son will come to an end.But then there was another lesson, and he proudly said how he was a customer and wore the hat of a layman. Later, he was almost exposed. Fortunately, he made up a lie and explained that the transaction was finally successful.Therefore, when it comes to being a man, you must have the ability to lie, otherwise you will never want to make a living in this society.Such teaching and teaching made the son bewildered. Fortunately, he didn't take his father's teaching seriously at all, otherwise he would just think about it, wouldn't he be confused?

There are also fathers who started from scratch and hated that they didn’t read much when they were young. They desperately wanted to infuse the Four Books and Five Classics into their son’s head, so they paid for a Mr. Dong Hong to lock his son in the study all day long and read inexplicable things. As a result, his son has not yet read the book Tong, the body is broken first, wouldn't it be sad.There are also fathers who set up several factories by themselves, ask their son to be the factory manager, invest in him everywhere, and ask him to be a director, but the son only spends money, and the scene he worked so hard to support finally collapses.These old masters are thankless for their efforts, and they have been doing nothing for their children. A Dou, who can't help him, really has nothing to do with him. In the end, he just sighed and thought he was wronged in his previous life.It must be known that teaching also has its own method. The right method depends on the opportunity, and sometimes whether the objective environment at that time allows it. Fortunately, Meng’s mother moved three times because it was easy to find a house at that time. If it is today, teach her how to raise the money What about the advance fee?

The son of a revolutionist may not be willing to revolutionize again. He may enter an aristocratic school, or become a ready-made official in the government.So I said to the propaganda of many revolutionaries: "Find a way for our children and grandchildren." This kind of life sounds weak to me, because it is my urgent request to find a way for our children and grandchildren. Road, I am always afraid of futility.If I have worked so hard to find them for them, but they don't like to leave, and want to find another way, wouldn't it be a waste of my efforts.Because the hearts of the younger generations are not necessarily the same as those of the older generations, the Tao respected by the ancients will never be implemented, and the revolution advocated by the present will not be realized for a long time.If the revolution goes along one road, sooner or later it will reach its goal. I am afraid that it will change in the middle of the road and feel that this road is not right, or it is still right in the mouth but it is not right in the heart, so I hang up. Selling the sheep's head of the past doctrine and selling the dog meat of the current policy, after such a divergence and reunification, the original destination can only be regarded as a relic of history, and the victims of the past will die in vain.I think that people's hearts will never be satisfied, and the revolution may never stop, but for our immediate needs, we have to revolution.As for the children and grandchildren, they have to think and do it themselves, so how can we accomplish the meritorious deeds for them?

But the children simply raise them without teaching them.What I mean is: teach him actions when he is a baby, such as seduce him with objects, make him dance, etc., or give him false nipples and tell him to suck to relieve boredom.Teach it to walk when it is a little longer, and teach it to speak and read when it grows up.When I was young, my health was the principle, followed by knowledge. When I was in school, I was overworked and hurt my body.As for studying, I'm not superstitious about schools. If I can afford the tuition, I might as well let him play around in and out of class, even if it's practicing social life, and make more playmates.But it is important to strictly train in basic subjects, such as Chinese, arithmetic, common sense (you can actually use it), etc.And because China's academics are too underdeveloped, the foundation of important foreign languages ​​must also be laid, otherwise it will be even more difficult to read when you are older.

If the child is over twelve years old, I hope to train more skills, such as typing, sketching, or simple engineering.Versatility is not a bad thing. Although art is more valuable than excellence, if you don't let him know or try it, how can he like it? In terms of morality, I only taught him that whoever is beneficial to socialize should follow it, because a person cannot go around and hate others, so he has to live alone in the end.Snatching other people's things will make them unhappy, so of course I will teach him not to do so; but if you put up a dragonfly once, it doesn't seem to harm the child's dignity, so I definitely don't advocate yelling at him to stop him.

If the child grows up, I will definitely teach him to read history and use his brain to read.I taught him that he must first understand the so-called right and wrong of the past, how it changes, and how it is discovered layer by layer, so the new ones correct the old ones, or simply overthrow the old ones.I want to tell him again, what is the so-called right and wrong in my heart, how I am trying to implement my own ideas, and how I am continuing my life in contradiction until the time of my death.If he sympathizes with me and regards my right and wrong as right and wrong, then he will follow my will and do it. If he does not agree with me at all, or from the knowledge I taught him, he can find that I am wrong, Then I will also smile and close my eyes, because all I have is this, and this is all I know, and whether I accept it or not is a matter for the younger generation, and my so-called "teaching" responsibility is finally over.

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