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Chapter 7 4 Throwing pens

happy enmity record 李敖 10036Words 2018-03-18
Although the cloud is in the army, but I have not written a pen to the darkness in the army, I will reveal the bottom Two months after I graduated from National Taiwan University, I went south to Fengshan to serve in the military.I served as a reserve officer for one and a half years, thirty-nine years ago, and I am the eldest among this kind of officers.Although I claim to be the boss, the Kuomintang government obviously does not recognize me because they have "dismissed me from the military".I was sentenced to ten years for rebellion in 1972, and my sentence was commuted to eight and a half years in 1975.According to Article 5 of the "Military Service Law": "Anyone who has been sentenced to more than seven years in prison is prohibited from performing military service, which is called prohibited service." Since then, I have lost the "obligation" (American version) or right (Soviet version) to perform military service. As far as the Kuomintang government is concerned, the price they spent on me is obviously a failure; but as far as I am concerned, I have used the opportunity of this year and a half to pay back the fare-like "misfortune" and blessing.I can train myself to be a man, and a year and a half of military life has helped me a lot.As I write this, I really want to thank the KMT for treating me in every possible way!

During his one-and-a-half-year pre-office career, Yi was trained at the Fengshan Army Infantry School for half a year.Because I am too energetic and never take a nap, I use the nap time to secretly write a diary, then wrap the diary in a plastic bag, put it on my chest, and never leave me, no matter it is raining or sweating, I worship the plastic interval, the diary will not be affected.With such deliberate records, I have left behind a miracle that all reserve officers cannot do-a complete and complete pre-officer diary for a full year and a half.Thirty years later, Pan Yingang, Yang Erlin, Liu Yaozu, Shi He, and Chen Ruizhou, who were trained on the same team as me, all wrote prefaces for it.

In this diary of 660,000 words, it seems to be fragmented, but it is really auspicious, and many Li Ao's career in the military era are also vivid on the paper.I excerpted some to see Li Ao's military days. At that time, my ideal role model of brave writing was the American writer Hemingway.On September 16th I wrote to Margo: I have been in the army for ten days, and I can be said to be positive and happy all the time. Hemingway is the most frustrated person at present. I bought a copy of "Hemingway's Creation" written by He Xin. I read it very quickly. I like the few times he participated in the battle. Pursuing the spirit of death and bravery, so living in the army, my attitude and views are different from ordinary people. I think this is not a waste of time, this is the best kind of training and life.So I'm really happy to be here.I have not completely forgotten the past, and when I am rested and tired, I occasionally think of the happy days and the sad years of the past, but they can no longer give me anything—it is only a cloud-like dream, nothingness. , bleak, can't shake me, and will pass in an instant...

On September 23rd, I wrote Fengshan Miscellaneous Poems about the situation in the army: During the day, feuds are the scorching sun, and at night, lovers are straw mats. What do you hear all day long? Stand at attention, take a break and keep up. The next day I wrote again: There is very little rain in September in Nantai, and I feel dizzy all day long. I don’t have to worry about running out of water in the water plant, and I sweat every day. On September 29, I wrote the self-introduction of the trainees: The 14th team introduced themselves, and one person said, "If I become president in the future, I will cancel the military training first."

On October 20, I wrote about the face of the cadres in the army: Shouting in front of the team is intimidating, everyone on the stage bows their heads, there are big worms in the lamb pen, and the chief turns into a running dog when he arrives. Write an unforgettable afternoon in Ligang on October 28: All day at six o'clock in the morning and August 1st artillery training and test shooting, facing the Meinong River, surrounded by mountains, streams and sand and gravel, after lunch, everyone would lie down in the shade, but I carried a bench, binoculars, and handouts Standing on a gravel corner, I can see two village girls washing clothes and two boys floating on a tree playing in the water. Although their whole bodies are sunburned, they are still rippling with the cool breeze and clear water, and they don't feel the pain.Now I am still writing a diary there, and a classmate said that I am quite "poetic", and I have thoughts in my heart, but it is full of a sense of emptiness.Looking from a distance, the mountain is really much higher. Looking at the past, pebbles, gravel, green grass, black sand, shallow water, long embankments, light smoke, microwaves, light blue sky, uncertain white clouds, and mountain peaks above the clouds, Now I am going to have a clean water and wash my feet.The sun is shining above, and the water is not too cold, but when the feet are put down, it feels "not as good as the feet". The rubber helmet on the head is not bad, covering a lot of sunlight and heat. The fish in the water are smaller than tadpoles. The bench sank when it was placed on the sand, getting deeper and deeper.I am writing casually by the water like this, and I have no rules or coherence. Now I think of Thoreau's Wdldan, and I think of Lake Como. It's human, what a miserable thing that kind of casualties are!I'm going to go for a walk in the deep water now.Villagers stopped at the cannon, wading to eight or eight yards to snatch shell casings.As soon as the feet were in the water, the black sand flew up.Rolled the leggings in the water and almost got wet.A yellow butterfly flew by the water, very cute.

Because the scenery was so beautiful, I couldn't read, and I wrote miscellaneously for a while. On October 31st, I wrote anti-virus training and was forced to go to the poison gas classroom to smell the tear gas: Everyone winks and frowns, don't ask anyone if you are full of ugliness, even if your heart is as hard as iron, you still have to shed tears. The hard-hearted Li Taisui, suddenly passionate like a little girl, squeezed out of the gas chamber, with snot and tears. On January 18, 1960 I wrote the instructor and me: Today is the second classroom duty, the instructor buttoned my collar button in front of everyone, I held my head up like itching, the crowd repeatedly booed the class, and at the end of the class they called me the idol of the ninth team, everyone imitated me, but I couldn’t draw a tiger Anti-dogs, I said that they are dogs at all, and pointed out that I have extraordinary insights and brains, and I said that I dare not agree with his words, fearing that his heart will fight.

Please give me more points. One of the missions of the instructors was to get non-KMT people to join the party, and said that if they did not join the party, they would be distributed to the front lines in Kinmen.On February 6th I wrote: After dinner, Zhao Xiong came to talk, saying that I am happy and don't care about distribution, and people say that I am unique and have a unique style. I think of myself as a human being, the most different from these young people is that I am a hero with the most spirituality, not a meat eater with a real body-- This is where I am most conceited, and it is also where these bastards are most out of reach.I can be said to be a tough guy (except for being a little afraid of the dark), and I have the spirit of Nanba. Zhang Xun said: "Dead ear!" What an imposing manner, what an imposing manner!In this regard, I have quite a spirit of martyrdom. It is only natural for small people to succeed in their aspirations, gain profits, and fish and fish.What a shame that a person is so mere!

What I wrote in my diary that day, "I don't care about distribution" and "It's nothing to worry about. It's nothing to do with it. It refers to the fact that if you don't join the party, you have to go to the front. As a result, I was blessed because of my bravery. The superiors were worried about sending me to the front. Instead, I stayed at the front line." Taiwan Island. On February 16th, I wrote about sleeping pictures of sentient beings: (1) One River of Spring Water Style - Zhang Hongmou, he had to get up several times a night to pee. (2) Grinding teeth - Chen Ruizhou, grinding his teeth like a rat, ruminating like a cow.

(3) Shanming Gu Yingshi - Zhang Peichi, the sound of snoring shocked the whole room. (4) The flood of the Yellow River - Zheng Rensu, one person occupies two tatami mats. (5) Orchid-fragrant radiating style--Yan Xueyu, with unbearable foot odor. On March 3, I left the army and was assigned to the 49th Regiment of the 16th Division of Chen Cheng's direct lineage. I first served as the deputy platoon leader of the 42nd Artillery Company.On March 5th, the third day after leaving the army, I wrote to my mother: This place is near Renwu, north of Fengshan Mountain, the weather is the hottest, and the flies are the most. I bought five sheets of fly paper this morning, and I caught one or two hundred of them—it’s just a house with eight seats, and there are so many. fly!The water is also very inconvenient. The well water of the common people is used, which is far away and not clean.There are many bedbugs, mosquitoes, toilets are far away, you have to squat to eat, and the transportation is extremely inconvenient. These are the shortcomings of this place, but this is also a good opportunity to read. I am too lazy to move or run outside, so I can read more books.

On March 7th, I wrote about my first visit to "Military Paradise": Those who visit the "Renwu Special Tea Room", the so-called "Military Paradise", and the so-called "Zoo" by the platoon leader.Outside the billiard room, photos and numbers, rules and regulations, loud noise, bad air, red light, half naked leaning on the door with no expression, talking with soldiers, hugging soldiers, flowery sheets in the room, dressing table, breasts meet, thighs exposed , forty minutes (Because the camp prostitutes pick up customers repeatedly, forty minutes each time, so there is no time to get dressed. After each time, when they come out to fetch water, they only wear bras and underwear. On October 4, 1984, Li Aofu knowledge).Cannon terms: "air bombing, instant, delay, dual-use" (in the military, sexual intercourse is called cannonball; ejaculation without touching is called "air bombing"; premature ejaculation is called "instant shot"; long-lasting one is called "delayed"; As for what "dual use" refers to, I have forgotten it today. July 4, 1984, Li Ao attached).

After this visit, I collected information with all my heart, and after 26 years (1986), I published a long article of more than 40,000 words - "Blood and Tears of "Military Paradise"". This is visible! One week in the 42nd Artillery Company, on March 10th, I was transferred to the regiment headquarters as the search platoon leader, and immediately went to the "search training team" to report. In the afternoon, the colonel Jiang Jingxu came to roll call and called me "Li Platoon Leader" , This man later became a general and became the head of the Security Bureau. He suppressed my anti-KMT actions a lot in the future. The search platoon leader worked for fifty-two days.During this period, he also served as an instructor of mines and was very popular. On March 16, I saw how the military dealt with atrocities: After the division meeting in the morning, we went to visit the 42nd Artillery Company collectively. Han Ganzhong, a sergeant in the third platoon, was shot. Go and see, it has been lowered into the pit, but it is only a hundred meters away from my place.The incense and firecrackers were going off, and only two pairs of sneakers were seen.On June 4th last year, this person lost cigarettes because of playing 100% cigarettes. Sergeant Sergeant Big Fatty is always a good card.This morning, he still said: "I was just trying to scare him, but the gun went off unexpectedly!" Zhejiang native.What's more, impulse is terrifying! The basic reason for the atrocities in the army is that the veterans are distressed. When they are atrocities, they often shoot with guns, so there are many casualties.Not long after I left the army, the commander of the Sixth Company was beaten to death by veterans. The news came on April 29, and I was assigned to the fourth company as the leader of the weapons platoon.On May 2nd, I was away from the search row: The farewell scene in the aisle this morning was very touching, and it was really a big scene!Some soldiers shouted and said: "There are so many stories about you that have not been told!" Cuihua wanted to send me off, but I refused. , I can't bear it, and I should show a little meanness after I get paid. Ye and the deputy company commander were chatting on the grass, when Wang Zuo came and brought a "Golden Dragon" hot water bottle, which read: farewell Platoon Leader Lee's farewell Everlasting Friendship Hu Zhengqing Ding Zhong gift Zeng Jimei Wang Zuo I was in the 4th company, from the company commander Yu Keqin down, I looked at it differently, on May 4th: The company commander kindly ordered to set up a hard table for me. The table top was the box of the platoon leader... He also gave me the lamp stand of the deputy seat and gave me a water glass.The deputy company commander lent me my underwear last night, and the company commander wanted to do the same thing yesterday, so I thank you. Formation in the afternoon, the weapon platoon was formed in this way, I borrowed 30 yuan from Shi Ke, bought two packs of Double Happiness, peanuts, beef jerky, etc., and called a discussion with ten members of the platoon at 4:30. I presided over it quite well, veterans They are very respectful, the oldest one is forty years old, and the youngest is seven years older than me. They are very respectful, but they pack up their belongings when the meeting is over. They are really poor and pitiful. There are 75 artillery and 60 artillery in the weapon platoon, each led by a team leader. On May 7, I wrote: I have been very busy today and started to give lectures. I didn’t expect these people to be so Stupid-ness. I was so tired that I was sweating profusely. Forty-eight, really terrible. Thirteen days after the fourth company arrived, the march began, moving from Renwu Township, Kaohsiung County to Nabalin, Xinhua, Tainan County: I was woken up after 3:00 am on May 16th, and hurriedly packed up (to catch the platoon leader Zhou and the tolerance of Yongting). Small rest, passing Gangshan, battalion commander and small talk, Miss Political Worker is very beautiful, big rest in Jiaxing in the afternoon, Yongting found a pot of hot water for me to wash my feet, Xu Jusheng found salt for me to put in it, company commander Praise me for the success of leading troops. ...I went down to Alian National School quite exhausted, and stayed overnight in the classroom. Four uneven tables divided my back into four pieces. I defecated in a folk house. It was very smelly. Today, I traveled about thirty-six miles! I got up again after 3:00 on May 16th. Sun Qixiang helped me organize my backpack. I hollowed out the backpack and put it in a small bag and put it in the battalion commander’s car. , After crossing the deep pit, I arrived at the Guan Temple. The temple is very large, but I didn’t get to visit it. I went to Xinhua for lunch.A small group of people walked and cried, and almost everyone got blisters. It was just that my leather shoes were too inconvenient, so luckily I didn’t get blisters.I tried every means to keep going, singing, humming poems, taking out pamphlets and reading English while walking... Veterans still have a way. As for the gun, Jin Hai has one shot alone, and they can all be masters.After struggling, I finally arrived in Xinhua. It was not easy to grab boiled water. The veteran gave me four popsicles and four bottles of soda. I could imagine the embarrassment. The administrator prepared a car for me. The battalion commander I also came to ask, I refused to take the car, and the company commander praised me very much, saying that the battalion commander raised his thumb to look for me, just like yesterday.After taking a nap for a few minutes, they set off. The battalion members and veterans praised the platoon leader for his determination. He arrived at Balin from Xinhua in one breath.Ninety-two miles in two days! I have never traveled such a long distance in my life. If I hadn't become a reserve officer, how could I have such a temper! In my diary, I recorded a lot of suffering among the people, and one on May 29 was as follows: A girl (16) whose parents died and was in debt, was sold by an old woman for 400 yuan, and the girl sold it for 20,000 yuan. This morning at the substation, there were many onlookers. I also wrote down a lot of folk opinions. On June 2, there was a toilet literature scholar: When Renwu planned to collect restroom literature, it failed to complete its merits, and only recorded one of the best works, which was written by five people. When Buyue told me, the two of them couldn't help laughing; Later, I chatted with Yiban Yuner: 1. People leave a flower in every house in the military center These two sentences have been widely circulated, and they were not uncommon. 2. Being a soldier is like an ox and a horse, being an official is like running water These two sentences are quite good. 3. Long is a bastard It's shameless to write this until you die, you don't have the ability to be an official, just write like this. This is from the handwriting of two people. 4. Flowers!I miss you so much! Nothing! This is also written by two people (A Hua is the female scorer in the billiard room), one is passionate and the other is a person of righteousness, which complement each other. Analysis of toilet literature, its successes are numerous: (1) Mostly in winter, when the weather is cool, wear a jacket with a pen in it, and wear a vest in summer, and seldom bring a pen. (2) If you have a belly full of bird spirits, you must vent it on the smelly door and then hurry up. (3) The stool must be dry, so that "if you have spare strength, then learn literature". (4) You must catch a cold -- your nose is blocked, you are not afraid of bad smells, and your inspiration will not be disturbed by bad smells. (5) The required knowledge level is only as high as WC, and the literature level may be slightly higher. (6) There must be a desire to create but not for ordinary people, pretending to inscription on the wall in order to collect famous mountains. (7) There must be Yasheng's heart that I can't argue or I can't help it. (8) It must be for those who are spiritually good at "wiping" people like Ah Q. On July 6th, I wrote down the story of the platoon leader Zhou: The salary increase was announced, and I got a net of 316.5 yuan.Make a copy of the cloth for the soldiers.Ruizhi said: "This time we added another six cannonballs!" "Six cannons" refers to six "cannons", that is, the salary increase is just enough for him to go to the military park to play six times.His conversion unit is thought-provoking: military life is simple, and sex becomes the only big thing.As for me, my military days were completely asexual and self-sufficient through masturbation. After being in the army, and then in the army, and in the field army, you can't be idle, training all day long, and rarely resting day.I belong to the "foresight division", which is the best equipped unit of the US aid, and has the most tricks. Looking back at the diary at that time, I still have more than enough "records": August 2 Woke up in the rain, gathered in the dark, went out of the camp in heavy wind and rain, braved the wind and rain and marched very fast, passed Xinhua to Shuangxingli, passed Xishi Village, Hsinchu Village, Dawan, and Mazu Temple in the north, and it was already noon when we arrived in Quy Nhon , exhausted, out of date with sore feet, lying on the podium in the classroom, drinking the wine sent by the platoon leader for ten weeks.In the afternoon, I changed to a three-quarter artillery car. I was wet inside and out in the rain. In order to wait for the troops, the car stopped and walked. I felt very cold. I wrapped a towel around my neck to keep out the cold, which was very distressing.When I arrived at Alian in the evening, I saw my favorite Dagang Mountain again.Today I traveled thirty-eight miles, and at night I wrung out my clothes outside Alian's classroom. A Bing let me sleep on the concrete podium.Two or three hours later, Wu Zhao bumped the podium, and the bamboo pole carrying the seven-fifth cannon with the mosquito net over his head fell down, giving him the first blow. 2. When I woke up in the middle of the night, it was pitch black, my whole body was sore, and the cement became colder as I slept. Zhang Yongting stretched out his stinky foot and kicked me several times throughout the night. August 3rd ...The army marched north again, next to Shenkeng Village. On the way, a pineapple seller passed by, and the two lines of teams kept looking at it.Gathered in Shenkeng Village, sitting on bamboo, drying leggings, shoes and socks for a while, watching the little girl weaving straw hats, her proficiency is amazing, I also weaved for a while, painting a tiger. The little girl with big flower hair is very expressive, beautiful, and full of naivety. It is rare to see such a cute girl, and a straw hat is only sold for seven cents.Amusing little girls and little boys. August 4th 1. Waist aches and backaches in the morning.Traveling in the dark to the north of the Guan Temple, scolding happy memory once, it can be regarded as the first big quarrel since I became an official, disbanded the first artillery squad to carry 300 for him, attacked at dawn in the morning fog, and I was the leader of the platoon and the 60th group , Crossing the Xuxian River, Jusheng wanted to take me down, but I refused, and resolutely entered the water, the water was knee-deep, crossed the three rivers, fell in the mud, and the gun end hit my right lower jaw, the pain was unspeakable.Walking in the pineapple field, stabbing the legs.Watching Kouer shoot and chariot charge, capture Hushan (0.78) and then turn east and go straight to Pizitou. Lunch at Pizitou police station. Watching the soldiers buy pineapples, they really want to eat, but they have no money. (There was only sixty-two yuan left for a treat the night before last), and it was because he didn't want to join the army.A Bing offered me a pineapple, but I refused.After lunch, the shoes and socks have not yet dried, and when they are drying and reading, they are back again!Turning to Shuangxingli, taking a rest on the way, Wu Xinzhong said that he had been in the army for eighteen years, and this year he was forty, and he felt exhausted every day.Take a rest in Shuangxingli, dry your shoes and socks again, and soon get on the car to go to Xinhua Agricultural Post to receive orders.She still has few stools, washes her hair and hands at school, writes a diary, and takes a nap on the concrete platform. There are many mosquitoes, and she suffers from toothache and jaw pain. 2. Attack 140 at night to guard 60 guns, walk less, sit poorly for a while, listen to 300 in the left ear, and 536 in the right ear. Due to Sun Qixiang's communication error, the company commander "find the artillery platoon" for the third time ", the misunderstanding today is still small, explain clearly, I will release Happy Notes and Zhang Yuanyi's return privately tonight. 3. The journey back to Nabalin was very difficult. Although I had practiced enough to walk, I was still very tired.Arrived home at twelve o'clock, drank a bowl of sweet porridge, and had no water, so I had to change my unwashed old trousers into wet clothes. I was very comfortable lying on the bed, and taking a shower was a luxury. 4. Today, I will travel at least 21,000 meters, passing through mountain roads and vegetation. Many roads are "motorized" by cars, but in order to compete with the 93rd Division "who saves more gasoline", I use my feet to "motorize".The deputy head said, "It's like taking a walk, it's very relaxing." -Ha ha. It can be seen from this that although the "forward-looking teacher" is equipped with American style, but for the sake of small calculations, it is so beautiful! On the evening of August 11, the troops moved again: It was dark and raining, I dressed lightly, only wearing a raincoat and a rubber helmet, and hurried through the mud, turned to the road, and was pulled by the team leader by the bridge, what a mess!The army marched very fast, running occasionally, and sang a song to explain it.Arrive at Xiaoxinying, walk eastward on the middle of the road, take a short break, then walk in the mud, pass Rende, Minghe, Nanzhou, and finally arrive at the mountain. I am exhausted. Fortunately, Zhou Zhongming took the raincoat for me And bring water, it's better.I was drenched in sweat, so I pulled out my top and blew it in the cold wind. After blowing it all the way, I felt cool. After taking a short rest on the mountain, I gradually lost my support when I went again, and finally fell behind. Walking alone in the mountain, the night is very beautiful, but I am a little scared. The lights in the distant village are extremely beautiful and attractive.After exploring the dark road for a long time, it is advisable to yearn for the light at night."Drag the dead dog" from the mountain to Fengde Village, take a short rest at the substation, and take a short rest on the new bridge. It has been half an hour, and they are still checking the flagpoles one by one, and then lie on the top of the raincoat. When they want to sleep, the situation is relieved. After returning to take a bath, it was already two o'clock.I traveled forty-six miles at night, and I traveled about fifty miles today. Lying in bed, this is how many hours I have been longing for, longing for, and can't bear to sleep, because I want to enjoy this rare rest, and now I don't own my legs, they are "dead people", the legs on my feet It is black and cannot be washed off. The hard life in the army solidified my courage and fighting spirit. On the morning of September 9th, I wrote to Ma Ge and Jing Xinhan, specifically pointing out the future direction: In this era of "deep water and wide waves", how small we are!How powerless!And how short!If we can wait for the opportunity to squirm under the "limit" allowed by the environment, say what we want to say, do what we want to do, make a little trouble, take a little risk, and make the old stubborn people have a high blood pressure, probably This is our greatest "ability"!What else can we do?Are we worthy of "decapitation business"? So I say, under the "limit" of the environment, if we are less cowards, we should be more warriors; if we can express our true self, we should wear less masks.If we can fly high, we hope to fly like a scheming nine-headed bird; It's a living wandering soul! Based on this pitiful point of view, I can't help scolding you two for not losing your "hometown wish" spirit. You have gradually become "steady" in your youthful years, and you advocate "how much integration" in a mature and prudent tone. Some "(Old Horse) and "Why bother" (Old King)!You also poured cold water on me and pulled me back! The road is so long, we will fall down at any time, and we will die when we die, so why bother to "Zhengshouqiu"?There are so many green hills, and our bones, which are not heavy, can be buried everywhere. May we all engrave a few lines of colorful milestones at the moment when they return to the dust! This kind of direction proves that my good friends and I have different paths in the future, and it can be seen that my early planning and independent courage are all when I am suffering in our army.Although my body is running around in the sun and rain for ordinary people, my spirit communicates with heaven and earth alone, yearning for other places. No one knows that my body and spirit are intertwined in this way, but I obviously live like this day after day.Almost all reserve officers are fooling around, "counting steamed buns", and counting the days when they are discharged from the army, but I make full use of the opportunity of physical training to process my spiritual training. I am really proud of it! After sixteen weeks of "teacher coaching", I walked back to Renwu Township, Kaohsiung County.October 8 diary: I got up at 2:50, and Dai Yue set off after 4:00, and soon I was covered in sweat.It was dawn after Xinhua, and I ate pancakes under the bamboo forest in the outskirts of Alian in the afternoon.Insomnia, heat, mosquitoes and ants are three terrible things. We set off at 5:00 and arrived at Gangshan in the dark. By the time we arrived at the bridge, we were exhausted and drowsy. We sang or recited poems or beat to encourage the soldiers. Finally, we struggled to reach Nanzi, very hungry and thirsty.Ju Sheng sent an egg, which has a great marginal effect.On the way to Renwu, the moon will come out again - see the moon again, arrive after ten o'clock, and travel more than a hundred miles today. From October 24th, he was sent to participate in the "Three People's Principles Workshop". After listening to stereotyped essays and taking an examination of stereotyped essays, he was sent to participate in a speech contest.On November 3, I wrote to Wang Shangyi, Ma Hongxiang, and Chen Yanzeng to report the following anecdote: The "Three People's Principles Workshop" was arrested and participated in the speech competition. I first satirized the commander of the first battalion for being dishonest (he often used the official accent of a pre-official friend, so I took the opportunity to ridicule him), and then said that the teacher explained to the "class training" The mistake, and then the military playground, cannons, women's thighs, anti theory, high heels, etc. all came out of the cage, everyone roared, my battalion commander laughed so hard that he couldn't lift his head, everyone laughed and then was shocked, because they have never been in the army Seeing such a solemn occasion, there is such a madman.Afterwards, the squadron leader (that is, the commander of the first battalion) countered me with "disheveled hair, disheveled appearance, and impoliteness" and told me "don't be presumptuous."When I gave a speech, some people turned back and listened; some called me crazy;Of course, the last place this time follows the school's old practice - it is still won by myself. The "Historical Figures Review" competition pushed me out again. I originally planned to talk about Wu Zhao or Yuhuan, because I have been warned by several smiling faces, saying that on such a sacred occasion, it is safe to talk about women?So I was forced to speak about Guan Gong, during the thirteen or four-minute speech; during the staring eyes of the deputy division commander; during the laughing and cheering and moaning of four or five hundred officers; when interrupted by more than a dozen applause, I spoke seriously. With the gold medal of the Department of History of National Taiwan University; with a playful and sarcastic tone, he easily exposed the face of Master Guan's idol, and by the way exposed the true colors of Hua Mulan, Bao Longtu, Zheng Chenggong and others. After stepping down, the deputy teacher Hurry up and emphasize again and again that Guan Gong is a national hero, loyal and courageous, but the soldiers all looked at me with surprised and uncontrollable grimaces. One by one, the pre-officials said: "We haven't listened to your speech for a long time, and you are here again." Got it!" said another: "Your speech made the Three People's Principles workshop radiant! It made the pre-official class radiant!" Some said, "You negate Guan Gong at all. In your words, Guan Gong is worthless!" A major said : "Li Ao! You are really good at memorizing your history!" Some lamented me playing games in the world; The effect has been achieved; in order to fight for the first place, you failed. We admire you from the bottom of our hearts, but the occasion is different, so you got the last place!" There are quite a few people who think that I am the last one, sorry! The most interesting thing is that the commander of the 1st Battalion, the Shenbai Commander, had a follow-up message with me on December 19th: Writing this (diary) in the cold wind on the playground, the team leader and Liu Yunfu came to talk for a long time.The head of the group mentioned that both Qian Mu and Hu Shi were historians, and talked about their family background and their future. The head of the management team smiled and shook my hand, and then shook my left hand again.He even said that we were classmates in the Three People's Principles workshop, but I said I dare not be. Later he asked me if I had been stimulated in any way, and it seemed that I was a little crazy.I thought to myself: The person who asked this question has a mental illness in his heart!He advised me to be careful about culturalization after joining the WTO. On November 18, I recorded the problem of sodomy in the army: When Lian Changye came back, he talked about the parachute jump and copied the historical materials of Pingtung Army Zhongyuan for me.During the meeting, the vice-president talked about the sodomy incident in Lianzhong. Unexpectedly, only two people in Huang Wuzhao's class survived.I strongly advocate that such matters be resolved as soon as possible, and no further tolerance should be given.The vice-principal found it difficult to speak up to accuse him face-to-face, so he only asked the staff to come and report as soon as he was patrolling. On November 23rd, I had another chance to approach the Gaoshan people at Sandimen in Pingtung: A phone call came in in the afternoon, and I immediately withdrew to Zhenxing, and passed the journey silently in the dim sunlight and dust.Washing feet in the Zhenxing ditch, defecating in the swamp, before dinner, there was a special situation, and I had to drive to Sandimen. It is straight and long, and after reaching the embankment, you will enter the urban area-the so-called urban area is a dirt street!I saw a lot of Gaoshan people. A man was buying a cigarette bag. I spoke Japanese with him, and he smiled. They mostly talked in Japanese or part of the Gaoshan dialect, and few of them knew Taiwanese.A clerk said that to open a shop here, one needs to know five languages, namely Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, Hakka, and Alpine.Most Gaoshan women wear skirts and long black trousers (opening at the bottom). Girls are most afraid of Brother Yi. In the past, a piece of rags could be exchanged for a chicken. Peter brought a large load of firewood down the mountain and sold it for ten yuan. He would return after a while of smoking, drinking and betel nuts. He enjoyed it. The government has special treatment for Bo. . This adventure made me see with my own eyes that real Taiwanese (Gaoshan ethnicity) do not speak "Taiwanese". On November 28th, I wrote to my mother, please help me buy a watch. Because I haven't had a watch for five months a year, I feel very inconvenient and wrong, and I am determined to buy a Titoni next month (+ February). From five to seven hundred, I would like to use the manuscript fee, donations from friends and friends, and part of your US aid to buy it. How much are you willing to US aid? Sorry for not helping. When it comes to watches, I'm really good at writing.I never wore a watch until I was twenty. The day after my twentieth birthday, my father died. Before the cremation, I kept his watch and I wore it. Then I lost it and never had a watch again.As a reserve officer platoon leader, it is very inconvenient to not have a watch, but I have no money to buy it, so I have to ask others for time. This time, when my mother raised funds to buy a watch, the platoon leader’s career was coming to an end. However, when the end was approaching, I had a chance to leave the main island of Taiwan, and the 16th Division was transferred to Penghu.I lived in Penghu for ten days.On February 1st, news of early discharge from the 56th Division suddenly came, and it was soon confirmed that he would be discharged on February 6th. There are diaries as follows: february 5 ...After eight o'clock, I will participate in the banquet in the middle of the platoon, eat and drink, give a toast and send photos, etc., and the platoon attaches a pen to me impromptu.After the banquet was over, I bid farewell one by one, and Dewu, Yongting, etc. all borrowed me to go, and my sadness was beyond words.Talked with them until late at night, packed up things, Zhongming forced me to give me "Chuan Zi", but I refused, and fell asleep after a while. At 4:30 on February 6th, Fengming woke me up, and Yongting, Dewu, Tao, and Zheng Squad Leaders all came to see me off.While waiting at the station, Jusheng came with breakfast, Paifu also came, Jiang Tao came to give me a pair of decorative rabbits, and a pair of Wang Bay with Wang characters (wrapped in red paper, written: "Don't reveal the secret, and wait until you get home) Disassemble! Place it carefully, don't squeeze it, the word "Wang" will be presented), and Chen Yixian will give you a coral tie clip.Enjoy the morning air in the truck - it's an air of untamed freedom.Receiving a discharge certificate at the pier, a piece of paper, makes people feel infinitely emotional... After retiring from the army, Shi He wrote poems for me, one of which is: Xiaogong made one after another, and promised another one. Fortunately, Li Ao was there, and the reserve officer would be more attractive. I think Shi Hezhen is right, I really added color to the reserve officer. Since I became a reserve officer, I think I have never been so serious as I have learned from my one and a half years of military career and left records. Work through tempering, deal with difficulties, don't be negative, don't shrink back, don't give in, don't fool around, and finally get the right result.The Kuomintang government used the reserve officer system to trap people, but I was able to break through the trap, and took advantage of the situation to strengthen my ability and capital to attack them in the future!The Kuomintang called for "revolutionary soldiers", and finally a revolutionary soldier like Li Ao emerged, which is really interesting. For a year and a half in the military, my heart was on Rosa.She is a beautiful girl from the Department of Foreign Languages, and I am just in love with her.When I was in the army, I wrote an article to her in English, and she wrote back: "Your writing is beautiful and touching. After reading your lyrical prose, I really admire your imagination and envy your inspiration." .Since writing is your hobby, how about writing an essay for me? What is the use? Without comment, let me suggest a topic that you are very interested in - red roses. I believe you will be able to write an unforgettable Here comes the masterpiece of dinner." I wrote it for her, and she used the pseudonym "Li Si" and published it in the "Newsletter of Foreign Languages ​​Department Students of National Taiwan University for 48 Years". Rosa has always been the main object of my "sexual fantasies" during my military days. When I received her letter, I was very happy for several months.
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