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Chapter 16 13 Triassic

happy enmity record 李敖 18429Words 2018-03-18
As soon as I entered the prison door, I saw three lovers. Goodbye, life and death forever After I was arrested, I was kept in the fifth room of the security department of the Taipei Boai Road Police Headquarters for nearly a year.The fifth room is not exposed to the sun, and is maintained by lighting and ventilation twenty-four hours a day.In this room, I was tiredly interrogated and tortured.An important key in the torture is to ask me to admit that I am one of the five committee members of the "Taiwan Headquarters" and one of the five giants of Taiwan independence.As a matter of fact, I know nothing about the problem to admit it.After more than ten days of entanglement, I felt that since Taiwan independence elements and official intelligence insisted that I was one of the five giants of Taiwan independence, if I did not cooperate, I was afraid it would end.So I came up with a plan, saying that I had played a joke on Xie Congmin about joining.I thought to myself: In this way, we can not only join in, but also reduce it because of jokes.After hearing what I said as a joke, Section Chief Liu (Liu Zhaoxiang, who is much more knowledgeable than ordinary secret agents) of the investigation bureau of the joint team asked me back in classical Chinese: "How can I make it out of a joke?" I laughed. just laugh.Later, when the case of unjust imprisonment was finalized, Section Chief Liu came to chat with me, and I said, "I'm really not one of the five committee members, but the people who are arrested first will give their confessions first, and I will suffer if I come in later. As the saying goes Three points bad, because the investigators follow the logic of thieves as usual, thinking that if a thief does not bite others but only bites you, it shows that you must have problems and you must not be a good thing. Transfer them together. Because of this, once a person is bitten by a thief, it is not so easy to escape. If you use a specific way of writing, one-third of the bite will die. Even if one day the grievances are resolved, Trauma is hard to heal, and it is often a lifetime thing. Now that the case has been settled, it is too late to say anything. I just hope that when you arrest someone next time, you must arrest me first, because the one who is arrested first can take advantage, and others must cooperate with his confession , but he can cast beans into soldiers - don't treat me preferentially, please catch me first!" My playful statement is actually the truth.There is an old saying: "The way of heaven has no relatives, and it is always with good people." For the Kuomintang intelligence officers, this sentence should be changed to "Handling cases without relatives, and often with biters."People who are willing to bite people are the easiest to gain the trust of these bull-headed and horse-faced people. These people never tire of "ruining" people, they are happy when they hear (other people's faults), old K is a prisoner, and the more the better, all these things are done by biting. .It's really big to bite it for use!

Many years after I was released from prison, lawyer Wu Zhongsen and Section Chief Liu came to see me one day. Section Chief Liu has retired and his speech has regained his humanity. Reported to the higher-ups, suggested a political solution, let you out, but the higher-ups are very abnormal, they did not accept our task force's suggestion, until today still can't figure out why the higher-ups did not let you go." Chief Liu's words should be credible, because in Before Section Chief Liu, I met Wei Yizhi, the head of the Police Headquarters in Ximending. He also revealed the suggestion of the special case team. He also wondered why the superior refused to let Li Ao out.I think this should be one of the worst decisions made by Chiang Ching-kuo and the others. They finally gave me a sufficient reason to hate them deeply. Since I was released from prison and came back, I have chased and killed the Chiang family all the way, from Chiang Kai-shek to Chiang Ching-kuo to Jiang Xiaowen, Wu, Yong, and even a gang of lackeys have not stopped for twenty years, which shows that I have the fierceness of revenge. --Do you want to shut me down?Let Yi know Allah, you fucking shut up the wrong person, and it's too late for you to regret it!When I was in the fifth room of the security department, the special agents yelled at me, saying: "In our eyes, you are a goldfish in a glass tank, and we can see you clearly!" Actually, they were bragging Well, they never saw me clearly. My insidiousness and ability to retaliate were definitely beyond the reach of the Jiangs and their lackeys. In the end, I was able to criticize them verbally and for twenty years. It was a joyful experience. "Cultural Monte Cristo", Li Ao is the only one in the world.

I was imprisoned this time, with a total of eight people in the same case. Among the eight, I only knew Xie Congmin and Wei Tingchao. The other five Li Zhengyi, Liu Chendan, Wu Zhongxin, Guo Rongwen, and Zhan Chongxiong met after they were imprisoned.They were implicated in the so-called U.S. News Agency and Taipei American Commercial Bank bombings, but they were actually imprisoned unjustly.When the verdict came down, it was written eloquently, with names, times, places, explosives, and details, and everything was there. Who would doubt that the five culprits were not responsible for the case?

But, in fact, no one would have guessed that such a convincing verdict is actually a myth fabricated out of thin air!According to what Li Zhengyi told me: Not long after he was arrested, Major General Wu Zhangjiong and the others got serious and asked people from the Tainan U.S. News Office and Taipei American Commercial Bank to identify him, because it was said that there was a man in yellow at the scene. They found an old yellow shirt and forced Li Zhengyi to put it on for display; and, in order to have a better effect, they were taken to the American Commercial Bank in Taipei for a "live performance" early one morning!Because they had never done any bombings, a "director" pointed out the details one by one in advance to meet the needs of on-site video recording!This kind of whole person is treated in every possible way. If it's not acting, what is it?

Li Zhengyi and the other victims, in the years of development of the whole case, except for a brief false confession when they were tortured, when they were imprisoned, after they were released from prison, and in their middle-aged lives after their youth had passed away, they They all spoke out in unison, denying that they had done such a bang-up case.It is not easy to say that they are against the Kuomintang; but it is a strange injustice to say that they are against the Kuomintang and play bombs. So, who was responsible for the bombings of the Tainan U.S. Information Office and the Taipei U.S. Commercial Bank?There is a legend that the person who actually did it was the Kuomintang itself.In order to retaliate against the U.S. for being unfriendly to it at the time, the KMT bombed the bombs to impress Lao Mei;Of course, I don't know for sure whether this is the case, but I do know that whenever a major case occurs, the lower-level personnel often resort to slapstick and torture to extract confessions and solve the case in order to carry forward the cause and claim credit for the award.The case I personally witnessed was completely a major fake case solved by Major General Wu Zhangjiong under the command of General Yin Jun, Commander-in-Chief of the Police, and Lieutenant General Wang Jie, Deputy Commander.

Major General Wu Zhangjiong and the others have done such a vicious black thing in order to inherit the cause and to claim credit for the award. I think that even though they can be forgiven politically and legally, but morally and historically, they His evil deeds must be recorded. This is the minimum justice in the world. Thinking about Wu Zhangjiong himself, after enjoying the rest of his life and stepping down to count the money, he should also give his approval, right?The wonderful things in the world are really incredible. Twenty-one years after the verdict, I met Wu Zhangjiong, who had retired from the military. He was the general manager of the Fuguilou restaurant at that time. He lost his temper at the meeting, because he couldn't solve the case, so scared that General Yin Jun, the commander-in-chief of the security, did not dare to attend the meeting, and ordered many people in charge of public security to be punished. Wu Zhangjiong said to Yin Jun, if you punish these people, the case will never be solved up.Yin Jun asked why?Wu Zhangjiong said that this group of people will be punished and resigned. The newcomers who came to power will not be able to step down if they do not solve the crime. It is better to stay;After hearing this, Yin Jun stopped ordering punishment.Soon after, Li Zhengyi and the others were caught, and the case was really solved.Wu Zhangjiong's so-called solution to the case is certainly not credible, but his words and the anxiety of Chiang Ching-kuo and below have opened our eyes.A few months after my conversation with Wu Zhangjiong, Xiao Qiqing, Wang Guoying and his wife invited me to have dinner in Fuguilou.Wu Zhangjiong came over and patted me on the shoulder and said, "Brother Li Ao, why haven't you come to our restaurant for dinner?"

I said, "I'm afraid you'll poison me with poison." He smiled and pinched me, calling me nonsense, and I said, "Maybe it's a bit heavy to say that you poisoned me, but it's possible to give laxatives." Everyone laughed. - This is life, this is the fate of life, this is the bloody dusk left by Jiang and his son.In the dusk, your main enemies are all dead, but the lackeys they left behind all seem to be good, as if they cherish the infinite beauty of the sunset with you. The sudden change of the world is so bizarre! I was imprisoned for the crime of Taiwan independence, which is purely unjust.However, Taiwan independence elements falsely claim that I am their comrade, but there is one thing to be desired-they really know the goods!Ruan Xiaowu and Ruan Xiaoqi "patted their hands on the neck" and said: "This kind of enthusiasm is only for those who know what to sell!"

Shanghai gangster Du Yuezhu said: "People use me because they think highly of me." These words are actually full of philosophy, although they are a bit Ah Q.Thanks to the love of Taiwan independence elements, I also "go in the water, go in the fire" as Ruan Xiaoqi said, and finally "go in the prison". Although I have complaints, I can forgive them.The most critical figures of the Taiwan independence elements who harmed me are "two mins"; Peng Mingmin overseas and Xie Congmin on the island.Why blame for sacrificing friends for the sake of politics?Taiwan independence elements know more about Li Ao than the Kuomintang, but they don't have enough friends to deal with.Xie Congmin later wrote oral memoirs, saying that he was forced to bite Li Ao at that time.Although the success of the unjust prison is not without the fact that the criminals committed crimes, but based on my personal experience in prison at that time, I feel that he still wrote with reservations.In fact, I would not have suffered so much if he hadn't cooperated with the intelligence officers in biting me.There are two ways to bite people, one is live bite and the other is dead bite.The former can make people get out of trouble; the latter makes people unable to argue.For example, Xie Congmin said that Li Ao agreed to be one of the five committee members of the "Taiwan Headquarters" while vacuuming the floor with a vacuum cleaner after talking to him one day.As a matter of fact, there is indeed a fact that Wu Guo's frame does not attract ground, but after such a fact, I have no way to "confirm" it.Xie Congmin bites so realistically and delicately that the intelligence officers are of course happy to believe him and not me.What's more, in order to keep their secrets for them, I told a lot of lies as soon as I came to the case. I didn't expect that these heroes would have confessed long ago. Of course, the intelligence officers believed them even more.

Xie Congmin was so powerful in prison that he actually asked the Japanese devil Masanori Kobayashi to bring out a letter, which was published in the "New York Times" on April 25, 1972.It mentioned that under the "crazy torture" of the Kuomintang, "I had no choice but to adopt a more moderate attitude and promised them to accept some accusations of anti-Chiang activities, including the false accusation of bombing the American Commercial Bank." He also admitted that Mr. Li Ao, Taiwan is very outstanding He is a scholar and the most popular writer, and a member of the Taiwan Independence Movement (in fact, I don’t know anything about the committee members at all).” After this letter was revealed, the Kuomintang was greatly embarrassed, and Xie Congmin was nailed to his feet. The man was locked in a small dark room that was dark and damp. When the seal was released, he was only allowed to take a walk alone, and no one was allowed to approach him.His health suffered greatly.I was in the prison cell, climbing up the iron window, and watched from afar as he struggled to put on the shackles, hung the iron chain with a thin rope woven from torn underwear, held it in both hands, and walked.His waist was bent, his back was hunched, and the air pressure in the entire prison was low. After ten minutes, the squad leader yelled "Go back!" and he turned to the small dark room.

It was a moving scene, which I will never forget. From March 19, 1971 to February 28, 1972, I was detained in the Security Office of the Police Headquarters, Boai Road, Taipei City; on February 20, 1972 From December 8, 1975 to December 22, 1975, during this period, he was kept in the Military Law Detention Center under Jingmei Xiulang Bridge; from December 22, 1975 to December 1976 On January 19th, during this period, he was kept in the "Ren'ai Educational Laboratory" ("Ren'ai Village") in Tucheng. "Benevolence Education Laboratory" was originally called "Production Education Laboratory", located at No. 23, Ren'ai Road, Tucheng Township, Taipei County. It is the base camp for brainwashing political prisoners. ", its "education" can be known.During the training years, Xie Congmin and I were locked in the same room, enduring waves of brainwashing and resisting waves of brainwashing together.Brainwashing is a complete failure, he is him, I am me, none of us have changed.If there is a change, it is to become more tenacious.After he was released from prison, Xie Congmin went far away and went overseas to do his political activities; as for me, I refused to die and continued to be the same in Taiwan. I just wrote more than a hundred books and turned around to brainwash the authorities in return.Tell them: You detain the wrong person. I am not a Taiwan independence advocate, but you detain me as a Taiwan independence advocate.Well, let you pay the price!

After many years in prison, Xie Congmin and I were released from prison respectively. My opinion of Xie Congmin is: biting me into the Taiwan independence case is a high pole in terms of political means; it is despicable in terms of friends. The way of friends is very classical. I can't accept this kind of despicableness of sacrificing friends for politics, so after more than ten years after I was released from prison, I have no relationship with him and have no contact with him.In 1985, the National Taiwan Association of the United States invited Li Ao to visit the United States, but someone with the pseudonym "Zhuangjiaoren" expressed his opposition in the "Taiwan Gonglun Daily".Because "Zhuangjiao people" are not individuals but a group, the Taiwan Independence Alliance intends to use Li Ao to cause disputes and incite Taiwanese fellow villagers to oppose the chairman of the National Association, which arouses the rebuttals of Hong Zhesheng and Xie Congmin.Hong Zhesheng wrote "Looking at Taiwan's United Front View from the Li Ao Incident", published in the 243rd issue of "Beautiful Island" (June 15, 1985); Xie Congmin wrote "Gentlemen Harmonious but Different", published in "Beautiful Island" No. 245 (June 29, 1985).In Xie Congmin's article, there are such painful words: "When a revolutionary organization is boasting of its great achievements, it should also look back at how those sacrificed endured their pain in the dark. Li Ao went into a political prison for the Taiwan Independence Alliance. Now The Taiwan Association of the United States invited Li Ao to visit the United States, and the voice of opposition came from Zhuangjiao, who was not named in the "Kung Lun Pao." "The arrest of Li Ao by secret agents also has considerable grounds. He was followed by secret agents when he left. He took photos of the plainclothes officers and attached the list of political prisoners in Taiyuan Prison to Amnesty International Secretary-General Martin Ennells. The Taiwan Independence Alliance obtained the photos and list published by Amnesty International and published them in " "Taiwan Youth" magazine. Before the publication of the photos and list, "Taiwan Youth" also published photos of Professor Peng Mingmin being monitored by plainclothes officers of the Bureau of Investigation. The spies concluded that these were Li Ao's masterpieces, and suspected that Li Ao and the Taiwan Independence Alliance must have secretly Contact. In 1971; during Chinese New Year, someone distributed a large number of leaflets when the northbound train passed Yanping North Road Level Crossing in Taipei. The leaflet said: People from other provinces are welcome to participate in Taiwan independence, and Li Ao is welcome to participate in Taiwan independence.This is the basis for the spies to torture me to extract a confession, organize the Taiwan headquarters, and fabricate Li Ao's participation in the Taiwan Independence Alliance. ""As far as the relationship between Li Ao and the Taiwanese is concerned, I think the Taiwanese owe him more than he owes the Taiwanese. "... Xie Congmin wrote a fair statement even when I was in a state of breaking up with him, loudly claiming that Taiwanese owe Li Ao more than Li Ao owes Taiwanese. This alone shows his political bearing, It is far from being comparable to the Taiwanese who are ungrateful to Li Ao today. The situation of the Taiwanese is getting worse, you can know it! It was not only Xie Congmin who bit me, but also Wei Tingchao.After Wei Tingchao was released from prison for the first time, he said to me: "As long as there is something against the Kuomintang, you count me as one, and you don't need to notify me." His words are very strong, and it is gratifying to hear.Later, without informing me, he bit me as a Taiwan separatist, and he probably felt the same way.After I was released from prison, his younger brother Wei Tingyu came to see me, and I said, "I was bitten by your brother and Xie Congmin as a Taiwan separatist, sitting in an unjust prison, thinking that these two Taiwanese are the worst Taiwanese; now I read There are already many Taiwanese, and I found that the two of them are the best Taiwanese!" It is clear that the situation of Taiwanese is going from bad to worse! When I was in prison, I met my most memorable "bandit spy" - Huang Zhongguo.Huang Zhongguo is a strange name, I jokingly called him China Huang, and joked: "Huang is a verb used in Chinese to mess things up, you Huang Zhongguo, you messed up China, with your name , you should go to jail!" The first time I saw him was in the second room of the Military Law Department, a college student next door was on a hunger strike, and I heard a man with a Shandong accent scolding him in the corridor, saying: "You are young, You are looking for death! You are going to starve yourself to death! You idiot!" I looked through the peephole on the wall and saw Huang Zhongguo.Huang Zhongguo is in his fifties. He is a big fat man with a big belly. Among the people I saw in the detention center, Yun called him the number one.He was rough-skinned, swarthy, and stupid.He was a new foreign soldier at that time, and he delivered food and water to our prison cells every day.The water is delivered in plastic buckets, one for each room, and he uses a thick hemp rope to string the buckets away one by one after meals.When stringing buckets.We knew it was him when the barrels clinked and rattled.People in prison have very keen hearing, so keen that they can hear when the prison door opens, which room or roughly the number is opened.This kind of survivability is so bizarre that it is unimaginable for people who have never been in prison.Huang Zhongguo originally lived in the ninth house and shared a room with Li Zheng. Because the case was small and he had no accomplices, he was transferred out to serve as a foreigner.Foreign service is the most envied job of the prisoners, because the doors of their cells are not locked during the day, they can walk in the corridor or in the yard, they can smoke, they can see the oily newspapers wrapped by their family members when they deliver food, and they can take advantage of Talking secretly to others when the squad leader is away... As soon as he is a foreigner, everyone knows that his case is not serious and the case is simple, and Huang Zhongguo is naturally the same. I lived in the second room from February to July. After Yuan Yaoquan was sent away without a term, I lived alone.During the house repair in July, I changed the eleventh room. The eleventh room is a large room with five people in the "floor ratio", but I have seen with my own eyes that eleven people are locked up. I don't know how they sleep.After I moved into the 11th room, I was transferred to three people. The other two were Li Guolong (a student of Fu Jen Catholic University) and Gao Shiyun (a member of the Gaoshan County Councilor) in the third room. I joked that his name read like "shit." transport").Li Guolong is my little brother and admirer, Gao Shiyun has nothing to do with the world (at least he has nothing to do with the people of Pingdi), and I will be the leader.On the afternoon of July 14, 1972, there was a sudden burst of crying outside. From a distance, a person was heard crying and shouting, gradually approaching, with the sound of fetters dragging the floor.Unexpectedly, when we arrived at the door of our room, the door suddenly opened wide, and a big man, with tears and sweat all over his face, naked upper body, only underwear on his lower body, and shackles on his lower body, was rushed in by the prison officer and Sergeant Ma.The big man is none other than Huang Zhongguo!As soon as Huang Zhongguo entered the room, he shouted: "Mr. Li! What case!They sentenced me to death! "The voice came from the screaming and despair of the Shandong bass, which made people feel sad and sympathetic. Sergeant Ma said to me: "Mr. Li, our fellow villagers are emotionally unstable, and we have to work on you to take care of him and replace him. Write a statement. Then he said to Huang Zhongguo: "Don't worry!Mr. Li will take care of you, write a complaint for you, and guarantee that you will go home innocent.Wearing shackles for a few days is nothing. " After hearing this, Huang Zhongguo suddenly fell to his knees, kowtowed to me, and shouted: "Mr. Li, help! Mr. Li, help!" I quickly helped him up, and his tears and sweat covered his body.I comforted him and said, "Don't worry, everything will be fine with Mr. Li here." Just like that, after two or three hours of tossing, Huang Zhongzhong's mood calmed down a little.When dinner arrived, everyone sat on the floor and was about to start eating. Huang Zhongguo suddenly took out five chicken legs from his luggage, which happened to be added at noon that day, and every prisoner was surprised!Huang Zhongzhong gave me two, one for Li Guolong and one for Gao Shiyun, and one for himself.After the meal, I secretly said to Li Guolong: "So this guy is separated from politics and economy! A death sentence is a death sentence, and eating and drinking is a big eating and drinking. The two have nothing to do with each other. Now you know why he is so fat?" After Huang Zhongguo joined Eleven House, Ding Wang from Eleven House joined Hu Yanhan (graduated from Chung Cheng University and served as an official in the auxiliary committee) and Huang Yixin (interview director of "China Times"). In prison, here comes Cui Jize (Niu Ge, Dai Lang, and my common yin friend).Getting along with Huang Zhongguo all day long, I found that he is honest and honest. He is a farmer from Laiyang, Shandong, and he can barely read words. On the eve of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he went to Qingdao alone to work in the navy, but he didn't know that he was a "pseudo-navy" ( The navy of the Japanese unification and the puppet government under the stage), so soon after victory, he became a "traitor". With a wry smile, he said: "Who knows! We are farmers in the countryside, and we only know how to go to Qingdao to join the navy. Who knows whose navy it is!" Because he was not allowed to retire, he ran to Taiwan.Later, he retired from the army, worked hard to get married, and opened a millet shop on Wuxing Street. Because of a gambling dispute, he was persuaded by his fellow Laiyang to make some money.Probably Huang Zhongguo was a bit stingy and refused to spend money to eliminate disasters, so he was wronged and falsely accused of working as an instructor for the Communist Party in the Raoling District of Laiyang under the Communist occupation during the seventh month of the lunar calendar in 1945; A primary school teacher who went to Nianzhitou Village and worked for the Communist Party.Based on this flimsy testimony and charges, he was sentenced to "death penalty and deprivation of public rights for life" by the Military Law Department of the Police Headquarters in the first instance!The case number of Huang Zhongguo's first-instance judgment is "Te Zi No. 46 (61) Cheng Li Zi No. 4269 at the beginning of 1972." I studied its contents carefully, and in 1972 On August 12th, I finally completed the "Military Judgment Petition for Reasons for Resentence", and I divided it into 14 points to appeal for his grievances.After it was written, Huang Zhongguo was very grateful to me, so it was natural. More than two months after writing the petition for Huang Zhongguo (October 27, 1972), I found John Donne's poem (No man is an island, intire of it) in prison. self; everyman is a peeceof the Continent, a part of the maine; if a clod bee washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesse, as well as if a promontory were, a well as a manor of thyfriends or of thine own were , Any mans death diminishes me, because l aminvolved in Mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom to bell tolls. It tolls for thee.), translated as follows: No one is self-sufficient, No man is an island, Everyone is a piece of the continent, to serve the native land That is a piece of land, That is a cape, That is a manor, Whether it's yours or a friend's, Once the sea washes away, Europe is about to get smaller. the death of anyone, It's all my reduction, as a member of humanity, I grow old with living beings. For whom the knell is ringing, I was at a loss, Not for the eternal separation of darkness, It is mourning for you. Huang Zhongguo saw it and seemed to realize something. He asked him to make a copy, and I agreed, so he lay down on the board and made a copy with great difficulty.At this time, the re-judgment was delayed, and he felt uneasy, which is naturally human.He repeatedly asked me when I could come down, and I said it would probably be in the next few days. I already knew the customs of the Military Law Department: they wanted to shoot people, and the decision to resentence was not notified until one or two hours before the execution. , when the notification was made, the criminals had already been tied up.Therefore, it is impossible for Huang Zhongguo to know the date when the death sentence was confirmed, that is, when he was sent to the execution ground to be shot. However, I do not want to disclose this truth to him. Since I have studied the habits of the Kuomintang, I have a premonition that Huang Zhongzhong's case, even though I have carefully written the statement, will not help.Huang Zhongguo's situation is more ominous than good.Sure enough, as I expected, at five o'clock in the morning on November 1, 1972, the door of Room 11 was suddenly opened, and seven or eight cell leaders rushed in and grabbed him, A strip wrapped around his mouth and carried him out of the room.Huang Zhongguo's voice, when the cloth was wrapped around his mouth, immediately changed from howling to another hissing. In my life, I have never heard a human being able to make that kind of sound.I sat there, put on a little padded jacket, and witnessed the completion and departure of all the quick movements, with a calm expression on my face.In the distance, there were one or two more screams from Huang Zhongguo. In the winter night, the sound could be heard shrill.He was obviously dragged to the Ankeng execution ground. Previously, Huang Zhongguo's family sent a bunch of fruits. Li Guolong said that Huang Zhongzhong was stingy and refused to share them with everyone. I said who would eat these fruits, I don't know yet!After Huang Zhongguo was dragged out, these fruits were taboo for Hu Yanhan and Cui Jize. Li Guolong and I ate them separately. It was really "one drink and one peck, could it be pre-determined"? inside. That night, when everyone talked about what happened early in the morning, Hu Yanhan said: "In such a terrible situation, you, Li Ao, can calmly be a bystander and don't forget to take care of the hot water bottle. You are so cruel!" I said: "Greek Zorba When someone close to him died, he mentioned his beloved parrot and walked out. The dead are dead, and it is more important to save the life. Moreover, when observing all phenomena in the world, you must be calm. China does more." Twelve years later, on June 9, 1983, I spent ten hours writing an article "My Most Unforgettable "Bandit Spy"", detailing the tragic history of Huang Zhongguo, as a thousand-year-old under the Kuomintang rule. A page of blood and tears.Huang Zhongguo is a Chinese farmer. In the troubled times, he got involved in the political vortex inexplicably, and died in a foreign land by accident.He is ignorant and ignorant, but his encounters are also sad, just like Ah Q in Lu Xun's works.Huang Zhongguo's tragedy is that he is purely a small person, and he is underestimated, so that he is "handed over" as a "bandit spy".After his death, Li Guolong asked me: "Don't the military judge know that Huang Zhongguo is not a spy at all?" I said, "Why don't you know! Of course you know. It's just that the Kuomintang wants to show its achievements in catching the spies. If they don't shoot some people, they will Being called bureaucratic by the superiors. Under this kind of request for credit and handing in the papers, they have to produce some fake spies every year to make up for it. The superiors have to hand over the spies, who cares so much!" One sacrificed, lying in the execution ground! After Huang Zhongguo was shot, the poem by John Donne that I translated meant more confusion to me, so I "handled" it properly, and finally managed to smuggle it out of prison with me.Later, Hu Yinmeng saw it, and Hu Yinmeng plagiarized it, put it in her article "Death in Afghanistan", and included it in her book.This is an English poem I like very much. This poem was taken by Hemingway back then, and he used the line "For whom The Bell Tolls" as the title of the book, which is the Chinese translation of "Battlefield Bells".Hemingway printed the full text of this poem on the title page, but all the Chinese translations did not turn it and skipped it, so this poem has never been translated into Chinese, which is a pity.Among the Chinese, no one has the skills to translate this poem and rhyme it, only Li Aoyou can do it, the master is the master! Huang Zhongguo has done foreign service. The so-called foreign service means that prisoners are released from the cell to serve the prisoners in the cell.Originally, this kind of service should be done by the prison head, the squad leader, but the squad leader doesn't do much except holding the key, and all the work is done by the foreigner.Foreign servicemen are selected prisoners who have short sentences and no political concerns.After the selection is made, they are asked to deliver food, water, sweep the floor, deliver things, and pour tea and wash clothes for the squad leader.Every move of the foreign guards, the squad leader has to stand behind to monitor. Occasionally, the squad leader will be lazy and urinate, and the foreign guards may squat outside the small hole, have a quick chat with the prisoners, and disclose a little news on the road outside, so that the prisoners can "see clearly" ,, everything. Because the sentence of the foreign service is not long, the turnover is relatively high. The cold comes and goes, year after year, I do not know how many "insights" the coming and going of the foreign service. Sometimes, I really can't remember them One of the reasons is: the outside of the room is slightly lower, and they must adopt a squatting posture when talking to me, and then turn their heads to look at me; the room is slightly higher, so I must adopt a posture of lying on the ground, Put your chin to the ground and look at them. The eyes of both sides must be crossed. My eyes they saw were parallel to the ground; their eyes I saw were perpendicular to the ground. After three Once filtered through the frame of ten by fifteen centimeters, in the dark light, under the tense expression, they are indeed out of human form. So I sometimes can't remember their faces clearly, it is conceivable. But in these can't remember clearly , I have the clearest memory, but I will never forget it. It is a young, plump, intelligent, fair face, paired with a pair of shrewd eyes, and a determined mouth, appearing in my hole, low He said with me: "Mr. Li, I am your reader, I admire you, if there is anything I can do, just ask me to do it.My name is Yu Zhongxing, I am a murderer... The squad leader is here, goodbye! " The jurists must have thought that Yu Zhongxing must be an active soldier, otherwise how could he be assigned to the military supervisor?Little did they know that Yu Zhongxing was not an active soldier, he just used a gun to kill people. According to the gun allergy in this area, anyone who used a gun, no matter what crime he committed, would be sent to the military law enforcement unit as "suspected of rebellion". It was found that it had nothing to do with rebellion After that, the prosecution was not prosecuted and the judicial unit was transferred.Yu Zhongxing only used a shotgun when he killed someone, so he violated the gun ban. That's it, he was assigned to the military prison first. When Yu Zhongxing was serving as a foreigner, there were always opportunities to play tricks. For example, when he was picking vegetables, he would automatically call me a little more; when filling water, he would automatically fill the five-liter bucket; It will automatically throw it in at high speed, so that I, a "citizen of the Republic of China" who is not allowed to read newspapers year after year, can know more about the news of the "Republic of China". Finally one day, Yu Zhongxing and I had a chance to have a long talk.The military supervisor wanted to paint the corridors, and asked Yu Zhongxing to be a painter. When he was working, he had to paint for a while outside a small room.When he brushed outside my room, he stood on the ladder and talked to me from the high window of the small room. Of course, the squad leader happened to be away, so we chatted.This chat gave me a better understanding of him.Yu Zhongxing is in excellent health and looks tall and burly. He went to college, but later he hated being a scholar.He was famous for his resourcefulness, bravery, and ruthlessness in the Taoyuan underworld, but he clashed with the Gu Yongcheng faction. He and Li Shengyuan, nicknamed "Capon", performed the sensational "Speed ​​Murder Case" and killed the general of Gu Yongcheng, Gu Yong. Yu Zhongxing escaped from the city, and Yu Zhongxing was caught in this way.After he was caught, he was aggrieved, and said to me: "The fucking police don't have enough friends!" I said, "There is a proverb in the American underworld: Never make friends with the police, because you don't know when he is doing business." That is to say, the police are ruthless at any time." Yu Zhongxing said: "Yes! Damn it, we killed the hooligans in Gu Yongcheng, which is equivalent to helping the police! How could they arrest us instead! They all The sky relies on us to support us, so fucking not enough friends! We killed Gu Yongcheng and the others to eliminate harm for the people!" I heard it, and it was funny, I said: "But, you forgot, you are also a victim!" Yu Zhongxing said: "I am the first victim! But if we kill one, there is always one less evil!" How can the fucking police arrest the people who work for them!If you mess up like this, who will dare to do justice for the sky in the future! "This last paragraph shocked me greatly. I think it is really interesting and meaningful. Yu Zhongxing reminded me of the story of Zhou Chu in the Jin Dynasty, "Eliminating the Three Plagues". After Zhou Chu had an epiphany, He went up the mountain to kill tigers, went into the water to kill mosquitoes, and then changed his career to be good. Later, he became a general and died for his country. Is this kind of young man with good thoughts going to hell just because of one thought of "goodness"? Not long after this conversation, Yu Zhongxing was transferred to the judicial unit. He wrote a letter to me from Taoyuan Guishan Prison, Since I am a political prisoner, I cannot reply. Later, I heard that he was sentenced to life imprisonment and transferred to Ludao Inmate Prison. On the eve of the transfer, multiple ribs were broken. Obviously, he was scrapped intentionally!When I read Robert Emmet Sherwood's famous play about hooligans, I deeply felt: Among the hooligans, some have real temperaments.They behave simply and without hypocrites.Their behavior may be unsatisfactory, and their outlook on life may be very strange, but they are unrestrained and daring, and they are indeed much more real and genuine than the so-called high-society dogs and men.People in the upper class, no one dares to "do justice for the sky", they are just hypocritical. I have seen and heard a lot in the military law detention center, but Nineteen is an unjust prison, and it is so unjust that it makes people laugh and cry.For example, "The case of Fu Jikuan calling himself long live" is the most interesting.Fatty Fu Fu Jikuan is the husband of Xiu Zelan, the builder of "Garden New City" and "Zhongshan Building".照,大家站得不耐烦,同事开玩笑说:"老傅,等一下子蒋总统出来,喊万岁时你敢不敢不喊蒋总统万岁而改喊傅积宽万岁?"傅积宽开玩笑说:"有什么不敢,等下子喊给你看。"他说话算话,等下子真在众口一声喊时喊了自己万岁,结果被比老百姓还多的治安人员发现,抓到牢里,判了五年。他在牢里碰到我,对我还傻笑呢!一天放封时在小院中散步,一个新来的囚犯哭哭啼啼,班长陈亚象问他判了几年,他说:"判了十年,真冤枉啊!"班长冷笑说:"一点没罪的,判五年;你判了十年,多少有一点罪。"傅积宽的五年,就是"非其罪也"的喊了自己万岁,他真该羡慕"江盖世"哟! (民进党大员江盖世微时写信给我,说他的名字拼成英文,与"蒋介石"同音,按说如果江盖世喊自己万岁,应该不被罗织。其实不然,"蒋介石"三个字,也是犯禁的。) 其实,傅积宽这种还算是幸运的,他被判罪,至少没戴红帽子。当时最流行的判法是给你戴红帽子,所以如此,和检举匪谍可领奖金有关。有一次屠申虹开玩笑说:"我生平最大的目的是想检举个匪谍,领点奖金花花,我穷死了!"我说: "匪谍岂是好检举的!我在军法处坐牢时候,看到不少检举匪谍的,糊里糊涂,弄得同匪谍一起坐了牢!国特们办案,你不知道他们心理,他们是被告宁滥毋缺、宁多毋少的。他们闻过则喜-闻别人的过;也诲人不倦-毁灭人的毁。他们办案,觉得被告人数不足时候,就会把检举人一并拉进来充数,所以啊,你检举了匪谍,你可能同时也变成了匪谍!"屠申虹听了,哈哈大笑。 在检举"匪谍"以外,还有一种同类的检举,就是检举反动传单、反动标语。"国特"们鼓励检举这些,声称检举者有赏,不检举者有罚。于是,小民领命,在地上捡到了传单,或在公厕里看到了粉笔字,就直奔官府报告去讫,不料"国特"们收到这些,破案为难,可是不破又不成,于是干脆就地取材,把检举人横加罪名,说发传单者即阁下、在茅房门后写"打倒蒋××"者亦阁下,阁下以检举人始,以谎报人终。他领奖金你坐牢,一幕反共抗俄大戏,最后以鼻青眼肿收场。 还有一种检举,是跟以上检举别异其趣的,以上检举是检举别人,这种检举却是检举自己,这就是所谓"匪谍自首"。"国特"们号召"匪谍自首",信誓旦旦,保证自首以后既往不咎,有些人弄不清自己是不是"匪谍",为了安全,先"自首"了,这下子麻烦大矣!因为你一"自首","国特"们就如获珍宝,以为你是共匪地下工作负责人,一切惟你是问。 结果一间三不知,"国特"们于赫斯怒,遂锡阁下以最新罪名-"自首不实",就是虽然"自首",可是有所保留,不老老实实交出关系。结果阁下"自首"未成,反倒罪加一等。 他领奖金你坐牢,一幕弃暗投明大戏,最后也以鼻青眼肿收场。 我住军法看守所第二房的时候,正对面是第十房,住着调查局的处长范子文,他被局长沈之岳诬以"匪谍",关进牢中,我早就听说,台北武汉大旅社姚嘉荐命案,就是他主持"侦破"的,用的全是刑求逼供的手段,他在牢中大声念佛,表达忏绪,声声不断,至少有一声应和姚嘉荐命案有关。救在"放封"时和他一组散步,我没好意思问他姚嘉荐的事,只听他唠叨自己在调查局被刑求的事,我问他那你在调查局做处长,你也刑求人了?他说刑求人的事,他们高阶层的不知道!我说那沈之岳也不知道了?他沉思半晌,痛苦他说:"沈之岳也不知道吧?"事实上,他被我问到死角,有苦说不出了。 散步时他告诉我:"是不是共产党,我们行家一闻就知道,今天牢里抓进来的,都是假共产党,真共产党他们根本抓不到!"范子文这话,自负中不失可信度,因为就近取材,眼前的红色难友,简直无人不假,判一二十年徒刑的,固比比皆是;判死刑的,也大有人在。 范子文以外,关在第四房的调查局副处长李世杰也是另一个假匪谍。他做副处长时,负责处理台湾"政治暗流"情报、研判"反党反政府分子"、"分歧分子"的政治主张动向等。"奉命"把高玉树等人当"敌人"看待,也"奉命"要视雷震、李敖等为"敌人"。自一九五一至六五年,李世杰先后获得陆海空军褒状、国民党中央党部奖状、数度年终考绩"特优",记大功、蒋介石二次召见、赠给"玉照"等等。蒋介石赠"玉照"、称"同志"后一年,"李世杰同志"突然变成蒋家钦定的"匪谍"!他从云端一头栽下,从此挣扎生死线上,展开了悲惨的人生。李世杰下狱后,两次被判死刑,我记得最清楚的一张画面是:一九七二年九月十二日,他第二次被判死刑,再度戴上脚镣,彳亍而归。放封时他戴着脚镣,不良于行,面色死灰,但却劲气内敛,令人又同情又佩服。他那时是死刑犯,死刑犯除了例假日外,每天清早五点钟,都可能被提出去枪决。所以每天晚上入睡之时,都不知道自己能不能活到第二天太阳出来。这种夜夜惊魂的日子,真教人难过。这种夜夜惊魂的折磨,终于在三十二个月以后,告一段落。一九七五年五月十二日,改判无期徒刑定谳,脚镣再度离开了他,这时他五十八岁。同年九月二十二日,我从初判十年改为八年六个月,这时我四十岁。我早已搬到第八房,李世杰也搬到第九房,放封时与我在一起,谈话渐多,交情也渐深。同年十二月六日晚饭后,监狱官开了他的房门,通知他立刻收拾行李,准备移监绿岛(火烧岛)。李世杰在班长监视下,无法向我道别,只好在提着行李、路过我窗下时,冒出"good一bye……good一bye"以为暗讯。第二天清早,他便被解送外岛了。李世杰走后十六天(十二月二十二日),我也突被通知收拾行李,解送"仁爱教育实验所"。景美军法看守所时代,便就此告一结束。 一九七六年我出狱,我出狱后十年(一九八六年二月四日),李世杰也出狱了,他坐了二十年牢。出狱之日,太太已死了,家散人亡,他也老态龙钟,这时他行年七十,已经是白发老人了。我深知李世杰博闻强记,笔下又行,听说他出狱,亟思鼓动他写出几十年来种种见闻,以存信史。一九八六年六月二十五日,我通过陈菊,打听出李世杰的电话,跟他取得联络,说动他展开大写作计划。他本来只想用化名写,不敢用真名,我说你写出来的事,一查就是只有你李世杰才清楚的,你还赖得掉吗?还是抛头露面迎头痛击吧!He agreed.同年九月三十日,他的大作开始出现在我主持的"万岁评论"、"千秋评论"上,连续发表,前后四年,直写到中风死去。四年间,夜以继日、锲而不舍,写出了两百多万字的揭发黑暗的文字,我为他印行的有《调查局研究》、《调查局黑牢345夭》、《军法看守所九年》等,都是内容翔实的不朽之作。 在所坐过的牢房中,第八房于我独亲,原因是我在其中,一个人住了两年半之久,引起我最多的回忆。第八房是在警备总部军法看守所的独居小房,在小房中,整天过四面面壁的生活。佛教里的达摩老祖只面壁一面,我却面壁四面,小房有三叠大,扣掉四分之一的马桶和水槽,所余空间,已经不多,一个人整天吃喝拉撒睡,全部活动,统统在此。墙与地的交接点上,有一个小洞,长方形,约有三十乘十五厘米大,每天三顿饭,就从小洞推进来;喝的水,装在五公升的塑料桶里,也从小洞拖进来;购买日用品。借针线。借剪指甲刀、寄信、倒垃圾……统统经过小洞;甚至外面寄棉被来,检查后,也卷成一长卷,从小洞一段段塞进。小房虽有门,却是极难一开的,班长不喜欢开门。所以,一切事情,都要趴下来,从小洞办。这个小房,才真是名副其实的"洞房"。在"洞房"里,随着阴晴、日夜、光暗等变化,一个人有不同的感受。在晴天时候,我有这样的经验:每天午饭后,到下午开始做运动前,有两个多小时特别安静的一段时间,比夜里还安静,因为经常梦魔的邻居们午睡时倒不叫。我认为午睡是浪费,从来不睡午睡。所以我特别能清醒的独占这两个多小时的特别安静。本来每天二十四小时都属于我,但这两小时好像更属于我,尤其是星期天的这两小时。只要天气好,我每天中午都有一个约会,约会的对象不是人,也不是人活在上面的地球,而是比地球大一百万倍的太阳。冬天时候,太阳午后从高窗下透进几块--真是成块的,于是在这小房间里,除了我外,又增加了动态。阳光总是先照上水泥台,再照上地板,再很快就上了墙,再很快就上了胸前那么高,就断了。为了利益均沾,我把塑料碗、塑料筷、塑料杯等,分放在几处阳光下面,然后自己也挤进去。因为阳光只有几块,所以就像照调光一样,要一部分一部分照,照完了这只胳臂,再照那只,若想同时全照到,那就只有"失之交臂"了。太阳虽好像是个小气鬼,只照进那么少、那么短,但对我已是奢侈品。阳光在冬天虽然热力有限,但至少看起来也暖和-- 几块暖和。这种光与热,都是在人群中、在地球上得不到的东西,它们从天而降,从九千多万英里的地方直达而来,没有停留、没有转运,前后只不过八分钟,光热从太阳身上已到你身上。这种宇宙的神秘,我不知道有多少人能同时感受到,有了这种感受,你仿佛觉得,虽然阳光普照,可是却于你独亲,世态炎凉,太阳反倒是朋友了。但在阴天时候,我的经验又翻开了新页:为了使光线好一点,为了干净一点,我买了两刀稿纸,来糊四面斑驳的墙,印格子的一面朝墙,四边抹浆湖,贴上去,立刻弄平。从最下面贴起,墙与地板接缝处露缝宽窄不一,先用桥牌拦腰一折,成九十度角,一边贴墙上,一边贴地板上,再盖上稿纸,一张稿纸可盖住四张半桥牌。桥牌也是正面朝墙,于是自王(King)到后(Queen)和什么保皇党贾克(Jack)等,都像法国路易十六(Louis XVI)和玛丽·安托内特(MarieAntoinette)等等一样,都完了。浆糊干了的时候,稿纸就绷得很平。大功告成以后,一行行稿纸背面,白里透绿,一个个小格子都衬出来,每个格子都是空白的,就好像每天的生活一样。原来糊的时候,只求光线好一点、干净一点,并无其他奢求-稿纸已为自己做了这么伟大的服务,还奢求什么?当然它们不够白,但白纸买不到。白报纸虽可买到,但质料人差,快变成褐报纸了。打字纸又人薄,糊L去什么都盖不住,所以还是稿纸最好。想到当年字稿纸惹祸,今天把槁纸用来糊墙,颇有焚琴煮鹤的味道。阴天来了的时候,我才意外的发现来了新作用。房间湿气重了,关节上的风湿开始隐隐作怪,稿纸们吸足了湿气,纷纷鼓了起来,好像也在作怪。随着抹浆糊的痕迹,纷纷鼓出了各形各状的"浮雕"。一个个看去,颇为好玩,有美女侧影、有妖怪半身、有戴高乐的鼻子、还有好几条香肠。打蚊子留下的痕迹,有时用湿抹布探不干净,索性加贴一小块稿纸上去,加贴的部分,因为全部是浆糊,引起四面八方的起伏,活像一只白螃蟹,在那里横行。整个的感觉是,自己不但活在湿气里,还活在一台千奇百怪的湿度计里。 在这种空间的感觉以外,还有时间的感觉:因为太久太久没有钟也没有表,甚至没有计时烛(marked candle),没有滴漏(clepsydra),也没有沙漏(hourglass),看时间的习惯已经退化。你无法准确的知道时间有多短或有多长,你开始没有一分钟、没有五分钟、十分钟……没有一小时、两小时。 任何完整的时间感已经没有了。代替准确时间的,只是一些模糊的大段落:邻居早起者的声音,大概是五点多;早饭推进来,大概是六点半;午饭推进来,大概是十一点;又是塑料小壶来,大概是两点半;晚饭推进来,大概也推进了五点(十七点);六点起身和九点(二十一点)入睡的两次音乐通知是一天中最准确的两次。九点过后,擦地、洗脸、铺被、看书等,总拖到大概十点才睡。自己好像一个大沙漏,从起身到入睡,十六七个小时正好漏完。第二天,一开始,就好像把沙漏倒过来,一切从头开始--从和昨天一样的地方开始。 从和前天一样的地方开始……小时早已不是时间的单位,甚至天也不是。前天和昨天一样、昨天和今天一样、今天自然也和明天一样。甚至星期也不是时间的单位,每个星期跟上个星期、下个星期也一样。比较近似的时间单位,反倒是月,一两月或两三个月,也许会冒出一点变化--别人的变化。每月生活都是大同、大同、大同……小异都很少。大同而小不异。因为时间的单位变长,相对的,衡量时间也跟着大手大脚。过一个月,再过一个月,多过一个月,根本是稀松平常的事,你不会指望一天要怎样有趣、一星期要怎样灵通,自然也不指望一个月会有什么奇迹。再过一个月,多过一个月,这就是你对时间的信仰。无趣味、无消息、无奇迹,也无所谓。你是时间的批发商,你已学会不再计较小段的岁月。空间是短的、时间是长的,空间跟时间已在你身上做了奇妙的交汇,真可惜爱因斯但的理论,竟没在这方面寻找证明。一上面这种空间与时间的感觉,都是我在第八房里感受到的。这些感受,只有在长久的孤独中,才能如此深邃、如此细腻。在第八房的孤独岁月里,我觉得我真能对人生有特殊的感受,因此它对于我,就永远有着一股莫可名状的幽情,在我离开多年以后,还会清楚的想到它。 我被"国民党总统"关入黑牢之时,年方三十五岁,所遭遇的不但有政治问题,也有性欲问题。前者解决,要靠"总统";后者解决,要靠自己。牢里放封时有受难人问我这方面问题,我一本正经而言曰:"总统日理万机,我日理一鸡-鸡巴的鸡。"闻者无不开怀而笑。其实,国家被他们搞坏,毛病就出在做"总统"的,不知为君之道,反倒专门管小事,察察为明、政由己出,以日理万机为得计。殊不知只有抛弃万机,百密之中,独探一鸡,才是正本清源无为而治之道。可惜这些傻不鸡鸡的东西不懂也!后来我出狱后,有人间我感想,并说国民党愿意跟我化解夙怨,不要再恨国民党了。我的答复总是:"原谅国民党吗?可以,可是我的老大、大头可以原谅国民党,我的老二、小头却不肯原谅。用日本话来说,我的阿它骂(日语脑袋)可以原谅国民党,我的钦它骂(日语辜丸)却不肯原谅。一想到那么多年青春,断送在黑牢里,害得鸡巴月出无孔可入、日出揭竿而起,这怎么能不记仇?我若原谅了国民党,我就对不起我鸡巴!"-正因为祸伏于胯下,所以,两次政治犯下来,我干国民党,可干得九浅一深呢!干到今天,还只九牛一毛呢! ……(略一…编者狗屎编者-文岭)一九七一年三月十九日晚上被捕时,我带了一本一九七0年十月号的PLAYBOY杂志在手,它对我产生了极大的帮助。原来这本杂志有一个特色,就是它的中间大跨页不是一个女人,而是一对双胞胎姊妹的裸照…… (略-编者狗屎编者-文岭)是我相当喜欢的一幅画面。这本杂志,一直陪着我过了将近一年的岁月。在苦闷、不自由的监狱生涯里,她们带给我许多刹那的快乐时光。另外家里送进一本PLAYBOY日历,中有她们两人另一裸照,也是我的最爱,日历上这张姊妹都跪在床上,别有情味。这对双胞胎名叫MaryandMadeleineCollinson,PLAYBOY登出她们裸照后十六年(一九八六),又出版《姊妹们》(Playboys Sisters)一册,把双胞胎同类的裸照集成一册,其中也有六张这对姊妹的,可是都不如我带进牢中的这两张。可见照片与其本人其实落差颇大,传神入画,妙手偶得,其他照片也好、本人也罢,都不一定恰合尊意也! 一九七二年二月二十八日,我从台北博爱路警总保安处移送景美军法看守所,牢门一入,由监狱官郭同奇检查,此人脸上的表情除冷酷外,看不到别的。在他的冷酷检查下,我从保安处带来的书刊都被"保管"了,Mary and MadeleineCollinson姊妹等裸照也一起离开了我,使我大起"恐慌。"因为未来漫长的坐牢生涯,再也不见意淫、手淫的道具了,这可真难挨也。 三年以后,监狱官换人了,我跟这看守所也熟了,那时看守所辅导官是政工干校出身的冯音汝少校,他为了使"囚情稳定",在书刊进口方面,给了我这特级囚犯不少优遇;在寄出信件的字数和检查方面,也给了我这特级囚犯一些方便,虽然是责任使然,但在出入之问,既不像其他辅导官那样政上干,想来还是该感谢他的。更感谢他的是,一天晚。他同意我到库房里,把被"保管"的美少女照片带回押房来,于是,那天晚上对着双胞胎姊妹,我做了一生中最痛快的一次手淫。 后来为了蔡添树越狱事件,看守所所长徐元麟和冯音汝都遭撤换,而我的案子也确定了,随时有移监到"仁爱教育实验所"的可能,因此我把两张双胞胎姊妹的裸照,藏在《蓝登字典》的硬纸封面中,果然在一九七五年十二月二十二日,我被突然移监到土城,照例又"保管"起我在景美军法青守所的许多书物,但字典等工具书除外,于是夹带中的双胞胎姊妹便幸存下来,一直陪找到一九七六年十一月十九日出狱,方才完成"阶段性使命"。 PLAyBOY杂志与我还有后缘,后未它的中文版不但一再访问我,并在英文一九九0年年刊(PLAYBOY Enterprises.Inc.1990Annual Report)里刊出我的照片。那次刊出,是从十五种外语版中每年一百八十位名人中选出三位,李敖即在王位之中,在我照片下美女大腿如林,亦趣事也。 我在十房坐牢时,对面是第三房,是小房间,有一位囚犯独居。囚犯大陆籍,平头,黑黑的,面目瘦弱。他的最大特色就是不说话、也不看书、写书、也不出来放风、也不提出任何抗议和要求。对外界的一切,一概不理。他每天没有一点声音的活着,像个鬼似的,令我们十分好奇。我们对他的任何关切,如送食物、用品等给他,他也一概不理。有一次寒流来了,狱方加发毯子,监狱官孙红全(这个人不错)沿房开门,问寒间暖,问到这位第三房的怪人,也全无反应。我比照"息夫人"的故事,把这怪人取名为"息先生"。他这种一句话也不说、一点声音也没有的囚犯,为我生平仅见。我想他一定是受了人生最大的刺激,因而看破红尘,宁愿自闭的。这样子与"鬼"为邻好一阵后,我们往往忘了第三房还有一个人在。听说他早就服刑期满,只因为只身在台,找不到保人,因而不能出狱。他后来被送到绿岛"候保队"了,这样子的囚犯,某年某月某一天要魂断孤岛,也是自在意中的。"息先生"的例子,使我特别留意到囚犯的交保间题。留意之下,发现政治犯胡虚一他们所说"从没见过一位难友是无保放人的"之言,确是实情。不过,在我入狱之前,我却听说有过无保放人的例子,那是魏廷朝对我的一段自述。魏廷朝第一次坐牢出狱时,是没有交保的。这一自述,给我很深的印象,所以记得清清楚楚。魏廷朝这次跟我坐牢时,他因为早我二十四天被抓,所以早我二十四天出狱。他出狱后,"仁爱教育实验所"负责人告诉我:现在你李敖要出去了,依法要有人做保才能出狱,你随便找两个朋友保你吧! 我一听,就立刻拒绝了。后来他们纠缠不止,我这时记起魏廷朝无保放人的自述,我说,保什么啊?魏廷朝就无保释放过,为什么老找我麻烦,不料他们说,谁说魏廷朝没交保了? 我们拿证据给你看!随后他们果然拿出证据给我看,原来魏廷朝是交了保的!看了证据后,我心里一阵沮丧,在我眼中的台湾英雄,原来如此!不过,既然事已穿帮,我还是"执迷不悟",我说,不必管魏廷朝如何了,反正我自己去英雄就是,我就是不肯交保。所方看我态度强硬,就暗示我没保就不会放人,我说我就是没保,你们不放我可也。最后他们屈服,破例无保释放。后来得知,我是国民党所抓成千上万的政治犯之中,惟一一个无保释放的个例。 最有趣又最恶心的是:我的开释证明书上有例行印好的"行状及悛悔情事"专栏,中有例行的思想已改正字样,看了又好气又好笑,明明政治犯无过可悔,却硬要说他悔了过,这种强制悔过症,在我以前,就施之于中国共产党的建党元勋--陈独秀身上过。一九三七年八月二十五日陈独秀出狱后,立即给《申报》编辑部写信,表示:"鄙人辛苦狱中,于今五载。兹读政府明令,谓我爱国情殷,深自悔悟。爱国诚未敢自夸,悔悟则不知所指。""我本无罪,悔悟失其对象: 罗织
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