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Chapter 10 how can i be a teacher now

long live slogan 孔庆东 1586Words 2018-03-18
As soon as I typed this question on the computer, I felt that I was sanctimonious and disgusting.My wife passed by behind me, glanced at her, and said eccentrically, "Oh, it's so great. This time, teachers in the world have a shining example." Turning to one side, she leaned into her son's ear and said, "Your father is so great. It’s going to harm people, eat Gai Zhong Gai quickly.” Although I was angry when I heard it, I really couldn't attack it, because this topic really made people think that drawing a nose on 3 pieces of paper-the face is too big.My ancestors were revered as "the most holy teachers", and they never wrote such bragging texts.Mr. Lu Xun is great enough, and he only wrote an article "How We Are Fathers Now".If it weren't for the editor's little brother and little sister urging me so hard, I wouldn't dare to touch this high-tension line even if I was beaten to death.But then I thought again, this thing is actually written every day, those "model teachers" and those "advanced class teachers", weren't they all forced to write this thing?Not only writing, but also reading with a shy face on the stage. Those who read with snot and tears are worse than those who are reformed through labor.Lao Tzu even wrote articles criticizing Lin, Confucius and Song Jiang more than 20 years ago. Why can't we bear this bit of suffering?Write!At worst, let Kong Qingdong sue me for defamation.

I have not been officially a teacher for too long.Worked as a middle school teacher for 3 years and a university teacher for 4 years.In addition, various temporary teachers have become countless.If a teacher is a person who teaches others knowledge, then from the age of 3 to now, I can say that I have not spent a single day in "teaching others tirelessly".My secret of being a teacher can be summed up in one sentence, which is called "one center, two basic points".One center is "be good at being a teacher", and the two basic points are "not seeking to be a teacher" and "everyone is my teacher".

I have been a good teacher since I was a child, and I pointed out mistakes when I saw people, and pointed out when people had doubts.Chairman Mao said: "If we have shortcomings, we are not afraid of being criticized and pointed out. No matter who it is, anyone can point it out to us." I misunderstood the words of the great leader and understood "anyone can point it out to us". In order to "we can point it out to anyone", the result hit a wall everywhere and suffered a lot.As a child, I pointed out to my parents that I got insults and beatings; I pointed out to my teachers that I got ridiculed and criticized.When I grew up, I pointed out to the leaders that the Chinese people know what they get.I don't care about these, the most stupid thing is that I dare to point it out to every girlfriend.As a result, in my short love history, three girlfriends left angrily because I pointed out their typos.But my nature is hard to change, and I feel uncomfortable if I don't tell others what I know.So if you want to say "how can I be a teacher now", the central feature is that you are born to love your job, and you can't see the ignorance of all beings.If the enemy captures me, they don’t need to torture me and ask me who my superior is. As long as I write my superior’s name wrong, I will immediately go up and change it to the correct one, and ask them to write it silently again.

In order to ensure the center of "being a good teacher", we must first achieve "not seeking to be a teacher".The highest ideal of some teachers is to "be a role model for others", which seems to me to be guilty of the disease of "subject first".How can you ensure that you are worthy of being a "teacher"?Han Yu said that "teachers are the ones who preach and teach karma to solve doubts", but he didn't say "teachers are role models for people and life".Setting the teacher's moral standard too high will easily lead to falsehood and "teacher thieves" in abundance.Yue Buqun in the book can give us profound enlightenment.Of course, the morality of most teachers is above the standard line, but that is because the profession itself is a profession that "accumulates virtue" and is conducive to people's moral cultivation, not that teachers are naturally nobler than others.I am morally equal to the students. If you work hard, I will give you good grades; if you dare to disturb the classroom, I will beat you on the spot; if you point out my mistakes seriously, I will treat you to dinner; if you dare to wear a three-point dress In class, I will sue you for sexual harassment.In short, if you don't become a saint, both teaching and learning will be freed from the repression of morality, so that you can concentrate on the transmission and inheritance of knowledge.

Now that you don't need to be a teacher, you can be truly open-minded, "Everyone is my teacher".Confucius said "Three people must have my teacher", this is too proud, and lost two-thirds of the learning opportunities.Everyone is a unique individual, and he must know or master certain things or abilities that another individual does not know. Therefore, learning something from each person is to ensure that you can always be a good teacher Infinite source.If there is any morality that a teacher should have, I think it should have the morality of "everyone is my teacher".This morality is not only in line with Lao Tzu's theory of "knowing the male and keeping the female", but also consistent with the mass line advocated by Chairman Mao.In fact, expressed in the words of martial arts novels, it is "Northern Sea Divine Art".A person who has Beiming magic skills, but never wants to be the leader of the martial arts (to be a teacher), but just wants to be a Bodhidharma elder (good to be a teacher), this should be possible for a person like me with medium intelligence and medium luck did it?

(After the publication of this article, it has received a lot of praise from teachers and students in the education field)
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