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Chapter 52 Best of Fast Food

long live slogan 孔庆东 1571Words 2018-03-18
Nowadays, the output of novels is not only large, but also extremely long, and even works of 40,000 to 50,000 words are called short stories with shame.If you're not specialized in literature, how can you spare time to cheer on those footbindings?But you also like literature, and you really hope to have an exquisite art dinner after finishing your work, but it is often difficult to have both fast food and delicious food.Here, I would like to recommend to you one of the most famous fast food chefs in the world——Xing Xinyi, and the delicacies he cooks—a one-minute novel. The name Xingxinyi may not be unfamiliar to you.Indeed, there are very few Japanese names that are so beautiful and sweet, as clear and exquisite as his works.Maybe you look down on one-minute novels and think they are not "pure literature".This is probably to be blamed on some of our lazy literati, who interpreted the nonsense told to children into so-called short novels, which turned your appetite off.Not so.Listen to the definition of this kind of novel given by American contemporary writer Robert Auster: "No more than 1500 words, but it must have all the elements of a novel." The originator of this kind of ultra-short story, American writer O. Henry It stipulates three elements: novel conception, rigorous plot, and novel ending.To really do this, it is impossible without the brains of a first-class writer.

After reading a few of Hoshi Shinichi's one-minute novels, you will find that they are simply Japanese.Xing Xinyi adheres to the word "new" in his creations.He hunted and learned a lot, learned many techniques of American short stories, inherited the tradition of Kawabata Yasunari's "palm novels", and absorbed the strengths of Pu Songling, Maupassant, Chekhov, Natsume Soseki, Akutagawa Ryunosuke, etc. Push the one-minute novel to an unprecedented peak.The themes of Xing Xinyi's novels are often unrealistic, such as the protagonist encountering aliens or people in the future world, the protagonist invents a wonderful machine or medicine, etc., but these are neither science fiction, reasoning, fables, or fairy tales , but to open a unique observation port for you, and present all kinds of internal injuries in the real society in front of your eyes.

Let me give you an example.For example, "Slump", writes about Dr. S who invented a potion that can stimulate customers' desire to buy. Dr. S then made a fortune and met his beloved girl, but who knew that the carpenter put on the shackles and suffered on his own accord—the girl felt that a husband could not satisfy her desires because of being contaminated with the potion... So, the novel makes you feel What comes to mind is not only whether Dr. S can get married smoothly. The structure of Xing Xinyi's novels is exquisite, especially the ending, which is often amazing.For example, in "The Man Who Claims to be a Plainclothes Policeman", two young people blackmail each other, and they can't figure out who is the policeman with a secret mission.The boss who eavesdropped came out to blackmail the two of them again and lured them into the gang. As a result, the two of them rushed forward together—it turned out that they were really plainclothes policemen who designed to catch the main culprit.There is also "Living With Care", which describes the extremely comfortable life of a man named Terl in 2056.From the morning, everything about him is taken care of by the machine. The robot arm picks him up to take a bath, has a meal, and takes him to the car.It wasn't until the company that colleagues discovered that Tell had died of a heart attack for 10 hours.

Contemporary one-minute novels not only need superb structure and plot, but also focus on concise words, poetic pen and ink, and humor in artistic techniques.Hoshi Shinichi's works have been called "haiku in novels" in Japan.In his novels, you can't see that kind of straightforward and step-by-step writing.The time, place, and characters are all compressed and concentrated as much as possible. As he himself said: "The protagonists in my works are all lazy. Most of them start from the knock on the door and end the conversation in the room. The characters on the stage The moving distance rarely exceeds tens of meters." In this way, higher requirements are put forward for the author's artistic level.Some works are like Chinese stand-up comics. The whole story is full of momentum, and there is a resounding burden at the end, so people can't help but give a thumbs up.

The value of Xing Xinyi's works is that he does not write in three ways: first, he does not write about customs and current affairs; second, he does not write about pornography; third, he does not use avant-garde techniques.So when we read his novels, it is like being moistened in "beautiful rain and dew".All the works show a clear tendency, that is, to sympathize with the good people, but to mock the wicked as much as possible.Almost every one of these novels can stir up waves of readers' emotions, making you laugh out of hatred or worry in sympathy.From a drop of water to see the world it reflects.

Xing Xinyi's one-minute novels rank first in the world in terms of the number of creations, and have already broken through the 1,000 mark.With Xing Xinyi's talent, if he wanted to earn a lot of royalties, he could turn them into ordinary short stories or novellas. However, he didn't do that with the serious attitude of a true writer, because he didn't read one-minute novels. An unknown grass in the garden of literature, but it is carefully cultivated like a bell flower... (Published in "China Reading News")
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