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Chapter 31 postscript

Drunk looking at Jin Yong 孔庆东 1188Words 2018-03-18
Jiang Ni Mr. Jin Yong is famous as a novelist, although he is also a famous newspaperman and political commentator.The "Ming Pao" founded by him has developed into a huge industry covering newspapers, weekly magazines, monthly magazines, publishing houses and many other media. I used to think that Hong Kong was such a good base for starting a business. It's hard to be unsuccessful.It has no institutional discrimination and restrictions. It has formulated complete competition rules before, and they treat all competitors equally.When I was studying in university, I was very envious of Mr.'s uniqueness in this point, and felt very lucky that he was sent to Hong Kong by "Ta Kung Pao".

Mr. Jin Yong’s novels have been made into TV series one after another. There are Hong Kong and Taiwan versions, there are mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan mixed versions, and there are pure mainland versions. , Physically there will be nausea from time to time, the favorite is still the Hong Kong and Taiwan version, their production and performance level is not at the same level as the current mainland.So I often lament Mr. Jin Yong's "degeneration" and sell his good things to others for ruin, without even blinking an eyelid.Afterwards, he figured it out. After all, he is still a shrewd businessman. He wants to rely on these people to open up the mainland market.

From unsatisfactory to natural maturity, there is a process of exploration. It is true that Jin Yong's novels have faults in structure, plot, characters and other aspects. They are too patterned, too divorced from reality, too accidental, etc. Generally, high-grade cultural people regard them as unrefined and ordinary tastes. Readers often love it as hell.His language, his way of narrating stories, his erudition and elegance, his gripping plots closely following each other from the beginning to the end... are actually worthy of our study and study.As the primary function of novels—pleasure and leisure—they are even more fulfilled.

The most distinctive feature of Jin Yong's novel art should be said to be the portrayal of the characters, each with a distinct personality, no matter how incredible it is, they can justify themselves.This is also one of the characteristics that European novels are different from ours—Chinese novels place more emphasis on stories than character creation, and in this regard Jin Yong is just a fusion of Chinese and foreign strengths. I have been a "gold fan" since junior high school.I remember that a relative of mine had a series of novels by Jin Yong, Liang Yusheng, and Gu Long. They were turned out of shape, the cover was off, the corners were rolled up, the pages were dirty, and there was a pungent smell. Every time I went there, I would I just found out that I don’t care about the damage of the book itself, so every time I go to visit, it feels like a New Year’s Eve, so that it extends to the campus, delays my studies, peeks in class, is picked up by the ears and punished to stand, accepts teacher’s home visits, and is punished. Father's "stick abuse", so far he has not been fascinated by Liang Yusheng and Gu Long, but only loves Jin Yong. When he was in college, he spent a huge sum of money to buy the complete set of "Jin Yong's Works" in a triptych, and read them side by side day and night. I am addicted, no one can control me anymore.An article was published soon to promote it.Now I invite friends and friends to make interpretations, each talking about it, trying to be comprehensive, in-depth and thoughtful.

In the specific text, Brother Qingdong "decision-making" Yu Weiwei, followed by Mr. Chen Jun and Lu Shaogang, who analyzed the subtleties, labored the most, showed the greatest patience and perseverance, and their skills were extraordinary.This needs to be specially pointed out. The "controversial part" is thanks to Brother Wang Binbin, Mr. Wu Si, Mr. Chen Moer, Mr. Yan Jiayan and other senior members of the Fang family for their insights. The specific affairs such as editing and processing at the end of the book were completed by Jiang Ni. Unfortunately, mistakes and mistakes are inevitable, and the responsibility should also be on me.

May 2005, Beijing
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