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Chapter 29 Is Jin Yong a "doctoral supervisor" and a "historian"

Drunk looking at Jin Yong 孔庆东 1978Words 2018-03-18
Ge Jianxiong Yuan Weishi Dong Jian Kong Qingdong Ge Jianxiong (Director of the Institute of Chinese Historical Geography, Fudan University): The main responsibility for this matter lies with the leaders of Zhejiang University, who did not abide by the academic norms and the regulations of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council and the Ministry of Education.Perhaps they only considered the positive side, but in fact they damaged the academic reputation of Zhejiang University, and it was not good for Jin Yong.I respect Jin Yong's literary achievements, and I also like to read his martial arts novels very much. There are probably few contemporary Chinese writers who have such a great influence as him.But when it comes to the doctoral supervisor of history, it is another matter, because I have not seen a paper or monograph on the study of history published by him so far. Most of what he talks about is historical common sense or some views that have not been academically proven.Such as "Yuan Chonghuan's Critical Biography" can only be regarded as a finished product of academic popularization.Perhaps Jin Yong does have a high level of history, but the evaluation of the outside world can only be based on his published works or expressed opinions.As far as I know, no one in the Chinese historian circle thinks that Jin Yong is a historian, nor has he heard that he participated in formal academic activities in the historian circle.

Yuan Weishi (Professor of the Philosophy Department of Sun Yat-sen University, famous historian): As a martial arts novelist, Jin Yong is a figure who carries forward the past and ushers in the future, with remarkable achievements.But no one person is omnipotent.Knowledge requires painstaking research.He is doing academics, and I think he needs to continue to work hard.For example, he recently said that he wanted to write, which I think is very difficult in contemporary times.A complete general history involves economics, politics, military affairs, social life, culture, ethnic relations, etc., which is easier said than done!Zhejiang University hires him as the dean of the School of Humanities, but also has the title of professor and doctoral supervisor. Everyone knows it well. It is a measure for the school to increase its popularity.Nowadays, the prevailing standard in many universities is that as long as one becomes a relatively large official or public figure, it is almost a green light all the way to earn a Ph. D. or a professor.As a result, there are quite a few professors and doctoral supervisors.Compared with these officials and professors, Mr. Jin Yong's knowledge is naturally higher.Measured by this standard, Jin Yong can certainly be a professor and doctoral supervisor.

Dong Jian (Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Nanjing University): I like Jin Yong's martial arts novels very much, but he is just a very good martial arts novelist. At that time, I thought it was not suitable for him to be the dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts of Zhejiang University.The whole thing was a misplacement in itself.Since he arrived at Zhejiang University, he has been avoiding the identity of a novelist, emphasizing that he studies history, and the graduate students he leads are about world history and the history of communication between China and the West, but he has not written any academic research in the field of historical research. Theses, or what articles have been published in core journals.He also said that he studies international relations, and now he wants to study Chinese history.If you look at the history of China, Guo Moruo and Chen Yinke can say that they can not only study Chinese history, but also be proficient in world history.A person's research energy is limited, and studying history is not like writing novels, and you can't run wild.So it's misplaced.I have no objection to a writer being the dean of humanities. Recently, Mr. Wang Meng was hired as the dean of the liberal arts college of a university in Qingdao. I agree with it very much, because Wang Meng is very knowledgeable and has a special research on Hongxue. His role as the dean has not been questioned.It is a misplacement for Zhejiang University to hire Jin Yong as the dean. However, Jin Yong is still wise and put forward his resignation, which can be regarded as the end of this misplacement!One of the charms of Jin Yong's novels is the joking and deduction of history, but this is exactly in contradiction with the rigorous and empirical historical research.There was a heated discussion on whether Yu Qiuyu's articles should be included in high school textbooks, because some historical knowledge in his articles was inaccurate, and middle school textbooks emphasize classicism and stability, and Jin Yong was also controversial.Jin Yong's works are only suitable for college students to study as a literary phenomenon. In the foundational stage of high school, this kind of popular social reading should not be included.Some time ago, because Jin Yong was no longer a professor at Zhejiang University, I said something, which caused some disturbances. At that time, the famous Hong Kong writer Han Shanbit sent me a letter, saying that the Hong Kong education circle also strongly discouraged the inclusion of Jin Yong’s works. textbook.

Kong Qingdong: Who said that Jin Yong is not qualified to be a professor... Liang Shuming did not have any advanced diploma when he became a professor at Peking University. How many qualified teachers are there in the university now?Our era is a ridiculous era, and it is also an era of so-called democracy. Many people are like what Mr. Lu Xun said, buzzing on the corpses of soldiers.That is the usual attitude of flies.Our academic world is full of ignorance and prejudice. Jin Yong's knowledge may not be as good as "professional skills" such as Mr. Dong Jian and me, but there is no problem for Jin Yong to guide a few students.He resigned not because the level was too low but too high.What he does is his freedom, let him go, I don't know the inside story, so I am not qualified to make specific comments.Some people think that he can't be a history professor because he didn't write a research paper?Why doesn't Jin Yong have it? Isn't "Yuan Chonghuan's Commentary" the same?Don't you know the conversation between him and Daisaku Ikeda?What is the difference between this theory of academic lineage and family background and the old saying that others are the sons of landlords, so they cannot join the party?

Middle school teachers: The fourth volume of "Full-time Senior Middle School Chinese Reader (Compulsory)" published by People's Education Publishing House contains several units such as "Variants of the World", "Magic Martial Arts", and "Screen World".Among them, some chapters of Jin Yong's novels and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" were selected as "Magical Martial Arts", and Acheng's was selected as "Variants of the World".In "Screen World", there are also movie excerpts such as "The Wrangler" and "The Station for Two".As teachers, we feel that this is nothing, but we feel that the collection of martial arts novels is too little.When I was in junior high school, I read all the works of Jin Yong and Liang Yusheng. Modern society is an era where heroes are missing. These novels can make young children have an urge to eat meat and drink in big bowls.And now there are so many TV series adapted from Jin Yong's novels on the screen, which have a great impact. It is better to let the children read the original text directly, so that if 1,000 people read it, there will be 1,000 little dragon girls... Now we just want to let students see the culture Diversity allows them to have extensive exposure to various types of literature, such as the newly included works of the American Absurd in textbooks, which was not possible before.

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