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Chapter 79 author of robinson crusoe

reading essay 叶灵凤 891Words 2018-03-18
author In the field of literature and art, some characters created by writers are often better than the writer himself, Even more famous than the work this character came from.Like Sherlock Holmes, everyone knows that he is a foreigner. The country's famous great detective, but these people may not have read "The Case of Sherlock Holmes", they may I thought Sherlock Holmes was a real person, and I didn't know that it was made by an Englishman named "Conan Doyle". Created by detective novel writers. This is true of popular novels, as well as literary and artistic works.So not everyone has read "Robin Robin"

Robinson Crusoe", but when it comes to Robinson, everyone knows that if a person dies on a boat, he drifts to On an uninhabited desert island, it will become "Robinson Crusoe". This year (1960) is the "Robinson Robinson" who is well-known all over the world The 300th anniversary of the birth of Defoe's creator.Who is Defoe? People who love literature and art may still have People don't know, but if it is explained that he is the author, I think everyone will Suddenly, and the mountain will become interested in this name. Daniel Defoe is an Englishman, born in 1660, so the year is his birth

Tricentennial.This writer who became immortal because of one book, The experience of life can be said to be varied. He has been prosperous, but also unlucky, has been imprisoned, and even been punished. Dai Jia stood on the street to show the public.He was a businessman, a political campaigner, a royal adviser, a spy, and until late I only switched to writing novels in 2000, and because of one book, the coffin was finalized and my name was immortalized. He became the most famous novelist in England in the seventeenth century. Defoe was born in a petty bourgeois family. His father was a butcher. Their family did not believe in the British Empire.

teaching, and therefore are discriminated against in many parts of society.But he also likes to engage in politics. Pamphlets are often used to publish speeches against the authorities and religion.In 1703 he had Over forty years old, because of a pamphlet offended members of Congress, to arrest him, he hid, Wanted with a reward of fifty pounds.Later, he was finally caught and sentenced to be exposed to the public three times and imprisoned again. some days. Apart from politics, Defoe also likes to do business, both of which bring him unlimited It was troublesome, and at the same time, it almost consumed his energy all his life.Until I was almost sixty years old, I really "learned

If you can't make a book, you can't learn a sword", so he switched to writing novels and published "Robinson Crusoe" in 1719. "Crafting", which became famous in one fell swoop, so he devoted himself to writing novels.Except for this "Lu In addition to Binson Crusoe, there is also "Moore Flanders" which describes the life of an unfortunate woman. "Silk" (the Chinese translation was renamed "Autobiography of a Slut"), which is also loved by the world.There is also a note Contains a diary of the Great Pandemic in London. —It is said that he wrote a total of political pamphlets in his life

There are more than 300 kinds of books, in fact, only one is enough to make his name famous. dead. Defoe lived to be seventy-one years old, and died in 1731.
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