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Chapter 21 18 Silurian

happy enmity record 李敖 16848Words 2018-03-18
With the mainland in mind, stay in Taiwan to be blatantly stuck, why bother to build a coffin My family lives in a building on Dunhua South Road in Taipei City. In the past 20 years, I have had the good fortune to meet good neighbors - dentists Zhang Shanhui and Lin Liping. The dentist runs a hospital and his wife is the "principal". The father of the "Principal" held the power of intelligence and governance in Shanghai, and it was useless to kill the real and fake Communists. When he first came to Taiwan, people were panic-stricken. Come, our family will jump into the Danshui River!" Although it happened fifty years ago, the "principal" said that she still had lingering fears, and felt that every meal was painful.Fifty years ago at the same time, my family also came to Taiwan from Shanghai. Although my father was not a national special-level like the "dean" father, he was not afraid of "being skinned by the Communist bandits", but since he fled to an isolated island together, it is possible .A small country special named Zong Ronglu wrote in his memoirs that before he came to Taiwan, he asked Professor Song Weilin, a fellow from Shanxi, to come with him. Professor Song scolded him and said: "The Kuomintang has passed away, and you still want to see the funeral." I saw This sentence shocked my heart. I, Li Ao, obviously died together, but by accident, I saw someone else "die" again, and I had the opportunity to "see the funeral with my own eyes". This kind of "you die and I live" ending, It was an adventure to think about it.What's more, in making the Jiang family's puppet government "end of life", I was not without merits of promoting death and flogging corpses. This kind of adventure blossomed even more.

On March 5, 1986, I wrote back to Wang Rongzu, expressing my feelings about this adventure: ... I just can't see it, I just want to leave an example of arrogance for intellectuals on this island.My method is thunderbolt style, because it is the power of heaven, so under the lightning strike, it doesn't matter who is the leader or follower.Although the "jackal" who cuts the "road" is the main one, sometimes it is necessary to ask the "fox" as well. I really like a cartoon, which depicts a hunter on the wall at home, decorated with stuffed animal heads , but next to the mouse hole at the foot of the wall, there is another decoration, covered with a stuffed mouse head!This man treats his enemies equally, he never abandons them, he pays attention to the big and the small, he takes care of the big ones and the small ones, he really deserves it!

... Today's Taiwanese intellectuals are not talented, and they are not ashamed to sell their bodies to bed and appear on the stage. This is what Gu Tinglin called "destroying the world"!Gu Tinglin said: "There is subjugation of the country, and there is subjugation of the world." "Subjugation" is the loss of political power, and "subjugation of the world" is the loss of morality.The "subjugation" of the Kuomintang is his family's business, but the "subjugation of the world" by leading second-rate, third-rate, and non-influential intellectuals, I want to stand up and fight to make it clear.

This awe-inspiring spirit has been my consistent personality and style for decades.Its formation and its positive results have a long mental journey and physical journey, and I would like to make a settlement with memoirs and records of happy enmity, which shows the intention of teaching and setting an example. I just wrote that I don't have very good talent and background, and I am not a saint of heaven, but a hero created by myself, even close to a saint.In 1982, I wrote back to Huang Nina with this confession: ...You know that I won't attend weddings and funerals... I can't attend your wedding and the groom's wedding, so you two won't be offended...

After you get married, you will naturally leave Taiwan and live in a foreign country.You have been imprisoned and suffered for your ideals, and it seems to be a blessing for you to leave this torturous island to live a new life.It is said that one should not always be a warrior, but should have a new metabolism, there must be a retirement, a change.So you have gone far and high since then, and it cannot be said that you are wrong.If a person wants to live for his fellow man, he must also live for himself, otherwise he is not a saint?It is always difficult for someone to be a saint.You have been imprisoned by the Kuomintang for so long at a young age, and now you are suffering for the rest of your life, it is reasonable and reasonable not to make plans.

As for me, I'm obviously always a warrior, with no metabolism at all, no retirement, no change, it seems that I should be regarded as a saint.To paraphrase the words of the philosophers of the Ming Dynasty: I am a saint, but I can't do it; but a saint can be me, right?I think, even if Confucius was in Taiwan, under the rule of the Kuomintang, he would not have done more than me, right? ... This analogy is the root of my self-promise.Wang Anshi praised Feng Dao, who was abused by others, saying that he had "the behavior of a saint" (the behavior of a saint), and I promised myself that I would be a hero with "the behavior of a saint".When I am poor, I help my teacher with hungry meals, this is the act of a "sage"; Dead souls, this "sage's behavior" is also, "A sage is me, is it just that?" As for supporting the weak with righteousness, donating money to fight against violence, going out of the mountain to save the common people, going to prison to thank your confidant, and dissipating all your collections to help comfort women... ...This "sage's behavior" is also, "A sage is me, is it just that?" But why did I cause controversy?Why not obediently be like a saint and get a good reputation?Looking into it, there is a reason, that is, I am too blunt, too sharp, too fierce, and too untimely, so although the "sage" does not stop, but the "wicked name" is endless, so my praise, Did not get the degree and concentration that should be obtained.This disproportion did not start with me. It happened to Mozi, a sage in ancient times.Mozi is a person who is enthusiastic about saving the world. Ban Gu said, "Confucius is not warm, and Motu is not in Guizhou." That is to say, where Mozi lived, the chimney was not blackened, so he ran to save the world.

Mohism's salvation of the world is much more moving than Confucianism's.On the one hand, Mencius knew that "Mozi loves both, rubbing his head and letting go of his heels, and benefiting the world";This is too unfair and too hypocritical.Confucianism is high above the ground. It regards not farming but eating as a gentleman, and learning crops as a villain. It is dedicated to "the ruler uses it, and he will be rich and honorable." The savior of the world should blush compared to the Mohists who "go through the flames and die without hesitation".Not only did Mencius not blush, but he even called Mozi a beast. What is that?Compared with the Confucian saints, Mozi did not get the praise they deserved. This is of course unfair. However, it is fair to be scolded as a beast, and the one who scolded him is still a saint-level figure, but what about Li Ao?I was scolded as a beast in the article and in the TV call-in, but the one who scolded him was a villain-level dog leg, but I have a little advantage over Mozi because I am too blunt, too sharp, and too fierce Now, I can get revenge and go back, I don't care about the image, but Mozi can't do it.Therefore, Li Ao, who is also a "sage", lives the most difficult life, but lives the happiest life. One of the reasons for the happiest life is that I can be openly arrogant.I once told Chen Yanzeng: "Probably only an old friend like you who knows me well is not surprised or surprised by my closed-door and arrogant attitude. People who don't know me well are not used to me." This kind of arrogance. In fact, my arrogance is never shown on the face, but only on the body. I have never been full of pride, but I always have a bone... Only old friends who know themselves well can bear it , don't you?" I think arrogance is valuable if it becomes a teaching or a weapon.Li Hongzhang and De Gaulle are notoriously arrogant people. In a country that is popular with others, they can actually win the awe and respect of others with their arrogance and arrogance. This is really a remarkable thing.However, Li Hongzhang, Charles de Gaulle, and the like have such grandiose appearances, because they really have the courage to give up others in their hearts, so "sincerity in the heart, form in the outside", there is that kind of posture, It's not acting, but it's really who I am.Thirty years ago, two reporters from The New York Times, Bao Defu and Sha Dang, caught me and took a photo with me. While taking pictures of me, they said: "Oops, I am surrounded by American imperialists."--They know me This Chinese is arrogant, and would like to take a photo with one left and one right, but I still don't forgive others, and show my sincerity as a joke. I am deeply ashamed that I am not as good as Li Hongzhang and Charles de Gaulle.

Of course, your arrogance, your self-affirmation, others may not necessarily buy it. When Deng Weixiang was about to publish "The Statesman", he talked with me for a long time, and I told him that I should be the cover character of the first issue.He asked, "Why? You're not a politician." I said, "Just because I'm not a politician, that's why you should come to me. A politician should be led by a thinker, don't you think? Otherwise, the standard will be lowered and you will become a politician. Russell won the Nobel Prize for Literature." Wasn't it also puzzling? He thought he should have won the Peace Prize." Why did Russell have a gap between self-affirmation and others' affirmation?There is no other reason. Others do not know 100% of your greatness, but only a few percent.At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Tang Qingmou, a talented scholar in Gusu, said that life must have three sets of tears: the first set of tears cry for the impossibility of the overall situation of the country;After the change of Jiashen, he died of grief and lived to be twenty-four years old.This short-lived genius cried because his articles did not meet his confidants. In fact, this situation is not the case for small-name writers. Even though big-name writers such as Yuan Mei are well-known all over the world, readers can only measure their proficiency and depth. My confidant is only part of it.I, Li Ao, am named after my article, but what readers know is only a part, or even a small part.But there is an interesting incident, chatting to overthrow the geniuses of the Ming Dynasty. On the morning of January 3, 1992, when I was queuing up to receive medicine at the Veterans Hospital, two grandmas jumped in line, and I reprimanded them.Afterwards, a beautiful modern lady turned around and said: "Mr. Li Ao, your writing is excellent!" I couldn't recognize her for a while.Later, when she took out her business card, she realized that she was Zheng Shumin.I said: "Boss Yuanliu introduced you more than ten years ago. You are getting younger and younger, and I can't recognize you." Mine is my "article" of "not meeting a confidant", but it has been judged by "beautiful woman" as above. It is a good story.It's a pity that some "beautiful women", as the old saying goes, "they are good at work, but they can't follow the thieves". They followed the wrong man, the wrong system, and joined the wrong political party. It is a pity to "become the thieves".

Some collectors engraved collection seals, and the seals read "I hope those who get them will be like my generation, even if I don't have them, it's gratifying." The same is true for artworks and women, but most of the winners are cow dung, so flowers are inserted Go up, kill the scenery ear.In the spring of 1984, I met "Yuan Ru" from the Department of Psychology of National Taiwan University on the road. She was a very interesting girl. I asked her to come to my house within 20 minutes of meeting her. She came with me, and later made an appointment. Next appointment time.Soon, I received a letter from her, she said she would not come again, that she would rather live an ordinary life.On the phone, she said that she still had a boyfriend from the political warfare school she had known for a long time, and that I was too "high" to her.After I hung up the phone, my feeling was one of regret—flowers stuck in cow dung again. "I hope that the winner is like my generation, even if I don't have it, I'm happy." But, who can be like my generation?

Why is my life not as miserable as that of a talented scholar in the Ming Dynasty?Because I "melted" everything with a sense of cynical joy, when encountering unsatisfactory things, not only did I not have three sets of tears, I didn't even have one set, and some just laughed.Apart from unsatisfactory things, I post them as comments, and I also pay attention to the sense of cynical joy in the comments.For example, in 1989, there were so-called shellless snails lying on the streets to protest the lack of housing. Meng Juezi called and talked about how to effectively force the Kuomintang puppet government to face the housing policy. The result of the discussion , found that only the collection of body stool mode can be effective.The shellless snails should gather 10,000 people, and go to the ambassador of the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall first. If the officials continue to be negligent, they will go to Cihu to defecate after 24 hours... (omitted--

Editor Shit Editor-Wen Ling) Therefore, the shellless snails have no houses to live in, and they live in water and grass; If there is no chance to pick up water and fertilizer, the space for chasing odors will also be reduced along with the space for asking about politics. Political problems can be solved by defecation, so what is it called?The only disadvantage is that one day, the Kuomintang government's housing policy is overly implemented. After the building is completed, it is thought to be a national residence, but in fact it is all a public toilet.The snail is crying again! --This is my cynical joy. On March 16, 1982, Li Ning interviewed me on behalf of The Statesman and said: "You are indeed a good propagandist. Is it because of your personality? Or is there another reason?" I replied, "Of course part of it is my personality, and the other reason is my drama." Hu Shi was different. Intellectuals in Hu Shi’s time were very respected, and Hu Shi was a university professor when he came out, so of course it was easy to create a good image. I was a hooligan when I debuted, and I made a fortune by fighting the world, so there were constant lawsuits and gossip. , it is impossible to have a good image. But it helps my right to speak. When public opinion blocks me like this, it still cannot completely reject me, and it still has to give me a percentage, because it can't help but not! "I Take my second political prisoner release as an example: "This time I came out, "United Daily News" published my news, "China Times" did not, and I heard that Yu Jizhong was very angry when he was in a meeting, because they missed the news. Although "United Daily News" published it at first, but later I wrote a letter to "United Daily News", they did not publish mine, but someone else's. But it doesn't matter, they always give me a percentage." Relying on this percentage, I broke through the island's blockade of me in a devious and embellished way.There is no other trick, I am just a real person acting a fake show. --Fake play is not hypocrisy, but a skillful "instigating the trend and creating the current situation".On this island, others rely on crowds and gangs to create momentum, but I rely on going alone to create momentum, which is much more difficult than others, so I have to be good at acting.There are many kinds of my repertoire.The first is to have "crazy spirit", which means speaking directly without being humble.In many ways, I'm not being humble at all, but that's who I am.Why do I say I'm number two when I feel like I'm number one?I want to break down this hypocrisy.What's more, when I said that I was number one, I simply boasted and boasted.My enemy Hu Qiuyuan called me a "crazy madman", and this time he was right.British writer George Bernard Shaw said: "I am very disturbed when people praise me, because they don't praise me enough." Xiao Weng boasted all his life, and his arrogance never escaped, which is justified.In addition to madness, the other is "flow (rogue) spirit".Zhou Zuoren said that writing articles should be a bit hooligan, in fact, you should be like this.To have a hooligan spirit is to dare to act, not to be sympathetic to others, not to be afraid of being notorious, and not to be afraid of gossip for the sake of the truth.Mencius said that Kuangzhang was a great sage in the world, but the whole country said that Kuangzhang was not filial because he was arguing with his father.But Mencius crossed the knife for him, Mencius said that only a filial son would dare to do this!But Kuangzhang's unfilial piety has not been washed away, and he can only rely on Mencius to protect him.Sometimes a bad reputation sticks with you for life, and there's nothing you can do about it but let it go.At this time, a little hooliganism has an unexpected effect, at least it will not be as painful as Kuangzhang.The biggest feature of hooliganism is the unusual reaction to gossip: "I did it, so what?"Just like the gossip about a young lady who stole someone and stole someone surnamed Wang, if the young lady's reaction is: "My mother stole several people surnamed Wang, which one are you talking about?" Become a gossip himself. When I acted arrogantly, I looked like I had macrocephaly and megalomania, but deep down, I was very humble.I often use embarrassing stories to pour cold water on how famous I am; I also use two stories to ridicule that I am not that famous or that I am too famous.Once in Kaohsiung, when I filed a claim with the Municipal Police Department, its deputy director came to me, held my hand affectionately, and praised me: "Mr. Li, I have admired you for a long time. "!" Once in Taipei, passing by the Da'an branch, a police officer stopped me and praised him: "Mr. Li, I have admired you for a long time, and I have read "Twilight of the Wild Pigeon" written by you a long time ago!" I thought , For me, bad books come flying in, airborne on my head, making me laugh and cry; but for the authors of bad books (Bo Yang and Wang Shangyi), they will also grit their teeth and die with regret, right?With "madness" and "flow", plus my "loyalty" and "courage", a complete Li Ao complex is naturally formed.This kind of complex is always based on the joy of cynicism. It is Li Ao who is "there is no one before, and there will be no one in the future". for a while.This random thought, this person is completely unaware, but he has already been taken by me thousands of miles away or captured his soul or other things.This kind of secret interest is not "sexual obscenity", which is used on beautiful women, but this kind of wild thinking is specially used to deal with men, especially ugly men who are old enemies.On July 19, 1989, I wrote an article "I Want to Kiss Zhou Lianhua", citing a few examples to vent my secret: 1. I have my eye on Zhou Lianhua - Zhou Lianhua is the teaching stick.I hate sticks.I hate Zhou Lianhua.But Zhou Lianhua is better than Shen Paulo, the teacher of Taichung Si'en Church - La Wanglun is from academia, and the academia is suffering!Su Nancheng?no.Su Nancheng is shameless and ranks first in Taiwan, but ranks second in Taiwan when it comes to ugliness.The most ugly person in Taiwan is none other than Xu Shuide.Xu Shuide is so ugly that it is photogenic, especially in his courtyard, it is uneven, like a Shar-Pei dog with pig's head meat, it is so ugly!The Kuomintang actually introduced this ugly species into the political arena without migrating into the South China Sea. The crime is equivalent to destroying the ecological environment.However, Xu Shuide's ugliness is kind, not as ugly as Zheng Zhoumin and Huang Renzhong's. This is the only place where people can breathe a little. 4. I'm staring at Lien Chan -- who on this island hates the most?Bo Yang?Once you read his article, you will transfer this feeling to his article, so it is not Bo Yang.Wu Fengshan?This kid does look uncomfortable, especially after he was elected to the National Assembly. He seems to think he is a high-ranking official. He always puts on airs and faces, and has never learned how to smile.He personally came to my house to apologize for the "Zili Evening News" defaming Li Ao.He's sitting on the couch, and the more I watch, the more disturbed I'd be, and I'd rather give up the claim if he could just get a different face.However, it is not his turn to talk about the most annoying.Is it Kang Ningxiang?What Kang Ningxiang hates is not his short, black, and ugly, but his pair of dead fish eyes that turn white and dull.I went to court with him, and after he appeared in court, he couldn't make up his case, and became angry from embarrassment. Suddenly, like an uneducated woman in the dependent village, he reached out and grabbed my hat and glasses.But when I was caught, a pair of dead fish eyes were still white and dull, no change, no excitement, I seemed to be caught by an idiot (no, idiot) poisoned by PCBs and benzene, which made me endure Can't help laughing.Although Kang Ningxiang is so annoying, but compared with the looks and expressions of Qiu Chuanghuan and Ding Maoshi, it is inferior in comparison.Both Qiu Chuanghuan and Ding Maoshi are not two-faced people, because the annoying faces of the seventh and eighth masters are already unique.However, Lien Chan is the best among them.Lien Chan's face was extremely annoying, coupled with the pair of glasses that were too high on the bridge of the nose, it added even more annoying props.It was rumored that Lien Chan beat his wife. In fact, his wife really deserved to beat him. Even such an annoying person would fight with him at night. Shouldn't such a substandard Chinese lady be beaten up? You see, this is the cynical joy I feel when I am alone.But the above is a long story, and there are short stories.On October 19, 1991, I had "The New Edition of Thirty-Three Is Not Easier", and you can get a glimpse of my elegant, profound and contented fun. One: In Xu Fuguan's last words, he hated not visiting Kong Lin (it should be Kong Lin's mistake), but I wish to dig Kong Lin.Excavating the tomb of Confucius, exploring the hidden places, how pleasant it is! One: After Guan Yunchang was beheaded, his "body" was buried in Dangyang and his "head" was buried in Luoyang.He wailed "give me my head back", I took his head and took his head, and used my whole body, the merit lies in it!Mr. Guan will repay your kindness, and he will return favors to me. I said: "Go to Taiwan to show your spirit! You see, Taiwanese regard you, a loyal and courageous person, as a god of wealth. My lord, come to confess, how abominable!" "How pleasant it is for Master Guan to teach the foolish people a lesson! One: Hu Shi was angered by his hateful wife Jiang Dongxiu all his life, and was buried together after death.Bury them separately, Hu Shi will worship me in the ground, what a pleasure! One: Lei Zhen set up his own Nangang cemetery before his death, and there was a cemetery next to it. Song Ying said that she would be buried with him after her death. --Switching Song Ying into a concubine, Lei Zhen will also worship me underground, so happy! One: Bring Jiang Dongxiu, Song Ying and others together.Yu wretch, buried together, hanging a plaque like a large book "die well!" How happy! One: Seeing the three generations of the Jiang family, one dies, two dies and three dies, how pleasant it is! One: Please bring out Wu Zixu to whip the corpses of Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Ching-kuo.Not too happy! One: take a pee at the main entrance of the "mausoleum" of Cihu and Daxi father and son respectively, and recite the sentence "eggs tell you to drink", thinking that you will die and live, how happy it is! One: Changing to sing the fake national anthem when defecating: "The Three People's Principles, which is the foundation of the PAS Party, will bring disaster to the Republic of China and use the toilet..." What a pleasure! One: Watching "President Chiang's Collection" and "Lee Teng-hui's Statement" when defecating, and using the smell to control the smell, how pleasant it is! One: I have never refused to go to the "Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall", and I will go there after it is blown up in another year. One: Watching stuttering people scold each other, how pleasant it is! One: It's not so pleasant to see Ming clear away the book bags and talk about culture! One: Seeing celebrities who are not far from menopause make menstrual cotton advertisements, it is not so pleasant! One: Turn off the TV, from Feng Feifei to Bai Bingbing, all the idiots, fuck him, what a pleasure! One: Knowing that Hu Gua is from Shanghai and Jin Sumei is from Anhui in the household registration information, it is absurd and funny, so happy! One: It's so pleasant to simply change the sex of Yang Lihua, a native egg, into a male! One: Watching bees chasing people and coming out in full force, what a pleasure! One: Seeing photos of Lu Xiaofen wearing a gangbang show, taking off her breasts, how pleasant it is! One: Watching parliamentary fights, the country scolding Taiwan, blurting out, it's not so pleasant! One: Huang Kunhui, who has never been to the mainland, presides over the mainland policy. When he speaks, his eyebrows are flying and his face is showing. If he takes the opportunity to go up and give him a mouth, it will be a pleasure! One: Kong Decheng, who has not passed the test for a day, presides over the examination institute, and gives him a slap in the face when he is dignified, what a pleasure! One: When Shen Jianhong was giving a speech and Zhuang Hengdai was directing, he grabbed their wigs, what a pleasure! First, it is not so pleasant to see cowardly professors hordes against the 100 articles of criminal law! (Where were they when we fought against the Kuomintang single-handedly, when the "Regulations on Rebellion Punishment" that were more serious than Article 100 of the Criminal Law were rampant?) One: Watching the cowardly professor tell the police about the police, crying while talking, it is not so pleasant! One: Watching candidates leave the test after the last exam, buy a red bean popsicle, and eat while walking, it is so pleasant! One: Seeing the monk get angry, how pleasant it is! One: how pleasant it is to see a priest return to vulgarity! One: Listening to the Japanese speaking English, it is so pleasant to say National as "Naxin Naru"! One: How pleasant it is to make a cheapskate lose money, and the first: How pleasant it is to watch local eggs play with fake jade in the holiday jade market! One: Buying a house in the ghost month, even the ghosts are afraid of you, so happy! One: Mrs. Xiaotun, son Kankan, others go to the sea, we go up the mountain; wife Xiaotun, daughter Zhanzhan, after going up the mountain, there is no one around.Not too happy! (This one was newly replaced in 1998.) When I was in Wenxing, Tao Yunyou wrote a piece of Zhongtang as a gift to me. There is a sentence in it saying that I "dare to violate the world and show my innocence". Childish, childish, but a frank statement based on true knowledge and sincerity. This kind of statement may be exaggerated, but it is not a lie or hypocrisy. On the contrary, it is very "character superstar".Just because I am good at this way, among the characters, I prefer the "personality superstar" style, like Dongfang Shuo, like Li Zhi, like Jin Shengtan, like Wang Zhong, like Diogenes, like Voltaire, like Swift Like Swift, like Bernard Shaw, like Gen. George Patton, I like their sharpness and the passion to perform sharpness.When I was outside the party, I wrote an article for "Deep Cultivation" funded by Huangshicheng. They gave me 4,000 yuan for the manuscript. "Sure enough, Yellowstone City gave me 30,000 yuan, but I transferred the money to Lin Zhengjie as campaign funds.This is my act of "daring to go against the world and express my innocence". The attitude is not good enough, and there is "gasp", but it is very effective, because others are afraid of me, so everyone will be less troubled.The most famous one is my negotiating an insurance claim for my dead friend Xiao Su (Su Rongquan).Xiao Su and I have been engaged in publishing and fighting against the Kuomintang for many years. He and Huang Juwen are the front-line figures, and their contributions are second only to Juwen.After many years with me, he felt that he was still young and the future of the publishing industry was bleak, so he changed his career to Kaohsiung to help the "financial master" in the money lending and interest collection business. .Unexpectedly, I lent it to a group of hooligans at one time. The hooligans wanted to play tricks, tied him up, and forced him to cancel the "second child" setting, but he refused to die. He would rather die than be threatened. After tossing for a day and a night, the hooligans had no choice but to let him go, but he was terrified, so he went to the insurance company to insure his life.In order to show off his net worth, he insured eight companies with a total amount of 237.9 million. However, shortly after the insured, he was shot dead while traveling in northern Thailand.His family negotiated with the insurance company for four months, but the insurance company refused to pay the compensation on the grounds of waiting for investigation, and there were obvious signs of cheating.His family members turned to me for help. I found out that eight companies jointly refused the compensation, led by Cathay Life Insurance. I first went to two companies with American business backgrounds--Antai Life Insurance and Nanshan Life Insurance, and tried my best to "disturb". To be divided, to be settled.Among them, Nanshan Life Insurance was the funniest. Their manager said: "If we want to file a lawsuit, we can win it, but we don't want to fight with you, Mr. Li. We are willing to pay the loss." At this time, Cathay Life Insurance took the lead and refused to submit.I wrote to Lin Zhenguo, the pseudo-finance minister of the Kuomintang, and Chen Chong, the pseudo-insurance director of the Kuomintang, to warn respectively that according to Article 34 of the "Insurance Law", the amount of compensation should be paid by the insurer within the agreed time limit; if there is no agreement, it should be paid upon receipt Payment shall be made within 15 days after notification."Simply put, once a person dies, the money should be paid within fifteen days. The "Insurance Law" is the mother law of all insurance businesses. As far as the status of the law is concerned, it is as lofty as the "Constitution". compensation.If the compensation is wrong, you can sue me for fraudulently claiming insurance money, but you must pay first.Today, Cathay Life Insurance is so arrogant, which is obviously caused by your insurance company.Of course, my letter was justified. The "Ministry of Finance" was afraid and put pressure on Cathay; ", "Xingnong") also surrendered.So it took a total of one month and five days (including the passing of an old year), 237.9 million yuan, all on behalf of Xiaosu's family.One of the interesting episodes is that when I was investigating the suspected cover-up of the insurance department, I didn't know the name of the director. After I found out that it was "Chen Chong", I wrote "Looking for Chen Chong" on the table.My wife "stolen" saw it, and asked me with a smile: "Why are you looking for the movie star Chen Chong?" It turned out that she had thought of the female star Chen Chong. If it is said that I like to do vicious "flow" protests all the way, it is not necessarily the case. I also have very touching practices.After Lei Zhen's "Free China" was blocked, its author Hu Xuyi was involved in the Yin Haiguang case and lost one eye during his imprisonment.Lei Zhen's wife, Supervisor Song Ying, turned a blind eye to this unjust prison, and refused to help him at all. Instead, after Hu Xu was released from prison, he made sarcastic remarks.Song Ying said to Hu Xuyi: "Don't blame the Kuomintang. The Kuomintang blinded you in one eye, but it opened the other for you for free. It works better than before. The Kuomintang is also good!" After Hu Xu was released from prison, he lived in the basement of Chengjikuan gas on Tonghua Street. He had to step on bricks every night to sleep because the basement was flooded.Because he and I had a relationship at Yin Haiguang's house, he turned to me for help. I pitied him for his suffering, so I took him out of the "cellar" and took care of his life.He said that he was sorting out Lei Zhen's diary, and Lei Zhen agreed to photocopy it for his memory. Now that Lei Zhen is dead, it may be published in my "Long Live Review", of course I welcome it.Unexpectedly, as soon as the news came out, Song Ying immediately warned in the "Times Magazine" published by Yu Fanying, saying that Li Ao obtained Lei Zhen's diary by improper means, and warned not to publish it, otherwise he would sue.I was furious when I saw it, so I declared that I would sue you first without waiting for you to sue!Song Ying was scared immediately, and let the water go, declaring that Li Ao was difficult to deal with, and she would not sue.But Yu Fanying couldn't just walk away and was caught by me.After I went to the court to submit the case, Yu Fanying took the lead, but her father, Yu Jizhong, insisted on being cautious and sent Gao Xinjiang's wife Ke Yuanxin and Jian Zhixin (Ruifu) to clear it up, because they were too polite to convey it accurately. I was dissatisfied with Yu Jizhong, so I decided to write a letter to Yu Jizhong, which said: Yesterday, Ke and Jian came to Shexia for the fourth time under the order of Mr. Wang, and conveyed Mr.’s request that I withdraw the lawsuit against my daughter. They repeatedly emphasized: Mr. Yu said that he has always admired you, Mr. Li. China Times has also been giving fair reports to Mr. Li, and will continue to do so in the future.I said: I also sued Mr. Yu eighteen years ago (1966). The reason for suing was because his newspaper used one-sixth of the third page to unilaterally report on his friend Xu Fuguan. Slandering my tirade, but refusing to publish it on my side, is against any of the creeds in the "Chinese journalists' creed", such as "fulfilling journalistic responsibilities", "justice first", and "warm and great sympathy". This is an unfair report, Mr. Yu may have forgotten. --This is the first time.Before the prison (1980), the KMT’s secret team headed by Wang Sheng launched a judicial struggle against me, public opinion against me, and used Hu Yinmeng and others to slander me repeatedly. The news handling of the "China Times" was based on three The ratio of ten to one not only made me only one-thirtieth of "fairness", but also refused to give me corrections in accordance with the "Publication Law" and "Chinese journalists' creed".I sent it by registered mail and called Yu Fanying. Mr. Yu couldn’t say that he didn’t know. This was an unfair report. Mr. Yu probably forgot again. -- This is the second time.Two years ago (1982) when I was released from prison, on the afternoon of the day I was released, I entertained reporters to expose the darkness of the prison. At that time, the "United Daily News" published both sides of the story, although the proportions were wrong. At that time, the "China Times " published, but the legal department scolded me one-sidedly. This is another unfair report, and Mr. Yu may have forgotten it again. --This is the third time.This year is coming again, and the "Times and Magazine" published Song Ying's slanderous words one-sidedly. According to the most basic principles of news handling, if they want to publish, they have to check with Hu Xuyi and me, right?However, there were no such basic procedures, so he logged out brazenly, and after logging in again and again, when Hu Xu wrote a letter to correct it, the first time he deleted his letter without authorization, and the second time he didn't log in at all, not even in terms of politeness. This is too arrogant, and this is an unfair report. I am afraid that Mr. Yu has forgotten again. --This is the fourth time.Over the years, whenever the Kuomintang wanted to use public opinion to fight against me, the "China Times" did not help. Now Mr. Yu said that the "China Times" had been reporting fairly to Mr. Li for many years. I, Mr. Li, couldn't believe it. .I told Ke and Jian again: Mr. Yu and all of you have never been the victims of the largest newspaper, and you are not in the game, so you don’t know the suffering; You have a monopoly in running a newspaper, so naturally you don’t realize it’s wrong for a long time. Mr. Yu said that I can understand his mentality of reporting... Of course, Mr. Yu does not believe that he is the one who reported unfairly, although it is true.We are always the ones who are battered.The frog protests to the little boys, saying that it is a sport for you, and it is death for us; the butterfly protests to the county magistrate in "Liao Zhai", saying that it is a tool of atonement for you, but torture and death for us.These comparisons all show that the positions of the two sides are different, and the gap in views is huge. I don't expect Mr. Yu to adopt my views, but I must make him wake up to some extent that the "China Times" is not as clean and innocent as he claims. That pretends to be fair, Xia Shao treats Li Ao absolutely not like that, his view is wrong.I admit that Mr. Yu is very sincere when he said that Suo Lai admired me. I admit that his understanding of me is much better than other members of the Kuomintang. I also admit that he treated me very politely when I wrote a column for "China Times". I even thank Mr. Yu and Mrs. Yu for visiting me at my house on the day of my wedding and treating me to dinner... But these personal friendships seem to be of no help to the ruthlessness of both parties when the storm comes.For so many years, I have such a bad reputation abroad, I am afraid that it is not a small number of thanks to the gift of Yuyang, the number one newspaper, and the waves are turbulent and unpredictable, which is quite a warning to the world.国民党"文工会"主任楚嵩秋、"新闻局长"宋楚瑜请我吃饭那次,余先生在座,说《中央日报》曹圣芬连李敖卖书的广告都不登,未免使本党示人以不广,请楚主任向曹圣芬关照:但是曾几何时,第一大报也一样广不起来了。当《中国时报》拒登我的广告,出版社方面请我直接写信给余先生关照的时候,我说何必呢?余先生自己,会不知道吗? 我跟柯、简二位又说:在国民党大员中,余先生是很有代表性的。他毕业中央大学,又留学英国,一九四七年出版的《中国名将录》里说他是"年轻、英俊和富有政治家风度的人物"。他少年得志,官拜中将,在我们家乡任东北行辕政治部主任兼东北保安长官司令部政治部主任,可说是一表人才。但他暗投在国民党的大洪炉里,他就无法不和国民党一样,国民党祸国,他有份;国民党丢掉大陆,他有份;国民党办报言人,他有份。他的身世,真令我有"卿本佳人,奈何从贼"之感,我真为他可惜。请你们二位转告余先生。 柯、简二位面有难色,我笑着说,在《中国时报》的畸形权力结构下,我真怀疑你们敢把我的话转告余先生多少,但是余先生不明真相,他又何从知道他错在哪里呢? 今天凌晨四点就醒来了,我躺在床上,对自己说:我跟余纪忠交情一回,还是由我亲自写封信给他吧!于是我就决定写下这封信。我把对柯、简二位谈话的内容写得更精确一点、仔细一点,就是上面这些话了。 去年一月三十日,我发表《给黄少谷先生的又一公开信》(收在"李敖千秋评论丛书"第十九册),最后说: ……回想半个世纪前,新闻界没有封杀你,因为你可以办报,"军阀"允许任何人办报,可是在"大有为政府"的今天,反倒不能办报了;又回想半个世纪前,司法界没有被这样污染,国民党员罗文干遭到政治迫害,"军阀"允许司法方面不配合,可是在"黄少谷主持司法院"的今天,司法方面的"言之痛心",反倒愈来愈重了!我们怎么了?我们到底怎么了?我们的新闻界和司法界,半个世纪来,是不是开倒车了? 问题已不在开不开倒车,问题在即使开倒车,还能开多久?少谷先生,你八十开外了,你和你的同党尽管不知今日何日、今夕何夕,但是你们的子孙应该知道,我真不愿用"积善之家,必有余庆"的老套来劝你们,但是"积不善之家,必有余殃"的因果铁律,究竟还不是你们这些祸国殃民的老人所能推倒的,你们总该避免殃及子孙吧? 如今,在倒车日甚声中,我们本该不要再结怨的人,却又周而复始,又来结怨,并且"殃及子孙",是由先生的第二代出面,参加斗臭我了,我真觉得意不能平。回想十八年前,我到法院告先生,国民党法院为了开脱先生,竟推翻文明法例、推翻自己二十二年院字第一,一四三号解释例,说先生是发行人,所以无罪;如今我告先生第二代,自知结果如何。先生当然知道我绝非笨到妄想在此时此地法律上还我公道之人,先生当然知道我不过在留下历史记录与时代罪证。先生又何苦一而再再而三三而网的与我结怨,以为子孙之余殃?我真对先生之不智,为之呗息。国民党的悲剧性格有多重,其中之一就是自大狂,总是高估了自己,错估了敌人。在大陆错估了共产党,所以到了台湾;在台湾又把我们看扁,所以好像总把我们吃定。其实如日中天的汉武帝,都吃定不了司马迁,而被司马迁遗臭万年;何况是日暮途穷的国民党?当然国民党不怕历史、不怕异己,但对为子孙余殃,总有所怕。陶百川日日大声疾呼请种善因以留善果,但他自己却举家放洋以为趋避,其内心之明智与恐惧,可知矣!我今天做法律游戏,告先生的第二代,官司事小,象征事大。即我们这些国民党统治下的受难者,决心有同第一代斗争后又同第二代斗争的准备,结怨相报固然令人不快,但是只要国民党执迷不悟、欺人太甚,我们又有什么选择?遗憾的是,对我个人说来,我真的"不愿与余先生结怨,因为余先生毕竟是国民党大员中最能欣赏我的人"。但事实演变,先生人在江湖,竟前后四次,以不公正对我,甚至有甚于《联合报》,纵有;日交余情,亦云寒矣!我遗憾要以先生父女为斗争选择之一,一如先生父女选择跟我过不去。我真的感觉到,在政治壁垒的对峙下,甚至仅存的最后一叶都要飘零以去,在火光中、在爆破里,为时代的无情,留下悲怆见证。我本想尽量抑制自己,留下一个例外,但先生逼得我没有选择,我只好备述原委,以供先生反省之资。这是我给先生第一信也是最后一信,长与先生,生死辞矣! 这封信是一九八四年二月五日清早写的。写好后,我拿给黄怕看。深知余纪忠的黄怕说:"要这么麻烦吗?以余先生那么聪明,我去跟他说就好了。"果然黄怡越过"柯、简二位",开辟第二渠道,见了余纪忠,余纪忠照我开的条件,道歉赔款了事。为了给余纪忠面子,我请黄恰带去三幅不错的画,半开玩笑请黄怕转告:"余先生别以为自己吃了亏,如不喜欢这三幅画,可卖给蔡辰男的国泰美术馆,包余先生还可赚一票。" 这就样的,黄怡捧了书面道歉和四百万现金过来,我抽出十分之一,送给黄怡,黄怡不肯收,我说:"算余老板请客,你没有车,你去买辆汽车吧。"她笑起来,勉强收了,真买了新车,变成汽车阶级了。后来胡虚一看了这封信,对我说:"李敖兄啊,这才是好文章啊,你可以写不骂人、不粗野的文章,而能把意见表达得深为得体,那么动人,为什么还要写其他那些骂人的、粗野的文章呢?"从这封信中,可以看出不少我快意恩仇的背景,但究其原始,这笔财路是我好心帮助胡虚一而来,义助朋友于先,才有"财富逼人来"于后,这也算是好心好报的因果关系。这一事件后,或许有人说,你这样对余纪忠,那《联合报》的王惕吾还不一样是报阀,你对他是不是反倒优待了?其实没有,我揭发过王惕吾为美军开妓院的事,扬他丑扬到这种地步,这是优待吗?凡是报阀,我都不放过,连小报阀-林荣三,我都"小的也要"呢!梁子最早结在林荣三的《自由时报》乱登消息,说:"东北籍国代路国华娶媳妇时,李焕夫妇破例到场祝贺。席间,李敖突然出现,并和李焕亲切拥抱,引起现场一场骚动。"看到《自由时报》,我很困惑,因为我不但早已多年不参加婚丧喜庆,并且与我们东北籍的什么立委、监委、国代之流根本没有来往,不但没来往,我还写文章一再骂他们呢!不但不认识的我要骂,认识的也照骂不误,梁肃戎被我骂得狗血喷头,就是显例。立委石九龄且是我三姊夫石锦博士的爸爸,于我是亲戚、长辈,我也照骂不误。如果真理所在,我因为对方是同乡、是亲长,我就放水,那李敖还叫李敖吗?我根本不认识"东北籍国代路国华"及其血亲姻亲,又何从"突然出现"在什么婚礼之上?何况,我一生美女都拥抱不完呢,谁要去拥抱李焕?也许有人以拥抱国民党大员为荣,我却深以这种不实报道为辱。 《自由时报》实在太乱来了,因此我请来郭鑫生律师,把它告到法院,可是没告成。但我没完没了,又逮到它诬指我开车闯红灯,就凭这么一句话,我又请郭律师告到法院,地方法院法官谢碧莉判林荣三赔我十万元,我嫌少,上诉以后,高等法院法官吴欲君、王立杰、陈博享在我的依法纠缠下,判他再加四十万,今年七月六日支票开过来,连同利息一共赔我五十四万九千七百九十五元,可见我如何快意思仇!原因简单极了,就是"林荣三,大土蛋。讨厌你,跟你干。逮到你,法院见"。that is it. 美国绰号"黑色轰炸机"(Brown Bomber)的重量级拳王乔·路易斯(Joe Louis),从一九三七年到一九四九年,独霸拳坛十二年。他临退出江湖前,到台湾做过一次表演赛,美中不足的是,在众目睽睽之下,竟然没有可堪一击的对手能配他一战,他在台上,表情只是一片索寞。一个不量力的美国军官颇有拳名,上台跟乔·路易斯比划,可是拳未伸出,人已被撂倒,乔·路易斯表情继续索寞--他索寞,因为在这个岛上,没有真正可堪一击的"敌人"。乔·路易斯来时,我正念中学,看到报上对他的描写,我茫然一直难忘;可是多年以后,当我在文坛上独霸之余,我想到乔·路易斯,却又恍然若有所悟。乔·路易斯在美国,有一次与朋友们外出,途遇有眼不识泰山的小子们寻衅,小子们打过来,朋友们打过去,但是大家交手,乔·路易斯本人,只是闪躲而已。朋友们大叫老乔你怎么不打,乔·路易斯说:"我这一拳多值钱啊! 怎么可以用来打这些小子们。"乔·路易斯说这话的时候,也可想到他的索寞。--上台的"敌人"固然不堪一击;台下的小子们,他也不屑一揍啊!我在台湾文海称雄,有一点对乔·路易斯自愧不如的是,我有时要在对方太不入流的时候,为了开道过路,也会挥拳施教,"打这些小子们"。并且,总是擒贼擒王,是狗就找主人,是和尚就找庙。做主人的、做庙的,别想藏在身后,我一定把他们揪出来打。有人问,你李敖不是也说过:"我不该向那些时代渣滓们消耗我的精力" ?为什么你还一再做这样的事?我的答复是狗咬着你不放,你怎么办?只有先把狗弄开再说。就像孙悟空对上二郎神,孙悟空跟二郎神打好了,可是二郎神带了一条狗,先放狗来咬他,怎么力、?总得先解决狗的问题才行啊!可是解决狗的问题又不够,最后只好打成一团了。一九九一年,潘君密(大风)写《美丑与得失》就有这样两段:"昨(四月十六日)晚看了美国国家电视台(ABC)采访新近自大陆逃出的暴乱分子柴玲女士的节目后,使我立即想到……李敖先生的名言: 我的一切努力,都随着台湾的微不足道而小化了!同样道理,柴玲之所以受到美国传播媒体的重视与利用,正说明了中国在国际上的分量;套李敖说的话,那就是:柴玲的一切,都因为中国的强大而大化了!,李敖反国民党,著作等身,英勇盖世,积三十年之努力,竟不如柴玲小姐拿着小扩音器面对洋记者一夜之间的哭哭叫叫。其间道理是很明显的:那就是李先生选错了对象,好比唐·吉河德去斗风车;而柴女士风云际会,正好当了中、美两强政争中的一个码子,所以一夜成名。台湾太渺小,小得死活都没人理;中国太伟大,大得掉一根毫毛都被人拾起来当活宝,这一点对搞反对的人而言,是非常之重要!尤其对柴玲而言,更应该对她所反对的强大的祖国,深怀感激。"柴玲到外国后,写信给我、打电话给我,我也以在大陆、台湾的努力与收获悬殊为言……(略--编者狗屎编者-文岭)台湾太小了!国民党太小了! 虽然如此,我仍;日自勉我自己一段话:"当它变得什么也不是,你跟它同在一起,你也变得什么也不是。你不必对殒石做什么,如果你不与殒石同碎,你还是做你自己的世界性普遍性永恒性生命性的工作吧。"这就是我一生的计划,也是我余生的方向。我一生的计划是整理所有的人类的观念与行为,作出结论。人类的观念与行为种类大多了、太复杂了,我想一个个归纳出细目,然后把一个个细目理清、研究、解释、结论,找出来龙去脉。这不像是一个人做得了做得好的大工作,可是我却一个人完成它。这是我一生留给人类留给中国人的最大礼物,因为自有人类有中国人以来,还没有过一个人,能够穷一生之力,专心整理所有的人类的观念与行为的每一问题。人类的观念与行为经过这样的一番大清算,会变得清楚、清醒,对前途有大帮助。也许有人说:"你做的,好像是最后审判?"其实不一样,最后审判是人类的愚昧已经大功告成、已经无可挽回,只是最后由上帝判决而已。我做的,却是一种期中结账。结账以后,人类变得清楚、清醒,可以调整未来的做法和方向。所以我做的,跟上帝做的不一·样,我们只是分工合作。上帝从最初造人类开场、到最后审判落幕,他只管首尾两头;而我却管中间,要清清场,检讨一下上半场的一切。所以,上帝最后可以审判我,但在最后没到以前,我要检讨一切,包括上帝先生在内。 十二年前,当刘会云去了美国,我想起龚定盦"落红不是无情物,化做春泥更护花"的句子,感而有诗,写了一首《残棋》: 不必有惊天号角, 不必有动地鼓鼙。 无声中,我们作战, 在泥里,一片春泥。 哪怕是好花堕水, 哪怕是落红成离。 只相信此心一念, 一念里多少凄迷。 明知你-你将远走, 明知我-我志不移, 明知他-灰飞烟灭, 也要下这盘残棋。 如今,残棋已毕,我这"国手"也虽胜犹辱,势将以垂老之年,做台风转向。我决定把我自己期中结账,写回忆录和炔意恩仇录,双双以告苍生。当年司马光曾自豪:"平生所为,未尝有不可对人言者耳。"我写回忆录和快意恩仇录,也庶几近之。有些看似私事细事,且事涉他人或第三者,但我以"未尝有不可对人言者耳"的坦白,都给写出来了。此司马"光"之心,路人皆知也,甚至我觉得,我比司马光还司马光。 因为司马光还恤人言,为了有人说他迟迟不把完稿是为了图利,他乃匆匆写完,以致五代部分写得草率;我呢,绝不怕人说话,要怎么写就怎么写,这才真正是"君子坦荡荡,,的作风。正因为我相信司马光的自豪标准,因此我写出了任何中国人都不敢坦荡为之的一面,若有人大惊小怪,我倒建议不妨看看英国文学家哈里斯(Frank Harris)的自传-《我的生活与爱情》(My Life and Loves)。比起他那"西洋金瓶梅"式的记录,我写出的,不但只是大巫面前的小巫,并且简直不够看了。 我从一九四九年五月十二日登陆台湾,一天也没离开,转眼已满五十年。一个外省人,五十年在孤岛上,一夭也没离开过,还不算稀奇。稀奇的是,这个外省人,"残山剩水我独行",在国民党一党独大的统治下,挺身与国民党当权派斗争,一往直前、二入牢狱、三头六臂、四面树敌;又挺身与台湾人当权派斗争,五花八门、六亲不认、七步成章、八面威风。 在所有斗争中,总是以人不可及的大人格、大节操、大头胁、大才华、大手笔、大刀斧、大有为和大不敬,去斩将搴旗,外加踹走狗、小卒一脚。--李敖的敌人是不分大小的,从外省人民族救星到台湾人民间乩童,只要看不惯,都可成为我嫉恶如仇的敌人,然后动用大量的资料与黑资料,笔力万钧,把死人鞭尸、把活人打倒。在这种得理不饶人的作业中,我是独行侠,我"富贵不能淫、贫贱不能移、威武不能屈"之外,又"时髦不能动"。画饼楼主在《台北日记》中说:"对整个知识界、思想界来讲,李敖才当得起真正的孤星,因为他耐得住寂寥,忍得住高处不胜寒。"正因为有这种气魄,所以我不为"时髦"所动,"虽千万人,吾往矣",在往矣以后,口头以先知姿态,作弄别人。别人永远跟不上我。别人是羊的时候,我是老虎;别人变成了老虎,我又是武松。这样的外省人,在这样的孤岛上,岂不是怪事么? 亚历山大大帝见到思想家狄阿杰尼斯,自负他说:"如果我不是亚历山大,我愿我是狄阿杰尼斯。"而我的自负是: "如果我不是李敖,我愿我是李敖第二。"五十年在台湾,我自负得不做第二人想,虽然如此,作为一个来自白山黑水的人、作为一个午夜神驰于人类忧患的人、作为一个思想才情独迈千古的人,我实在生不逢时,又生不逢地。严格他说,我根本不属于这个时代、这个地方,就好像耶稣不属于那个时代、那个地方一样。我本该是五十年后才降世于大陆的人,因为我的境界,在这个岛上,至少超出五十年。我同许多敌友,不是"相见恨晚",而是"相见恨早"。今天的窘局,只是他们妈妈小产和我妈妈早生的误差。这一误差,凑合了许多根本不该碰面的人碰在一起。也许,只有从这个谑画的角度来看我难以见容于这个岛,大家才舒服一点、开展一点,才少一点怒容、多一点苦笑。 耶稣说没有先知在自己乡土上被接受,大陆是李敖的乡土,但我不在其内;台湾是李敖的乡土,但我被见于外,不过,对我说来,在内与见外,皆属过眼烟云,总归中国是我的乡土,在这乡土上,大陆也好,台湾也罢,对我都是一样,我的终极是在无何有之乡、在广漠之野、在中国与人类的历史上定位。在那定位深处,我英灵不泯,也会蓦然回首、回首"向来萧瑟处"的台湾、回首"也无风雨也无晴、的台湾,而有以浑然一笑。--我会自语:"那个孤岛吗?我曾经住过五十年,从青春到老去,我都在那儿.那是一个奇怪的岛,不论我住多久、不论我多少快意恩仇,总觉得只有我一个人在那儿。虽然如此枯寂,我还是忘不了它! " 一九九八年八月七日清早,在中回台湾写(最后附告:我已跟台大医学院骨科主任韩毅雄医师、法医学科主任陈耀昌医师初步谈好,我死以后,将捐出遗体,做"大体解剖",然后做成完整骨骼标本,永远悬挂子台大骨科,除嘉惠医学教学及研究外,恨我入骨者亦可髑髅相见也。)
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