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Chapter 13 talk about men

Prose by Su Qing 苏青 3702Words 2018-03-18
talk about men Everyone says that this world is a man's world, and only men are fighting for each other. It is not enough to have money, but also to gain power. You must make yourself superior and proud. In fact, the motives for these fights are all for women; they may not realize it, but I believe it is absolutely true.Yanzi's coachman was very complacent when he was holding the whip. After his wife saw it, he said: "Yanzi is less than five feet tall and is the prime minister of Qi State. You are not afraid of embarrassment because you were born with a majestic body of seven feet in vain. ?” After that, he worked hard and finally became a doctor. This is an example.Sometimes when I pass by the gates of government offices, I see standing guards shouting passwords to salute every time an officer comes out of a car, and I feel sorry for them, even though my husband is not among them.

May I ask if women in the world are men who love to ride cars and are respected by others?Or a man who loves to stand at the door and shout commands to salute others? ——Because there is no woman who does not envy vanity, men are all vain. Many men do not hesitate to give up their own artistic hobbies, study and study, exercise hygiene, just plead with each other, please, get up early and go to bed early, drink wine that they don’t want to drink every day, say things they don’t want to say, and put white serge in summer. The suit is neatly dressed, but the sweat vest and even the shirt are soaked through... everything is for money.But what do you do with the money?The only aboveboard reason is nothing more than to support the family.There are also some men who think secretly and feel that it is not worth it, and they are not convinced, so why don't they go out privately for a while?But in the end, you still can't get rid of women; you need a company when you dance; you have to invite a few women to be around when you watch theatre, play cards, and smoke opium, not to mention whores and the like.

Makeup powder, perfume, high-heeled shoes, silk and satin... everything is manufactured for the needs of women; there are countless workers in the world who are working day and night for women.Although it sounds a little sacrilegious to say this, but the fact is that there is no way to hide it.I believe that without women in the world, men cannot make money and they cannot spend money. ——Even if you are not happy when you earn it, and feel uncomfortable when you spend it, the world is not like a world. Men love women, but they can't explain it clearly, so women shed tears.Ordinary women only know soft words and soft words, hugging and hugging are called love. You must know that men have a lot of things to do. Officials have to plan every day how to flatter their superiors, squeeze their colleagues, and command their subordinates; Wearing someone else's hat, killing a layman's price, who can concentrate on making love to a woman?And women are difficult to wait for, like Jia Baoyu, who hides in the Grand View Garden all day long, not doing business, and even worrying about being considerate of Lin Daiyu's thoughts, how can men like this in modern times come back from the market or the office in a hurry? Under extreme fatigue and anger, how can he fully comfort his wife?So they have to choose what they want first, and the original motivation for making money is nothing more than to win the woman's favor. They speak softly and slowly, and maybe ask the woman to comfort him when necessary.Many women who don't understand it think that men make money for money and regard love as a spice. Therefore, women are not happy to use their duties to comfort themselves in a serious manner.They also have to have a career, or simply rely on it as a career, all they need is money and no love.

How much is a career worth to a woman?I'm always skeptical.It should be known that the beginning of a man's love is the beginning of his career, because he believes that only with a career can he maintain his love for her; and after the failure of love, he must work harder in his career, because he believes that if his career succeeds, he will not be afraid of losing hope of love again.But women are not.If a woman's love is successful, she doesn't need a career, and if her career is successful, she can't get love, so what's the use of this so-called career?I also know that women can fall in love and work at the same time, but it is better that all women in the world are like this, otherwise, in my opinion, women who work and fall in love at the same time will always be more focused on love than women. Women who don't work suffer.

In fact, from the point of view of true love, why don't women hope that men can concentrate on comforting themselves?A young woman must love Jia Baoyu, maybe she will change her mind and prefer to marry Zhen Baoyu when she understands the world.A woman loves Jia Baoyu because she wants sweet love, and marrying Zhen Baoyu just wants to be a first-class wife.Unfortunately, the descendants of Adam and Eve have no ready-made fairy fruit in Paradise to eat, and have to sweat to live by themselves, so men choose to make money, and it is natural for women to dress up. ——But there is no need to despise yourself, the purpose is still the same, just to please each other.

The pride of men is wrong. It is said that sages, heroes, scientists, artists, etc. have been men since ancient times and there are few women. You must know that this is caused by customary standards from ancient times to the present. Men used to please them women's.Women should be judged by their beauty and ugliness. Isn't it true that a history of the world is full of beautiful women?If men are willing to love women who serve as guards from now on, I believe that in the future, there will be many groups of Modanga girls shouting passwords and raising their slender hands in salute at the gates of government agencies.If women don't ask men to make money to gain prestige, there must be a lot of people like Jia Baoyu who make rouge juice with maids all day long, and the world can reduce some wars and killings.

Unfortunately, this concept can not be changed so far, so busy men are keen on fame and fortune.I also doubt the real value of the so-called career of ordinary men. I remember one time when my sister told me that she hoped to marry a well-meaning and wealthy husband. It is very difficult, and those who make money get rich by cheating, hoarding, mortgages, etc., how can we hope that they will suddenly have good intentions? It is actually very unreasonable for a man to use wealth and power to win the favor of a woman. However, some men get confused or become simple because of excessive efforts, mistaking the means for the purpose. He is an official to make money. , as long as a person is rich and powerful, it doesn't matter if the girls love me or not?The result was even more unimaginable.Because a person's vanity can stimulate oneself, but the sexual instinct cannot be wiped out, so men who work too hard to do other things when they are young often suffer from the disease of "approaching the old man's flowers", and their efforts are not thankful. It's too late to regret coming here.

No one is not lecherous, some are thinking hard in their hearts, and some are venting at will.People who think hard in their hearts seem to be well-behaved. They get good grades in school and work steadily in society. Many women who keep their own status think that this is a standard husband. They don’t know that these people are most likely to commit masturbation. It is hard to get the pleasure of both sexes.As for men who make random nonsense, there is also the risk of infection of willow disease, which is very scary when you think about it.There are also men who can suppress their desires and only seek spiritual venting, which is beneficial, and great art can be produced from this.Dante wrote his immortal masterpiece "Divine Comedy" because he could not marry Beatrice and his sexual desire was suppressed.But there are also men who can vent properly and often have contact with women without inappropriate actions. They are the most ideal husbands, but unfortunately there are not many of them.

There seems to be no reason for men to be afraid of their wives. It can also be explained as saving trouble, but I am afraid that many of them are due to lack of sexual ability.Just as the elderly are more likely to spend money on women, it is nothing more than making up for their mistakes.I feel ashamed and sorry, but I can't say it, so I have to give in everywhere, so I become henpecked.To put it bluntly, it is very clear to try to make fun of people to save trouble.Sexual psychology can explain the motives of all human behaviors. If it is considered indecent, then it is not worth talking about.

A man loves a woman's youthful beauty, which is a man's innocence and straightforwardness, and it is also the reason why a man is easily impulsive physiologically.Sexual love comes from stimulation, but it cannot last long, because the excitement will decrease after two people get along for a long time.Asking for material things is a helpless compensation for women, because they know that men are easy to change their minds and change quickly, so they should grab some material things as soon as possible, which can be regarded as comfort after disappointment.Anyway, I always get him a sum of money, which is a woman's rhetoric after being abandoned, because she can still get a fair price.If you say: Can't it be regarded as a woman playing with a man?It is more of the Ah Q style, and the result is that men can only take advantage of it.

Because men are easily impulsive, they are often not satisfied with their fixed spouses. They fall in love with dancers for a while, and actresses for a while, and sometimes they want to change their minds to become "female entrepreneurs".They didn't have any malice at the beginning, they just wanted to vent their instinctive desires, and if they had the strength, they took everything in, and the more the better.It's a pity that the women became incompatible with each other later, so there was a tragedy of abandoning the old woman because of the new man.In this society, especially in cities, I am afraid that very few men are truly monogamous.They have at least one or more mistresses, and the way to deal with them is still the usual way of taking concubines. Later, women's rights were suddenly advocated in a period, and gay love was the most popular, so stories of divorce from wives with small feet because of love for female students emerged endlessly. .Unexpectedly, the trend has changed again recently. Men see their seniors leave the nominal marriage of their little-footed wives, and after dating lesbians for several years, there seems to be no good results, so they believe that marriage is still half-new and old, and ask someone to introduce Meet a few times, communicate a few letters, and then get engaged in a daze and then get married. If you really love freely, you have to live together informally. You simply have no status, and you are not a wronged lover, and you will not offend your wife. , it kills two birds with one stone.At present, there are many women who are ambitious and famous, either because they cannot avoid physical domination after all, or because they deliberately take advantage of men's power, they easily become such unnamed mistresses. Freedom is very free. , It's just cheaper for men, they can be irresponsible at any time. Men are bad, because their love is not specific and permanent, but in fact this is their biological instinct, at least they are real.They like young and beautiful women, because young and beautiful women can directly arouse sexual stimulation, and thus produce love, that is true.Women keep saying that they like a certain man's morality and knowledge, or they secretly estimate his status and money in their hearts, as if sex can be completely satisfied by vanity, I think it is even more shameful.But it probably has something to do with biology too; their impulses are slower, and they are used to being bound by traditional thinking for thousands of years, and sexual repression has been regarded as natural.I always think the costumes of servants in movie theaters—purple red clothes with densely packed white brass buttons, and white trousers with two stripes on the outside—the blacker gentleman’s dress is pretty, but most women look down on it. Because it represents status for no reason; the latest men's hair style is combed on the head of the barber, and it becomes worthless.Hypocritical women!Their love may also be instinctively impossible to be permanent or specific, but they can restrain themselves and restore rituals, so they are often consistent.Their desires are often repressed, but instead of producing great art, they produce only children, developing them as much as possible in maternal love, and their life is over. A woman's vanity forces a man to give up his proper way of pleasing, and instead of stimulating the opposite sex by being young, strong, or beautiful, he only commits murder and collects money illegally, hoping that he will be able to stand out and attract the attention of women all over the world, but he doesn't know his temperament at this time , has become greedy and violent, and is no longer suitable for love that is soft like water and erratic like mist.Although women are vain, they can't completely obliterate their instinctive sexiness.They could never really love him.In addition to his mental suffering, his behavior will become more cruel and irrational, and the world will be in chaos. May women all over the world be less vain, and also make men less sinful. Men are such pitiful and hateful animals.
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